Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 115 Peerless Sword

Chapter 115 Peerless Sword
One minute in reality is equivalent to two days in dreams.

Under such a terrifying speed of time flow, three hours passed in reality, but in the dream, it was a full two years.

Everyone in reality couldn't imagine how Zhou Ming could survive two years in a dream world where sword masters were everywhere.

Even Zhou Ming himself couldn't help crying when he recalled these two years of hardship, and sighed unbearably.

How many times has he died in the past two years?

How many battles has he experienced in the past two years?

Countless sword moves flashed in his mind, countless fights, countless life-and-death fights, every move, it seemed that only the sword was left in his consciousness.

Be loyal to the sword, be honest to the sword, and be extremely loyal to the sword.

Standing on the top of the city, Zhou Ming looked at the clouds passing by in the sky, as if they were pieces of sword clouds dancing.Looking at the crowd looking up at him under the city, it seemed that sword lights were pointing at him.Looking at the man in white Shengxue standing opposite him, holding a sword, it seems that it is a peerless sword, and the man and the sword are perfectly combined.

"You are not my opponent, but I still come to the appointment, do you know why?"

The man on the opposite side stood quietly, like a ten thousand year old ice, the sword was cold, the person was cold, and the voice was even colder.

"Because half a year ago, there was a man who was very similar to you. He tried his best to kill me, just to let me make a move."

"That day, I took action. With just one move, I slit his throat and ended his life. But he used the short words before his death to make me remember him forever."

"What did he say?" Zhou Ming asked with a chuckle.

"He said, 'I heard that if the sword is fast, the blood spurting from the wound is like the sound of the wind. It sounds good. Well, I heard it now, and it sounds really good.' It's a simple sentence, but when he said it He said it with a smile, he smiled very freely. Just like your smile now, you are really similar to him."

"Do you think you can kill me again?" Zhou Ming asked.

The swordsman in white was silent, and then slowly drew his sword.

"You don't answer, is it because you don't know the answer yourself? Have you noticed that there is warmth in your voice, and you are no longer the ruthless sword you used to be." Zhou Ming also put his hand on on the hilt.

"You know, this is not the first time I have been killed by you. Every time I die in your hands, I try to leave my mark on you and change you subtly."

"I succeeded. That time half a year ago, I firmly engraved my image in your heart so that you can never forget me. It's strange, it's just a word."

"I don't want to listen to fairy tales. If you want to tell me that you will not be killed by me, then I will kill you and wait for you to prove to me when you are resurrected." As soon as the swordsman in white finished speaking, he drew out his sword up.

His sword seemed to penetrate the barrier of time and space, passing through Zhou Ming's body in an instant. It was an incomparably magnificent sword light, and everyone who saw it was fascinated by it.

But Zhou Ming didn't. He didn't even have any scars on his body, as if the sword just now was really just a joke.

"You are good at swordsmanship. In this world, I will never be able to defeat you with a sword, but my companions have provided enough disturbance to allow me to pry the cornerstone of this world."

"As time goes by, the power of the Hell Soul Cleansing Sutra has finally reached a level that is enough to distort this dream."

Zhou Ming raised his sword and swung it lightly, and a sword exactly like the swordsman in white appeared, and the magnificent sword light pierced the body of the swordsman in white.

A bit of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the white-clothed swordsman, and the coldness in his heart was finally dissipated by enough emotions. He fell to the ground, but suddenly laughed, with a smile of relief.

"I heard that there is a kind of wine in the world called "drunk life and dream death". After drinking it, you can forget everything you have done before. The biggest trouble for people is that their memory is too good. If you can forget everything, every day in the future It's going to be a new beginning, so how happy you say it is."

"Look, you are very happy now, because although everyone I kill is you, but every you is a different you, the dead you, the living you, the living but about to die you , you will be resurrected after death, every time is a new beginning."

"So all of you can start over after you die, forget everything, and indulge in swordsmanship. It's really happy and easy, isn't it?"

Zhou Ming put away his sword and walked in front of him, looking down at the swordsman in white who had fallen on the city wall.

"The sword just now was indeed your sword, so you were defeated by yourself." Zhou Ming stretched out his right hand, and a misty halo appeared in the palm of his hand.

"You have to remember that you are Shangguan Wuji."

The power of the Hell Soul Cleansing Sutra imprinted the information contained in this sentence into this wisp of will.

With the disappearance of the white-clothed swordsman's body, that ray of will flew away, somewhere in this world, reappeared with a new identity, and blended into this world without any surprise.

No one will find it strange, and no one will question it, because this is the logical law of the operation of this world, and everyone here is born in this way.

However, this time, for some reason, this newborn person suddenly heard a sentence in his mind.

"I am... Shangguan Wuji?"

In Shangguan Wuji's dream, in this self-contained world, a "ghost" suddenly appeared.

