I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 227 Assault on the Golden Crow Quasi-Emperor

Chapter 227 Assault on the Golden Crow Quasi-Emperor
Wang Ziwen slowly knelt down in front of his gray-haired parents, looking at the wrinkles on their faces, and burst into tears.

The two old men also hugged him with mixed emotions, mixed feelings.

Li Ran looked at the reunited Wang Ziwen, smiled slightly, waved his sleeves, and left the False God Realm freely.

Before leaving, Li Ran specifically approached Ye Fan and asked him to do him a favor in the ancient star.

Seeing Li Ran's serious expression, Ye Fan looked uncertain after listening to his request carefully, and finally he looked at Li Ran seriously and promised: "Don't worry, Taoist priest, since this matter is related to your way , I will help you do it properly."

"Then it all depends on Ye Zi!"

After bidding farewell to Ye Fan and the others, Li Ran left the False God Realm.

Yan Ruyu also took the opportunity to leave the place, and the two stood together in the deserted Lin Mansion courtyard. Yan Ruyu looked at Li Ran in front of her, her beautiful eyes shining with a look of surprise.

"Li Ran, after knowing you for so long, I realize that I don't know you at all."

"Really?" Li Ran turned to look at Yan Ruyu beside him, stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms.

"You and I are a husband and wife, and you don't care about your husband who you should know everything about, but it really hurts my husband."


Yan Ruyu stared at Li Ran when she heard the words: "You have the nerve to say that you have been bullying me since the emperor's tomb until now."


Li Ran looked at Yan Ruyu who was both ashamed and angry, and laughed, remembering the days when he just debuted, a look of nostalgia appeared on his face: "Yeah, nearly 30 years have passed in the blink of an eye. It's really fast."

"Yes!" Yan Ruyu also responded.

After staying in the Lin Mansion for an unknown amount of time, Wang Ziwen returned from the False God Realm with his wife and children.

Li Ran looked at Wang Ziwen, whose eyes were still red, and smiled: "Brother Wang, how does it feel to see your parents again?"

Wang Ziwen had regained his composure at this time, but facing Li Ran, the benefactor who helped him realize his wish, he was very moved. He looked at Li Ran with his hands clasped and solemnly said: "Brother Li, I don't want to thank you for your kindness. I am afraid that my humble cultivation base will not be of much help to you, but as long as you have something to order, Brother Li, I will go through fire and water to help you complete it."

"That's just right, Brother Wang, Li just has a question to ask you!"

Li Ran had smiles on his face. He took Wang Ziwen with one hand and came to a sacred mountain in Tianbing Ancient Star. He pointed to a place in the distance and asked: What is that place and which force in Tianbing Ancient Star is currently occupied? "

Wang Ziwen looked in the direction of Li Ran's finger, and saw that it was an ancient mountain forest full of inspirations, in which many powerful monster races lived in seclusion.

Wang Ziwen recognized this place after looking at it for a long time. He said to Li Ran: "Brother Li, this is the secluded place of the Fire Crow Great Sage, one of the only three great sages in our Tianbing Ancient Star. Brother Li has something to do with him." Can’t do it?”

Hearing this, Li Ran looked at the depths of the prehistoric mountain in front of him, and muttered in his mouth: "Is he just a great sage? It shouldn't be!"

Gradually, a ray of light gathered in Li Ran's eyes. He looked at the mountain in front of him. There was a flaming golden sacred soil hidden under the mountain. This was where the head of Lingbao Tianzun was located.

Li Ran turned to Wang Ziwen and said, "Brother Wang, wait for me here for a moment, I will come as soon as I go!"

With one word, Li Ran turned into a small mosquito, concealed his breath, and quietly flew to the center of the mountain.

After several shuttles, Li Ran slowly approached an extremely empty world in the center of the earth, which is full of scorching heat and flames.

Here he saw a fairy platform that looked like a land of the gods, and there was a raging fairy fire burning quietly on the platform.

On Sendai, he felt a powerful life wave, and after comparing the gap between this life wave and himself, he came to a conclusion.

"This seems to be the Great Sage Fire Crow. Let me see if there are any other strong people behind him."

Li Ran flapped his wings and flew slowly towards the tall and tall Xiantai. Then he saw a fire crow as huge as a mountain, with black feathers flickering with black light, flowing fairy brilliance, standing in the flames, motionless, like is sleeping.

Li Ran ignored the sleeping fire crow in front of him and continued to fly forward. Finally he saw a golden divine egg lying quietly in the center of the Immortal Platform. The Lingbao Tianzun had accumulated millions of years in the Immortal Platform. The foundation is being swallowed into the fetus bit by bit by this divine egg.

"Could it be that the Golden Crow Emperor who was proving the Tao before Ye Fan?"

Seeing this, Li Ran seemed to remember something. He felt the strong aura of the Golden Crow Divine Fire from the divine egg.

