Chapter 243 Returning to the Big Dipper

It has been some time since Xin Lan followed Li Ran on the ancient road to the starry sky. She had never heard such hearty and happy laughter from Li Ran as she did today, and she couldn't help but feel curious in her heart.

"Li Lang, what exactly makes you so happy?"

Li Ran smiled and replied: "I will become a primordial god. From now on, no one in the nine heavens and ten earths can threaten my life. After practicing for more than sixty years, my way has finally been completed!"


Xin Lan murmured a few times, but she was just cultivating the soul. Although she didn't know why she could make Li Ran so happy, she was now married to Li Ran. He had a happy event, so she was naturally happy for him.

At this time, another beautiful figure walked out from the side. It was Yan Ruyu who had separated from Li Ran before. She came to Xin Lan with a smile and explained to her with a smile: "My sister doesn't know something. The system of my husband's cultivation is different from We are completely different, but it is a path he created himself, called the Golden Elixir Avenue.

Yuanshen Yufujun's system is called Yuanshen True Immortal, and his supernatural powers are boundless. After reaching this state, although his strength is still at the level of Zhundi, his lifespan has far exceeded the emperor's life span of more than [-] years. It is a new way with a bright future, and my husband has high hopes for it, thinking that this method can replace the current method of the secret realm in the future, and become the mainstream in the next nine days and ten places. "

Xin Lan suddenly realized this and bowed slightly to Yan Ruyu to thank her: "Thank you, sister, for clearing up my doubts."

Then she looked at Li Ran with an unspeakable admiration. Although she knew in her heart that Li Ran was powerful and talented, she would definitely be the most powerful person in the universe in the future, but she never thought that she had no choice but to marry This husband of mine can be so outstanding, start a lineage of his own, and be called the ancestor of Taoism. This is something she never dared to think about in her life, but it has become a trivial matter for Li Ran.

After thinking about it, Xin Lan looked at Li Ran with infinite tenderness and affection.

"My husband is really awesome!"

Of course, Li Ran didn't know what was going on in Shen Lan's mind at this time. He was looking at the magnificent and colorful world behind the ancient pass in front of him. His eyes stayed for a long time, and finally he looked at Yan Ruyu behind him He Xin Lan said: "Let's go, let's go back to Beidou!"

Hearing Li Ran mention returning to Beidou again, Xin Lan was puzzled: "We have reached the first level, and ahead of us are all the geniuses in the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, so we just give up?
Why don't you, husband, achieve your soul here and let those so-called geniuses know what a true dragon is in the world, the elusive and unattainable pride of the clouds? "

When Li Ran heard this, he immediately shook his head and replied, "You don't understand. Beidou has what I need to become a soul. I must go back."

"it is good!"

After hearing what Li Ran said, Xin Lan knew the reason, so she agreed obediently.

Just like that, Li Ran rolled up his sleeves and rode the green bull back towards the direction he came from.

Another three years passed in the blink of an eye, and Li Ran finally returned to Beidou after spending three years in a hurry.

Yan Ruyu once again saw her hometown that she had not seen for many years. She couldn't help but get off Qingniu and walked slowly towards the vast hometown below.

And Xin Lan has never been to Beidou before, this is the first time she has seen such a vast and boundless ancient star. Compared with Beidou, the hometown she has been living in is just a small stone in front of Mount Tai, which cannot be compared at all. .Seeing the huge ancient star occupying almost all eyes in front of her, Xin Lan couldn't help but praise: "An ancient star with such a profound heritage, no wonder it made many great emperors come to this place in their later years regardless of everything."

Li Ran stood in the sky, his eyes swept across the four directions, and his divine recognition reached the base camp of Tianmo Dao, where he saw a familiar figure with a smile on his face.

He turned to the two people beside him and said, "I'll take you to meet a good sister!"


Xin Lan understood Li Ran's meaning very quickly after hearing this, but Yan Ruyu was puzzled. She had known Li Ran for so many years and had never heard of Li Ran's confidante. How could she have a confidante? Where are the good sisters?

Before she had time to think about it, Li Ran had already pulled her into the Big Dipper.

"I want to see who it is?"

As the continuous mountains passed by, the three of them gradually came to a holy place in Donghuang. Seeing the place they came to, Yan Ruyu's expression became more and more strange, as if she couldn't believe her eyes.

In the end, she couldn't help but look at Li Ran and said, "Did Li Langqian go to the wrong place? This Holy Land of Shaking Light has long been destroyed by Demon Luo, the master of Heavenly Demon Dao. The Holy Land also turned into the base camp of Heavenly Demon Dao." , you and Namo Luo had a lot of bad blood before, the two of them fought many times, and they were always at loggerheads. Are you ready to fight with him as soon as you return to Beidou? "

Xin Lan listened from the side, and secretly pricked up her ears. She had seen Li Ran's strength a long time ago, and there were not many people on the entire Starry Sky Ancient Road whose strength could make him admire him. After staying on the Starry Sky Ancient Road for so many years , almost all the enemies were called Li Ran, and he became his defeated opponent, but to Xin Lan's surprise, Beidou actually had a great enemy of Li Ran.

Xin Lan looked at the beautiful mountains and rivers in front of her and said secretly: "Beidou is indeed worthy of being called the Emperor Burial Star. It is indeed full of outstanding people and talented people."

Faced with Yan Ruyu's doubts, Li Ran had no intention of explaining. He just dragged her forward and swaggered from the entrance of the Holy Land into the Wailing Holy Land.

After entering the Holy Land of Waving Light, Yan Ruyu discovered that the demon cultists she thought would kill them immediately and surround them, but what caught her eyes was the respectful kneeling people on both sides of the ground. A group of believers gave up a road leading to the depths of the Holy Land for the three of them.

Yan Ruyu looked at everything in front of her in shock. She wiped her eyes a few times, wondering if she had fallen into some kind of illusion, but finally found that the truth was just like what she saw now.

"Li Lang, what on earth is going on?"

Yan Ruyu looked at Li Ran suspiciously, feeling completely puzzled.

Faced with the doubts in Yan Ruyu's heart, Li Ran burst into laughter. Under Yan Ruyu's shocked gaze, his whole body was enveloped by a deep demonic energy, and the demonic energy of six desires filled in front of Yan Ruyu, constantly arousing the desires in her heart.

Yan Ruyu looked at the familiar figure in front of her in horror, with a trace of fear in her eyes, she pointed at Li Ran and said, "Mo Luo, when did you come here!"

After saying that, Yan Ruyu seemed to have thought of something. She quickly took Xin Lan's hands and ran away from the Yaoguang Holy Land. She yelled in panic: "Let's get out of here quickly and go out to find Li Ran first."

Xin Lan didn't know what she meant, but seeing Yan Ruyu in such panic, she, who didn't know Beidou, could only follow Yan Ruyu and rush outside the Holy Land of Shaking Light.


Li Ran looked at Yan Ruyu's panicked figure and laughed. He stretched out his hand and a rule of heaven and earth appeared, imprisoning Yan Ruyu who was about to escape and unable to move.

Seeing Li Ran approaching her step by step, Yan Ruyu trembled and shouted in fear: "Don't come over. If you dare to attack me, Li Lang will definitely not let you go."

(End of this chapter)

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