I have Wanjie chat group

Chapter 42 Is the song popular?

Chapter 42 Is the song popular?

Chen Le also seemed to understand what Mr. Ma said.

The content of the conversation between the two basically went like this:

"If we rely on magic, can we establish industrialization in the feudal dynasty, produce fertilizers, hybrid rice, etc.?"

"If everyone has enough food and clothing, can the world be unified?"

"If there is someone who is very good at fighting, who can defeat millions of people by himself, can you rely on this bright prospect to trick him into becoming your thug?"

The answer Chen Le wants to hear is:

"Young friend Chen, you should be so deceptive. Xiaoyou Chen, we have a lot of experience in persuading the enemy to surrender. Xiaoyou Chen, I have a lot of words to teach you."

But Ma Lao’s answer always said,
"This should be referred to the book "China's Modernization Process". There are many types of industrial foundations and it is difficult to establish. Even if there is such a thing as magic, it may be difficult to establish a complete industrial system across the ages."

"If you want to build an ideal world like universal unity, there is no good way in the world. They are all utopian dreams. If it really doesn't work, I suggest you read Das Kapital."

"As for the last question, although Chen Xiaoyou has a good sense of people, but one person can stop a master like a million soldiers. His mentality is different from that of ordinary people. It may not be easy to persuade him. If Chen Xiaoyou can one day become the one everyone expects Leader, maybe you can try to convince that kind of expert.”

Chen Le was confused by the fact that he was quoting scriptures at every turn.

It sounds like the level of difficulty is sky-high.

Chen Le is essentially a scumbag. He has only read a few days of social science, political and economic books. It would be great if he could barely understand what Mr. Ma said and then translate it to the group in the most appropriate words.

I don’t know if those people in the group can understand it.

Then, Chen Le realized that he had underestimated the incredible geniuses in the group.

Except that the Bull Demon King has never had much contact with humans, and the rules of the monster clan are different from humans, so they don't understand these things very well, the other three people quickly understood the subtlety of Ma Lao's words.

Zhao Ling'er is the princess of Nanzhao Kingdom. She has been influenced by it since she was a child. She is also a descendant of Nuwa who has inherited and protected mankind from generation to generation. She has already figured out a lot.

"It turns out that my father didn't manage the Nanzhao Kingdom well. Everyone couldn't even eat enough, and everyone was struggling to starve to death. How could they obey the law and not be cruel? Only then will they lose confidence in the people of Nanzhao Kingdom and want to create a new world with love."

"If everyone lives and works in peace and contentment and loves each other, how can the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult have the desire to destroy the world?"

Zhao Ling'er thought to herself that Brother Shengjun didn't just want to change his tragic fate by saying this.

The real purpose of Brother Shengjun is to save the world and let the thousands of people of Nanzhao live a good life. In such a great realm, I am really far away from him. No matter what, I cannot live up to the expectations of Brother Shengjun.

Hua Tuo heard this and sighed: "Don't talk about what Baiyue will do after hearing this. Even if Hua told Uncle Liu, Uncle Liu would be greatly moved and treat Hua as a guest. It's just that Hua only practiced medicine in his life. Heal the disease and don’t want to get involved in these disputes.”

Qiao Feng only thought about two words in his mind.

home country.

The war between Song and Liao continued for countless years, and the Beggar Gang was the backbone of the martial arts community against the Liao.

At most, martial arts can only defeat a hundred people. What the Holy Lord said today is far superior to ten thousand enemies. It is a real good strategy for governing the country.

What Chen Le didn't know was that today's words would play a key role in Qiao Feng's future choices.

The one who feels the least is the Bull Demon King.

He is the kind of person who will kill a bunch of monsters with one hoof. I'm wrong, that kind of cow.In his opinion, if he refuses to accept the worship of the moon, he will be trampled to death by a hoof, and that's it.

Chen Le didn't know the magnitude of the words he relayed. As a middleman, Chen Honglei, he had done his best.

Judging from everyone in the group's expressions of emotion, the plan to fool the moon worshipers should be progressing smoothly.

After chatting for so long, it was getting late. Mr. Ma said that he would go back and find some professionals to help. Chen Le was naturally overjoyed and shook hands with Mr. Ma repeatedly.

Before leaving, Mr. Ma said meaningfully: "Chen Xiaoyou, your song has a great influence now."

"What song?"

Chen Le was confused.

Liu Siyue thought for a while and said:

"Mr. Ma is talking about the piece that Mr. Chen played on leaves at the reception, right?"

Mr. Ma nodded and said: "Exactly, the song played by Chen Xiaoyou at the cocktail party is now widely circulated. I don't think a little person like Lu Zifang would let Chen Xiaoyou play the music just to slap him in the face. He must have ulterior motives. I don't know what Chen Xiaoyou is going to do. What's the matter? Is there anything I can do to help?"

During this period of time, Taoist Qingshan did not know how many news came in, saying that many Taoist practitioners who had entered the world heard this piece of music on the Internet, and they were shocked as to who was born, and actually played such fairy music in public.

Taoist Qingshan was certain that Master Chen Xian did not blow the leaves at the reception because he was suppressing Lu Zifang. After all, Lu Zifang was just a mortal and had no such qualifications.

It is very likely that Master Chen was trying to lure the snake out of its cave. As for why he lured the snake out and what cave he wanted to come out of, Taoist Qingshan didn't know.

This incident shocked Taoist Qingshan so much that Mr. Ma wanted to ask a sideways question.

Chen Le thought to himself, this old man didn't know what nonsense he was talking about, wasn't he just bragging to make Ling'er happy?There was no other intention, let alone wanting to slap Lu Zifang in the face. It was obviously Lu Zifang who didn't know what to do and got involved.

Chen Le said honestly:
"No intention, just to make people happy."

"I understand, I won't ask any more questions." Mr. Ma had a look on his face that said, "I know what I am interested in." He let go of Chen Le's hand, laughed and left. Mr. Ma felt that he had received some kind of affirmation from Chen Le's words. Information.

Chen Le shrugged, wondering why Mr. Ma was laughing. He took out his mobile phone to check what time it was, but found that he had just received a text message showing that 10 yuan had been credited to his bank card.

"Mr. Lu's work efficiency is so fast."

Chen Le was as happy as eating honey, he was in a good mood, and the gloomy mood of the afternoon was swept away.

After working hard for so long, I finally got what I wanted and made a small fortune.

Chen Le laughed loudly and waved his hand:
"Mr. Lu just made some money. Now he's rich. I'll treat everyone to dinner!"

Liu Siyue was no longer forced by Ma Yuxiang, Zhang Cheng had been cleared of his grievances, and the paper was about to be published, so his future would be bright and bright. The two were in a good mood and agreed immediately.

On a small street near the entrance of the university, food stalls have begun to set up tables and stools outside. The flow of people is gradually increasing, and it gradually looks like a night market.

The three of them randomly found a stall and ordered a few side dishes, dozens of mutton skewers, and a bottle of beer. They agreed not to return until they were drunk today.

After drinking and having fun, the stress of the three busy days was gone, and the atmosphere was very lively.

As night fell, the food stall owner turned on the big-screen TV to add a little more fun to the diners and attract more people.

Chen Le was filling a whole bottle of beer for Liu Siyue. When he was in high spirits, he suddenly heard the news from the TV:
"At the reception, the mysterious young man was recorded playing the leaves, which set off a new craze on the Internet. This pure music song continues to be popular, and has been on the top of the music chart for five consecutive days!"

(End of this chapter)

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