I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 231 Fire Extinguishing Spirit, Meeting the Immortal Queen

Chapter 231 Fire Extinguishing Spirit, Meeting the Immortal Queen

A red-faced man full of fire energy rushed into the universe from the split star. He found Li Ran in front of Li Ran along the way, with an angry face.

"You deserve death!"

He looked straight at the small sword in Li Ran's hand, which was still full of sword spirit, and recognized that he was the one who chopped down the stars and the sun with one sword.

"The holy spirit in the fire?"

From the red-faced man in front of him, Li Ran felt the same aura as that of the holy spirit who flaunted his power at the dragon of the Qinling Mountains and was finally killed by Qingdi.

The Holy Spirit who suddenly rushed out of the star glared at Li Ran and said loudly: "I originally had 3000 years to achieve perfection and be directly born and ascend the throne, but now millions of years of hard work have been burned to the ground by you bastard." Dongliu, I want you to pay with your life."

Li Ran focused his eyes, and behind the fire spirit in front of him he saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. They were the sighs of the souls of countless human beings who would die tragically at his hands in the future.

His unintentional action today caused the fire spirit in front of him to be born early, resulting in congenital inadequacies. Wanton killing to vent today's hatred.

"Although I'm sorry, but since I'm sorry, in order to avoid future troubles, I can only send you to Huangquan Road."

Looking up at the red-faced man in front of him, Li Ran sighed slightly. He held up the small sword transformed from the Zhuxian Sword in the palm of his hand, and turned it into a three-foot sword and pointed it at the man.

"Really? I want to see why you dare to go against me!"

Huo Ling looked at Li Ran with disdain, and a strong quasi-emperor aura burst out from his body.

Feeling the peak momentum of the Quasi-Emperor Ninth Level on the opponent, Li Ran was not afraid at all. He stood quietly in the void, looked at him with flat eyes and said: "The Sixth Level of Quasi-Emperor is not bad, but even so, You will die here too today."

After finishing speaking, he immediately threw the Zhuxian Sword above his head, and then threw out the other three Lingbao Emperor Swords one by one. The four divine swords scattered unparalleled sword energy, surrounding Huo Ling in the center.

Facing the sword energy approaching him, Huo Ling unhurriedly took out a fiery red divine clock from his bosom. The divine clock was simple and majestic, with various colorful patterns imprinted on the clock body, intertwined and turned into divine phoenixes. The fairy phoenix, the unicorn and the real dragon, constantly spit out divine fire to illuminate this dark universe.

"A divine weapon made from a single piece of phoenix blood red gold!"

Seeing the divine bell that Huo Ling took out, Li Ran's eyes widened immediately. He couldn't help but sigh that the Holy Spirit was so blessed. Not only could he be blessed by the heaven and earth, he could naturally nurture his body, so he could reach the pinnacle of the universe without going through all kinds of hard work. Even the treasure that accompanied him was made of fairy gold. Seeing this, Li Ran couldn't help but feel a trace of jealousy in his heart, but soon the jealousy dissipated from his heart like running water.

Huo Ling put the divine clock in the palm of his hand, looked at the clock with a complex expression, showing a trace of sadness, he stroked the divine clock, traces of powerful laws of heaven and earth were intertwined on the divine clock, making this divine weapon look extremely extraordinary .

At this time, Huo Ling suddenly raised his head. He glared at Li Ran and roared, "If it weren't for you, my accompanying treasure would not have been born without the emperor pattern, so that it couldn't be transformed into Emperor soldiers."

After that, he raised the divine bell high and swung it at the four imperial weapons surrounding him. This blow contained his anger towards Li Ran. Under Huo Ling's angry move, the imperial sword that originally trapped him in the middle The encirclement that was broken by him was instantaneous, and the Zhuxian Sword fell back into Li Ran's palm.

"How did you break up so easily!"

Li Ran looked at the Zhuxian Sword in his hand and asked in confusion.

The god of the Immortal Killing Sword revealed a trace of his spirit from the Emperor Sword and entered Li Ran's Immortal Platform, transformed into a white-haired old man and faced him, sighing from his Immortal Platform: "Your strength is still too weak and you cannot use our full strength.

Furthermore, although the divine weapon in his hand is not an imperial weapon, its entire body is made of fairy gold, and it contains the laws of the great path descended from heaven and earth. Although it is not an imperial weapon, it is not far away, and it is both the divine weapon and the fire spirit. The two seemed to be one, and the two were as round as one. He held the divine bell and struck with anger, and his strength was ten times stronger than usual. Therefore, for a moment, we were no match for him and were scattered by him. "

After listening to the explanation of the Zhuxian Sword, Li Ran understood what he meant. After pondering for a moment, a smile appeared on his face again: "It doesn't matter, if a set of imperial weapons can't defeat it, then I'll add another one. I don't believe it. With the Four Immortal Swords and Chaos Qinglian joining forces, he can still break free."

