I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 156 Peak Emperor Battle

Chapter 156 Peak Emperor Battle
Sacred Cliff Sacred Physique swung the pair of indestructible iron fists, and the space exploded. This is the emperor-level body that shattered the sky and broke the empty galaxy. Explosions took place under the iron fists everywhere in the universe, and the fairy fire was wrapped in pale gold. The iron fist, the runes of the immortal way and the Emperor Dao of Dacheng's holy body are intertwined, like the most gorgeous beauty in the world.

Unable to avoid the powerful punch of the Holy Cliff Holy Body, the Undead Taoist simply stopped dodging. Although his strength has been damaged due to the tens of thousands of years of suppression, but with the strength of his [-]% cultivation level of the Immortal Emperor, the Undead Taoist Confident that the Dacheng Holy Body in front of him will not be his opponent.

He held the heavenly sword and faced him. He slashed out the five-color sword energy and fought head-on with the holy body of Shengya. The five-color heavenly sword made of immortal gold collided with the huge iron fist, making a fierce sound of gold and iron clashing. The two of them The remnants of the attack blasted an ancient star in the distance into nothingness and ruins, turning it into a large meteorite.

Seeing that the punch he punched was easily blocked by the Taoist Immortal, Shengya Shengyi roared unwillingly. At the same time, he clenched his other hand into a fist and punched the Immortal Taoist with six reincarnation fists.

The Immortal Taoist's eyes narrowed upon seeing this, and he waved his heavenly sword again to meet the punch.


After being blocked by the Taoist Immortal one after another, the anger in the heart of Shengya Holy Body was great. He roared, and directly grabbed the blade of the Immortal Heavenly Sword with his left hand, holding the five-color Heavenly Sword in the hand of the Immortal Taoist. The bright red Blood continued to flow from the palm of his hand, and the holy blood fell into the starry sky, smashing all the stars in its path into pieces.

The undead Taoist held the hilt of the knife and tried to draw back the Heavenly Knife, but the Holy Body of the Holy Cliff held the Heavenly Knife against the pain. Saint Physique struck again with his right fist, this time there was no Heavenly Sword to block the attack for him, so the undead Taoist could only raise his arm to try to block Saint Physique's blow.

However, Shengya Holy Body had already been determined to die. This punch burned the holy blood that Li Ran had rejuvenated for him. His hair stood on end, the iron fist burned with fairy fire, and he was mad and hateful, 10,000+ The hatred of the past years was poured out by him at this moment. Along with the terrifying high temperature that even made the emperor flinch, Shengya Holy Body broke the immortal Taoist's arm with a punch and hit him on the head.

Sendai was severely injured, the head of the immortal Taoist radiated spontaneously, and a series of divine rings appeared, trying to block the iron fist of the Holy Cliff Holy Body, but failed.

This imperial fist struck, causing the immortal Taoist's head to crack open, stars to appear in his eyes, and blood to fly.

"Immortal fire, burn all your might." Shengya Saint Body yelled madly at the immortal fire that wrapped Yuanshen. At this moment, hatred accompanied by excitement made him only have one thought in his heart, to kill Taoist who can't die.

"You can't stand the ten-level power of Xianhuo, why both sides suffer." Xianhuo Lingjue persuaded faintly.

"You don't have to worry about this, I don't care." Shengya Holy Body's attitude was unusually firm.

Lingjue sighed helplessly: "As you wish!"

As the words of the fairy fire fell, a terrifying fairy fire ignited from the iron fist of the holy cliff, and the huge fairy runes were intertwined on the fairy fire, and the emperor who easily gathered the undead Taoists was melted into ashes The immortal fire burned fiercely in the immortal platform of the immortal Taoist, causing the soul of the immortal Taoist who resided inside to feel severe pain.

He yelled "ah", subconsciously let go of the Immortal Sword in his hand, and put his hands on his head.

The flesh and blood on the right fist of Shengya's holy body was also burned by the power of the fairy fire, revealing the stark white bones inside.

He didn't care about the sacred body of the holy cliff. He chased after the victory, emitting golden light all over his body, the holy blood in his body was burning, and the emperor was permeating it, providing him with infinite power. He clenched his right fist again and punched the immortal On the Taoist's chest, a big hole was pierced in his chest, and blood gushed wildly.

His punch directly knocked the immortal Taoist back hundreds of millions of miles away. Then Shengya Holy Body grasped the handle of the Immortal Heavenly Sword and wanted to slash it with one strike, splitting the immortal Taoist in half.

