I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 208 Unexpectedly, I am old 6

Chapter 208 Unexpectedly, I am the sixth child
News of the deaths of the ten princes of the Golden Crow tribe quickly spread throughout Beihai.

The Golden Crow Holy King was even more furious when he heard this. Although he had so many descendants that he could hardly count them, these ten sons were different. They were the most outstanding among all his children, and even more so. The leader of this generation of the Golden Crow clan is given the title of Prince, which is enough to protect the Golden Crow clan in the prosperous future of Ziwei for thousands of years.

Now these ten princes died for no reason in Beihai. How could this not make him furious? When the Golden Crow Holy King heard the news, he broke out of the cave where he had been in seclusion for a long time.

He even personally rushed to the sea area where Jiang Tong killed ten princes. The first thing he saw here was the corpse of the sixth prince Lu Ya. At this time, the corpse floating in the sea had already been eaten by fish and shrimps. dilapidated.

The moment the Golden Crow Holy King saw the corpse, he burst into tears. With trembling hands, he lifted up the unrecognizable corpse and cried out miserably: "Old Six!"

Lu Ya was the most outstanding of his ten sons. He had high hopes for him and considered him to be the one who could inherit his position as the leader of the Golden Crow clan. But now he died miserably in the North Sea, leaving the fish and shrimp monsters alone. Pecking, how could he not hate it in his heart.

At this time, the Golden Crow Holy King discovered another Golden Crow corpse from the sea not far ahead. He screamed sadly again, came to the corpse, and shouted: "Third Brother!"

Now the Golden Crow Holy King went around and searched the entire sea area, and finally found the corpses of his nine children. These corpses were eaten to pieces by the monsters in the sea. They were almost unrecognizable in human form, but at any rate The body could still be recovered, but the bones of the eldest prince were the only ones that the Golden Crow Holy King searched the entire sea area but could not find.

After failing to find any trace of the eldest prince, the Golden Crow Sage King had a glimmer of hope in his heart, and he thought to himself: "The boss may have escaped this catastrophe, and he is healing somewhere at this moment!"

Although this possibility is very small, for the patriarch whose nine children died in one day, this is already good news that is not good news.

At this time, the Golden Crow Sage King looked down at the nine corpses of different sizes under him, and an uncontrollable anger arose in his heart: "Let all the Golden Crows in the clan land be mobilized and turn the North Sea upside down for me. We must find the murderer who killed my nine children."

"As ordered!"

Following the order from the Holy King of the Golden Crow, the Golden Crow tribe came out in full force. The Golden Crows all over the sky came to the formerly uninhabited Beihai, and the golden sun's true fire burned across half of the sky.

Countless members of the Golden Crow clan have combed through almost all the places in Beihai. In the past, the large and small demon clans that were kings in Beihai cooperated obediently to search for traces of Jiang Tong under the wrath of the Golden Crow Holy King.

With such a drag-net search, finding the murderer is almost within reach.

However, the Golden Crow Sage King didn't feel any joy in his heart. He stood on an island in the North Sea, frowning, and looked to the south in silence.

When he collected the corpses of several princes before, he felt an extremely pure and powerful holy power of the sun from the corpses. This holy power of the sun was very pure and completely different from the holy power of the sun that the Golden Crow clan had cultivated. There was a faint hint of it. There is a grand and atmospheric flavor in it.

This feeling is very familiar to the Golden Crow Holy King. It is the holy power that can only be produced by cultivating the Sun Scripture to an extremely advanced level. It is precisely because of this that the Golden Crow Holy King is worried, because the Sun Scripture is the name of Dongsheng Shenzhou, a certain The fundamental scripture of this great religion.

Thinking of the Sun God Sect, the Golden Crow Holy King shuddered coldly. He thought of the powerful figure that looked like a god and a demon eight years ago. That unmatched power was still unforgettable in his heart.

If the Sun God Sect really attacks him, what can he do? Even if the human saint comes from the Golden Crow clan, he is no match for him.

"It shouldn't be such a coincidence. This Sun Scripture is one of the mother scriptures of the human race. It has been passed down by Ziwei for millions of years. There are more than one great sect that hides this sect. Maybe it is other people who have enmity with my Golden Crow clan. Come to seek revenge.”

The Golden Crow Sage King secretly comforted himself in his heart.

However, at this moment, an unexpected figure appeared in Beiju Luzhou.

"Jiang Lang, aren't we going to find Yugu's location? Why are we on the mainland again?"

Jiang Tong and Princess Yue Shi stood in front of a lush forest. Not far ahead was the seat of the Golden Crow Clan.

Jiang Tong stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the land of the Jinwu tribe in front of him, with a smile on his face, he turned his head to look at Princess Yueshi: "The Jinwu tribe has been in Ziwei for tens of thousands of years, and it has never declined. Such a history The long-standing rich family does not know how many good things have been stored in secret.

