I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 164 Yuanshen Recovery, Re-chapter Beidou

Chapter 164 Yuanshen recovers and returns to Beidou

The starry sky is empty, vast and dark. Except for a few ancient stars that breed life, the entire starry sky is desolate and silent.

However, in this extremely desolate starry sky, there is a place that is particularly dazzling. The fairy fire that reaches the sky burns the billions of miles of stars into ashes, leaving only two huge and deep-breathing corpses lying in the fairy fire. .

A black and white golden elixir of the Great Dao floated above the corpse, and a series of inspirations turned into colorful ribbons and condensed around the golden elixir.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the golden elixir absorbed enough spiritual energy. A powerful aura suddenly emerged from the elixir body. A golden little man stood up from inside. After stretching a lot, the little man grew longer and longer. The bigger it gets, it will soon grow to more than seven feet tall.

"Finally recovered!" Li Ran stood in the void of the universe with a smile on his face.

"Before I knew it, a year has passed. Time is like water, and it really cannot stand the passage of time." Li Ran counted, only to find that it took him nearly a year to recover from his injuries after the battle at Shengya.

Back then, he was overwhelmed by the holy body of the holy cliff, and his primordial spirit was almost shattered. Fortunately, he practiced supernatural powers to reverse yin and yang. The dried up primordial light.

Although his strength has returned to its peak state, and his soul has even transformed on the verge of death after this battle, he is not without his worries.

Li Ran looked at the two corpses of the emperor who remained motionless under the burning of the fairy fire in the distance and sighed long.

He overestimated the ability of the Immortal Fire and underestimated the power of the Emperor's body. He wanted to use these two Emperor's bodies as materials and the Immortal Fire as the furnace fire to refine an Emperor's Emperor Pill.

But a whole year has passed, and he is still stuck in the first step. The Emperor Huangdao who still remains after the death of the emperor is still protecting the two corpses, ensuring that they will not be violated after death.

Although the Immortal Fire is powerful, and the laws of the Immortal Dao are lofty and profound, compared to the Extreme Dao Sovereign, who was raised by gu for tens of thousands of years, the Immortal Fire cannot gain the upper hand in the confrontation with the Emperor Dao Ze. Little by little, slowly wear away the imperial principles left behind after the death of these two emperor bodies.

Now he is still working hard to control the fairy fire, trying to melt the outermost layer of the emperor's principles first, and then start to refine the emperor's body. According to his current slow progress, he will be able to do it in about 1 years. You can start to turn these two corpses into alchemy materials and start making alchemy.

"1 years, it's your uncle's!" Li Ran couldn't help but yell. With this time and energy, he would have achieved the position of Dao Ancestor long ago, so what's the use of this useless golden elixir.

However, Li Ran is only in the realm of Yangshen now. Although Yuanshen has undergone a transformation, he is still far away from the true immortal of Yuanshen. He is simply unable to deal with these two emperor bodies.

In the end, he couldn't help but look at the Dacheng Holy Body lying quietly in the starry sky in front of him and babbled nonsense: "Brother Holy Body, you want me to help you kill the enemy who sneaked up on you. Just give me some face and don't embarrass me." ."

The corpse of the Dacheng Holy Body remained silent.

"Alas." Li Ran sighed heavily and decided to give up on refining the two emperor corpses for the time being and return to Beidou first.

He casually glanced at the vast starry sky, and a series of mysterious and wonderful formations appeared on the outside of the two emperor bodies, shrouding the blazing fairy fire. Finally, the star field turned into a dead darkness again, and Li Ran left behind A clone of the soul continued to preside over the refining of the immortal fire.

With a thought, he locked onto his physical body in Mount Taiqing, and returned to Beidou across numerous voids.

Standing on the sky dome of Taiqing Mountain, Li Ran took one step to unite his soul and body, and woke up from a quiet hall.

Li Ran took a closer look, and it turned out that he built the residence for himself on Taiqing Mountain. At this time, he was lying on a bed of ten-thousand-year-old ice.

He was just about to get up when suddenly a cry came from outside the hall and went straight to the main hall where he was.

"Little Tingting?"

Soon Jiang Tingting came to the door, pushed it open with her palm and ran in. Li Ran thought about it and lay down again, gathering his breath and pretending that his soul had not returned to his body.

Jiang Tingting pushed open the door, cried loudly, and threw herself in front of Li Ran's bed, crying to him about some of her recent unhappy things.

Li Ran listened to Jiang Tingting's story and realized that it was because after his true dragon avatar unified the ancient tribes, out of the desire to unify all the ancient tribes and train troops, he led the seven royal families and all the remaining ancient tribes to go to war with the human race, and Jiang Tingting He thought he died in the battle at Shengya because of the ancient clan.

For the sake of revenge for herself, she naturally brought all the disciples of Mount Taiqing together with the Jiang family, Ji family and other major holy places to fight against the ancient clan.

This time, it was because she was bullied by an ancient member of one of the ten fierce clans. The angry Jiang Tingting came to Li Ran's room as usual and cried to his body.

After crying on and off for a long time, Jiang Tingting finally felt more comfortable. She stopped her tears, looked up at Li Ran, who was still motionless and breathless, and shouted longingly: "Master, Tingting has been practicing very hard recently, don't worry Tingting." Ting will definitely destroy all the hateful Taikoo clan and avenge you."

Li Ran glanced at Jiang Tingting when he heard this. Sure enough, even after he left for a year, Jiang Tingting did not neglect her practice. She is now much stronger than a year ago. With the help of the Taiyin Xuanming Pill he left for her, she Successfully achieved the first-grade elixir, becoming the second monk besides him in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths to achieve the golden elixir.

"The golden alchemy has finally begun to take root!" Li Ran sighed with satisfaction.

At this time, Jiang Tingting cried again: "Master, the ancestor said that you didn't die, but you are still healing outside, is this true?

If you are really healing, why haven't you come back to see Tingting for a year? Do you dislike Tingting?
But Tingting really misses you, when will you come back and take a look at little Tingting. "

The more Jiang Tingting said, the more she missed Li Ran in her heart, and finally she couldn't help crying again.

"Master, Tingting really misses you!"


As Jiang Tingting cried one after another, Li Ran finally couldn't help but show up.

"Tingting, don't cry. Master is back. In the past year, Master will deal with those who bullied you one by one and help you find your place."


Hearing this familiar voice again in the hall, Jiang Tingting couldn't believe her ears. She looked at the ice bed and found that her master's body had disappeared, and then she realized that Li Ran was really back.

"Master is really back!"

She looked at Li Ran in the corner of the hall in surprise and rushed towards him happily. "Master, Master!"

Li Ran hugged her with a doting look on his face.

"Don't be afraid, Master is back."

(End of this chapter)

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