I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 194 You Think You Are Number 1 In The World

Chapter 194 You Think You Are Number One In The World
Jiang's pupils look like gods and demons holding up the sky, and their eyes are like two divine suns hanging high in the sky. With one hand, they lift up to the sky to hold up the stars, and with the other hand, they bend down to hold the Holy Prince firmly under Wuzhi Mountain.

"This child is so terrifying. Is His Royal Highness the Holy Prince defeated like this?"

Many ancient tribes looked at Jiang Tong's thousand-foot divine body standing on the ground in horror. They couldn't believe that as the ancient tribe's god of war, the Holy Prince, the son of the Holy Emperor, could be defeated so easily.

At this time, the Holy Prince who was pressed under his fingers suddenly laughed.

"Interesting, very interesting!

This kind of battle is worth my all-out effort. "

The Holy Prince really did not expect that Jiang Tong could suddenly burst out with such a powerful strength, so that he was taken down by him carelessly. Jiang Tong's sudden burst of strength shocked him. This teenage human race boy has far surpassed him. The fighting strength that this age should have, but it also stimulated the strong desire to fight hidden in the heart of the Holy Prince.

If it were someone else who would have been crushed by a child under the Wuzhi Mountain in full view of the public, with a gray face, unable to move, and being watched by so many people, he would have been furious in his heart, but he only felt comfortable and relaxed, and even felt happy on his face. of laughter.

The Holy Prince roared under the Wuzhi Mountain, and the golden hair all over his body suddenly exploded like iron needles. A powerful momentum emerged from his body. The Holy Prince supported the earth with both hands and moved the giant palm little by little. Push up.

Jiang Tong secretly exclaimed something bad when he saw this. These two Tiangang magical powers were carefully selected and taught to him by Li Ran in order to match his strength.

And these two supernatural powers are also the magic channel method that he practiced most diligently. The level of concentration in cultivation far surpassed the holy method of fighting and fighting that Li Ran taught him.

These two magical powers have always been regarded by him as the ultimate trick to determine the bottom of the sound box.

Although he is still not able to use his supernatural powers like Li Ran, and his every move coincides with the Dao, arousing the blessing of the laws of heaven and earth, but it can be said to be extremely powerful and majestic when he uses it in his hands.

Seeing that the Holy Prince was about to break free from his palm, Jiang Tong opened his mouth, and a gleaming golden pill with five-color cloud patterns floated up from his body and came to him from his mouth.

At this time, the golden elixir did not flash past like before. It floated quietly in front of Jiang Tong, the elixir body swirled slightly, and five colorful cloud ribbons lingered around, setting off the golden elixir's divine light.

In the crowd, Jiang Tingting finally found out something was wrong. She looked at the golden pill revealed by Jiang Tong and was puzzled, so she turned to Li Xiaoman, who had the most contact with Li Ran besides her, for help.

"Sister Xiaoman, is that true?"

Li Xiaoman nodded gently facing Jiang Tingting. "Xiao Tingting, that golden pill does look like the kind of golden pill we practice."

"It shouldn't be!" Jiang Tingting was confused when she saw that Li Xiaoman's guess was consistent with hers. "But Xiao Tong'er is obviously practicing the secret realm method. Logically speaking, he shouldn't be able to form a golden elixir."

"Huh, that's not certain!" Li Xiaoman snorted coldly, looking somewhere with a faint look in his eyes. "Your master is a unique genius in the world. He created this golden elixir avenue with his own hands. It is not difficult for him to have the secret realm method and the golden elixir method practice together.

Besides, you can see that he is more familiar with the method of subduing dragons and subduing tigers than you. Without the careful teaching of his master, how could this kid know these things? "

Jiang Tingting was so happy that she almost jumped up from the ground. A hint of intimacy and tenderness flashed in her eyes as she looked at Jiang Tong in the sky.

"Sister Xiaoman, in that case, Xiao Tong'er should be the new apprentice of the Taoist master after he left Beidou."

"That's eighty percentile!" Li Xiaoman confirmed her idea. "Your master wants to carry forward his golden elixir path, and even the personal relationship between his children is not as important as this inheritance in his eyes.

That kid was very talented at first glance, so it wasn't surprising that he was attracted to him.

Besides, in this False God Realm, besides the Dragon Prince of the Ancient Clan, who else is more familiar with this place than him? This kid is ignorant about our Beidou affairs, and he looks like a person from the outside world at first glance. "

"Yeah!" Jiang Tingting gestured happily. "I finally have a junior brother."

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Tingting yelled at Jiang Tong who was thousands of feet above: "Little brother, come on, get all these hateful ancients down, and senior sister is here to support you."


After Jiang Tong heard Jiang Tingting's yelling below, there was confusion in her eyes.

"Who are you, junior brother?"

