Chapter 236

"Promise him!"

In an ancient cave in the Broken Mountain of the God Clan, an old man who had lived for an unknown period of time suddenly opened his eyes that had not been opened and closed for thousands of years. Two astonishing rays of light shot out from his eyes, piercing the void.

This voice was extremely old and full of the breath of time. Just by listening to the old man's voice, one could vaguely guess that this was an immortal who had lived for who knows how many thousands of years.

Before Li Ran had time to think about the sudden voice, the expressions of the elders of the protoss in front of him changed drastically. They ignored Li Ran in front of them, and cast their eyes on a remote place behind them in ecstasy. Looking at the looming old man inside, he shouted in surprise.

"Ancestor, you are awake!"

The moment the old man spoke, these protoss people put down Li Ran in front of them, rushed to the cave where the old man lived, knelt down one by one to see him.

A gap was opened in the huge divine formation, forming a winding path. An old man got up from the cave at the end of the path, stopped his old and decayed but still healthy body, stepped down the path step by step, and finally reached In front of Li Ran, he opened a pair of cloudy eyes and looked at Li Ran carefully.

While the old man was sizing up Li Ran, Li Ran was also watching him secretly. The old man in front of him was really old, with wrinkles on his face that almost buried his eyes, and dozens of sparse roots growing on his head. The hair was dull and dull, as if it was about to fall off the old man's head in the next moment, but it kept growing tenaciously and refused to fall off.

As for the lower body of the old man, Li Ran was even more shocked, it was completely turned into stone, not a body of flesh and blood at all, Li Ran secretly looked at the taste, and felt a magical power of the Great Dao from the stone turned body. The bodies of the Holy Spirit he had seen had the same purpose.

Looking at Li Ran with a solemn expression, the old man smiled. Waves of chaotic energy spread over his body. His face was wrinkled and looked very scary. There was no tooth in his mouth, and his speech was weak, just like a step. The dying man looked harmless, but Li Ran knew that all this was just an appearance. Under the old man's aging body, there was an indescribable dragon dormant and sleeping. , it is possible to unleash a shocking divine power at any time.

The old man looked at the Goddess and Goddess held in the palm of Li Ran, smiled, raised his palm like an old tree, and grabbed it lightly. The next moment, under a divine force that could not be resisted, the two hostages fell from the ground. He got out of his hands and was free.

After the Goddess and Goddess Shen Lan escaped from Li Ran's hands, they respectfully came behind the old man, looked at the old man enthusiastically, and said, "Thank you, ancestor, for saving us!"

The old man looked at the two with satisfied and concerned eyes, and seemed to be very satisfied with the two juniors in front of him. He smiled kindly and said, "Well, it's fine, you two go back and rest!"


When the two heard this, they immediately bowed their heads to the old man and prepared to return to the mountain.

At this time, the old man suddenly looked at the goddess Shen Lan and said, "You girl, stay here for a while."

Although Xin Lan didn't understand what her ancestor meant, she still stayed obediently and stood silently behind the old man.

At this time, Li Ran's eyes still stayed on his empty hand, holding the Zhuxian Sword tightly in one hand, looking at the old man, he secretly said with emotion: "So strong, this is definitely the peak quasi-emperor who can attack the emperor's road at any time."

At this moment, the old man turned his eyes back to Li Ran. He noticed the horrified look on Li Ran's face, and suddenly laughed: "Interesting boy, I can feel His Majesty Qingdi's aura from you."

After saying this, a look of reminiscence appeared on the old man's face, and he said with emotion: "I recall that when I met with His Majesty, I was still a young man. So many years have passed in a flash. Time really flies by, which is regrettable. .”

"What, he actually met the Qing Emperor back then!"

Hearing this, Li Ran once again showed a trace of horror on his face. To be able to see the former Qing Emperor alive, the old man of the Protoss in front of him is definitely a strong man at the level of a living fossil.

But before Li Ran could react, the old man suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed at the continuous mountain behind him, and a picture of the Supreme God filled with shocking sword energy flew from the mountain and fell into the old man's hand.

"It's that guy!"

In Li Ran's Purple Mansion in Xiantai, the God of the Zhuxian Sword looked at the divine map that was dangling into the old man's hands and shouted in surprise.

Hearing this, Li Ran glanced at the formation diagram in the old man's hand, was stunned, and said to himself: "This is the spirit treasure formation diagram that fell into the hands of the protoss, what does it mean that the old man suddenly took out the spirit treasure formation diagram!"

Before Li Ran guessed what the old man meant, the old man suddenly threw the formation in his hand towards Li Ran. Before Li Ran could react, he raised his hands and subconsciously moved forward, and the spirit treasure formation It fell into his hands so easily.

