I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 166 The Valley of the Gods

Chapter 166 The Valley of the Gods

Among the dark clouds in the sky thousands of miles high, thunder and lightning are lurking, and the blue arcs of electric snakes are swallowed by the clouds. Yan Ruyu sits cross-legged, with her hands pinching the magic formula, her eyes closed tightly, and a green luan about the size of a hundred feet will be under her body. She held it firmly, and Qingluan spread her wings, flying thousands of miles into the sky in an instant, crossing thousands of rivers and mountains.

Even in such a noisy environment around, the rumble of thunder one after another, but it did not affect her concentration on enlightenment and practice in the slightest.

Although the gap in cultivation between Li Ran and Li Ran is like a chasm, it is getting wider and deeper. Li Ran, who has made great progress on the road of cultivation, has now given her a sense of admiration that is beyond her reach, but she still wants to rely on her own hard work to practice in a certain way. The thought that Sun could overwhelm Li Ran had even become an indelible evil thought in her heart.

She thinks about dreams, and it is hard to forget this day and night. It has almost become the only thing worth remembering in her heart outside of her practice. Therefore, she does not want to waste a few moments of free time. It's also great for her.

Yan Ruyu allowed Qingluan to take her through the dark clouds and thunder to fly to Taiqing Mountain, closing her eyes and immersing herself in practice. However, there are always some blind people in the world, and you can meet such people even when you are on the road.

Soon her primordial spirit sensed several strange auras suddenly appearing hundreds of meters ahead, blocking the only way forward. She woke up from her practice, opened her eyes, and the Qinglian Taoist soldiers above her head scattered A ray of light dispelled the dark clouds ahead, revealing the three ancient tribes blocking the way.

"The princess of the Yaozu really deserves to be the number one beauty in the Eastern Desolation. Her beauty is so overwhelming that even the old man with bones in the mound was shocked by His Highness's beauty at first sight."

After stopping Yan Ruyu, an old man whose whole body was bathed in the milky white divine light couldn't help but praise Yan Ruyu's peerless appearance, which was not like that of a human woman.

"Valley of the Gods?"

Yan Ruyu recognized the origins of the three ancient tribes blocking the way. They were the Valley of the Gods, which is known as the top ten fierce tribes of the ancient tribes. Among them, the old man with a milky white light all over his body had a deep breath, and her spiritual sense perception was not the slightest bit. Can't detect the other party's state.

"This is a very strong opponent!" Yan Ruyu thought of this in an instant.

But Yan Ruyu was not timid at all. She still put her hands in front of her knees and sat cross-legged on Qingluan calmly. Her eyes were shining brightly as she looked directly at the old man from Shen Sheng Gu in the front. Her tone was calm and composed: "This temple remembers that my demon clan has never We have a grudge against you in the Valley of the Gods, so why are the three of you waiting here to intercept Ruyu today?"

The old man suddenly smiled, first bowed respectfully to Yan Ruyu, and then politely replied: "Your Highness is unparalleled in talent and appearance, in his youth, he is short of a good son-in-law.

The old man Zilin intends to say a suitable marriage for His Highness, but what does His Highness think? "

"Not very good." Yan Ruyu flatly rejected Zi Lin without thinking.

He hit a snag as soon as he opened his mouth. Zi Lin was not angry. He still had a warm and respectful smile on his face, and even looked at Yan Ruyu flatteringly: "Your Highness, please don't refuse so decisively, otherwise you may directly lose a happy relationship." Marriage.

The marriage that I proposed to His Highness was a match made in heaven. If His Highness knew who that person was, he would definitely not think the way he does now. "

"No need, Qingxia took a detour and prepared to continue to Taiqing Mountain." She stretched out her hand to avoid hitting the smiling man. The old man from Shenling Valley treated her with great respect. Although the two sides were rivals now, she, Yan Ruyu, was not unreasonable. She shook her head again, and then urged Qingluan to get up and start flying again.

After Yan Ruyu drove Qingluan to another direction and continued to fly, the three familiar figures reappeared on the sky in front of her not long after.

Zi Lin from the Valley of the Spirits still faced her with great respect: "Your Highness, please wait a moment. Why don't I take Your Highness to see the person I mentioned? If it really doesn't suit Your Highness's wishes, we'll talk about it then."

Yan Ruyu ignored Zilin, and was still about to change the direction to continue the journey. At this time, someone behind the old man in the Valley of the Gods couldn't help but stand up. , I come to invite you in person, that is to give you face and respect. Do you really think that you are a princess of the demon clan and have a noble status? You put on such a high air.

Inviting you to go is to save face, I advise you to think clearly, if you don't know the good and the bad, don't blame us for being ruthless. "

"Hmph!" Yan Ruyu sneered. "What if I don't go to the hall?"

After finishing speaking, she reached out and secretly crushed a piece of the distress symbol, quietly waiting for rescue.

At this time, the old man who had been amiable just now finally couldn't bear it anymore, and looked at Yan Ruyu with a gloomy expression. He rejected his repeated polite and kind invitations so resolutely.

He looked gloomyly at Yan Ruyu's last invitation: "Princess Yan, you really don't want to take this trip with the old man?"

"Hmph!" Yan Ruyu also broke up with them at this moment, and lost her good looks. "What if I don't go to the hall?"

"Good, good, good."

The old man from the Valley of the Spirits shouted three times in succession, and a powerful holy power burst out of his body. Under the powerful holy power, the dark clouds nearby disappeared instantly, revealing a bright and clear sky.

The old man stretched out a big hand, and the law manifested in the palm, and grabbed it in the direction of Zhunyan Ruyu.

While stretching out his hand to grab Yan Ruyu, the old man said: "Since Princess Yan is unwilling to go with this old man, then this old man can only offend her."

Yan Ruyu secretly calculated the time, and in a short time, the Peacock King who received the news would arrive to rescue her.

So she confidently brought up her precious weapon Qinglian to resist the palm of the old man from the Valley of Gods to buy time.

"It's ridiculous that a small fly can shake a big tree." The old man from Shengling Valley looked at Yan Ruyu who actually wanted to resist him and let out a very disdainful chuckle. "Your Highness, you still have little knowledge. The further you go in your cultivation, the wider the gap between each realm becomes. How dare you, a mere Immortal Level [-] person, to resist my Holy Realm power.

That old man will let His Highness see what a saint is today. "

As soon as the words fell, the old man's big palm changed direction instantly, stretched out to Qinglian that Yan Ruyu had struck, and pinched the treasure soldier in his hand.

There was only a click, and the green lotus was easily crushed into a green powder by the old man of the Valley of the Gods.

Then the big palm took advantage of the situation and grabbed Yan Ruyu in his hands, unable to escape.

The limbs were firmly sealed by the old man in the Valley of the Gods, and there was no chance of escape. At this time, the Peacock King still did not rush over.

The old man in the Valley of Gods glanced at Yan Ruyu, and suddenly smiled and said: "Your Highness is waiting for reinforcements, if you are waiting for rescue, I advise His Highness not to wait any longer, the reinforcements you invited have already been stopped by us halfway. "

"What?" A trace of despair appeared on Yan Ruyu's face.

(End of this chapter)

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