Chapter 128
"One! Two! One! Two!"

In the spacious hall, more than a dozen people lined up in a row, shouting passionate slogans and walking in uniform goose steps.

Their faces were full of fanaticism, and they looked at the boring beauty in ancient costume who was sitting lazily on the throne with one hand resting his chin and the other hand playing with a piece of ancient jade with admiration.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to present a song for you!"

Liu Shengyiru, who was walking at the front of the crowd, fell down in front of the throne in a very funny manner and shouted to Zhou Ming full of reverence.

Zhou Ming sighed, waved his hand listlessly, and acquiesced to Liu Shengyiru's request.

"Thank you, my most revered Majesty!"

Liu Shengru was in high spirits, raising his legs alternately, dancing crab-like dance steps, shaking his hands like holding maracas, and imitating the sound of "rustling, rustling" in his mouth, with exaggerated movements and more expressive expressions. exaggerate.

"Den den den den den den!"

Liu Shengyiru stepped on the rhythmic drumbeat and sang loudly: "Hey young man! I said young man! Pick yourself off the ground, I said young man..."

Liu Shengru was behind him, and the four of them jumped out and lifted their shirts to reveal their strong muscles. Everyone performed a standard movement to show their muscles, with perverted smiles and wet eyes. The muscles on their bodies moved rhythmically with the song. Jump and jump, constantly changing positions to show different muscle groups...

"Fuck!" Zhou Ming was so frightened that he threw all the ancient jade he was playing with in his hand, and stretched out his hand to drink: "Stop, stop, stop!"

The ancient jade fell to the ground with a crisp "ding" sound, and was seen by Kaka who happened to walk in.

"Damn!" Kaka exclaimed, and rushed to pick up Gu Yu.

"Wow, Boss Zhou, don't get angry with this thing if you fail in your practice. This is one of the three artifacts in Dongying, the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu! Even if we don't need it ourselves, we can take it back to the Lord God Space and sell it to the little one." Friends from neighboring countries who are living a good life! You can sell them for a high price."

Kaka held the emerald green chili-shaped gouyu and exclaimed repeatedly.

Zhou Ming shrugged, with an indifferent expression on his face.

"Look at these people, not only did they not become what I wanted, but they all turned into big brains."

She pointed at those "martial arts masters" who were still looking at her reverently, as if they could do anything for her as long as she gave an order, with a look of hatred for iron and steel.

These people are all volunteers who came to Kyoto these days and "willingly" used them as materials for Zhou Ming to practice the Hell Soul Cleansing Sutra.

Of course, Zhou Ming couldn't waste it. He rewrote their wills and edited their memories over and over again, and ended up like this in the end. Even Zhou Ming himself couldn't figure out how many messy memories he had edited for them.

"Yusheng Shashen and I hit it off right away. When I wanted to meet again, I would give these people to him to show my friendship and send him a ride."

"Then look at what they are like now, how can I show Yagyu the Killing God? Should I send Yagyu Killing God away as soon as we meet? This is too rude!"

Kaka said in his heart that it was so vicious that you would kill someone and kill your heart.

At least he still maintained his sense and did not really say this out loud. Instead, he changed the subject and said, "Yagyū Killer God has not shown up for so many days. Is there a possibility that he doesn't care about these people at all?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Zhou Ming said flatly: "If he doesn't care about Liu Shengyiru and so many Japanese martial arts comrades, doesn't he care about the entire Japanese world?"

"Wait another three days. If Liu Sheng Shashen hasn't appeared after three days, we will set off and go around the islands in Dongying. Sooner or later, we will kill him and jump out!"

"Wow, Boss Zhou, are you serious?" Kaka was so startled that he almost didn't jump up, and then he asked: "Didn't you say that your soul enhancement has reached the upper limit? You can't accommodate more, why do you want to?" Spend that much more effort?"

Soul cultivation, in addition to strengthening the soul, refining the soul, and reassuring the soul, also requires specific strengthening methods to strengthen the physical body so that the physical body can carry an increasingly powerful soul.

Zhou Ming's soul now has the level of 800 human souls. His soul is condensed, and he has the tranquilizing fruit he got from the ghost doctor to soothe his soul. His soul cultivation is going smoothly. The only limitation is the strength of his physical body.

With Zhou Ming's current body, carrying a thousand souls is the limit. Once it exceeds a thousand souls, the body will be crushed by the soul, and then it will become a lonely ghost. Without the protection of the body, the soul will dissipate in a short time. clean and dry.

If Zhou Ming hadn't killed city by city long ago to improve his soul background, why would he be bored waiting here for Liu Sheng to kill God?
"To be idle is to be idle, just to kill and play." Zhou Ming said with a frivolous tone with a smile on his face.

'Good guy, it's common to see a living Madonna, but it's really uncommon to see a living King of Hades! Kaka felt a slander in her heart.

"By the way, the palace has been turned upside down by us in the past few days, and all the valuable treasures have been found. How about it? How many have been identified?"

