I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 183 Arriving at the Golden Crow Clan

Chapter 183 Arriving at the Golden Crow Clan

Jiang Tong broke away from the hand that the old servant was holding her, and flew to the river bank where Li Ran was fishing, riding the rainbow.

"Tong'er, come back!"

The leader of the Sun God Sect stood up and shouted in the direction where Jiang Tong flew away, trying to call Jiang Tong back, but Jiang Tong was full of Li Ran at this time, the bullying of the Jinwu tribe, the serious injury of his father, and the sect was facing extinction In Jiang Tong's view, only the mysterious big brother can help him resolve these crises.

Worried about his father's injury, Jiang Tong tried his best to activate the divine spring in the Life Spring. Dozens of volcanoes erupted simultaneously in the sea of ​​suffering. The golden divine spring set off huge waves in the dark and silent sea of ​​suffering, providing Jiang Tong with a steady stream of divine power. , and soon he flew to the river bank and saw Li Ran who was still fishing.

"Big brother!"

Although he knew that Li Ran would not leave, Jiang Tong felt at ease the moment he saw him.

He threw himself in front of Li Ran and knelt down with a pleading look. He looked at Li Ran and shouted, "The Golden Crow tribe wants to kill me. Please help me, big brother, to save us."

After Jiang Tong finished speaking, she kowtowed heavily to Li Ran a few times, looking at him expectantly.

Li Ran turned a deaf ear, still fishing leisurely, teasing the fish gathered by him in the river, ignoring Jiang Tong's arrival.

When Jiang Tong saw this, he knew that Li Ran was unwilling to get involved in the matter, but the relatives he lived with day and night were in danger. Apart from Li Ran, he could not find anyone else who could help resolve the crisis, so even if he knew what he was doing, It's a bit hard to force someone to do something difficult, but Jiang Tong had to do it for the sake of his clan members.

I saw him knelt in front of Li Ran and kowtowed again, and then said firmly: "Brother, Jiang Tong knows you can hear me, Jiang Tong didn't want to embarrass big brother, but there is really no other way, Apart from his big brother, Jiang Tong really couldn't find anyone else who could help.

If Big Brother refuses to agree for a day, I will kneel down for a day, and if Big Brother refuses to agree for a year, I will kneel for a year until I can impress you, Big Brother. "

After speaking, Jiang Tong knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to Li Ran. The sound of kowtowing was like a monk knocking on a wooden fish, knocking on Li Ran's heartstrings one by one.

An hour later, Jiang Tong knocked nearly a thousand times, and a huge bulge appeared on his forehead, with bright red blood stagnant inside.

At this time, there were more than ten gold stars on Jiang Tong's head turning around his head, his consciousness gradually became blurred in the continuous heavy kowtows, and his forehead hurt sharply, but he still insisted on kowtowing to Li Ran, trying to impress Li Ran.

Finally, seeing Jiang Tong's performance, Li Ran relaxed his tone. "Don't kowtow, if you kowtow again, it will be gone, I promise you it will be!"

After Li Ran finished speaking, he put down the three-year-old fishing rod in his hand, stood up from the boulder, faced Jiang Tong with his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "My child, this is just a trace of divine thought. I can help you solve this crisis once, but next time, and the next time?
I can help you once, I can help you twice, but I can't help you all the time. When the power in my spiritual thoughts disappears, what will your Sun God Sect do then?
Continue to wait for death like today? "

After hearing this, Jiang Tong showed a trace of firmness and confidence on her face: "Jiang Tong will protect the Sun God Sect in the future, and will not let others just keep bullying like this."

"Wait until you grow up?" Li Ran suddenly showed a smile that Jiang Tong couldn't understand. He waved his sleeves casually, and the two disappeared instantly.

The two of them came to a large hibiscus forest, where there lived powerful three-legged golden crows one after another, and the golden sun fire gathered to turn this hibiscus forest into an ocean of the sun. Every golden crow in the hibiscus forest His aura was far beyond Jiang Tong's imagination, and he was a peerless powerhouse he had never seen before.

Li Ran led him to hide in a cloud, looking down at the three-legged golden crow that could not be seen at a glance.

Li Ranyang pointed to the boundless three-legged Golden Crow below, looked at Jiang Tong and said, "This is the land of the Golden Crow Clan of Ziwei Star, such a prosperous race, there are countless strong people from Xiantai, and it is said that the Golden Crow Clan has even ten princes. He is a powerful and powerful man, and there are even rumors hidden in the depths of the clan that there is a peerless holy king who is the patriarch of the Golden Crow clan.

