Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 159 Choose to Fight

Chapter 159 Choose to Fight
Yang Zhisheng was delighted when he said it, and Zhou Ming was fascinated by it.

Positioning the coordinates of the world, attacking the abyss, and setting off a plane war, this is the true strength of a top-level army!

Zhou Ming couldn't help but wonder, one day in the future, will the Gu world encounter the same situation, be captured by the overwhelming locust-like reincarnations, and become another trophy of the Lord God?

That is a truly world-destroying war of destruction, definitely surpassing any battle in the history of the Gu world, because it will be the joint efforts of all beings in the five domains to resist the invasion of the heavenly demons from outside the domain, and the five domains and nine heavens are in danger of being destroyed at any time. Such a scene... ...Thinking about it feels exciting!
Thinking about it this way, my little fuss now is nothing!
But right away, Zhou Ming quickly warned himself to keep his feet on the ground and move forward step by step.

"Brother Yang, do you think there is a possibility that Sister Yu Man has similar experiences to yours, and now she becomes an angel and stays in heaven?"

Zhou Ming said.

"I told the big guys in the legion about this from the beginning, but now they are busy fighting a war with the abyss and can't spare too many manpower to open up the battlefield of heaven to look for Yuman."

"Moreover, they are also testing the upper limit of that world's strength. Although the God in heaven cannot be the so-called omnipotent existence, it still makes the bosses feel afraid and dare not easily start a second war in that world. .”

Yang Zhisheng explained.

"Tsk, back then, how could we have imagined that the water in that world would be so deep? By the way, Brother Yang, how did those bigwigs in the legion find you? How did they enter that world?"

"Could it be that they are already strong enough to travel between different planes with their own strength?"

"Of course not!" Yang Zhisheng shook his head and laughed, "You can look up the relevant props in the exchange list for cross-plane tracking and teleportation, such as karma tracing talismans, plane locators, world-transmitting gates, super-tech products, magic products, Cultivation products, etc., the major armies rely on these advanced props to locate the world, teleport across borders, and continuously transport combat power."

"These props for cross-dimensional warfare are a must-have for every large organization. They are generally expensive and require at least a ten-star authority to redeem them."

'Stuck by permissions again! 'Zhou Ming was secretly unhappy.

"Hehe, do you know why?"

Seeming to see Zhou Ming's displeased mood, Yang Zhisheng explained with a smile: "Because the strength of reincarnated people reaches ten stars, they can be considered by the main god as qualified fighters, and they can participate in the endless expansion war of the main god. "

"The Lord God is like a big tree that keeps growing in the infinite multiverse. Its roots and branches extend infinitely, invading worlds. Every moment, the Lord God is at war with an unknown number of worlds. Although His power It is huge, but the battlefield is also spread out equally broadly, no matter how magnificent the mighty force is, after such a spread, it is impossible to cover everything."

"That's why the main god needs us. The reincarnated people are the soldiers of the main god. The newcomers in the first three games are recruits who have just joined the army. Those with less than ten stars are the trainees who have started training. Those with more than ten stars are the soldiers who are truly qualified and ready to go to war."

"All the story worlds you are experiencing now are worlds that have been completely conquered and occupied by the Lord God, and are used as a back garden for military training."

"When your strength evaluation reaches more than ten stars, you may experience some worlds that are not completely occupied by the main gods, and participate in more intense battles against world rules."

"The higher the strength evaluation, the higher the probability of encountering this kind of world, and naturally the more dangerous it will be."

"So don't look at those high-star bosses calling the wind and rain as if it's a breeze. In fact, the risk of death may be much higher than ours."

"Like us, our strength improves slowly, and we try to lower our ratings when completing tasks. The next task will not be too difficult, and the risk is low. We can mix in a few games, which is the most comfortable."

"..." Zhou Ming was speechless: "You are completely different from when I first met you. How can you be so easily ruined?"

"What's wrong with being bad?" Yang Zhisheng said with contempt on his face: "You are still young, you don't understand the feeling of lying flat and fishing, for you it may be just a few missions in the world, but for me it is Struggling in the abyss for decades, I finally managed to gain some strength and enjoy it, and finally returned to the goddamn space again."

"Then I learned about the status quo of the main god and high-level reincarnators from the bosses of the legion. I was even more desperate. I finally climbed up, just to work for the main god? Forget it, let's just open it and let it go gone."

Zhou Ming was silent for a while, then gave Yang Zhisheng a thumbs up.

Everyone has their own attitude towards life, there is nothing to persuade them, and they are responsible for their own actions. As long as he does not block my way, what do I care about him?

"By the way, Brother Yang, what is your current personal strength rating? If the star rating is high, please help me exchange something."

Expecting Feng Yuanzheng to be too inactive, Zhou Ming hoped to get additional opportunities from Yang Zhisheng.

"Ha, that's really embarrassing, since I was brought back from the abyss by the bosses, I haven't experienced a story world yet. Although my strength rating has reached seven stars, my personal authority is still at four stars. But..."

Yang Zhisheng said with a smile: "As long as you join the Yanhuang Legion, there will be some high-star bosses to help you exchange items. Top-level legions, rich and powerful, and high-level redemption are invisible benefits that are not worth mentioning. The benefits on the surface guarantee you Scream."

"Calculating the time, you should have just experienced the fourth plot world. The difficulty of the mission must be different from the previous three games, right? What about, think about it again and join the legion. I guarantee that you can pass the next mission easily! "

Zhou Ming couldn't help laughing, didn't explain anything, just shook his head and said: "Brother Yang, I still want to make a breakthrough, one day I really feel that I can't get along, I will come to you again, I hope you can take me in when the time comes I."

"You guys are here to give me lines for Hong Kong movies, right?" Yang Zhisheng scolded with a smile: "Okay, I won't force you, when will you really understand the essence of lying flat, come to me at any time, as long as I can If you can get along well in the Yanhuang Legion, there will always be a seat for you here."

Zhou Ming nodded and smiled happily.

To be honest, at that moment Zhou Ming really had a heartbeat. He really wanted to join Yang Zhisheng's command and never return to the Gu world again. It was a game to mess around in the plot world, and he was accompanied by a high-quality beauty like Qin Wumeng. , the feeling of lying down like this seems to be good?

But it was only a momentary heartbeat, and then he was snuffed out in an instant, and secretly warned himself not to have such thoughts again.

This is the space of the Lord God. Lying down means giving up on yourself. If you cannot move forward bravely and vigorously, the countdown to death has already begun.

Zhou Ming doesn't want to die. It's not that he has to avoid danger. On the contrary, he needs the courage to face danger, find opportunities in crisis, make himself stronger, and make fewer and fewer things that threaten his life. It is the true pursuit of immortality.

Even if Zhou Ming died on this road, he would not regret it in his heart. At least, he chose to fight.

 I decided to fire the boss, because if I continue to work, it is not a question of firing the boss, but a question of whether I will kill the boss...

(End of this chapter)

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