"How many good things are there?" Kaka said with a bitter face: "After looking around, the so-called three artifacts are worth a little money. We still can't recognize the effect. Get someone to identify it."

"After all, it's a small country, what good things can there be?" Zhou Ming sneered, then suddenly seemed to think of something, and stroked his clean chin thoughtfully.

"There are not many good things in Dongying, but there are many good things in my great Central Plains! Anyway, the emperor of Daqi is stupid, and his life is a waste of air. Why don't we cooperate with the two teams and go to the capital to kill the dog emperor and loot the Daqi?" How is Qi Palace?"

'What the hell... I take back what I said just now, you are not the king of Hades!You are the King of Hades, you have to be tattooed on your back! '

Kaka kept complaining in his heart, waved his hands again and again and said with a dry smile: "No, no, our main task is to protect the dragon veins after all. No one can tell whether the Emperor Daqi has anything to do with the dragon veins or not!"

"If we fail the main mission by then, it won't be the end of the game!"

He was really afraid that the leader in front of him would get hot-headed and fly back to the Central Plains to kill the Great Qi Emperor, so he could only move out his entire team to calm Zhou Ming.

"That's right, after all, your main mission..." Zhou Ming murmured to himself, a pair of starry eyes flickering, as if he was planning something very dangerous.

Kaka swallowed her saliva, and suddenly a bad feeling rose in her heart.

"Boss Zhou, you don't really have such an idea, do you?"

"How could it be!" Zhou Ming put on a pretty face, and said seriously, "I'm that kind of person!"

As soon as the words fell, she rolled her big eyes again, and said in a different tone: "But, if, I mean if, if your main mission fails, what will you do?"

'Also say you have no idea! Kaka was startled, his thoughts turned sharply, he cleared his throat, and then said: "Actually, it is not unacceptable for us to fail the main task. There have been other teams paying enough price before to make us give up the main task." Case."

He focused on the five words "sufficient price" to increase the tone.

"Really?" Zhou Ming giggled: "As expected of an eight-star team, it's worth learning, hahahaha..."

"I won the prize, hahahaha."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The two looked at each other like crazy and laughed. The row of "martial arts masters" stared and laughed, and the hall was filled with joy.

Suddenly, the laughter of Zhou Ming and Kaka stopped abruptly.

Both of them turned their heads to look outside the hall, and a figure quickly approached from the sky.

"It's finally here." Seeing that figure, Kaka didn't panic, but breathed a sigh of relief.

Good guy, hurry up and die, don't let this little aunt make trouble!

Wait, she's a fucking man!Bah, bah, bah, nonsense!

Zhou Ming looked strangely at Kaka, who was bawling to the side for a while: "What's the matter, Liu Sheng's killing god has changed a bit, so it won't make you so sick, right?"

Kaka: "..."

The figure of Liu Sheng's killing god fluttered down from the air like catkins, and his whole image and temperament changed drastically: a head of black hair turned into silver threads, white clothes, white hair, sad and dejected beard, melancholy eyes, withered and withered temperament, like The fallen leaves in autumn have no vitality at all, and the domineering arrogance that used to be the only one is gone.

"Are you sure this is a change?" Kaka was dumbfounded.

Zhou Ming dismissed it with a frivolous expression: "Hey, hey, isn't this a domineering sword? We haven't seen each other for a few days, why are you so angry?"

Liu Sheng's deadly eyes swept behind Zhou Ming, and a group of martial arts masters headed by Liu Shengyi, all opened their mouths in foolish joy at the moment, and hadn't recovered from the laughter just now.

There was a wave of confusion in Ba Dao's eyes, and his eyes shifted and fell back on Zhou Ming.

"Ba Dao is dead." He said slowly.

What idol did you pick!Kaka really wanted to follow this sentence, but he didn't dare, for fear of being beaten.

"Ah? Then who the hell are you?" Zhou Ming asked bluntly.

I don't know!Kaka wanted to follow up with one more sentence, but he also didn't dare to say it, fearing that he would be beaten more severely.

"Hope is shattered, life is useless, heart is ashamed, love and nature are extinguished, I am... a sword!"

Yagyu's God of Killing suddenly erupted with an aura of death and death in all things.

The next moment, Zhou Ming drew his sword out of its sheath, and the Nine Yin Xuantian Sword charged directly at Liu Sheng, killing God with mighty aura.

The aura of Liu Sheng's killing god gathered in an instant, turning into a knife of extinction, locking on the target, and cutting down with the knife's intent.

Cutting the body with a knife, cutting the soul with the heart?

When everything in front of him was shrouded in darkness and he lost all vision, this sentence suddenly popped out in Kaka's mind.

Then, the second sentence that popped into his mind was: Damn, why is Yagyu’s target of killing the god me!
All defenses, counterattacks, or other thoughts did not arise in time, and Liu Sheng's killing sword only gave him time for two thoughts.

His consciousness was then plunged into eternal nothingness.

(End of this chapter)

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