When you grow up, ten years or twenty years?

Can your Sun God Cult persist for such a long time? "

Jiang Tong looked down at the golden crows that were only puffing out the real fire of the sun to practice. With such a strong clan to save the clansmen, can the clansmen really persist until he grows up?
Jiang Tong once again had despair in his heart. He seemed to be able to see the brothers and sisters of the entire Sun God Sect die one by one at the hands of each other, but he could only watch it happen, and shouted weakly: "Wait!" When I grow up, I will destroy all the Jinwumen and avenge everyone."

But this is not the future he wants.

Jiang Tong felt confused for a moment. He squatted down holding his head, feeling full of powerlessness in his heart.

"What should I do!" Jiang Tong cried out in pain in his heart.

At this moment, he noticed the indifferent smile on Li Ran's face, and suddenly understood something.

Kneel down to Li Ran again: "Brother, I know you must have a way to solve these problems, please teach me!"

"It is true that there is a way, but can you accept the price?"

"Big brother really has a solution." Jiang Tong was delighted when he heard that. As for the price Li Ran said, in Jiang Tong's opinion, as long as he can save the clansmen, he is willing to pay any price.

So Jiang Tong looked at Li Ran firmly, and said seriously: "Big brother, please tell me the way, little Tong Tong is willing to bear any price."

Li Ran then brought Jiang Tong back to the river bank, stretched out his hand and tapped gently, and a mysterious scripture poured into his mind.

"This is a scripture I created when I was bored. It's called Jiuzhuan Xuangong. Once this scripture is practiced, it will be extremely powerful. The world is so big that you can't go anywhere. The most wonderful thing is that this scripture Wen can be done quickly, as long as you can practice successfully, you can become a top-notch Ziwei within a few years.

But this scripture was extremely painful to practice, and this scripture was created by me, and I have never practiced it, so I don't know what's wrong with it.

After practicing this scripture, there is a possibility of body death and dao disappearing at any time. You should think about it carefully, and it is up to you whether you practice or not. "

Jiang Tong glanced at the scriptures lightly, and when he thought of the aggressive Jinwu tribe, his eyes immediately became firm. He looked at Li Ran and replied firmly, "As long as I can save the tribe, I will practice."

"Okay!" Li Ran nodded lightly, then looked into Jiang Tong's eyes and said, "One more thing, I didn't pass on your scriptures for nothing, after you expel the Jinwu tribe and save them, I need you to help I do one thing."

"At that time, I will let my big brother dictate, and Tongtong will have no complaints." Jiang Tong didn't even ask what Li Ran's request was, and agreed to him without hesitation.

Li Ran listened, with a big smile on his face, he took Jiang Tong into the Sun God Sect, and came to one of the palaces.

At this time, Jiang Tong's father, the leader of the Sun God Sect, was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, and an eleven or twelve-year-old girl was taking good care of the leader of the Sun God Sect in front of the hospital bed.

"Father, sister!"

The moment he saw the two of them, Jiang Tong immediately rushed up, hugging them and weeping bitterly.

"Father, I have called my elder brother to help us drive away the Golden Crow tribe. We are saved this time."

"What?" The leader of the Sun God Sect was shocked when he heard this, and looked around the room, trying to find the big brother that the youngest son mentioned.

"Don't look, I'm right here."

After Li Ran finished speaking, his spiritual thoughts appeared in front of the Sun Cult Master, emitting a faint golden light in the palace, illuminating the palace as if it were a bright hall.

The leader of the Sun God Sect looked at Li Ran who suddenly appeared. Although he could see Li Ran's figure in the palace, when he sensed the past with his divine sense, he felt empty in front of him and could not feel any aura at all.

Li Ran looked at the surprised leader and smiled softly. Suddenly, an unfathomable and powerful aura like the source of the sea appeared in the palace. This was a powerful aura that far exceeded the imagination of the leader of the Sun. Even in the Ziwei Dynasty He had never felt such an oppressive aura from the emperor. The leader was shocked. Suddenly he seemed to have discovered something, and looked at Li Ran's extremely energetic face in horror.

"Are you only in your twenties?"

Sun Hierarch couldn't believe his perception at all. Li Ran gave him the feeling that he was definitely a supreme powerhouse above the realm of saints, otherwise he would never have such an aura.

But in this post-apocalyptic world of spiritual cultivation, where the great avenues have retreated and spiritual energy is thin, those who can cultivate to become powerful are already unimaginable geniuses, and those who can break through to the realm of Dao-killing kings are even more rare. That is enough to serve as a foundation for the continuation of the sect's inheritance. , let alone a saint, this is enough to establish a holy place that will last for thousands of years.

