I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 224 How Can It Be Such a Coincidence

Chapter 224 How Can It Be Such a Coincidence
The waiter didn't seem surprised when he saw the girl who suddenly came up to him. He silently poured tea for Li Ran and the others and backed away.

Seeing this, Li Ran glanced at the girl in surprise, and said secretly: "This girl's status in this big city seems unusual.

Since she came over, why not just ask her. "

Li Ran smiled and looked at the bright and lovely girl in front of him: "Hello, what can I do for you?"

The girl sat dignifiedly on the seat beside her, facing people like Li Ran who had never met before, without the slightest hint of timidity.

She smiled and said: "My name is Wang Xi, brothers and sisters, I would like to ask what the world outside Tianbing Ancient Star is like.

I heard that there is a very long ancient starry sky road outside, with different races from all over the universe on it. Can you tell me about it? "

Seeing the curious girl in front of him, Li Ran smiled and said, "No problem!"

Immediately, he picked out some interesting things that he had encountered in the Big Dipper and the Starry Sky, and told them to the girl.

The girl listened to Li Ran's story that she had never heard before, the light in her eyes became brighter and brighter, and her small mouth always grinned into a crooked smile.

When she heard something interesting about Li Ran's sermon, the girl clapped her hands to express her joy.

As Li Ran was talking, he slowly talked about the scene where he killed the immortal Taoist at that time. At this moment, he watched the girl who was gradually fascinated by listening, and suddenly stopped talking and kept silent.

He raised his head and looked at the sky, and suddenly said with something pointed: "Oh, it's getting dark. We can't talk any more. We need to find a place to rest."

After that, he pulled Yan Ruyu up and pretended to leave the restaurant.

The girl was listening to the top of her voice when Li Ran suddenly stopped talking at the most exciting point. She felt anxious and felt uncomfortable. She stood by the table and kept hopping. Finally, she grabbed Li Ran and followed him. Yan Ruyu begged: "Beautiful sister, please let this big brother talk a little more. How can you stop talking in the middle of the sentence? This is too much."

Yan Ruyu has been with Li Ran for so many years, and she can figure out what kind of plans he has in mind. Naturally, she understands what Li Ran is thinking. Therefore, facing the girl's plea, she showed a look of embarrassment on her face. Looking at Li Ran, she seemed to be asking: "Li Lang, you see this little girl is so excited, why don't you stay and talk for a while before we go."

Li Ran shook his head: "No, it's too late. We are new here, so we still need to find a place to rest in advance. Although we are training outside, we can't be too particular. After all, we can't spend the night in the wild."

The girl is too young, and she seems to be well protected by her family at first glance. She looks like she is ignorant of the world. If you are a person with a little experience, you can see through Li Ran's clumsy lie at a glance, but for the person in front of you It was just right for the girl, and she believed Li Ran's statement.

I saw the girl pulling Yan Ruyu to stop Li Ran and the two of them as hard as she could in the restaurant. At the same time, she kept stomping her feet, her small eyes rolled anxiously, as if she was thinking of a good way.

At this time, Yan Ruyu spoke from the side. She raised her eyes and looked at Li Ran and said loudly: "Li Lang, what are you afraid of? With our cultivation, it is easy to find a large family in this city to stay for a day or two. Nothing to worry about."

Yan Ruyu's words seemed to open up the girl's thoughts. A bright light appeared in her eyes and she looked at the two people in front of her, especially Li Ran, and said: "Brother, beautiful sister, why don't you come and stay at my house for a few days.

This city is owned by my family, big brother, if you come to my house, you can stay as long as you like. "

"That's not good!" Li Ran glanced at Yan Ruyu, seeming a little embarrassed.

"it's okay no problem!"

The girl smiled and dragged Li Ran and Yan Ruyu towards her home, looking very familiar with them.

Unable to resist the girl's kindness, Li Ran finally couldn't resist her after refusing three or two times, and followed her to a magnificent palace complex.

"Miss, ma'am!"

Under the salutes of some guards at the door, the girl calmly pulled Li Ran and the two of them into the house.

She turned to look at Li Ran and Yan Ruyu with a smile and said, "Brother, beautiful sister, my family is pretty good. I will definitely not treat you badly if you live in my house."

Li Ran looked at the rather flavorful building in front of him, and praised with a hint of appreciation: "Under the atmosphere of this place, there is a hint of grace. I think your mother must be a very gentle and beautiful woman, with a good personality." Very gentle.”