Leaving these things to them is a waste, so why not let us collect them? "

Princess Yue Shi looked at Jiang Tong worriedly when she heard this: "Husband, although most of the powerful people of the Golden Crow clan are now in Beihai, after all, this is a powerful demon clan, and it is impossible for the clan to be unguarded. It's just the two of us. Once this passes, there will be more misfortune than good."

Jiang Tong smiled confidently when he heard this, looked at Princess Yue Shi who was worried on her face and laughed loudly: "Haha, how can I fight a battle that I am not sure of? Eight years ago, I came to the Golden Crow tribe with my master.

I know very well what details they have. I already inquired about it before I came here. Now all the strong men above the Dao-Zhan King have been sent to Beihai by that stupid Golden Crow Saint King. There are no strong men above the Dao-Zhan. The remaining ones are They're just a bunch of fish. "

"Is that so?" Princess Yue Shi finally felt relieved when she heard what Jiang Tong said.

The two walked all the way to the Golden Crow Clan. At this time, a huge sky formation enveloped the entire clan land, and densely packed runes were looming in the void, shining with golden light.

Jiang Tong smiled softly when he saw this, and a golden light appeared in his eyes. The details of the entire formation were instantly clear to him.

After he looked around the formation, a smile showed on his face that he was in control. He took Princess Yue Shi's white and tender little hand and said with a confident smile: "Go this way."

Princess Yue Shi followed him through the formation without any danger and entered the Golden Crow Clan.

At this time, Jiang Tong saw the golden hibiscus forest eight years ago again. Behind this hibiscus forest, the palace was looming.

"What a strong solar power!"

As soon as he entered the Fusang forest, Jiang Tong felt a very comfortable airflow pouring into his body. This is the most pure solar power in the Golden Crow tribe. After feeling the body of the sun, Jiang Tong came to the Golden Crow Like fish in water, the clan quickly adapted to the environment.

Soon Jiang Tong's body was shining with golden light, and his body was full of divine light. It was like a tornado appeared on his body, devouring the holy power of the sun in the Fusang forest. This huge movement quickly attracted the attention of the Golden Crow who stayed in the clan area.

"Princess Yue Shi, what do you want from intruding into our Golden Crow Clan for no reason?"

The person who came was a very young boy, as handsome as the ten Golden Crow princes who were killed by Jiang Tong.

"Shi'er, who is he?"

After Jiang Tong looked over, the young man whose eyes were only on Princess Yueshi felt a surge of displeasure in his heart.

Princess Yueshi looked at Jiang Tong who was jealous of the young man's arrival, and couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

"What a sour young man."

Jiang Tong didn't pay any attention to Princess Yue Shi's teasing. He still stared at the young man from the Golden Crow tribe in front of him and asked Princess Yue Shi's name.

Princess Yue Shi looked at the sour Jiang Tong and smiled helplessly, and said to him: "This person is the younger brother of the Golden Crow Holy King named Chi Yang. His strength is unfathomable. It is said that he is stronger than the ten princes you killed. Be strong."

"Really?" Jiang Tong was noncommittal when he heard the words. He curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Then I have to learn from you."

After finishing speaking, he raised his stick and swung it towards Chiyang, Wan Jun knocked it down with a stick.

It was only then that Chi Yang noticed Jiang Tong beside Princess Yueshi, and when he saw Jiang Tong who had made a move without saying a word, he was furious. Nine golden divine crows perched among them, and the golden leaves rustled.

"Do you have visions?"

Jiang Tong pursed his lips, and then a phantom of the ancient holy emperor appeared out of thin air, driving the nine-bird chariot down from the sky, and the golden Shenyang was driven forward by him in front of the phantom.

Chi Yang glanced at the divine bird under the car and was furious. It was nine three-legged golden crows.

Under the control of the furious Chiyang, the sacred tree of hibiscus was suppressed out of thin air, showing its might.

Jiang Tong smiled when he saw this. He raised the magic stick high, and a scorching sun appeared in front of him. The golden divine fire suddenly illuminated the entire Golden Crow clan.

"You are Jiang Tong from the Sun God Cult?"

Chi Yang recognized Jiang Tong's identity from the strong holy power of the sun.

Jiang Tong smiled when he saw it, and a violent aura appeared out of thin air. He swung his stick and shouted: "You don't care who I am, just die!"

In an instant, the ancient human emperor drove the nine-bird chariot and drove the scorching sun down with great force, entangled with the sacred Fusang tree in the red sun.

At this time, Jiang Tong's magic stick had arrived, and the powerful wind from the stick stung Chiyang's cheek, making him immediately realize the power of this stick.