A ghost that wanders around, constantly challenges the masters, wins every battle, and never loses.

The reason why he is called a "ghost" rather than a master is because his swordsmanship is not very good, and it is not at the same level as those top masters killed by him.

And those top masters, rather than being killed by him, it is better to say that they were killed by themselves, because they all died under their own stunts.

But the "ghost" is immortal, no matter how powerful the master is, no matter how exquisite the sword moves are, as long as he moves towards the "ghost", his moves will return intact, not only can't hurt the "ghost" If you do anything, you will kill yourself.

In a very short period of time, more than a dozen top masters died at the hands of "ghosts", but people in this world have never been afraid of life and death, or regard death as home.

The appearance of the "ghost" did not cause any chaos at all, on the contrary, it made the real masters happy to see Lie Xin, and lined up to die.

At the same time, another incident in this dream world has attracted more and more people's attention.

I don't know when, a new force appeared in the originally harmonious dreamland. They called themselves Shangguan Wuji, not a certain person was Shangguan Wuji, but everyone claimed to be Shangguan Wuji.

They don't know why they are Shangguan Wuji, but they all firmly believe that they are Shangguan Wuji, or they think they are a part of Shangguan Wuji, and all of them together are the complete Shangguan Wuji.

And these "Shangguan Wuji" are like a virus that is wantonly infected with division. While they are shouting that they are Shangguan Wuji, they are also constantly assimilating other people, making more and more people think that they are Shangguan Wuji.

"Shangguan Wuji!"

"Shangguan Wuji!"

"Shangguan Wuji!"

They shouted like this, and the momentum became stronger and stronger.

These people finally made the normal people who only cared about swordsmanship react, and conflicts broke out between the two sides.

At this time, people discovered that the "ghost" appeared repeatedly, and every time he stood on the side of "Shangguan Wuji", people realized that the "ghost" belonged to Shangguan Wuji, or he was also Shangguan Wuji, but the ghost never Not admitted.

What makes normal people even more startling is that some "newcomers" think that they are Shangguan Wuji when they first appeared, and the proportion of these newcomers is still increasing.

They tried various methods to try to prevent this kind of thing, but all methods were ineffective.

Just like a virus split without any restrictions, the number of "Shangguan Promise" is growing exponentially, one becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight, eight becomes sixteen, the number of people is increasing, and the speed of the increase is getting faster and faster. Coming faster and faster.

When everyone became a part of the ocean shouting "Shangguan Wuji", Zhou Ming stood on the city wall, looking at the densely packed "Shangguan Wuji" below the city, feeling at ease.

"Faster than expected."

During the induction, the "normal consciousness" that does not belong to "Shangguan Wuji" becomes less and less, until the last one disappears, and everyone in the world becomes Shangguan Wuji.

Zhou Ming opened his hands, palms facing the sky, as if he wanted to embrace the sky, his whole body turned into a misty halo, and suddenly dispersed.

The halo spreads out like waves, passing through each "Shangguan Wuji" and overlapping with this dream world.

"The world is like a prison, all beings are me, the hell cleanses the soul, and the mind and spirit are united."

The entire dream world suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Everything in this world is thrown into the vast flames, everything is burning, melting, and becoming one.

The sentient beings in the world, countless Shangguan Wuji, did not make any dodge movements. They were all waiting, waiting for the moment when they merged together, waiting for the moment when the real Shangguan Wuji awakened.

Everything ends in a sea of ​​fire.

The heaven and the earth turned into a furnace of flame, and all things were melted into one in the furnace.

It was a sword unparalleled in heaven and earth.

Before Zhou Ming could see clearly what the sword looked like, the sword had already turned into a human being, a handsome and elegant man with gray hair on his temples, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes.

That man's body was still filled with the unparalleled aura of heaven and earth, as if only his body had changed, but his essence was still that unparalleled sword.

Then, the man slowly opened his eyes.

When his eyes met Zhou Ming's thoughts, Zhou Ming, who had originally transformed himself into heaven and earth with the Hell Soul Cleansing Sutra, blended with this dream world, and melted all the soul thoughts of Shangguan Wuji into one, was suddenly shot out. This state of incarnation of heaven and earth reappears in physical form.

The two strands of thought transmit information to each other at a speed far exceeding the speed of light. In an instant, countless exchanges have been completed. The understanding of the two parties has changed from strangers to deep acquaintances in this instant. bosom friend.

So, Shangguan Wuji nodded to Zhou Ming with a smile, and stretched out his right hand.

"I will wake up, and this dream world that has been maintained for 20 years will also dissipate."

"But before that, with our efforts, we can finally make use of this dream world."

"Use this mighty power of heaven and earth to attack the supreme path of swordsmanship. Take a look and see that there is a realm of swordsmanship that does not belong to this world!"

"Enter the legendary sword world!"

(End of this chapter)

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