I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 191: All the talents have arrived, Jiang Tong enters the virtual god world

Chapter 191: All the talents have arrived, Jiang Tong enters the virtual god world

Lord Ziwei was overjoyed. He stood up from the futon and walked to the Imperial Master Ziwei. He held his hand and looked excited: "Since your hexagram, Imperial Master, I have been working hard and sleeping all night. I have never dared to be lazy and give up on cultivation one day." , just so that I can save the entire divine dynasty when the national disaster predicted by you, the Imperial Master, comes. This matter has been suppressed until now, and it has almost become a chronic disease in my heart.

You are indeed worthy of being the national teacher of the Ziwei Dynasty, how can you help my Dynasty avoid the disaster of the whole country? "

The national teacher stroked the beard of his chin with one hand, and laughed loudly: "God, Princess Yueshi should be in her prime this year, and Her Royal Highness is so beautiful that she should find a suitable husband-in-law.

Those mortals in the normal mortal world should have married wives and had children at this age. "

Lord Ziwei didn't understand the meaning of the national teacher's words, but he continued to follow the other party's words: "What the national teacher said is very true. Could it be that you have any good candidates to introduce to me?"

"Of course there are candidates, Your Majesty, let Chen Dao come."

Immediately, the Grand Master Ziwei put his mouth to the ear of the Lord Ziwei. After hearing this, the Lord Ziwei fell into deep thought. He put his hand on his chin and weighed it repeatedly. Finally, he asked the Second Grand Master again with uncertainty.

"National teacher, what you said is true. Shi'er's future husband-in-law can really help my Shen Dynasty to tide over the difficulties?"

The Imperial Master nodded solemnly: "This matter was told to me by the great sage himself when I met a great sage by a riverside.

That saint's cultivation was unfathomable, and the heaven and earth were flowing around him when he was walking, sitting, or lying down. I begged the saint for a long time before I got the method of salvation from the divine dynasty. "

God Lord Ziwei just knew the reason, and he grabbed the national teacher's shoulders excitedly: "National teacher, where is the saint you mentioned now? Why don't you invite the saint to come to my divine capital? As the host, I can also treat you well." Saint, do your best."

The national teacher heard the words and sighed: "The god is not the old man. It's just that the saint is indifferent to fame and wealth, and he is happy to be carefree in the mountains and rivers. The old man can't do anything to invite the saint to my Ziwei Dynasty."

"Alas." God Master Ziwei suddenly felt sorry when he heard this, and then he cheered up again. "Since it is a sage who bestowed the Dharma Master, you must help me in the divine dynasty."

"Come on!"

Immediately, a divine armored guard came in with a spear. After seeing the Lord Ziwei and the national teacher, the guard bowed to the two: "The commander of the imperial guard Lin Lan pays homage to the God Lord and the national teacher."

Lord Ziwei looked at the divine armored guard who was prostrate on the ground. He put his hands behind his back, and his golden dragon robe made him look majestic.

"Pass down the order, to win the Shenzhou in the east, to the Luzhou in the north, to the Hezhou in the Xiniu, to the Bubuzhou in the south, and to all the gods and gods in the southeast, northwest, and four seas, and the aristocratic families scattered invitations.

I want to hold a competition for Princess Yue Shi in the city of gods, and invite the young generation from all the major religious sects to come. The winner can be my consort of the Ziwei Divine Dynasty and marry Princess Yue Shi.

A hundred years later, my position as Lord Ziwei should also belong to the Prince Consort. "


The divine armored guard was shocked when he heard this. He raised his head and secretly glanced at Lord Ziwei. When he saw that his expression was serious and serious, and did not seem to be faking, he immediately lowered his head and accepted the divine decree.


As the divine armored guards retreated, this news instantly spread from the Ziwei Divine Dynasty to the four major continents. The leaders of the major religious sects were shocked when they heard the news from the Ziwei Divine Dynasty.

At this time, the Son of Taiyin, who was in retreat in the Taiyin God Sect, broke out. He stood on the sky and looked at the Ziwei God in the east and laughed wildly in the direction: "My sworn brother is accompanied by the most beautiful woman in the world, the goddess Guanghan Palace." As a brother, I can’t allow him to be more beautiful than the one before me. Since Ziwei Divine Dynasty is presiding over this competition to recruit a bride, I, the Son of God, will reluctantly win the first place and take the second most beautiful woman in the world into my arms.”

While this news was spreading, there were changes in all ancient religions.

In the fiery red hibiscus forest of the Golden Crow tribe, a Golden Crow's aura reaches the sky, nine golden crows dominate the heaven and earth, and the sun's divine fire burns the sun and the moon, with unparalleled divine power.