Jiang Tong was confused by Jiang Tingting's sudden change of title, but this was not the time for him to be distracted. Jiang Tong looked at the golden elixir revealed by him, his eyes flashed, and he began to recite the Sun Scripture in his heart.

As Jiang Tong continued to run the Sun Scripture, nine huge ancient characters of immortal writing jumped out of the golden pill one by one.

These ancient characters exude the golden sun's sacred power, constantly rotating around the golden core, and the spiritual sun used for lighting in the virtual god world is drawn by the golden core to absorb the infinite solar fire into the nine ancient ancient characters At the same time, a huge amount of the sun's holy power continuously emerged from the golden core and merged into the ancient characters, making these nine ancient characters continuously exude a powerful momentum.

As the battle between Jiang Tong and the Holy Prince grew louder and louder, many strong men from the human race were also attracted to the ancient race.

At this time, some knowledgeable people recognized Jiang Tong's physique and scriptures.

An elder from the Jiang family felt the very familiar aura on Jiang Tong's body and couldn't help but admired: "What a pure holy power of the sun. What that boy used was the Sun Sutra, the Supreme Mother Sutra of our human race."

At this time, another well-informed human race powerhouse said: "Not only that, you see, the boy's immortal platform is shining with gold, as if a divine sun stands in the sky, this is probably the same physique as the legendary Sun Emperor Sun Eucharist."

"What, the Holy Body of the Sun?" Everyone exclaimed, looking at Jiang Tong in the sky in disbelief. "Now even the Holy Body of the Sun has appeared. Could it be that another golden age is about to come? Otherwise, how could there be so many powerful physiques emerging in these years?"

While everyone was amazed, the golden light on the nine ancient characters outside the golden elixir became more and more dazzling, and the thick sun fire burned brightly outside the ancient characters. The ancient characters became bigger and bigger, and soon they were as big as his palm.

Jiang Tong looked at the Holy Prince who had stood up from the ground and pushed his palm out of the space. Suddenly a smile appeared on his face: "Brother Monkey, if you can resist my move, I will obey you."

"go with!"

As Jiang Tong's words fell, nine ancient characters poured into his giant palm pressing the Holy Prince. The giant palm suddenly glowed with divine light, and its weight suddenly became more than ten times higher than before. At the same time, a powerful sealing power came through. He wrapped his giant palm around the Holy Prince. Under Jiang Tong's strong pressure, the Holy Prince stepped on two huge pits in the ground of the Virtual God Realm. Huge cracks appeared one after another, like bottomless abyss. Just like this, the Holy Prince The prince was gradually pressed to the ground by Jiang Tong.

The Holy Prince's legs were trembling slightly due to the sudden heavy pressure. He desperately resisted Jiang Tong's pressure, and his eyes turned red.

Even though he was at a disadvantage in the confrontation with Jiang Tong, he still refused to admit defeat. Instead, he raised his head and looked at Jiang Tong with fighting spirit: "Boy, my holy prince has stood upright for the rest of my life. I will never be pressed to the ground again. Absolutely impossible."

As the Holy Prince shouted, he gradually stood up from the ground. He used the earth as support and his body as the pillar of heaven, and pushed Jiang Tong's giant palm out of the ground step by step.

"Well done Your Highness!"

Although the Holy Prince was at a disadvantage in the competition with Jiang Tong, but with Huoqizi Zhuyu in front, these ancient tribes actually accepted Jiang Tong's strength in their hearts, and did not think it was the incompetence of the Holy Prince, but now they see Even though the Holy Prince was at a disadvantage, he still did not give up the fight. He even suppressed his realm in the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm to fight against Jiang Tong, and tenaciously regained the disadvantage bit by bit. They couldn't help it. Shout out to the Holy Prince.

Vaguely, these ancient clans seemed to have seen the violent and domineering supreme holy emperor in the last years of the ancient times, fighting the sky and fighting the earth, and the power shook the nine heavens and the ten earths.

Although the Holy Prince seemed to be taking back the initiative bit by bit at this time, the True Dragon clone saw that this was the advantage he had regained at the cost of burning his own origin. Although death in the Virtual God Realm would not have much impact on him. Big impact, but exhausting the source bit by bit like the Holy Prince will still leave some sequelae.

"Holy Prince, it's not worth it."

He couldn't watch the Holy Prince destroy his body like this, so the real dragon clone took action. He waved his palm gently, and two divine beasts, a dragon and a phoenix, came out of his palm and slapped Jiang Tong. In an instant, Jiang Tong was unable to fight back. He flew out with great force.

"Senior brother, are you alright!"

Seeing Jiang Tong being beaten away by the real dragon clone, Jiang Tingting, who had been paying attention to the situation, quickly rescued Jiang Tong.