Immediately, Li Ran stretched out his hand, and a nine-leaf green lotus full of chaotic energy floated unsteadily from Yan Ruyu's arms to his body. Li Ran tightly held the stem of the green lotus, and with a wave of his hand, an invisible clear light instantly Hitting it out, Emperor Zhaozhao was so powerful that Huo Ling couldn't help but retreat.

"You actually still have an imperial weapon in hand!"

Seeing the chaotic green lotus that suddenly appeared in Li Ran's hands, Huo Ling finally couldn't hold his breath. While he was apprehensive, he couldn't help but look at Li Ran with a trace of jealousy.

"The imperial weapons are the weapons of enlightenment that accompany the emperor when he attains enlightenment and are crafted by his own hands. Each piece symbolizes a great emperor in the past. How could you possibly have two emperors? Soldiers follow."

After hearing this, Li Ran laughed and said proudly: "How can the world of geniuses be understandable to ordinary people like you? With my talent, it is only natural that I can have a few Imperial Soldiers' Wisdom Eyes and Knowledge Beads to follow me independently. .”

"Naochao, I'm not interested in joking with you here. Even if you have two imperial weapons in your hand, I can't save your life."

Huo Ling let out a loud cry, and a wave of divine fire soared into the sky, rendering this dark universe as if the sun had come. Standing in the boundless divine fire, Huo Ling looked like a supreme god.

The terrifying heat waves kept hitting Li Ran's face, leaving hot beads of sweat on his face.

But he still stared directly at the imposing fire spirit in front of him with cold eyes, and his heart was as calm as water.

At this time, the Immortal Execution Sword led the other three Emperor Swords to soar into the sky, re-evolving the Imperial Formation that was used to execute Emperor Jinwu Zhun at that time.

At this moment, in Li Ran's heart, the god of Zhu Xian sword left a word to him, then rushed into the emperor's sword, presided over the sword array to kill Huo Ling.

"I will unite with several other brothers to form the Zhuxian Sword Formation to help you trap this beast, and then you will take the opportunity to attack and kill him with the chaotic green lotus.

It's a pity that the Zhuxian array that the master used to refine the slaying pseudo-xian was lost in the vast universe and lost its trace. Otherwise, our four swordsmen combined with the sword array would be nothing more than a quasi-emperor. Even if there are ten more, we can kill They are also a snap. "

Before the god of Zhuxian sword could finish his words, he jumped into the sword body. With the god in charge of the overall situation, the combination of the four swords exerted a supreme power to slay the immortal and Zhushen. Thousands of sword qi floated in the air, turning into a sword. The divine formation traps the fire spirit in it.

Huo Lingling felt the powerful threat from the Zhuxian Sword Formation, so he hurriedly raised the divine bell to protect himself in it to resist the invasion of sword energy.

"good chance!"

Li Ran saw that Huo Ling was distracted by using his divine weapons to resist the sword array, so he hurriedly used his soul to merge into the chaotic green lotus to stimulate the strongest state of the imperial soldiers.

In an instant, a wave of godless power appeared in the universe, majestic all the heavens for thirty thousand miles. At this time, many arrogances of all races in the ancient starry sky felt this suppression of the nine heavens, and the supreme power of the gods descended on ten places was shocked. They looked up at the cosmic starry sky transmitted from Emperor Wei, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

"Where did the great battle break out, and it actually attracted the emperor's soldiers to attack with all their strength."

Some powerful people with broad knowledge recognized the source of this imperial prestige.

"Now is the last moment when the Qing Emperor's pressure is about to disappear. What does it mean that the Qing Emperor's soldiers suddenly erupt at this time? Could it be that the Qing Emperor has planted some ambush!"

Amidst everyone's doubts, Qinglian Emperor's soldiers had already rushed to the top of Huo Ling's head, aiming directly at the Holy Spirit Primordial Spirit deep in the immortal platform between his eyebrows.

At this time, Huo Ling was holding the Divine Bell in both hands to fight against the Four Swords of Zhu Xian. At this time, Li Ran urged Chaos Qinglian to suddenly attack and caught him off guard. In panic, Huo Ling could only leave his body. He used the secret technique of the Holy Spirit to face the Chaos Green Lotus falling from the sky. Under the suppression of the Emperor's power, Huo Ling's face turned red, and his essence and blood poured back into the sea of ​​his skull.

"You are despicable and shameless. Just holding two imperial weapons, you actually carried out a sneak attack!"

"I sneak attack?"

Li Ran was furious when he heard the words, and he shouted angrily: "I will fight you with the emperor's soldiers upright, you can't beat it, and you still slander me.