In the thousands of years so far, he has never heard of Ziwei who has broken through to become a saint, let alone cultivated to the holy realm at the age of 20, which is beyond his imagination.

"Greetings, Lord Saint!"

However, no matter how old Li Ran is, his saint's cultivation will never be fake. When such a noble being comes to his Sun God Religion, as the leader, he must not neglect him.

The sun leader endured the pain and got up from the hospital bed. He wanted to thank a saint like Li Ran for solving the problem of exterminating his family at this difficult time.

"You'd better lie down," Li Ran waved lightly and pressed the Sun Hierarch down.

Then he took Jiang Tong's palm again: "Let's go, let's meet the holy king of the Golden Crow tribe for a while."

Li Ran took Jiang Tong's palm and came to the Golden Crow Clan of Ziwei Emperor Star again.

At this time, he was unabashedly releasing all his aura. Even though what he brought Jiang Tong with him this time was just a trace of his insignificant soul, but with his current cultivation level, the Holy King of the Golden Crow Clan who had not reached the level of The waste in the holy realm is not enough for him to look at it twice.

"Where is the leader of the Golden Crow clan? Why don't you come out and see him quickly?" Although Li Ran was just an understatement, it resonated with the world and instantly turned into a thunderous sound that spread throughout the entire Golden Crow clan.

"Who dares to break into the territory of my Golden Crow Clan!"

As the most prosperous clan of Ziwei today, a powerful clan that overwhelms many human races, no one from the Jinwu clan has dared to force their way to the mountain gate for a long time.

Li Ran's words instantly aroused the dissatisfaction of many Golden Crows. Dozens of huge Golden Crows got up from the fiery red hibiscus tree and flew in front of Li Ran.

The leader was a member of the Jinwu tribe who was in the realm of great power. He shook the two pairs of divine wings that were tens of feet in size, and the divine fire of the sun filled the sky hovered on the wings. How dare you act presumptuously in front of my Golden Crow clan!"

"Presumptuous?" Li Ran had a funny smile on his face, and suddenly the smile disappeared, and an extremely arrogant expression appeared on his face: "I have lived for more than 2000 years, and I am still in the realm of Immortal Er, who gave it to me?" How dare you useless dare to shout in front of me?"

Li Ran stretched out his right hand and calmly grabbed the dozens of golden crows in front of him. In an instant, a huge storm of vitality appeared between heaven and earth, and countless law runes formed a huge encirclement surrounding the dozens of golden crows. Surrounded by golden crows.

The vitality storm closed, and the law runes all over the sky formed huge chains of divine patterns, trapping these golden crows inside.

After finishing all this, Li Ran put his hands behind his back, and lightly said to Jiang Tong: "Go, bring these golden crows back to me."

Jiang Tong still had a dull look on his face at this time. He had never thought that he could defeat his opponent effortlessly with just a wave of his hand. This was really cool.

Li Ran's blow left a deep impression on Jiang Tong's heart.

At this time Li Ran's voice reached his ears, Jiang Tong answered quickly, and honestly drove Shenhong to fly in front of the golden crows who were bound by chains.

With Jiang Tong's arrival, these chains seemed to be psychic, and together with the trapped Golden Crow, they instantly became ten feet in size, and flew obediently into Jiang Tong's hands.

"How did you become a little chick!"

Looking at dozens of golden crows that fell on the palm of his hand, Jiang Tong touched his head, a little confused.

But Li Ran didn't explain to him, and Jiang Tong didn't dare to ask more, and honestly took the dozens of little chickens on the palm of his hand and returned to Li Ran.

"Big Brother, I brought it back and here it is for you."

Jiang Tong handed out the chain in the palm of his hand, Li Ran glanced at it, and then said: "You put it away first."

Then looking at the hibiscus forest below, a divine light flashed in his eyes, and then the dark clouds gathered between the sky and the earth, and a little bit of deep and dark black rain, filled with the most yin and cold power of the sun, fell into the hibiscus forest in front of him , The dark clouds continued to gather, and the little black rain slowly turned into a drifting heavy rain, which extinguished the real fire of the sun that had been burning for tens of thousands of years in the hibiscus forest.

"Dare you kid!"

This piece of hibiscus forest is a treasure land of the Golden Crow people who gathered the real fire of the sun from the sky for tens of thousands of years, but now Li Ran's heavy rain wiped out all the painstaking efforts of thousands of years. In an instant, a powerful holy power appeared from the Fusang forest below.

(End of this chapter)

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