I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 210 Jiang Tong is in danger, Li Ran finally arrives

Chapter 210 Jiang Tong is in danger, Li Ran finally arrives

Just by the Golden Crow Holy King standing in front of Jiang Tong, he felt as if he was walking on thin ice in an abyss.

Standing against the wind, he stood on the sky and looked down at Jiang Tong, his face was as calm as water, as if he was here for an outing at the moment, and the powerful holy power was faintly rolled out from the Golden Crow Holy King, triggering the water riots in the abyss of the North Sea , the water of the abyss flows up from the bottom of the sea, forming a black vortex outside the small island that reaches the sky,
Jiang Tong looked at the sea area that had undergone drastic changes due to the arrival of the Golden Crow Saint King, and his face gradually became gloomy: "I didn't expect that the realm of the Saint King could actually cause changes in the celestial phenomena. I'm afraid it will be difficult to be good today."

Jiang Tong held Princess Yue Shi tightly with her right hand and protected her behind her.

"You are quite sympathetic!"

The Golden Crow Holy King looked down at Jiang Tong who was blocking Princess Yue Shi's face, put his hands behind his back and said something neutral.

Jiang Tong glanced at the Golden Crow Holy King contemptuously, and suddenly smiled: "Have you forgotten the ten-year agreement?

Why was it that my master’s beating eight years ago wasn’t bad enough and I still want to try again today? "

When the Golden Crow Sage King heard Jiang Tong's words, he couldn't maintain his calm expression any longer. His face flushed, as if he remembered how he was beaten by Li Ran back then.

At this point, the face of the Golden Crow Holy King finally revealed the killing intent that had been hidden deep in his heart.

He took a step forward and said coldly: "You did it to my ten children, right?
The land of our Jinwu Tribe was burned down by fire! "

Jiang Tong didn't look for excuses, and directly admitted these two things.

He raised his head and said in disdain, "So what if it's me?
Those ten children of yours are really useless, I am only the first heaven of Xiantai, and ten monks from the second heaven of Xiantai teamed up to deal with me, and I killed them one by one. "

Jiang Tong's bold admission seemed to have aroused the pain in the heart of the Golden Crow Sacred King. Seeing that Jiang Tong could no longer control his expression, he shouted angrily, "Since you admit it, today you will go to hell as an excuse." I must repay the child who died tragically at that time."

Hearing this, Jiang Tong looked up to the sky and laughed, looking at the Golden Crow Holy King with an extremely contemptuous look: "Do you want to think about it again?

I'm afraid that my master will come to your Golden Crow tribe to question you. "

The Golden Crow Sacred King replied with murderous intent in his eyes: "What you killed is the future of my Golden Crow clan. My ten most talented children, even if your master came today, they would not be able to save you."

"is it?"

At this time, Jiang Tong suddenly looked behind the Golden Crow Sage King, and shouted in surprise: "Master, why have you come to Beihai?"

After the Golden Crow Holy King heard Jiang Tong's scream, he suddenly felt nervous. He subconsciously looked behind him, but saw that the sky was blue, and there was not even a trace of a bird or beast, let alone Li Ran's. The figure is gone.

"It's not easy to be fooled!"

The Golden Crow Sage King instantly realized that he had been deceived. He turned around and looked at the island, where he could not find Jiang Tong.

Looking at the deserted sea, the Golden Crow Holy King smiled disdainfully: "It's extremely ridiculous."

Immediately turning around, the Golden Crow Holy King chose a direction in the sea and chased after the rainbow.

Jiang Tong was running for his life at this time, with the divine rainbows constantly intertwining under his feet. However, the Golden Crow Holy King was chasing him from a distance. No matter how Jiang Tong hid, he could not get rid of him.

Jiang Tong glanced at the golden Shenwu behind him, who was closely following him, and smacked him: "It's like a dog-skin plaster. I can't get rid of him no matter what."

As the words fell, he cast another spell, and divine power surged in the sea of ​​suffering, pouring into his feet. His speed instantly increased to a higher level, leaving shadows in the sky.

Seeing Jiang Tong whose speed increased sharply, the Golden Crow Sage King, who had been chasing after him, smiled contemptuously. He spread his wings, and two golden divine lights appeared between the two wings. The speed suddenly increased, and he caught up with Jiang Tong again. .

"It's really annoying!" Jiang Tong glanced at the Golden Crow Sage King who was still following closely behind her, and felt agitated in his heart. Xingzi Mi had been pushed to the extreme by him, but he still couldn't get rid of the Golden Crow Sage King. Let Jiang Tong's heart be covered with a layer of haze.

Under the hot pursuit of the Golden Crow Saint King, Jiang Tong was extremely agitated at the moment. He did not dare to stop for a moment. The cultivation level of the Golden Crow Saint King in the saint realm was definitely not something he could match now. Once he stopped for a moment, let him If the Golden Crow Holy King can catch up with him, he and Princess Yue Shi will probably die in the next moment, becoming a pair of desperate mandarin ducks under the Nine Netherworld.

