I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 198 Landing on Sendai, Invincible

Chapter 198 Landing on Sendai, Invincible

"Yes, the golden elixir is finally broken."

When Yin Tianzhi was complacent about himself, Jiang Tong also showed a big smile after the scheme succeeded.

"Why is he so happy?"

Yin Tianzhi smiled, and gradually found that Jiang Tong also had a smile on his face, and immediately realized that something was wrong.

Suspiciously, he picked up Vajra Zhuo and held Jiang Tong, secretly vigilant around, thinking to himself: "Could there be any conspiracy here?"

Just when Yin Tianzhi was puzzled by this, an earth-shaking change also took place here in Jiang Tong. The thousands of pieces of the golden elixir that he shattered with the diamond carving turned into thousands of golden elixir fragments, turned into blossoms full of divine power. The golden god flowers are flying between the heaven and the earth, and the Dao spirit from all directions pours into these golden god flowers under the influence of the god flowers, making the buds bloom, the god flowers bloom, and finally sweet and delicious flowers are formed in the center of the stamens. Sweet fruit.

Jiang Tong looked at the beautiful divine flowers fluttering in mid-air, and couldn't hide the smug smile on his face. Facing Yin Tianzhi's puzzled and puzzled gaze, Jiang Tong looked at Yin Tianzhi. He bowed his head and laughed gratefully.

"Thank you Brother Yin for helping me."

No matter how stupid Yin Tianzhi is, he still understands that he has just been fooled by Jiang Tong. The other party is obviously undergoing some kind of transformation at the moment, and he, an idiot, just used King Kong Tong to help him.

Yin Tianzhi let out a loud cry, and immediately killed Jiang Tong with the diamond in his hand in shame and anger, wanting to interrupt the transformation of the other party.

"Brother Yin, you only found out now, it's already too late."

Jiang Tong laughed loudly, a huge devouring force gushed out of his body instantly, and swallowed all the golden god flowers flying in the air near his body.

After Shenhua entered Jiang Tong's body, it turned into the sun's holy power of Zhiyang Zhigang and rushed into his secret realm of Lunhai.

Under the impact of infinite energy, the Jiang Tong Wheel Sea roared and the waves surged, and expanded once again. The originally vast and boundless sea of ​​suffering became wider and deeper, and the sea water was rendered golden by the energy transformed from the divine flower. The spring of life erupts like a volcano under the sea, bursts of light, and finally the powerful divine power rushes directly into the five internal organs from the other side.

The hearts, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, the gods of the five viscera, the Taoist palace, and the gods' eyes are wide open. They step on the ground and hold the sky in their hands.

Jiang Tong felt that the power of the five elements in his body was circulating as one at this time, and the gods of the Taoist Palace ignited a divine fire, using the divine power surging from the sea of ​​wheels as fuel, to burn a furnace of human medicine to nourish the limbs.

Under the nourishment of the great medicine of the Dao Palace, Jiang Tong's limbs were a hundred times stronger out of thin air. He waved his arms, and there was a lot of divine power in it. Jiang Tong couldn't help but cheer for the huge and substantial sense of power.

Finally, the divine power that started from the Wheel Sea poured into the dragon of the spine. His ninth-level joints crackled loudly, and the huge imperial dragon energy continued to surge up from his lower waist. He walked through the ninth-level dragon transformation again. In the heavenly realm, with every step one goes up, the dragon's energy becomes more tyrannical. Until it reaches the ninth level of heaven, the power of the dragon's energy is unmatched. It carries unstoppable divine power and rushes towards The secret realm of Sendai is the last secret realm of the human body.

"Break it!" Jiang Tong shouted, and the impenetrable iron curtain between the Immortal Stage Secret Realm and the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm was easily penetrated by the dragon energy.

Jiang Tong felt that he had come to a brand new world, and he could finally clearly feel that his divine sense had been occupying this place between his eyebrows.

When Jiang Tong completely stood on the first sky of Sendai, the golden figure that had always existed in the depths of his Sendai also reacted at this time, and the figure rushed out of his mind and came to the top of his head. Sit cross-legged and quietly recite a line of mysterious Taoist sounds that contain the ultimate principles of the great truth.

Under this Dao sound, Jiang Tong actually had a new understanding of the Sun Sutra handed down by his ancestors, and the strong real fire of the sun was guided by him from the Great Sun and poured into his body from Sendai.

The center of his brows radiated a golden divine light, like a divine sun hanging high on the celestial platform, the extremely pure holy power of the sun was dissipated by him unknowingly, and transmitted to the entire competition field.

"The Sun Scripture, the Sun Eucharist!"

Under the impact of the strong and pure holy power of the sun, everyone's eyes were on the competition stage where he was.

