I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 18 Achievements Achieved and Conquered Lan Haifeng

Chapter 18 Achievements Achieved and Conquered Lan Haifeng

After being beaten, these disciples realized that they also wanted to become a fool like Gao Yun.

They also want to cultivate diligently and become masters.

Several people looked at Li Ran and their eyes became hot instantly, thinking to themselves that if people like themselves come and get beaten a few more times every day, wouldn't they go straight to the four poles, and the dragon is in sight.

Li Ran seemed to understand their thoughts. After instructing these disciples, he sat cross-legged on the futon and meditated, and said leisurely: "This matter is too serious. With your physique, you can only do it once a day. Otherwise, it will damage the roots. When the time comes, No wonder I didn’t explain it in advance.”

Now these people understood why Gao Yun would check in regularly once a day. It turned out that it was too much and they couldn't stand it.

"Senior brother Li Ran is indeed a good teacher and helpful friend of our disciples, and the name of senior brother is well deserved."

After receiving this beating, these disciples were sincerely convinced by Li Ran and bowed to him sincerely: "Thank you, senior brother, for your advice. Junior brother, take your leave. I'll come back tomorrow, senior brother."

"Go off, go off!"

Li Ran waved them away.

After the disciples left, Qin Yao languidly jumped from the top of the cave to Li Ran's arms, and found a suitable place to lie down comfortably.

At the same time, I also put forward the doubts that have been buried in my heart for a long time: "Little color embryo, you entered this Taixuanmen just to comprehend the one hundred and eight inheritances, why bother to be the son of Taixuan, and make such trouble, Isn't this asking for guilt.

If you ask me to push it all the way, wouldn't it be a matter of time before you become Taixuan Saint Son with your talent? "

Li Ran hugged Qin Yao and started petting the cat, then explained.

"I am the son of Taixuan just for the convenience and faster comprehension of these inheritances."

Speaking of this, Li Ran suddenly stood up and looked at the distant world: "My whole life is just to pursue the Dao, to carry forward the golden alchemy and immortality, and now everything I do is just to comprehend the nature of the movement of the heaven and the earth. It's good to penetrate the road as soon as possible.

How can I have so much time to waste my time with common people like them? "

"Everyone carries the flowery sedan chair, and everyone gathers firewood, and the flames are high.

The bustle in the world is all for the sake of coming, and the hustle and bustle of the world is all for the sake of going.

My cultivation level is high enough, and I can give both kindness and power to benefit all disciples. Then all the disciples of Taixuan will be my backing. Even if the sect does not confer me a holy son, I will still be Taixuan's well-deserved uncrowned king , then these disciples will automatically push me to ascend to the position of the Holy Son.

On the other hand, if I don't have the support of the vast number of ordinary disciples, even if I become a holy son, I will be a tree without roots, like a duckweed, and I will be pierced with a light poke. To comprehend these various inheritances as one likes, so subduing the hearts of these ordinary disciples is the right way. "

Qin Yao rolled her eyes: "Then you were so pretentious at first."

Li Ran replied of course: "For the strong, this is self-confidence, not pretentiousness."

After finishing speaking, Li Ran murmured in his heart again, but never said anything obvious: "Besides, whoever is strong in the sky does not pretend to be strong, the stronger the stronger, the more powerful he is. I am following the trend and doing as the Romans do."

Since this time, more and more disciples have discovered the secret of Gao Yun's improvement in cultivation. After these people have benefited, they also come to Li Ran regularly to receive a beating like Gao Yun, enjoying the pain and happiness of daily practice.

Under Li Ran's intentional actions, the cultivation of these disciples improved by leaps and bounds, and they soon widened the gap with other disciples in the peak. Compared with their previous cultivation speed, their friends in the same sect were shocked. These disciples soon completely fell in love with Li Ran. , became his biggest fan.

So in more than a month, the following picture happened.

In Lanhai Peak, a certain disciple A who was originally only the first level of the Taoist Palace and his friend disciple B had daily exchanges, and the two fought against each other.

As a result, during the fight, disciple A discovered that disciple B's cultivation base had broken through to the double heaven without knowing it, and the spells he used were much more exquisite than before, and the glaring gap between the two appeared. One must know that the two of them were half-baked brothers and sisters before January. If there were no adventures, even if disciple A was beaten to death, he would not believe that his good friend could improve his cultivation so quickly, so he grabbed his friend's neck and forced him to die. Tell yourself the reason for the soaring cultivation base.

Under such circumstances, the news spread more and more widely, more and more people spread it, and it soon spread throughout the entire Lanhai Peak. Even near the main peak, some ordinary disciples with poor talent and slow practice came to try their luck.

There are more and more disciples who come to be beaten every day. After experiencing the benefits of being beaten by Li Ran, all of them call Li Ran a senior brother, with a respectful and polite attitude. They are afraid that what they do not do well will be blacklisted by Li Ran , There is a long queue every day before dawn, and sometimes the disciples who come slowly can't make it in the queue, so they have to wait until the next day.

In the end, some disciples couldn't even get in line, so they simply meditated beside Li Ran's cave and waited for the first one to find Li Ran to be beaten the next day.

One naturally has two, and soon more and more disciples are learning in style.

Only then did Gao Yun realize that he had shot himself in the foot with a rock. Too many people knew about it, so he came to Li Ran's cave every day before dawn, but still couldn't find a chance to discuss with Li Ran. , other disciples came earlier.

But here Li Ran finally couldn't bear the request of many disciples to be beaten. He beat him every day from day to night without stopping. Although they all dealt with opponents with one move, when did Lan Haifeng have two or three thousand disciples? No, obviously he can only see three or four hundred disciples practicing in the peak at ordinary times.

The Taixuan disciples' request to be beaten had seriously affected Li Ran's practice, but at this time, Li Ran, who had already established the image of a senior brother in the hearts of many disciples, could not refuse.

At this time, of course, it was the turn of Taixuan Shengzi's subordinates to come out to solve the problem for the boss.

After understanding the boss's intention, Gao Yun, as Ma Zai, stepped forward without hesitation.

"Everyone, everybody."

Finally one day he stretched out his hand to stop everyone.

Gao Yun reviewed the excessive behavior of his disciples in recent days.

"You all line up from morning to night every day, although the elder brother doesn't care, but you have indeed affected the cultivation of the elder brother.

You guys have climbed the ladder, but the senior brother needs to be busy from early morning to night every day in order to guide you, every day is like this, how should he practice.

As a disciple of my senior brother, I really can't stand it anymore. I must stand up and stop your behavior. "


Li Ran was very moved when he "heard" from the side, and there was a gleam of tears in the corner of his eyes, apparently deeply "touched" by Gao Yun's words, and "feeling."

"I never thought that the third junior brother would be so considerate to the senior brother. The senior brother who said these words feels warm in his heart."

Seeing Li Ran's deeply moved appearance, how could the others not know that Gao Yun's words touched Li Ran's heart.

"Little bitch is shameless, he is used to flattering very much, senior brother belongs to all of us, you don't want to monopolize it by yourself."

All the disciples looked at Gao Yun with jealous eyeballs turning red.

(End of this chapter)

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