Princess Yue Shi, who was hugged by Jiang Tong and ran for her life, seemed to be aware of his irritability at the moment, and stretched out a hand to caress Jiang Tong to calm his anxiety.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I will definitely take you out of the other party's pursuit and bring you back safely to the Ziwei Dynasty."

"Well, I believe you!" Princess Yue Shi smiled sweetly, without any intention of complaining about Jiang Tong.

Under the considerate understanding of Princess Yueshi, Jiang Tong gradually calmed down. He tried his best to run the Xingzi secret to avoid the pursuit. Flying over the North Sea, he slowly came to an unfamiliar sea area. The water in this sea area was deeper and darker. It seemed that he had reached the depths of the North Sea.

After coming to this unfamiliar sea area, the Golden Crow Sage King stopped in surprise as he looked at a small island ahead.

This is an ancient island located in the black ocean. The island is full of vitality, there are endless medicinal kings, and the rich aroma of medicine is assailed.The most shocking thing is that there is an ancient tree in the center of the island. It is golden in color, as if the whole body is made of gold. The golden leaves on the branches are lush, and the holy power of the sun flows in strands.Outside the island, the sky was filled with darkness, big waves broke the clouds, and the ocean abyss and the dark clouds on the horizon merged into one place. At this moment, Jiang Tong felt that she had arrived at the end of the world.

"Tang Gu! The Golden Crow Holy King didn't care about Jiang Tong and Princess Yue Shi who were running for their lives. He stared blankly at the small island in front of him, stopped and murmured.

The sacred tree on the small island supports the sky-high golden curtain, isolating the rough North Sea and ocean from the island, leaving a peaceful and pure land in this remote place.

The Golden Crow Sacred King looked at the golden sacred tree quietly rooted on the small island in front of him, a trace of greed appeared in his eyes.

"The Immortal Fusang Sacred Tree is really easy to come by!
This baby is mine! "

The Golden Crow Holy King looked up to the sky and laughed, and suddenly gave up Jiang Tong and rushed to the island, wanting to uproot the immortal hibiscus tree stationed on the island.

However, just as he was about to approach the island, a stream of light suddenly appeared and hit the Golden Crow Holy King. From the sudden appearance of the stream of light in front of him, the Golden Crow Holy King felt a strong sense of crisis. He quickly turned over to avoid the streamer. Hit the corner of his clothes.

Seeing the hem of his clothes instantly annihilated into vitality after being hit by the streamer, the Golden Crow Sacred King gasped. The clothes on his body were woven from the finest silkworm silk, which had a strong defensive ability. But under this stream of light, he was beaten to ashes without even being able to hold on for a moment.

In an instant, the Golden Crow Sage King looked at the small island in front of him with a look of fear on his face. The divine curtain outside the small island in front of him was full of dangers. Kojima took out the Fuso Undead Tree.

"It is rumored that Tanggu is the place where the Human Race's Holy Emperor of the Sun is enthroned. Now it seems that it is indeed true. If it weren't for the great formation set up by the Great Emperor, how could there be such a strong threat."

"Sun Emperor!"

Saying this name in his mouth, the Golden Crow Sage King seemed to suddenly think of something, his eyes fell on Jiang Tong not far away, and a good idea popped up in his mind.

He approached Jiang Tong with a big laugh, and shot out a beam of divine light that turned into a sky and surrounded the island with a radius of hundreds of miles.

"Boy, you can't escape now, right? You are a descendant of the Holy Sun Emperor, and you are carrying the Holy Body of the Sun. With your blood, you can definitely break through the Tanggu formation."

Facing the Golden Crow Sage King who was pressing on him step by step, Jiang Tong also showed a smile on his face at this moment. He put down Princess Yueshi's little hand, put his hands behind his back, and smiled calmly on his face, no longer flustered before.

"Yes, I finally found Tang Gu. Your death has come, Holy King Golden Crow."

Jiang Tong's words made the Golden Crow Holy King seem to hear a huge smile. He raised his head and looked at Jiang Tong with a scornful smile: "Boy, are you so stupid that you are being chased? How can you still count on you here?" Can Master arrive in time to save you?

If your master really came, then I will let you master and apprentice be buried here together today. "

The words of the Golden Crow Saint King revealed infinite confidence, and his words were sharp and sharp.

At this moment, a figure suddenly fell from the sky.

"Can you repeat what you just said?"

Li Ran had a warm smile on his face, his hands behind his back, and his eyes were staring at the Golden Crow Holy King quietly, as if he was looking at a dead person.

Unexpectedly, the Golden Crow Holy King was not surprised but smiled instead: "I didn't expect you to come too. Well, today I will avenge the humiliation you left me eight years ago."

Seeing the Golden Crow Sage King who was still arrogant and fearless after he appeared, the smile on Li Ran's face disappeared for the first time.