"Hey, you can see this, big brother, can you tell fortunes?"

Li Ran looked at the surprised look in the girl's eyes, pursed his lips and lowered his head in embarrassment: "I understand a little bit, but only a little bit."

However, there was a look of complacency on his face. Li Ran's behavior made Yan Ruyu on the side roll his eyes.

The girl looked at Li Ran in front of her with reverence. Li Ran, who was already very tall in her heart, was now regarded even higher by her: "Big brother, you are really amazing."

Then she seemed to have thought of something and shouted loudly towards the house: "Uncle Lin, Uncle Lin!"

Under the girl's loud shouting, a middle-aged man with a head of half a century's head ran to the girl's side without stopping: "Miss, what's the matter? I summoned this old slave to come over."

The girl pointed to Li Ran and Li Ran in front of her eyes and said to the middle-aged man, "These two are my good friends, Lin Bo, hurry up and arrange a sumptuous banquet, I want to clean up the dust for these two good friends."

"Yes! The middle-aged man took a look at Li Ran and the two of them, and retreated without any surprise. At this moment, a soft voice rang in Li Ran's ear.

A handsome young man of about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a handsome face and sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, walked over with a spear as sharp as fire. He walked up to the girl and said to her: "Sister, you brought a stranger with you again." When you return home, my father has told you about this matter countless times, especially since my father has been in a bad mood recently, so be careful and don't make your father angry."

"Tch, my father loves me the most. He will definitely not be angry about this. Brother, you'd better finish the homework assigned by your father as soon as possible. Be careful not to get into trouble when your father checks you next time."

The young man smiled confidently upon hearing this, picked up the spear in his hand and thrust forward, practicing a set of cool and elegant marksmanship in the open space of the yard.

"I have already done the homework assigned by my father, so I am not afraid of him checking it!"

"Okay, you're good enough!" The girl made a grimace at the boy, stuck out her tongue, then turned to look at Li Ran and Yan Ruyu and led them into the depths of the courtyard.

The girl brought Li Ran and Li Ran to a unique and quiet courtyard, pointed to the environment in front of them and said: "Big brother, beautiful sister, this is a separate courtyard specially designed by mother and father when they got married. The environment is very good, you guys Let’s stay here tonight, I’ve already arranged for someone to prepare a banquet, big brother, tell me about your deeds, it’s really interesting.”

Soon the middle-aged man who was called Lin Bo by the girl entered the other courtyard with several servants carrying plates of exquisite dishes. The girl saw this and pulled Li Ran to the table in the house and offered to serve him. Poured a glass of wine and said, "Big brother, please!"

Then he looked at him expectantly, continuing to wait for Li Ran to tell the story he just told.

Li Ran looked at the girl's expectant eyes, smiled on his face, and continued to tell the story about the time in the restaurant, and then slowly told the story about the fight between his real body and the real dragon clone.

The girl's interest in listening increased greatly. When Li Ran talked about breaking into the False God Realm and snatching a place for the human race from the ancients, the girl finally couldn't help but asked: "Then big brother, you later defeated that The guy named Dragon Prince?"

Li Ran puffed up his chest and laughed loudly when he heard this: "That's natural. I am on the stone tablet in the Void God Realm and I am overwhelming all the heroes. None of the princes from the ancient clan can defeat me and they all became defeated by me."

After hearing this, the girl couldn't help but said: "It's so interesting. Big brother, the place called Beidou you mentioned is great. There are so many holy places and ancient religions, so many interesting places and people. It's not like our ancient stars of Heavenly Soldiers that have been around for tens of thousands of years. It’s such a boring day.”

Li Ran smiled when he heard the words: "Little girl, don't be unaware of your blessings. With the love of your parents and the care of your elder brother, you have been very happy in this life. Although my deeds are wonderful, there are dangers in them. How much do you know, let’s live a good life with our parents in this ancient star.”

As soon as Li Ran finished speaking, a hearty laugh came from outside the door: "What this Taoist brother said is true, Xi'er, you still have too little experience to know the dangers of the outside world."

A young man wearing a splendid jade robe stepped through the door and entered.

When the girl saw the person coming, she immediately rushed towards him, fell into his arms and shouted affectionately: "Father!"