Chi Yang was shocked and used his movement technique to avoid Jiang Tong's blow. He transformed into the shape of a golden crow and vibrated his wings.

Hovering in the sky.

Seeing this, Jiang Tong snorted coldly, took out the bow, opened the bow and set an arrow. The endless golden divine light gathered on the bow string and turned into an indestructible divine arrow.

Jiang Tong aimed his arrow at Chi Yang, and death suddenly enveloped Chi Yang's heart, causing a haze to appear in his heart.

"How did this kid practice? He is so powerful at only twelve or thirteen years old."

The red sun whirled in the sky and transformed into countless clones, trying to avoid Jiang Tong's fatal arrow.

But Jiang Tong's arrow turned as he pleased. No matter how he hid, it always locked onto Chi Yang's true body. With a "whoosh" sound, Jiang Tong shot out an arrow.

This arrow ignored the countless clones in the sky and pointed directly at Chiyang's true body, which frightened him to death. Chiyang looked at this fatal arrow, gritted his teeth, and tore a gap in the sky. Hide into the void.

Jiang Tong looked at Chiyang's movements and put the bow and arrow back into the sea of ​​suffering.

"He escaped!" Princess Yueshi looked at Chi Yang who was hiding in the void and couldn't help reminding Jiang Tong.

Jiang Tong smiled confidently, looked at Chiyang's fleeing position and said calmly: "Let the arrow fly for a while."

Jiang Tong's strong self-confidence infected Princess Yue Shi. Although she didn't know why Jiang Tong was so confident, she still stood beside him and watched the arrows being shot.


At this time, Princess Yue Shi let out an exclamation. He saw that the arrow shot by Jiang Tong also tore a crack at the position where Chiyang hid in the void, and shot into the void.

"Three, two, one!"

After counting three times, Jiang Tong suddenly pulled Princess Yue Shi and pointed at a certain place and laughed: "Look there!"

Princess Yue Shi looked in the direction pointed by Jiang Tong, and suddenly found a hole in the empty place, and a divine arrow came out of the mysterious space with Chiyang's body.

"Really kill him with one arrow!" Princess Yue Shi looked at Jiang Tong's confident figure and her beautiful eyes flashed.

At this time, Jiang Tong looked up to the sky and fired another arrow. When the arrow rose into the sky, it immediately split into countless flames and fell into the Golden Crow Clan. For a moment, the powerful and terrifying Sun Fire burned, and mourning filled the land.

Jiang Tong took Princess Yue Shi's little hand and slowly walked into the Golden Crow Clan's treasure house.

By the time the Golden Crow Holy King received the news in Beihai, the entire Golden Crow clan had been reduced to ruins.

The Holy King of the Golden Crow stood in front of the felled hibiscus forest and looked coldly at the corpse of Chiyang that was burned to black charcoal on the ground. Without saying a word, a cold murderous intention enveloped the surrounding Golden Crow people, making them feel as if Feeling like falling into an abyss, trembling with fear.

"Who did it?" The Golden Crow Holy King looked at a surviving Golden Crow tribesman with murderous intent and asked.

The Golden Crow tribesman who was stared at with the murderous eyes of the Golden Crow Holy King tremblingly replied: "The Holy King is Jiang Tong from the Sun God Sect and Princess Yue Shi from the Ziwei Dynasty."

"I didn't expect that it turned out to be true."

The Golden Crow Sage King sighed slightly in his heart, but soon an invisible and huge anger surged into his heart. Looking at the ruined clan land in front of him, he said angrily: "What can the Great Sage do? My Golden Crow clan will never accept this kind of humiliation.

The order is passed down, and anyone who can provide information about Jiang Tong to our clan will be given a square of Sun Gold.

If someone can offer Jiang Tong's head, we, the Golden Crow Clan, will be at their beck and call. "

The order of the Golden Crow Holy King spread quickly from the land of the Golden Crow to the four major continents, and then spread to the land of the whole world.

When they heard that Jiang Tong was causing trouble in the Golden Crow clan and killing the top ten princes and Chi Yang, the younger brother of the Golden Crow Saint King, all the great sects and ancient lands were shocked. They couldn't believe that this teenage boy could actually do such a big thing. .

At the same time, many powerful people were tempted by the promise of the Golden Crow Holy King and went out to capture Jiang Tong in exchange for benefits from the Golden Crow clan.

After passing down the order, the Holy King of the Golden Crow came to an altar deep in the clan. Soon after, a golden light flashed on the altar, and a powerful figure appeared on the altar.

The Golden Crow Sage King looked at the figure of the other party, and silently said to him: "Old Ancestor!"

The figure looked at the respectful Golden Crow Holy King standing aside with his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "Why did you wake me up?"

(End of this chapter)

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