In this case, then I will show you what a real sneak attack is. "

As Li Ran finished speaking, a sharp sword energy suddenly rose from Huo Ling's unexpected chest.

This sword energy penetrated his chest with lightning speed and shattered his internal organs and palace into pieces.

Huo Ling lowered his head in surprise and looked at the figure that suddenly disappeared from the top of his head and appeared in front of him. He saw Li Ran holding a small black gold sword with dragon pattern in his hand, urging a sword that was completely different from the four swords of Jade Immortals but also extremely lethal. With the supreme sword energy, the sword pierced through the chest.

I don't know when Li Ran's Yuanshen quietly left the Chaos Qinglian, used his Yuanshen to control another supreme weapon made of fairy gold, and killed him with one sword.

This small sword that passes through the chest is also made of fairy gold, and various laws of the Dao are intertwined in it, making the magic weapon extraordinary and constantly urging fierce sword energy. On the sword, he could feel the aura of his own clan, and this extremely deep resentment was bred in this aura, which was a fellow clan who had encountered the same situation as him.

Huo Ling raised his right hand tremblingly and pointed at Li Ran and said: "You actually killed one of our Holy Spirits before. I, the Holy Spirit clan, have gone through millions of years of ups and downs in heaven and earth before we can get this chance of enlightenment. How is this?" How can you bear to commit such a crime and cause us to be born because of our innate deficiencies? Do we, the Holy Spirit clan, have a grudge against you?"

Li Ran was neither sad nor happy at this time, with only a calm look on his face. He replied: "There is no hatred or hatred, everything is just to pursue the road. I didn't intend to kill you, but it's a pity that I accidentally let you go." You were born prematurely, which filled your heart with resentment towards my human race. To prevent you from venting your hatred by killing my human race in various places, I had no choice but to act first."

Then Li Ran fired a sword energy again, raging inside Huo Ling's body until all five of his secret realms were completely destroyed. Then he let go and looked at Huo Ling, who had long since lost his life.

"I hope you won't meet me again in the next life."

Li Ran looked at Huo Ling's corpse and sighed softly.

He waved his sleeves and put the divine clock left by Huo Ling into his arms, looked at the exquisite phoenix blood red gold on the clock, and kept showing a satisfied smile on his face: "I got another good treasure, really good."

After all, he was going to put Chaos Qinglian and Zhuxian Four Swords away again and prepare to continue on the road.

At this time, another change occurred. A five-color fairy fire suddenly rushed out from somewhere in the universe and hit the four swords of Zhu Xian, knocking down these four magic weapons.

Then a phoenix divine form suddenly appeared, raised its head to the sky and rushed towards Li Ran who was holding the Chaos Green Lotus.

Li Ran was furious when he saw the enemy who suddenly appeared and attacked him. He waved the chaotic green lotus and shot a beam of light to break up the phoenix figure. The protective shield protected Yan Ruyu and Pang Bo in the middle, and then he looked at the empty universe and roared: "Who is afraid to cower, hide his head and show his tail, and dare not come out to fight in a fair manner."

"Sure enough, it's a good skill. Even this Huo Ling, who has almost reached the peak of his cultivation, can't beat you. It's really amazing."

As the voice fell, a beautiful figure appeared in the universe driving a huge lair. Behind the figure, there were more than a dozen powerful ancient clans guarding the beautiful figure.

"It's you, the Immortal Queen, you and I have nothing to do with each other, why do you want to sneak attack on me!"

Li Ran recognized the person, and a look of anger appeared on his face.

The beautiful figure of the Immortal Queen rode the fiery red phoenix nest to the sky, with a beautiful smile on her face: "Li Ran, you killed the guardian left for us by my husband, the Immortal Emperor, with the holy body of the holy cliff in Beidou. Immortal Taoist, how can it be said that well water does not offend river water?"

"Hmph, why, did you come to avenge your husband today?"

The Immortal Empress smiled again, and at this moment, the two strong men beside him showed their aura.

Have you found the eight divine generals left behind by the former immortal emperor? "

The Immortal Queen smiled and said: "That's natural, Li Ran. I came to see you this time because I took a fancy to your talents.

I want to establish a supreme god dynasty and restore the grandeur of the ancient god dynasty. Seeing that you are a talent, if you are willing to surrender to me today, the god dynasty will be established in the future, and you will have all kinds of glory and wealth. "

Li Ran suddenly smiled when he heard this: "Then what do I want from you?"

Immortal Queen's face suddenly changed when she heard the words, and said solemnly: "You are courting death!"

Li Ran laughed loudly: "I just want to have a good time with the beautiful woman, how can I be seeking death?
Immortal Queen, what do you think of my suggestion just now? "

(End of this chapter)

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