He slowly flew to the God's Egg, and looked around it carefully. At this time, the existence in the God's Egg was using the Lingbao Immortal Platform to transform itself with peace of mind, paying attention to every move of the outside world flawlessly.

Li Ran unscrupulously observed the Golden Crow Zhundi in the divine egg with his heavenly eyes, feeling the wounds in his body that were constantly being repaired.

"No wonder, he wanted to borrow the immortal platform of Lingbao Tianzun. It turned out that like Gai Jiuyou, he failed to forcibly prove the Dao and suffered serious Dao injuries."

Looking at the Emperor Jinwu Zhun in front of him, Li Ran silently apologized to him in his heart: "I'm sorry, but I have a use for this Lingbao background. Besides, Lingbao Tianzun is one of the three Taoist ancestors of my Taoism after all. Daoist Lingbao from another world, I can't let you humiliate him like this."

"Anyway, even if you are born to prove the Tao, you will be severely humiliated by Ye Fan in the end and become the most embarrassing emperor in history. Then it is better to disappear before the eyes of the world in this state, so as to retain your fame for the rest of your life. "

"Well, it's such a happy decision!"

Before the sleeping Emperor Jinwu Zhun realized his reaction, Li Ran promised himself for him.

Then he glanced at the Great Sage Fire Crow who was waiting calmly at the side, leaving behind a magic fetus parasitic in his heart to ambush, and flew out of Lingbao Tianzun Xiantai again.

After Wang Ziwen saw Li Ran go in from outside, he flew out again in a short while, so he came to him and asked, "Brother Li, how is it? Is the Great Sage Fire Crow inside?"

Li Ran smiled and nodded: "That guy is indeed among them."

"Brother Wang, let's go back, I have confirmed my conjecture."

Wang Ziwen was confused when he heard Li Ran's few words, but he was not so interested in asking more questions.

With the wind blowing under their feet, Li Ran and Wang Ziwen turned back to the Lin Mansion. As soon as they landed, Li Ran walked up to Yan Ruyu and stretched out his hand, "Ruyu, take out the chaotic green lotus and give it to me!"

"Okay!" Yan Ruyu took Qinglian out of the sea of ​​bitterness without doubting him, and handed it to Li Ran.

Li Ran looked at the chaotic Qinglian blooming in the clear light, and shot out a divine pattern to seal Qinglian's imperial aura, so as not to leak out and alarm the Emperor Jinwu who was hiding in the immortal platform.

"Li Lang, did you find anything?" After Yan Ruyu handed over the Chaos Qinglian, seeing the smile on Li Ran's face, she guessed what he had discovered.

The Lin Mansion is hundreds of thousands of miles away from Lingbao Xiantai. Here, Li Ran was sure that his voice would not reach the ears of Emperor Jinwu Zhun and startled him, so he boldly told Yan Ruyu what he had just discovered.

After hearing this, Yan Ruyu was really shocked: "What, there is actually a Zhundi hidden in the Xiantai deep in the center of the earth."

Wang Ziwen and his wife were also shocked. They didn't expect that in the small place of Tianbing Ancient Star, there would be a peerless powerhouse who could be called invincible in nine heavens and ten places.

Wang Ziwen stepped forward step by step, he looked at Li Ran in front of him worriedly, with a hint of admonishment: "Brother Li, I know that your strength is extraordinary, but after all, that is the quasi-emperor who has cultivated at the ninth level, is it right for you to deal with him now? A little too hasty."

Li Ran smiled confidently when he heard this, and raised the Chaos Qinglian high: "Quasi-Emperor? But there are dead bones in the tomb. I have the Emperor's soldiers in my hands, what can he do to me?"

Li Ran's confident and unrestrained demeanor immediately made Wang Ziwen's daughter Wang Xi admire her. She ran to Li Ran excitedly, pulled his clothes and shouted: "Uncle, I want to go too," Xi'er looked at uncle. You kill all around and kill the quasi-emperor of the demon clan on his horse."

As soon as Wang Xi came out, before Li Ran could speak, Wang Ziwen, the parent, had already dragged her back. Wang Ziwen pulled Wang Xi to his son Wang Chen, looked at him and said, "Take care of your sister, don't let her go around Running around.”

"Yes, father!" Although Wang Chen also wanted to go and see Li Ran use imperial weapons to fight the quasi-emperor like his sister Wang Xi, but after all, he was young and old and was not as lively as his sister Wang Xi. Facing his father's He nodded in agreement and kept an eye on his sister Wang Xi.

"I'm going too!"

Li Ran held the Azure Lotus Emperor Soldier and flew leisurely through the air towards the Lingbao Immortal Platform.

Seeing that he could not persuade Li Ran, Wang Ziwen quickly looked at Yan Ruyu aside and said: "Sister-in-law, that is an invincible quasi-emperor. Even if Brother Li has imperial soldiers in his hands, it will be difficult to deal with a quasi-emperor. You just watched him go to die, and you didn't even know how to persuade him?"