Sure enough, not long after, a figure like the scorching sun appeared in the North Sea. The other party's aura was deep and unfathomable, and he stood beside the Golden Crow Sage King in a golden robe.

Li Ran looked at the other party with a solemn expression, looked at him uncertainly and asked: "Great Sage?"

The Golden Crow Great Sage looked at Li Ran carefully, and the confident smile on his face suddenly disappeared. He lowered his head and looked at the Golden Crow Sage King and said: "The other party is also a great sage, his strength is not weak, and what appears in front of us is just a piece of Yuan. God clone, you must fight with the other party to the end."

The Golden Crow Sage King pointed to Tang Gu who was right in front of him and said, "Old Ancestor, if you are willing to hand over the elixir, then this junior will just turn around and leave."

Looking at the Fusang Undead Tree in Tanggu, the Golden Crow Great Sage's eyes burst into greed. He nodded and said: "This Fusang sacred tree is of great use to our clan, and this kind of treasure really cannot be surrendered."

After finishing speaking, the Great Sage Golden Crow immediately looked up at Li Ran: "For this elixir, it is nothing to offend a great sage."

He stretched out his palms, and the dazzling true fire of the sun turned into water flowing in his palms.

The Great Sage of the Golden Crow cupped his fists and bowed to Li Ran: "The dispute over the way of life has offended me."

The Great Sage of the Golden Crow slapped out a palm, and the divine fire spread like flowing water between the sky and the earth, wrapping Li Ran inside.

Looking at the golden divine fire lingering around him, Li Ran's eyes were solemn. He felt a power from the divine fire that could melt and destroy the soul, and he knew that he could not escape the ghost of the soul.

He wanted to say a few words to Jiang Tong, but he was separated from Jiang Tong by many fires.

Facing this scene, Li Ran quietly glanced at the Golden Crow Great Sage and decisively destroyed the Primordial Spirit.

"His primordial spirit has self-destructed."

The Great Sage Golden Crow sensed the movement in the divine fire, sighed quietly, and spoke to the Great Sage Golden Crow.

Hearing the words of the Golden Crow Great Sage, the Golden Crow Sage King felt very sorry: "He humiliated me so much back then, and I wanted to take revenge today to avenge my shame. I didn't expect that he would be so smart and destroy himself directly. He is lucky." .”

At this time, the Golden Crow revoked the divine fire, revealing Jiang Tong and Princess Yueshi inside. Jiang Tong saw Li Ran's figure disappearing suddenly, and suddenly realized something, his eyes turned blood red, and anger burned in his heart.

"You return my master."

Although Li Ran told him repeatedly that the one in front of him was just an avatar of the primordial spirit, the main body was still in the galaxy and had not reached the Ziwei Starfield, but for Jiang Tong, this was the first time he saw Li Ran in his life. In the past eight years, Li Ran has devoted himself to teaching him, imparting his supernatural powers, and teaching him how to behave. In his heart, he has already regarded Li Ran as his father.

But now he saw Li Ran being killed in front of him with his own eyes. Although it was just a clone of the primordial spirit, he still couldn't accept it in his heart. Jiang Tong's tears flowed down his cheeks and he couldn't stop crying. Regardless of the strength gap between the two parties, he didn't say anything , waved his palm to attack the Golden Crow Holy King.

A sneer flashed in the eyes of the Golden Crow Holy King looking at Jiang Tong, who was killing him over his own strength. He swung his sleeves and rolled forward, and Jiang Tong's weak body was instantly slapped away by him, but even so, Jiang Tong quickly disappeared Get up on the ground, gather your energy, and go forward again.

"You really want to die!"

The Golden Crow Sage King looked at Jiang Tong, who was as annoying as a bedbug, with a look of hostility on his face.

"If you want to die, then this king will fulfill you!"

The Golden Crow Holy King picked up Jiang Tong, looked at the golden curtain outside the Tang Valley in front of him and smiled evilly, and a divine power surged out of his body and rushed into Jiang Tong's internal organs.

Jiang Tong couldn't help but let out a scream, his whole body was in unbearable pain, and a very destructive force wreak havoc in his body.

At this time, the Golden Crow Holy King lifted him up and threw him towards Tang Gu, smashing him onto the divine curtain.

"Ancestor, soon we will be able to enter Tang Valley and take out the Fuso Immortal Tree.

At that time, you will be able to live another life. "

"Yes! The Golden Crow Great Sage looked at the figure of the elixir that had taken root in the island, with a smile on his face.

"Master, I have failed you!"

At this time, Jiang Tong's whole body was destroyed by the divine power poured into his body by the Golden Crow Holy King, and his whole body was like a punctured balloon. The power of his whole body leaked out through the punctured gap, and he screamed in feeble pain.

"Little guy, what are you afraid of when I'm here?"

At this time, a warm laughter appeared in Jiang Tong's ears, and he was surprised by the two figures slowly descending from the sky and shouted in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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