Chapter 240

Li Ran pointed with his fingertips, and all four imperial swords rioted in an instant. The sword energy filled the sky and stood in the sky. The cold sword light was locked on the Sun and Moon God General.

In the next moment, the Lingbao Formation stood floating in the air, emitting golden light, like the brightest lamp in the dark universe.

The four emperor swords of killing, slaughtering, trapping, and jue were lined up one by one, finally arousing the power of the imperial formation again. Li Ran stood alone under the imperial formation, with long hair loose behind him, and a wanton smile on his face.

"If you want to die, then I can only send you down first!"

As Li Ran finished speaking, the world was instantly enveloped by sharp sword lights. At this moment, there was nothing extra in the starry sky except the interweaving of thousands of sword lights.

The power of the emperor shrouded the world, and with the full cooperation of the Four Swords of Zhuxian, even Chuanying, the former top divine general of the ancient heaven, put down the weapons in his hands in shock and stopped his fierce fight with Ning Fei.

He looked at Ning Fei from a distance, with a constant smile on his face: "Sure enough, it is indeed the four swords of the Lingbao who once claimed to have killed the gods and gods. The combination of these swords is really a bit of the supreme sword that once ruled the world with the Lingbao Tianzun. look.

Ning Fei, it seems that your beloved is in danger today. "

When Ning Fei heard this, he remained silent. He stared at the Immortal Queen who was enveloped by the Imperial Formation together with the Sun and Moon God General, with tension and worry on his face.

He knew in his heart that even if he indulged him, he would not be able to guarantee that he would be able to escape unscathed under such a sword array, let alone the Sun Moon God General and Immortal Queen whose strength was far inferior to his.

Under the threat of Li Ran's sword formation, Ning Fei, who had no intention of fighting fiercely with Chuan Ying, lost the will to fight at this moment, and he was full of thoughts on how to save the Undead Queen safely.

While Ning Fei was thinking secretly, Li Ran made a move. He waved his hand and pressed down lightly. The Zhuxian sword array moved upon hearing the sound, and surrounded by thousands of fierce sword qi, slowly pressed down on the Sun Moon God General and the Immortal Queen. Go, prepare to kill them both in one fell swoop.

Under the shroud of death crisis, Immortal Queen's beautiful eyes looked closely at Ning Fei who was not far away. She didn't believe that Ning Fei would stand by and ignore her life and death under such circumstances.

Sure enough, as she expected, Ning Fei raised his head to the sky and yelled, Chang Ge threw a ferocious throw at the Zhuxian Sword Formation, while he took a hard blow from Xia Chuanying, rushed into the sword formation with serious injuries, and protected the Immortal Queen before.

"Ning Fei!"

Seeing the generous and strong back in front of her, waves of warmth gushed out from the bottom of Immortal Queen's heart, and she hugged Ning Fei's old body tightly excitedly.

Ning Fei felt the softness on his back, and a trace of tenderness flashed in the corner of his eyes. He gently patted the Immortal Queen's back and shouted firmly: "Don't worry, I'll be with you in everything!"

Then Ning Fei took another sneak peek at the Sun and Moon God General standing in the front, and secretly said to the Immortal Queen: "The strength of the Sun and Moon God General is not too weak, it is still possible to block the Lingbao sword formation for a while, and later While Li Ran was strangling Sun Moon God General, I made a gap and took you away."

"Okay!" The Immortal Empress nodded heavily.

Then she looked at Sun Moon God General and said suddenly: "Sun Moon God General, we and Ning Fei will work together to break through each other's sword formation in a while, and we will work together to break through the big formation and fight out."

"Follow Your Highness's order!"

The Sun Moon God General responded, looking at Ning Fei, who was in high spirits with the Shen Ge in his hand, he remembered that he had achieved great fame in the Immortal God Dynasty.

"With the help of the first divine general, it's just a sword formation. Breaking it is just a matter of effort!"

Then the sun and moon god general's eyes fell on Ning Fei: "The first god general, I haven't seen you for a million years. Now you and I are joining forces again. I wonder how much of the supreme power you still have back then. I want to take a look today. ."

Ning Fei had a deep look in his eyes when he heard this. He glanced at the Sun and Moon Divine General, then at the Immortal Queen, but said nothing.

At this moment, Sun Moon God General's confidence was greatly increased. He looked at Li Ran who was rushing towards him and said proudly: "Boy, today I will let you experience the outstanding martial arts of the Eight Divisions of my God Dynasty!"

"First General, I will go first. You and Her Majesty the Queen of Heaven will find the right opportunity to attack and kill Li Ran together."

"it is good!"

The Immortal Queen nodded in response.

With the answer from the Immortal Queen, Sun Moon God will no longer have any worries, he swung his divine halberd and rushed towards Li Ran, while Ning Fei and the Immortal Queen followed behind him.

Seeing the three strong men at the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun joining hands with each other, even with the Zhuxian Sword Formation in hand, Li Ran was not completely sure.

He subconsciously looked at Chuanying, hoping to get his help, but at this moment Chuanying stood aside and watched the show quietly, as if he had no intention of ending.

Seeing this, Li Ran could only fight the three people in front of him alone.

"Today, I want to have a good look at the strength of the eight generals that the Immortal Emperor is proud of."

After finishing speaking, he took the formation map in his hand and tried his best to kill the Sun Moon God Sect. The Sun Moon God General, not to be outdone, took the initiative to meet the sword formation.

"good chance!"

At this moment, the Immortal Queen suddenly screamed in surprise. She turned to look at Ning Fei and shouted, "Ning Fei takes advantage of this opportunity and takes action quickly!"

Ning Fei stood with his head up in the dark universe, sighed in a low voice, and then took advantage of Li Ran's focus on the front, decisively shot at the weak point of Li Ran's sword formation, and successfully opened a gap.

Then, he picked up the undead queen and escaped from the gap in a chic way, leaving only the surprised Li Ran and the enraged general of the sun and moon.

"Dog men and women!"

Sun Moon God General looked at Ning Fei and Ning Fei who stabbed him in the back and left, even though he was the Empress of Immortality, he couldn't hold back the anger in his heart and yelled.

"If I still have a chance to escape, I must kill that couple. Even if His Majesty the Emperor comes to persuade me personally, it will not be possible."

At this time, Li Ran listened to the Sun and Moon God General's loud curses, and looked at Ning Fei and Ning Fei who were gradually moving away. He knew that he could no longer catch up with each other, so he could only set his target on the Sun and Moon God General.

"Hey, don't get excited, I haven't left yet?
Two of them ran away, so don’t run away again!

I have wasted so much effort, so let me gain something, so don't even think about escaping. "

After that, Li Ran activated the full power of the sword array and blasted it all at the Sun and Moon God General, preparing to complete his victory in one battle.

The Sun and Moon God General knew that his death was coming. With sweat and tears streaming down his face, he looked up to the sky and shouted: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for never being able to follow you to conquer the world again. If there is a next life, I will follow you to attack Jiutian again." Ten places.”

After finishing speaking, the Sun Moon God General gave up struggling and quietly waited for the killing sword to come.

Just when Li Ran was proud of himself, a sudden surge of supreme power fell from the sky, and a breath that made him feel extremely familiar fell from the sky.

"The Immortal Sword!"

Li Ran shouted in surprise when he saw the five-color sky knife descending suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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