After seeing the old man's actions, all the gods showed surprise on their faces. They stepped forward to persuade the old man, "Old Ancestor, this kid is not a good person, so you can't give him the formation map."

After hearing this, the old man glared at the juniors of the clan who came in front of him: "The old man has his own sense of proportion, you guys just step back."


After being reprimanded by the old man for a while, these protoss elders retreated again.

At this moment, Li Ran raised up the Lingbao Formation in his hand, looked at the old man suspiciously, and said, "Senior, what do you mean?"

The old man smiled, pointed to the undead queen who kept falling from the sky, and said, "Isn't the phoenix up there that you should be most concerned about now?"

"Thank you!"

Li Ran was silent for a moment when he heard the words, bowed to the old man of the Protoss in front of him, and then rushed to the sky to kill the Immortal Queen.

"Senior, boy, go to expel this great enemy first, and then slowly thank senior!"

At this time, the five-colored fairy lights above the sky strewn across the stars, and the Immortal Queen drove the phoenix nest to slowly stop over the ancient star of the gods, and the Sun Moon God stood guarding the Immortal Queen with a weapon in his hand, just like a guard.

The Immortal Queen happened to come face-to-face with Li Ran, who was rising into the sky. There was a trace of surprise on her face, and she looked at Li Ran who took the initiative to greet him and said with a playful smile: "Why, I have run away enough, I know I can't escape."

She looked at Li Ran, who was standing in front of her with a cloud of clouds. She spread her jade hands to both sides, then put them behind her, holding up the silky brocade robe. Her actions showed off her delicate figure, and her body was filled with phoenix energy. , Noble and compelling.

"Li Ran, I am not a narrow-minded person. Although you have angered me many times before, this just proves that you are a rare talent and the help I can rely on to conquer the universe. I still say the same thing, If you are willing to surrender to me."

At this moment, Li Ran has the Four Swords of Immortal Execution and the map of the Lingbao Formation. The set of imperial weapons made by Lingbao Tianzun is now in his hands, and his confidence has greatly increased. I do not know how many light-years of a woman.

He looked at the Immortal Empress with a contemptuous smile on his face: "Immortal Empress, if you want me to surrender to you, I am the most sympathetic in my life. If Her Highness the Empress is willing to take pity on you and enjoy the joy of the next night, then bow down Under the pomegranate skirt of His Highness, it is not impossible to attack the universe for His Highness.

Xiaosheng's appearance can be regarded as elegant and elegant. I wonder if Your Highness would like to share the table and sleep with me? "

When the Immortal Queen heard this, her eyes widened, and her face was full of anger.

The Sun Moon God General took a step forward, bowed to the Immortal Queen, and said: "Your Majesty, this brat has repeatedly uttered wild words, belittling Your Majesty, whether it is tolerable or unbearable.

Our ancient clan is very powerful, and we are enough to conquer the universe for the Queen. Why must we recruit this arrogant boy? How about letting my subordinates take this boy's head and present it to the Queen to discourage him! "

Immortal Empress forcibly suppressed the anger on her face, she lowered her head to look at the Sun Moon God General who volunteered in front of her and said flatly: "Yes!"

After receiving the Immortal Queen's will, the Sun and Moon God General looked greatly excited. He looked at Li Ran with murderous intent and pressed towards him step by step. As he walked, he said: "Boy, I won't be able to endure this journey." How long have you been holding on, now you have no way to escape, let me let you know the price of speaking arrogantly today."

"is it?"

Li Ran still laughed disdainfully.


Sun Moon God General looked at the indifferent look on his face, and snorted softly: "I hope you can be as proud as you are now."

After the Sun and Moon God General finished speaking, he took out a large halberd made of lapis lazuli from nowhere. The tip of the halberd was composed of black sacred gold. When the sun shone down, a black stream of light flashed continuously. It was extremely sharp and full of lust. The smell of blood.

Sun Moon God will hold up the big halberd, put the weapon on his cheek, with a hint of remembrance in his eyes, and said to Li Ran: "When your majesty was born, I will follow your majesty, and use this halberd to fight for nine days and ten places. Tens of thousands of people dared not submit. I don’t know how many rebellious people died under this general’s halberd. In the end, they helped His Majesty the Emperor establish a glorious dynasty and ruled the entire nine heavens and ten lands.

Although your boy is not strong enough, you are lucky to die under this general's divine halberd today. "

Li Ran saw the God of Sun and Moon chattering in front of him with a halberd in his hand, with a look of impatience on his face: "Have you talked enough, hit if you want, so much nonsense."