In the Hall of the Human King, the contemporary human king body heard the news and wanted to take this opportunity to challenge the outstanding figures of Ziwei's contemporary religions.

In the concept of longevity, a Taoist holds a whisk and looks at the Ziwei God.

"Junior Brother Li, there is good news for you."

At this time, in a certain place of Ziwei, where the contemporary people want to live, a young man is sitting cross-legged and practicing, the corner of his mouth is slightly grinning, and there is a seemingly evil intention intertwined on his face. On the right hand of the young man, there is a statue that looks like a goddess sitting God furnace.

After the young man heard the voice calling him, he immediately woke up from his deep practice.

He looked at the expressionless and indifferent visitor in surprise: "Senior Brother Yan, why are you here?"

The visitor looked at the young man sitting cross-legged in front of him, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face as cold as ten thousand years of ice. "Junior Brother Li, haven't you always wanted to take a saint girl home like your ancestor?
This time, you have a great opportunity. "

"Senior Brother Yan, what chance?" Li Tian immediately became interested when he heard the words, it must be big news to make Yan Yixi, who had never had a well in ancient times, so excited.

Yan Yixi looked at Li Tian who was still sitting on the ground and quickly pulled him up, pushing him to the outside of the mountain gate: "Soon, the second most beautiful woman in the world, Princess Yueshi of the Ziwei Dynasty, will be in the Ziwei Dynasty. The gods are holding a competition to recruit relatives, this is your good opportunity, if you win this competition, the second most beautiful woman in the world will be easily taken home by you."

Li Tian heard that Yan Yixi's body that was being pushed out suddenly stopped, and he rolled his eyes at Yan Yixi: "Senior brother, are you kidding me, just my little arms and legs, you let me follow you!" Those great gods are fighting for the first place in the competition, don't you want me to die?"

"What?" Yan Yixi looked at Li Tian with a puzzled expression. "Junior Brother Li, you are not even sure about this, then the second most beautiful woman in the world is not destined for you."

"Your uncle, Yan Yixi, are you kidding me?"

In this way, Li Tian held the Goddess Stove and chased Yan Yixi for a long time. Finally, when the two of them were tired and out of breath, Li Tian put down the Goddess Stove. He looked up at the direction of Ziwei God with a hint of amusement on his face. : "Although I can't marry the second most beautiful woman in the world, this competition will definitely be interesting. It's good to join in the excitement."

On the other side, in the Eight Views Palace, Yin Tiande, the contemporary master of the Eight Views Palace, a descendant of Laozi who had been in retreat, was suddenly awakened by his younger brother Yin Tianzhi.

"Yin Tianzhi, why did you call me?"

Sitting cross-legged on a futon full of Taoism in the Bajing Palace, Yin Tiande was wearing a purple Taoist robe, and opened his eyes calmly to look at his younger brother who pushed the door in.

Yin Tianzhi was smiling and overjoyed. He hurriedly ran to Yin Tiande and shouted: "Brother, good news. Now the Lord of the Ziwei Dynasty has summoned the world's heroes to compete in a contest to marry his beloved daughter, Princess Yue Shi. No.1 in this competition.

This month, Princess Shi is known as the second most beautiful woman in the world, and her beauty is beyond compare. Big brother, you can go out and defeat those losers this time. You can put the second most beautiful woman in the world and the most beautiful woman in the world into your arms, hugging her from left to right. Isn’t that right? One of the joys of life. "

After listening to his younger brother's description, Yin Tiande didn't show any joy on his face. He was still sitting on the futon in a calm and calm manner, and he didn't take the matter of Ziwei Shenchao's martial arts competition to his heart. After seeing a ecstatic look, he even reprimanded him loudly: "Yin Tianzhi, you have practiced with me for so many years, and let you practice into the belly of a dog?
It's nothing more than a pile of pink and white bones. Compared with the throne of this world and the natural avenue between heaven and earth, what is a woman?
After practicing for so many years, you are still happy for such a meaningless thing. It really disappoints me. "

After Yin Tianzhi was scolded by his brother, he was immediately embarrassed and his face was filled with shame.

At this time, Yin Tiande looked at him again and said: "However, this matter is not completely meaningless, you have also cultivated to the realm of Xiantai, this competition is just for you to meet the outstanding people from all regions of Ziwei and broaden your horizons.

Please participate in this competition on my behalf and marry the second most beautiful woman in the world to your brother. "


When Yin Tianzhi heard that he was the only one going to participate in the competition of the Ziwei God Dynasty, he immediately showed an unwilling expression on his face, but Yin Tiande didn't care whether he was willing or not.

He threw out a whisk, and Yin Tianzhi instantly walked out of the gate of Bajing Palace without any resistance.