Yan Ruyu laughed confidently, looked at Wang Ziwen and replied: "Brother Wang, don't worry, Li Lang never fights uncertain battles. When he was in Beidou in the past, he always used power to overwhelm others. He was the only one who calculated others. There has never been a person or a force that can trap him, so you can relax.

Besides, I have never seen this feat of killing a quasi-emperor. Why don’t you, brother Wang, go and see it together? "

Seeing Yan Ruyu's confidence in Li Ran, Wang Ziwen muttered to himself, although he didn't know where Yan Ruyu and Li Ran's confidence came from, but the matter had come to an end, and he had no other way to dissuade them.

Wang Ziwen thought to himself: "It will look wrong later, if Brother Li can't be saved, I will try my best to send my sister-in-law out of the Heavenly Soldiers Ancient Star."

With Yan Ruyu's insistence, several people came to the place where Li Ran had just brought Wang Ziwen.

At this moment, Li Ran has already leisurely stepped into the Lingbao Immortal Terrace. At this time, he did not hide his traces, and his breath was fully released. Under Li Ran's overwhelming momentum, the Great Sage Fire Crow, who had been sleeping all this time, slowly opened his mouth. Eye.

"Who dares to break into my forbidden area!"

In a faint gaze, the Great Sage Firecrow saw Li Ran slowly walking towards him: "Where did this brat come from? Give me your life!"

As soon as the Great Sage Fire Crow finished speaking, before he stretched out his sharp claws, a deep demon burst out from his heart, and the devil's womb that Li Ran had just penetrated began to invade the Primordial Spirit of the Fire Crow Great Sage unscrupulously. .

"Ah, ah!"

In the midst of screams, Li Ran passed over the Fire Crow Great Sage who fell on the ground, and gradually approached the divine egg in front of him.

"The predecessors should leave the stage to those of us who come after you. You have become the garbage of the times, so stop trying to be born."

Li Ran shouted while raising the Chaos Green Lotus high. At this time, a powerful aura gradually emerged from the divine egg, and a golden divine light emerged. In the divine light, Li Ran saw a simple and powerful golden Divine clock.

"How dare a mere quasi-emperor soldier do anything in front of the emperor's soldiers?"

Li Ran looked at the divine bell that naturally revived in the divine egg and wanted to protect its master and laughed scornfully.

The nine leaves of the Chaos Green Lotus swayed slightly, and a powerful imperial energy suddenly burst out in the center of the earth.

In the outside world, Wang Ziwen and others looked at Tongtian Qingguang who was rushing straight towards Xiaohan, and exclaimed: "I can't even imagine this breath in my life. It really deserves to be the Qing Emperor's soldier."

In awe, Li Ran forcefully suppressed the Golden Crow Quasi-Emperor Divine Bell, and then with a ferocious laugh, his soul turned into thousands of dense demonic shadows and rushed into the divine egg. Qinglian followed closely behind, and the clear light continued to fall down to protect it. Li Ran Yuanshen is within three feet.

Finally, Emperor Zhun Jinwu, who had been sleeping quietly, was awakened by Li Ran's huge movement.

He looked at Li Ran in surprise, who had rushed into his recuperating divine egg, and asked in surprise: "Who are you?"

Li Ran's eyes were gloomy and cold, Yuanshen turned into a man-eating beast, and said coldly: "Why talk nonsense, the one who killed you!"

The Golden Crow Quasi-Emperor seemed to have heard a big joke and shouted: "What a joke, a mere Quasi-Emperor dares to be my enemy in the early stage?"

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and waved to a place in the egg: "The clock is coming!"

But there was no response for a long time.

Li Ran laughed loudly, pointed to Qinglian who was suppressing the divine bell, and said, "Are you looking for him?"

"Hmph!" Emperor Jinwu Zhun's eyes darkened, and he said coldly, "Even if there is no weapon, I will still take you!"

Then he spread his wings and raised his arms, and shouted loudly. In the high-pitched cry, the major forces of Tianbing Ancient Star seemed to see a great sun rising slowly, like the sun rising in the middle, shining brightly for eternity.

A great sage exclaimed: "When did our Heavenly Soldiers and Ancient Stars hide such a strong man?"

In a short while, Emperor Jinwu Zhun had already unleashed all his peak strength. He looked at Li Ran coldly, his eyes showing murderous intent: "You boy ruined my painstaking plan, and made it impossible for me to attack the emperor's road again!" , today you will die here for me.”

Facing the murderous Emperor Jinwu Zhun, whose strength far exceeded his own at this moment, Li Ran was neither humble nor overbearing, he calmly put his hands behind his back and said to himself: "Jinwu Zhundi, are you sure you can really deal with me? "

"What do you mean?" Emperor Jinwu Zhun was at a loss when he heard the words.

At this time, Li Ran laughed and shouted to the sky: "Sword is coming!"

(End of this chapter)

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