Sun Moon God General snorted again, and then swung his halberd towards Li Ran.

Li Ran smiled when he saw this, and said in a calm and unhurried manner: "Zhu Xian is beneficial, killing Xian is dead, and trapping Xian is full of red lights;

The changes of the Juexian are infinitely wonderful, and the clothes of the Daluo Jinxian are blood-stained. "

Following his utterance, the four emperor swords came out one after another, circling around him, exuding shocking sword energy one after another, turning into a sword array for defense.

Li Ran took off the Immortal Killing Sword from the four swords and held it in his hand. The moment the Immortal Killing Sword fell into his hand, a bloodthirsty red light appeared in his eyes and suppressed his sanity.

In a trance, Li Ran seemed to see all the heavens and peoples mourning under his sword, and a river of blood flowed from the beginning of the universe to the end of the universe.

He exerted all his strength to forcefully suppress the murderous aura of the Immortal Killing Sword, the red light in his eyes gradually faded away, his sanity returned to him, and he clenched the sword in his hand, Li Ran was secretly surprised: "It's so strong!" Murderous, no wonder he dared to call himself the most powerful of the four swords of Zhu Xian!"

Holding the Immortal Slaying Sword in his hand, although Li Ran's heart was clear, the urge to kill with the sword could not fade from his heart no matter what.

He slashed forward with the sword, and a sword light swung out, and Emperor Wei surrounded the sword light like a shadow.

Sun Moon God was startled when he saw this, and quickly raised his halberd to block the sword light. Several divine lights kept flickering and shattering, and finally the sword light swung by Li Ran blocked him, but Sun Moon God The general also found himself holding a halberd
The tiger's mouth cracked secretly.

The Sun and Moon God General was shocked when he saw this: "It's just an imperial sword, how can it increase his strength so much?"

At this time, Li Ran smiled leisurely. He raised his sword and looked up to the sky with a smile. Under his command, the other three imperial swords continued to circle and fuse, finally turning into a huge divine sword. He slashed down gently, shooting out a sharp sword light. , to kill the Sun Moon God General again.

The Sun Moon God will do his best, wielding many supernatural powers, the sky and the earth will be full of divine light, appearing in the shape of a dragon and the shadow of a phoenix, and screaming around the universe. Finally, the Sun Moon God will block Li Ran's blow, and then even attack Li Ran. Anti-kill the past.

At this time, there were phantoms of divine halberds between heaven and earth. The sun and moon gods opened their bows from left to right, constantly attacking Li Ran.

Li Ran held the Slaying Immortal Sword and dealt with the Sun and Moon God General, and the Three Swords of Zhu Xian evolved thousands of sword qi to form a sword array to block the most deadly attack of the Sun and Moon God General.

Hundreds of rounds passed in a blink of an eye, and Li Ran still looked calm, without any panic.

Seeing this, Sun Moon God gradually became anxious in his heart. He had just promised the Immortal Queen that he wanted to take down Li Ran and make contributions, but the two of them were already fighting in a state of anxiety, and he still couldn't form an overwhelming advantage over Li Ran. , I couldn't help feeling anxious and flustered.

This played into Li Ran's hands. Taking advantage of the gap between the Sun and Moon God General's attacks, he found the oversight of the Sun and Moon God General. At this time, the Zhuxian Sword suddenly fell from above his head. Li Ran was holding the Killing Immortal Sword in his right hand and the Zhuxian Sword in his left hand. The sword turned into a sword light, and when the Sun and Moon God general was unprepared, he stabbed out with the sword, preparing to kill him.

"Go to hell!"

Li Ran laughed cruelly, the sword light was bright and the sound was like thunder.

The Sun and Moon God general saw a look of horror on Li Ran's face when he suddenly changed his attack. He wanted to lift his halberd to block the fatal attack, but it was too late.

Just when the Sun Moon God General had already died, the Immortal Queen had come to an end, and she yelled coquettishly, "Li Ran, you are looking for death!"

Immediately, a phoenix divine form appeared between the heaven and the earth, transforming into a supernatural power and piercing directly between Li Ran's eyebrows.

Li Ran was overjoyed when he saw that the Immortal Queen finally couldn't bear to end the stage. He looked at the charming shadow of the Immortal Queen who was less than three feet away from him and smiled secretly: "It's finally your turn!"

Then he took out the Lingbao Sword Formation that had been hidden in his Dantian. The four imperial swords and the Lingbao Sword Formation resonated, and the sword light radiated between heaven and earth, exuding a supreme divine power that could kill immortals and destroy gods.

Li Ran looked at the Immortal Empress whose face changed greatly, and smiled triumphantly: "Let's get up!"

(End of this chapter)

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