At this time, there was a riot in Tiandao, and the gods were not willing to contribute to their enemies, so they urged Tiandao to rebel against the holy body of the holy cliff. .

However, at this time, a law rune that was more powerful than the fairy fire rune burst out from the blade, and a phantom image of a simple fairy bell appeared on Yu Tiandao's body, exuding a supreme celestial power that surpassed the heavens and the earth, and shook the sky in one fell swoop. The sacred body of the holy cliff returned to the hands of the undead Taoist.

The Immortal Daoist grasped the Heavenly Sword again, stopped his body, let out a phoenix moan, and performed the Phoenix Nirvana Technique that was often used by the Emperor of Heaven back then, and his whole body immediately returned to its peak state.

Then the Taoist Immortal held the Heavenly Sword in his hand and pierced the heart of the holy body of Shengya. The powerful body of the Holy Body collided with the Heavenly Sword. The holy blood in the body surged crazily, emitting a blazing light, and the endless stars in the universe It ignites at the same time and then explodes.

Shengya Holy Body took advantage of the momentum and knocked down the heavenly sword with an elbow, and then hit the undead Taoist with an iron fist like a violent storm. Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist, the strongest boxing technique that belongs to Holy Body, was struck by Shengya Holy Body one after another. Using it, he punched thousands of times in a matter of seconds, knocking the immortal Taoist to pieces instantly like a storm.

Although the Immortal Taoist also has the strength of the imperial way, but after all, he is cast by the Undead Emperor with endless faith. When he was born, he replaced the Undead Emperor to rule the gods, instead of killing from the weak to the peak step by step. Over the past tens of millions of years, he has used sneak attacks The way to kill those old emperors, discussing how the combat experience is comparable to suppressing the dark turmoil, fighting all the way to the great success of the Holy Cliff Holy Body, and also the Holy Cliff Holy Body. I can always attack the undead Taoist with the strength beyond the peak.

Therefore, even though the strength is higher than that of the Holy Cliff Saint Body, the Undead Taoist is still at a disadvantage when the two fight.

Facing the powerful Saint Cliff Holy Physique, Immortal Daoist used his expertise for millions of years. He knew that the Physique had long since died, and now he only borrowed something from others for a short period of time so that he could exert his peak combat power.

So the Undead Taoist kept dodging the attacks of the Holy Cliff Holy Body, and even if he couldn't dodge the attack, he used the Phoenix Nirvana Technique to restore his combat power as quickly as possible, and did not give the Holy Cliff Holy Body a chance to take advantage of the victory.

During this period, Li Ran quietly hid in the Saint Body Immortal Terrace, watching this shocking battle, watching the various laws of the emperor's way intertwine like rain between the two fighting, and the stars in the starry sky that existed for countless billions of years. Under the aftermath of the two, they were moved and exploded, and void cracks continued to form in the dark starry sky.

It was also the first time that he had a clear understanding of the emperor's strength.

The battle between the two shook the galaxy and awakened many supreme beings who were sleeping in the restricted area. At the moment they saw the holy body of the holy cliff, some supreme beings recalled some bad pictures of 10,000+ years.

"I didn't expect that he would still be able to fight at such a peak level after his death. This fighting power is even more powerful than when he was alive and in his prime. He can already compete with us at our peak." You Zhizun said with emotion.

"Hmph, so what if the strength can compare with ours?
It didn't turn into a piece of loess in less than 1 years. "There is another supreme person who refuses to accept it.

Although these awakened Supremes had different opinions, none of them wanted to get involved in the shocking battle between the two, and they watched the battle quietly in their respective restricted areas.

The holy blood that was gradually condensed by Li Ran was gradually consumed by the Holy Body of the Holy Cliff in the battle. Although blessed by the fairy fire, Li Ran couldn't hold on anymore. There are too many emperors in the ten lands.

Even though the primordial spirit is protected by the Law of Immortal Fire, so that the tyrannical Huangdao Emperor in the battle between the two cannot affect himself, but the power of his primordial spirit cannot support the ferocious use of the Holy Cliff Saint Body, at this time he The light of the primordial spirit was dimmed under the reckless extraction of the sacred body of the holy cliff. Without the blessing of Li Ran's primordial spirit, how could the peak combat power be sustained for a long time with just the idea of ​​the sacred sacred body of the holy cliff.

(End of this chapter)

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