Jiang Tong looked in horror at the real dragon clone that easily knocked him away. Although all his energy was focused on the confrontation with the Holy Prince, he would not be blown away so easily.

"This is a strong enemy, a very strong enemy." Jiang Tong couldn't help but sigh.

Jiang Tingting saw that Jiang Tong had been looking at the real dragon avatar, and immediately agreed: "Little Tonger, don't underestimate that dragon prince, his strength is enough to compete with our master in the Big Dipper, he is the Big Dipper Soul figure of the ancient clan, your training time is too short now, it is normal not to be his opponent."

"Our master?"

When Jiang Tong heard this, she looked at Jiang Tingting suspiciously. "Sister, did you make a mistake?"

"That's right, is your master a young Taoist in Taoist robes..."

Then Jiang Tingting described Li Ran's face bit by bit, and Jiang Tong became more and more shocked as she listened.

"Sister Tingting and I are really a master? Master, he is actually the great sage who came to my Ziwei from Beidou?"

In an instant, Jiang Tong's heart was spinning a thousand times and she had a myriad of thoughts.

"Yes, Xiao Tong'er, you are right. Besides, are you currently practicing something called the Golden Pill Avenue?"

"Golden Core Avenue?"

Jiang Tong recalled the past carefully, and found that Li Ran indeed seemed to have told him some knowledge about Jindan Dao.

"Senior sister?" Jiang Tong looked at Jiang Tingting uncertainly and shouted.

"Hey, junior brother!" When Jiang Tingting heard Jiang Tong's name, her eyes smiled like crescent moons.

Jiang Tingting helped Jiang Tong back to the crowd. At this time, many humans gathered around and shouted, cheering for Jiang Tong to defeat and suppress the two ancient princes one after another.

Jiang Tong looked at the people around him who kept cheering for him, with a proud smile on his face, and thought to himself: "It seems that I am quite powerful, even these so-called princes are no match for me in a battle at the same level. I will definitely win this competition between the Ziwei Divine Dynasty."

"Brother Monkey, you are too reckless, it's just a competition, there is no need to fight to this extent."

The real dragon clone helped the Holy Prince up from the ground, looked at him and couldn't help but say.

After hearing this, the Holy Prince shook his head again and again: "When I fight against the Holy Ape Clan, I can accept defeat, I can accept that my skills are not as good as others, and I can even die in an upright battle. Failure, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will never give up."

"Okay!" Seeing that the Holy Prince had finished speaking, the True Dragon clone didn't know what to say.

He turned his head to look at Jiang Tong, who was gradually complacent and lost himself in the compliments of the crowd, and the corners of his eyes wrinkled undetectably.

"This kid still has to work hard. He just won these few games and he is so proud and complacent."

So the real dragon clone turned to look at the Holy Prince and said, "I'll vent my anger on you."

Then he jumped onto the competition stage, stretched out his hand and grabbed Jiang Tong onto the stage.

The real dragon clone stood with his hands behind his back, looked at Jiang Tong and said calmly: "Young man has good strength, I'm here to teach you a few tricks."

Jiang Tong looked at the real dragon avatar that he captured easily and comfortably: "What kind of strength is this? I didn't even have time to react, so I was brought to the stage by him."

The real dragon clone smiled slightly, and suppressed his aura to the early stage of dragon transformation.

"My strength is much greater than yours, so how about this, if you can survive two moves in my hands, I'll let you win."

After Jiang Tong watched the real dragon clone suppress its strength to the early stage of Hualong, and then heard his provocative words, a trace of anger emerged in her heart: "Why does he look down on me so much?
Am I not even able to take one of his moves? "

"Compare!" Jiang Tong replied unconvinced.

"it is good!"

The real dragon clone then gently raised one of his hands. After looking at it for a moment, he raised his palm and casually struck Jiang Tong with a palm.

"How dare he underestimate me so much."

The attitude of the real dragon avatar made Jiang Tong furious. As a young man who had just shown his strength in front of everyone, he couldn't accept this kind of contempt from others.

"I must defeat him and humiliate him severely." Jiang Tong thought to himself.

So he impatiently mobilized all his strength and used various magical powers. After several attempts, he got his wish and entered the forbidden realm again.

Jiang Tong stood in the taboo field and hit the real dragon clone with all his might.

The real dragon avatar looked at Jiang Tong who had been dazzled by anger, and sighed softly: "It's still too little experience."

The palm of the real dragon clone was unremarkable, and it collided with Jiang Tong's palm. Jiang Tong instantly felt like he was slapped on an indestructible divine stone. The real dragon clone just pressed forward slightly, and Jiang Tong's palm was filled with magical power. He was instantly obliterated. With just the strength of his physical body, Jiang Tong was unable to hold on to the formation, and his body flew out like a fallen flower or a fallen leaf.

(End of this chapter)

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