Princess Yueshi looked at Jiang Tong, who looked like a general of the Nine Heavens under the golden light, with a trace of shock in her eyes. She subconsciously stood up and walked to the edge of the high platform, carefully watching Jiang Tong's every move without blinking.

He muttered in his mouth: "It is rumored that in this generation of the Sun God Sect, a genius child was born. It is said that this genius child inherited the physique of the Sun Sacred Emperor in the past, and also recovered the ancient scriptures that have been lost for many years for the Sun God Sect. , I saw it today and it really wasn’t a rumor.”

Looking at Jiang Tong, Princess Yue Shi's beautiful eyes were full of energy, her eyes were in a trance, and she didn't know what she was thinking in her heart.

At this time, Imperial Master Ziwei came to her, pointed at Jiang Tong, who was still breaking through the secret realm of Xiantai, and said: "Such a talented and outstanding person is not inferior to Yin Tiande of Bajing Palace. Marrying such a person, Shi'er, I I think it’s pretty good.”

Princess Yueshi didn't say anything to refute at this time, she looked at Jiang Tong's eyes in a daze, her face was reddish, she just replied in a low voice: "That's just a child, what a shame to marry him."

"Ha, ha." Upon hearing this, Imperial Master Ziwei looked at the duplicitous Princess Yue Shi and did not reply.

Just as Jiang Tong kept breaking through, the son of the Taiyin Sect quietly came to Jiang Tong's competition stage, looking at the majestic Jiang Tong on the Taitai with his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

Almost in an instant, Jiang Tong had already stood firm on the secret realm of Sendai, and Yin Tianzhi's attack was right in front of him.

Jiang Tong picked up his palm, and he shot out a real dragon figure, and Yin Tianzhi, who instantly swung the Vajra God, was repelled by him for a few steps and retreated with hatred.

He stood with his hands behind his back, his spirits high, and a golden seed with six-color cloud patterns took root in the dantian of his lower abdomen.

He looked at Yin Tianzhi who was knocked back by his own palm and smiled lightly and said: "Brother Yin, in order to thank you for helping me reach the Immortal Platform, I will thank you very much below. I hope Brother Yin can accept it calmly."

"Hmph, kid, don't think that you can become an enemy of me if you climbed to Xiantai. If you think so, let me tell you, then you are delusional."

"Really, brother Yin, why don't you try it out."

After Jiang Tong finished answering, a light flashed in his eyes, and then his palm flew like a dragon, leaving a humanoid shadow on the spot, and he raised his palm to attack Yin Tianzhi.

"Impossible, this kid just stepped into the first heaven of Xiantai from Hualong Nine Heavens, how could he be so much stronger."

At the moment when Jiang Tong attacked, Yin Tianzhi realized that he couldn't even see the opponent's moves clearly, and his face changed drastically. He looked around, trying to find Jiang Tong's figure.

Suddenly, a concerned greeting came from my ear: "Brother Yin, it's not a good habit to be distracted during competitions."

"What!" Just when this thought flashed through Yin Tianzhi's mind, an unstoppable powerful force appeared in his lower abdomen, and his internal organs suddenly surged, and a sharp pain spread from his lower abdomen to his whole body. Yin Tianzhi was suddenly blasted out of Taichung by this huge force. , body rushed towards the sky.

Yin Tianzhi managed to regain his senses in the sky, and took out the Vajra Zhuo to stimulate the divine light to resist, but at this time Jiang Tong's next blow had arrived, and Yin Tianzhi's back was in sharp pain again, and there was another burst of pain. Peiran bombarded him with great force, and as a huge explosion occurred on the competition stage, thick smoke filled the stage, and the surrounding void gods loomed, isolating the movement of the competition between the two in the stage, just like that Yin Tianzhi fell to the ground again.

He hurriedly spat out a stream of blood from his mouth, mixed with a few pieces of internal organs, and half lay on the stage weakly, the original jade brilliance on the surface of his body became dim.

"I don't believe it. Yin Tianzhi stretched out his hand to wipe the remaining blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Jiang Tong with eyes full of disbelief.

He, Yin Tianzhi, is one of the few geniuses even in Ziwei's size. How could it be possible that he didn't even have the strength to fight back in the first battle at the same level, and he didn't even have the chance to take out the treasure soldier's body armor? This is absolutely impossible in Yin Tianzhi's opinion. He would rather believe that everything in front of him is an illusion.

"You do not believe?"

Jiang Tong showed his figure at this time, he walked into Yin Tianzhi step by step, came to him, and lifted him up by the collar of Yin Tianzhi.

He sneered and said: "If your elder brother came here, he said that he still has the qualifications, but what are you, you dare to be compared with me.

A mere waste who relies on his brother Yu Guang, what are you? "

Suddenly, Jiang Tong took advantage of the situation and punched Yin Tianzhi hard on the forehead. This punch made his eyes stare, and his soul almost fell apart.