As soon as the young man entered the door, he looked straight at Li Ran: "Brother Taoist is actually a monk from the Emperor Burial Star. This is really rare. I also spent some time practicing in the Emperor Burial Star when I was young. , Those days are still unforgettable.”

"Hello, Brother Tao. I'm Li Ran. Next to me is my wife Yan Ruyu. Thank you very much, Brother Tao, for being willing to let us stay here for one night!" After Li Ran knew that the visitor was his master, he quickly stood up and bowed to him.

After the young man saw Li Ran saluting solemnly, he quickly returned the salute: "My next son, Wang Ziwen, I have met Dao brother!"

"Wang Ziwen?"

Li Ran felt very familiar when he heard the name, but he didn't know where he had heard it before. Soon he suddenly realized, looking at the young man in front of him, he called it a coincidence.

"Brother Dao said that he once stayed in Beidou for a while, may he know Ye Fan and Li Xiaoman?"

"What Ye Fan!"

Wang Ziwen was very excited when he heard the name Li Ran said. He couldn't help grabbing Li Ran's shoulders and asked: "Brother Tao, you actually recognize Mark."

Li Ran looked at Wang Ziwen's expression and smiled slightly: "It seems that Brother Dao really knows Ye Fan and Li Xiaoman, and you must be the classmate who came to Beidou from the ancient star with Ye Fan on the Kowloon coffin. gone."

Upon hearing this, Wang Ziwen lowered his head and sighed, with a look of reminiscence on his face, as if Li Ran's words just brought back memories of his past.

He sighed slightly: "It seems that the relationship between Brother Dao and Ye Fan is not simple, he even told you these things."

Li Ran had a hearty smile on his face at this time: "Since Brother Tao is Ye Fan's classmate, he is naturally my friend. As the saying goes, meeting an old friend in a foreign country is a great joy in life. Brother Tao, please have a few drinks together." "

Then Li Ran took Wang Ziwen to sit down together and poured him a glass of wine.

After drinking, Wang Ziwen also opened up his mind a little. He asked Li Ran about the situation of his classmates in Beidou.

When he heard that Li Xiaoman was possessed by a divine crocodile, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart, remembering his past when the coffin was pulled out in Kowloon.

"I didn't expect that I would stay in that coffin with such a big evil for so long. Now that I think about it, I was really lucky that I didn't get murdered by that crocodile."

When he heard that Li Ran made alchemy for Li Xiaoman to destroy the divine crocodile possessed by him and rescued him, Li Xiaoman was grateful for becoming his junior sister and maidservant, and sighed: "Being able to be controlled by the divine crocodile She was rescued by brother Dao, and Xiaoman was very happy."

At this time, Wang Ziwen asked Li Ye Fan again. After Li Ran roughly told him about Ye Fan's experience in Beidou, he also mentioned that Ye Fan had already embarked on the road back to the ancient star 20 years ago.

Speaking of this, Li Ran began to tease Ye Fan: "I think little Ye Zi is just happy at home and not thinking about Shu."

On a certain water-blue planet, someone who was cooking for two elderly people at home suddenly sneezed and thought to himself: "Which kid just mentioned me, could it be the Taoist priest?"

After Wang Ziwen heard that Ye Fan could go home, a trace of envy appeared on his face: "In his lifetime, Ye Fan can actually go home to see his parents and provide for them in their old age. I am really happy."

Then big, muddy tears kept falling from the corners of his eyes, and he said sadly: "I, an unfilial son, can't even see my parents one last time. I'm such a beast."

The young girl Wang Xi on the side saw her father so sad and couldn't help but hug him into her arms and kept whispering comfort. Unfortunately, for Wang Ziwen, it made him even more painful. Thinking of his parents a hundred years later, his only son How uncomfortable it must be for them not to be around.

Li Ran suddenly burst into tears. The grief-stricken Wang Ziwen regretted his rashness just now. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have evoked such memories.

Li Ran was silent for a moment at the table. Looking at the still sad Wang Ziwen, he suddenly said: "Brother Ziwen, there is no need to feel uncomfortable anymore. Maybe I can help you see your parents again."

Upon hearing this, Wang Ziwen immediately raised his head and looked at Li Ran in front of him, with a bit of surprise but a hint of disbelief on his face, and a little bit of expectation but fear of failure.

"Do you really mean what Brother Dao said?"

Li Ran nodded heavily: "There is indeed a way, but I'm not completely sure, so I can only give it a try."

(End of this chapter)

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