Then came a purple-gold divine ring, which flew out from the Bajing Palace and landed on Yin Tianzhi's hand.

"This diamond cut will protect you and bring me back with a good ranking. I'll see how you've practiced these years."

As the decree of the Ziwei God Lord was brought to various parts of the Ziwei Emperor Star by the soldiers guarding the capital, countless ancient religions were shaken. Immediately afterward, the holy son of the sect was sent to the Ziwei God Dynasty to participate in this grand event.

As the day of the competition drew closer, Li Ran trained Jiang Tong more and more diligently.

But even though Jiang Tong has thoroughly learned the scriptures and secret techniques that Li Ran taught him, in Li Ran's opinion, he still lacks the firepower. Jiang Tong's training time is too short. In the past few years, he has been fighting against shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Apart from being practiced by Li Ran, he has never fought against real geniuses.

Li Ran looked at Jiang Tong, and after thinking about it for a long time, he was afraid that he would suffer in the competition. After thinking twice, he decided to practice him before the competition.

Li Ran looked at the sky and closed his eyes. This trace of spiritual thoughts communicated with the avenue of heaven and earth. Jiang Tong looked at Li Ran with his eyes closed and his face solemn. Ran asked with concern in front of him: "Master, is there anything that bothers you?
You tell Tong'er, and Tong'er will help you solve your problems. "

After Li Ran closed his eyes for a long time, he seemed to have found something. A smile appeared on his face and he opened his eyes again. He looked at Jiang Tong: "Tong'er, you are now practicing well in various magical powers and spells, and your cultivation is also very solid. In this competition, there are only a few people who can beat you, but you still have a big flaw."

"Master, you said."

Li Ran stared into Jiang Tong's eyes and said: "Since your debut, you have never competed with those peerless geniuses of Ziwei, and you have never had a real battle at the same level. This will be very unfavorable for your next competition. Send you to a place where there are many masters, your task is to go there and defeat all those masters for me, and then come back and defeat all these so-called Ziwei geniuses, and take back No.1 as a teacher, do you understand?"

"Yes!" Jiang Tong nodded heavily in agreement. "Master, I will definitely not disappoint your expectations."

"Okay." Li Ran looked at Jiang Tong, who was full of fighting spirit, with a smile on his face. He stretched out his hand to point Jiang Tong's eyebrows, and forced his primordial spirit out of Xiantai. Doors appear in the void.

Before Jiang Tong could react, Li Ran slapped him into the gate of law.

After Jiang Tong experienced a period of dizziness, she left Ziwei and came to a golden mysterious ancient world.

"Where is this place?"

Before Jiang Tong could react, he was sent to the Virtual God Realm by Li Ran. Looking at the strange world full of fairy mountains and blessed places, but empty and without a single person, he quickly calmed down. This was what he had been doing alone in Beiju in the past few years. The result of Luzhou’s experience.

He chose a direction and flew over, hoping to find someone to ask where exactly he had arrived. After flying for a long time, Jiang Tong saw a few monks on the ground, and he quickly landed in front of those people.

"Who are you?

Do you have anything to do with us? "

Jiang Tingting saw the little brother who suddenly fell in front of her and blocked her way, and thought that the little brother had encountered some difficulties, so she asked with concern.

Jiang Tong looked at the gentle and intelligent big sister in front of her, and felt an inexplicable affection in her heart: "Sister, I want to ask, what is this place?"

After Jiang Tingting heard Jiang Tong's question, she quickly pulled Jiang Tong to her side and asked: "Little brother, this must be your first time here. Where are your adults?"

Jiang Tong faced this beautiful elder sister in front of him. He didn't know why he felt very fond of her. He always felt that he should know her. He answered truthfully: "Master, he didn't tell me where this place is, he just asked me to come here to experience it." Experience.”

"That's it!" Jiang Tingting nodded to show that she understood. She pointed at the world in front of her and introduced to Jiang Tong: "This is the Virtual God Realm. It is a magical world created entirely by the spirit. It is an excellent place for experience, but Normally, people who come here for the first time will be brought here by the elders in the teaching, but your master just throws you here and ignores it, it is really irresponsible."

When Jiang Tong heard what Jiang Tingting said about Li Ran, he immediately became unhappy. Even if he had a good impression of this beautiful sister whom he met by chance, he would not allow her to slander the master he admired most in his heart.

So Jiang Tong shook off Jiang Tingting's hand and looked at her with displeasure: "Sister, if you dare to slander my master next time, don't blame me for turning your back on me."

Only then did Jiang Tingting realize that she had just said the wrong thing, and she quickly apologized to Jiang Tong, and then said with a smile: "So, little brother, your name is Jiang Tong, and you and the eldest sister are from the same family. Which family are you a disciple of?"

(End of this chapter)

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