"Tell me, do you admit defeat?"


Yin Tianzhi was held in Jiang Tong's hand and was speechless intermittently, but Jiang Tong saw the unyielding meaning in his eyes, and then became furious and punched him again.

"Are you still not convinced?
Which one gave you the courage to disobey me? "

After dozens of heavy iron fist blows, even though Yin Tianzhi's whole body was bathed in Phoenix blood and was extremely hard, he could not withstand Jiang Tong's beating. His face was bruised and swollen, almost turning into a pig's head.

"Are you still not convinced?"

Jiang Tong took the diamond from Yin Tianzhi's hand and knocked it on the palm of his hand. Looking at Yin Tianzhi whose eyes were still firm, Jiang Tong finally let out a long sigh.

Looking at Yin Tianzhi, he couldn't help but praise: "You are amazing, I am convinced.

But my master once told me that since you can't defeat a person mentally, you can only destroy him physically.

You are a cruel person. In order to make you admit defeat, I have no choice but to kill you. "

"Jiang Tong, what do you want to do?"

Yin Tianzhi looked at Jiang Tong with a cruel smile on his face, and finally started to panic after he said this.

"Jiang Tong, I advise you to think twice. Divine Lord Ziwei has repeatedly warned you that this competition is only to select Princess Yue Shi's good match, and no human life is allowed.

If you dare to kill me, Ziwei Divine Dynasty will not tolerate you. "

After hearing this, Jiang Tong looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "What can his Ziwei Divine Dynasty do to me, and what will happen if I kill you?

How about we give it a try? "

Seeing that he moved out of the Ziwei Dynasty, Jiang Tong still did not change his mind, Yin Tianzhi finally couldn't hold on anymore, he came here just for experience, not to die.

So he decisively raised his hands to Jiang Tong and admitted defeat.

Jiang Tong nodded in satisfaction: "Well, it's really bad, you have to make me do this to admit defeat, it seems that I'm a little unreasonable.

Forget it, I’ll let you go this time. "

"But!" Jiang Tong raised the Vajra God Zhuo who had been playing with his hand and showed a smile on his face.

"This Zhuozi is a good thing, so I accepted it."

After Jiang Tong finished speaking, he glared at Yin Tianzhi and looked at him silently. When Yin Tianzhi saw the undisguised murderous intent in Jiang Tong's eyes, he immediately became scared and bowed to him repeatedly and said, "This is such a good treasure. He should be matched with a strong person who is suitable for him, and it is just right for God to give you such a strong person."

"Well, not bad, very good."

Jiang Tong took Shen Zhuo back into his arms in satisfaction, and kicked Yin Tianzhi off the competition stage.

As Yin Tianzhi bowed his head and surrendered, a soldier flew to the competition stage and shouted while holding Jiang Tong's right hand high.

"The Sun God taught Jiang Tong to win against Yin Tianzhi from the Bajing Palace."


After defeating Yin Tianzhi, Jiang Tong walked off the stage happily. Just when he was about to find a safe place, a young man dressed in black stood in front of him.

"Son of the Sun, you are very good." The young man in black looked at Jiang Tong with admiration.

"Am I good, I need your evaluation?" Jiang Tong recognized the person who came, it was the Son of Taiyin whom he wanted to kill in this competition.

The young man was young and energetic. Faced with Jiang Tong's harsh words, the Taiyin God didn't really care. He still looked at Jiang Tong with admiration.

"Holy Son of the Sun, you are very powerful and worthy of my attention. If you are willing to surrender to me and become my follower, I will ensure that your Sun God Sect will never be destroyed and will flourish together with my Taiyin God Sect in the Ziwei Emperor. In the stars.”

"Become your follower?" After Jiang Tong said these words, the expression on Jiang Tong's face showed that he had heard a big joke.

He looked at the Taiyin God Son and sneered again and again: "A slave who is carrying his master's back and can't even step into the divine forbidden area. Who gave you the confidence to dare to surrender to me?"

"A house slave who betrayed the master?"

After hearing the four words in Jiang Tong's mouth, Taiyin Shenzi's face was gloomy, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Son of the Sun, you are playing with fire.

Be careful, a genius without growth is just a genius.

Not everyone is lucky enough to survive to the end. "Taiyin Godzi looked at Jiang Tong and said in a low voice.

"is it?
I don’t know how long you, Taiyin God Son, can live. I think it will only be in the next few months. "

Suddenly, Jiang Tong's tone became a little more serious, and when she looked at Taiyin God Son, she unabashedly revealed her intention to kill him.

"Son of Taiyin, enjoy the rest of the time, because you will meet me soon, and I will make your death ugly."

Jiang Tong patted Taiyin Shenzi on the shoulder and left with a smile.

"Hmph!" Taiyin Shenzi looked at Jiang Tong's leaving figure with two blazes of anger in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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