Chapter 117
I have hesitated whether to write a testimonial on the shelves, and finally think about it and write it. Although I am a newcomer, I will write it on the shelves anyway, as a commemoration.

I wrote this book at first because of the shortage of books. When I picked up the real person again, the resentment that always stayed in the chapter of the three wars gave me the idea of ​​writing it myself.

Then I read a few real-person fanfics and found that it didn't work. For some reason, it seemed that real-life fanfics all died miserably... Then an idea suddenly came to my mind: I'll add some other elements to it, eh, Is it possible to avoid this problem?
This thought was out of control, and when there was nothing to do in my mind, I would bring up a little plot, and write a little when I had free time. It took more than a month on and off, and I just finished writing the first plot world (laughs).

Then I thought, if I had already written it, I might as well post it online for my own entertainment, so a novice who didn’t even know how to sign in posted the book online.

Sure enough, the collection was bleak, and there were basically no readers after one hundred thousand words. At that time, I was already ready to stand alone for a long time, but I received a short message from the editor.

Then I signed the contract, and with a few waves of recommendations, more and more people read the book...

During this period, there were praises and scolds, praises and criticisms. I saw them all and kept them in mind.

To be honest, I am very grateful to everyone who has supported me all the way until now.

I would also like to thank my editor Penglai. If it weren’t for him signing this book, I would still be single-player...

Now, this book has more than 10,000 words. To be honest, I am quite surprised that I can write this number of words.

For a newcomer, it is actually very difficult to use spare time to code 6000+ words when going to work every day, which almost compresses all my rest and entertainment time, and code words become commonplace until eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening... And this kind of Fast-paced code words, my brain and narrative plot can't keep up. I used to read books and think why the update is so slow or something, but now I write it myself... Ah, it's really blue!
Finally, I would like to ask everyone for a first order. I know that there are not many people who read this book. Anyway, it’s been almost two months since I sent a message for love. Spend a few cents to give your child some support. Huh, huh...

If there is no accident, it should be on the shelves at 12:1 noon tomorrow, and then I will update it at 100:[-] pm, and update five chapters in a row.


thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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