Chapter 189

"Time has become a cycle in this world, the past and the future have been confused."

After the conversation with John Connor, the Resistance Army specially arranged a resting room for the reincarnations.

In the room, Zhou Ming slowly said these words.

"The plot world this time may be more dangerous than we imagined. Our enemies are not only the samsara and Skynet on the surface. Be careful, I can't protect you by your side at any time."

"Captain, I can protect myself." Qin Wumeng said stubbornly.

"...Anyway, don't be careless." Zhou Ming wanted to say something, but opened his mouth but it turned into a soft sigh.

After meeting John Connor, an ominous feeling enveloped Zhou Ming's heart, like a lingering haze. Zhou Ming couldn't figure out where this feeling came from.

Because there are too many possible interfering factors.

The Skynet in the past may have information about all their reincarnations. The Skynet in the future may transmit power to the past at any time. The parallel world is constantly splitting, and there are countless directions in the past and the future.

Even Zhou Ming did not doubt whether there would be reincarnations in the future who would send themselves back to the past through a time machine to affect all subsequent timelines.

Because Zhou Ming wanted to do this himself.

This time the plot world lasts for 180 days. The time machine may have been developed, may still be under development, or may even have been put into testing and practical application.

Regardless of the possibility, in the next 180 days, it will definitely appear as an important strategic weapon, and the war situation will become more complicated and confusing.

"The battle against the Skynet base in the San Gabriel Mountains will begin in two hours. Be prepared. This time we are likely to encounter the reincarnation team that cooperates with Skynet."

"Captain, what about our cooperation with Team Wangtianya?" Qin Wumeng asked.

"The initial cooperation is limited to not attacking each other. We fight separately from them. This is the most worry-free."

"After all, this is the first contact, and there is no trust at all. Instead of reluctantly cooperating in fighting and having to be wary of each other, it is better to fight independently, as long as the goal is the same."

Zhou Ming sneered: "The basis of cooperation is equal strength. If we suffer heavy losses in this battle, they will not hesitate to make up for it, and vice versa."

"Is killing each other the fate of reincarnators?" Qin Wumeng murmured pessimistically.

"No, chasing eternal interests is the fate of reincarnated people." Zhou Ming said softly: "Killing each other is for profit, and co-existing is also for profit. In the space of the Lord God, sentient beings are allowed to exist, but reincarnated people who do not pursue interests are doomed. to be eliminated."

Patting Qin Wumeng on the shoulder, Zhou Ming continued: "Don't think too much about these things. We should pay more attention to another thing."

"What?" Qin Wumeng asked.

"Location." Zhou Ming said, "Didn't you notice? Ten reincarnated teams are gathered in the western United States. There are five teams within [-] kilometers of Los Angeles alone."

"In addition to us, Team Wangtianya, the team that cooperates with Skynet, there are two other teams that are far apart, and they absolutely cannot be ignored."

"The distance of several hundred kilometers is not that far for reincarnations of our level. Those two teams may appear at any time."


In another direction, more than 200 kilometers away from the San Gabriel Mountains, an aircraft passed quickly in the air, and the direction was impressively the San Gabriel Mountains.

"How long will it be?"

Inside the aircraft, a man with shawl hair and an oriental face was feasting, enjoying the dazzling array of food on the table in front of him, and asked impatiently.

"We'll be there within an hour." The driver in the front seat swallowed and said.

"Why is it so slow?" The man said dissatisfied: "This journey takes an hour. It's faster if I run there myself. So what do I want you to do?"

There were a total of five people in the entire aircraft. When they heard the man's words, the four people's bodies all stiffened, and there was a fear in their eyes.

"Hold on, sorry, but this is already the limit speed of this aircraft, if you can exchange it for a higher level next time..."

The driver was terrified and said stumblingly.

"Exchange?" The man raised his head and glanced at the pilot, and said coldly: "What kind of world is this? You can get better aircraft from Skynet, and you want me to waste precious reward points to exchange? "

"I'm sorry, I couldn't speak in my head. Damn it, I'm sorry..." The panic in the driver's heart almost made him lose control of his emotions, and there was a hint of crying in his voice.

"I don't like people who talk too much. Why don't you think about how to get to your destination faster so that I can find new food quickly so that I don't have to fill my stomach with you."

The man's eyes fell back to the assortment of food on the table, and he never stopped eating during the whole conversation.

"Yes, I'll find a way right now." The driver responded with fear and obedience, hesitated for a moment, and gently pressed a red button with his finger.

boom!The speed of the aircraft suddenly increased to a higher level, and everyone in the aircraft felt a pull back.

"Okay, that's it, hurry up, hahaha." The man laughed loudly: "There are a lot of fresh food waiting for me in front, three teams, a dozen two-legged sheep, enough for me to have a full meal Yes, hahahaha..."

Two hours passed in a flash.

On the San Gabriel Mountains, the flames of war dyed half of the sky red, and the flames were particularly dazzling in the night.

The first offensive of the resistance army started as planned, and the Skynet base seemed to be well prepared, and a fierce battle broke out at the first collision.

The rumbling explosions were deafening, and all kinds of robots poured out from the Skynet base like a tide. The defense system of the entire base was fully deployed, and the surging firepower carried out saturation bombing on every inch of land where the two sides were fighting.

From the beginning of the battle to the fierce fighting, the middle process is so short that it is unbelievable.

Zhou Ming and Qin Wumeng stood at a high place behind the battlefield, looking at the fierce battle on the battlefield.

"To the west of us, to the east of the Wangtianya team, the goal is to destroy the heavy fortifications and open the attack channel for the Resistance Army."

Zhou Ming pointed in one direction of the battlefield, where there were several huge fixed forts and high-energy plasma cannons blocking the progress of the resistance soldiers.

The explosion range of the giant cannon was very wide, and the ground where the shell landed was riddled with craters. The bodies of the resistance soldiers who were hit were completely gone, and even the weapons on their bodies were instantly vaporized.

"It's your turn." John Connor's voice came from the headset.

Zhou Ming and Qin Wumeng looked at each other, nodded, and they rushed towards the battlefield quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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