Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 204 The Last Battlefield

Chapter 204 The Last Battlefield
"Sir, I request participation in the Colorado Offensive."

"You have to follow me, Rhys."

"It's about destroying Skynet, sir."

"The Colorado team will succeed. Tonight is the end of those machines. But this side, the raid in Los Angeles, is more important than that."

"Is it more important than destroying the central core of Skynet? John, I don't understand why you want to attack a labor camp!"

"Because that labor camp is just a disguise. There is an aircraft hangar inside, and Skynet's ultimate weapon is hidden there. When Skynet knows that it is going to lose, it will activate that weapon to ensure its own safety. No solution If it does, we will have no tomorrow.”

"Then let's fix it!"

This is a dialogue between John Connor and Kyle Reese, and a big battle kicked off with this short dialogue.

"Until the last location report, they were still at the Colorado base, and the location and number of people have not changed!"

"Are they really planning to fight us at the Skynet base in Colorado?"

"Why not? You think they have other plans?"

"No, it's always feels weird."

"It doesn't matter, as long as the Colorado Skynet base is destroyed, the power of human beings will completely overwhelm Skynet. Even if they don't die, they will not be able to use the power of Skynet to threaten us. Instead, we can use the power of the Resistance Army to crush them. , leave them all in this world!"

"I hope so..."

The battle at the Skynet base in Colorado was in full swing, with artillery fire and devastating blows everywhere, and the reincarnated people's spirits were stretched to the extreme.

This battle was the largest and most ferocious battle they had ever participated in in this world.

The escalating military power has greatly improved the firepower of both sides, and the reincarnated people can no longer cross the battlefield under such firepower.

"team leader."

The flame lit up the night sky, and the roar of the explosion was deafening. At this time, only Qin Wumeng's spiritual chain directly connected to the spirit can clearly transmit the message.

"Captain, do you really not need to worry about Los Angeles?" Qin Wumeng's voice seemed worried.

"Both John Connor and Kyle Reese went there. What if the Genting team sets up an ambush there and kills both of them?"

"So what?" Zhou Ming dodged an energy cannon, counterattacked and destroyed it, and said in a leisurely manner: "As long as the Colorado base is captured, the power of Skynet will decline significantly, and the gap in strength will no longer be large." Reversal, everything they do can only be in vain."

"Yes, but if Skynet activates the time machine to send killers back to the past, but Kyle Liss fails to follow..." Qin Wumeng said worriedly when he destroyed a combat force that was covering firepower.

"If they can break the time loop of this world, I'd be happy to see what happens next." Zhou Ming said meaningfully.

Qin Wumeng fell silent for a moment.

Skynet, Kyle Rees, and John Connor form a closed loop on the time scale, and the general trend formed by the inertia of time cannot be easily changed.

"So what if both Kyle Rees and John Connor are killed? Don't forget, this world can split into a new timeline at any time. For us, the past is a given, and that's enough to know... …careful!"

Zhou Ming stretched out his hand and the iron shell flower Gu wrapped Qin Wumeng. The next moment, a thick beam of light suddenly fell down, covering Qin Wumeng's position.

The high-energy laser evaporated everything, and the air became extremely clean. Only the shell of the iron-shelled flower Gu was indestructible, and it forcibly resisted this blow.

Zhou Ming looked up at the sky, activated his Ghost Eye Gu, and immediately saw clearly a bear-like man in a special fighter plane in the sky, smiling ferociously downwards.

"Ivanovic..." Zhou Ming recognized that the man was Ivanovic from the Genting team, and sneered, "Have you finally couldn't help but make a move?"

At the same time, in several other directions on the battlefield, the reincarnated figures from the Genting Team and the Everlasting Boat Team appeared one after another. Every shot was a thunderous blow, and the devastating offensive immediately caused heavy damage to the Resistance Army.

"They showed up! Fight back! Fight back!"

"Aim the energy cannon and shoot!"

"Unknown energy fluctuations appear in the northwest direction! Request for support!"

"Damn, what the hell is that!"

The strange attacks of the reincarnations gave the resistance fighters a huge headache. The power systems that were different from this world brought them great trouble.

But right away, Zhou Ming and others took action one after another, fighting these troubles for the resistance army.

"The reincarnation will solve the matter of the reincarnation."

In the private channels of several reincarnators, Crott's calm and cold voice came.

"Blood feud must be avenged!"

The flames from hell were rekindled in the human world. In the flames, the mandibles of a skull opened and closed, making strange laughter.

After a lapse of more than 100 days, his strength has long since recovered, even far better than before!

The chains burning with hellfire flew out, entangled a fighter in the sky, and the flames immediately covered it, demonizing the fighter and bringing it under his control.

Krote tugged hard, and the chain shrank, and he was quickly lifted into the air, landed on the demonized combat aircraft, and crashed into a special fighter jet with a roar.

In the other direction, Wu Sheng tore up his jacket casually. The sturdy combat uniform was as fragile as paper in his hands, and he threw it on the ground, revealing his upper body made of fine iron.

Bloody battle patterns quickly emerged, and the turbulent battle intent rose like flames, and the majestic momentum stirred up the void, affecting all electronic facilities within a [-]-meter radius.

It was a completely different impact from the electromagnetic pulse. Those Skynet terminators even experienced lags just by getting close to them.

In front of him, a man in white floated down, like an exiled immortal, with extraordinary temperament.

"Where is the guy who attacked us last time?" Wu Sheng narrowed his eyes: "You are not my opponent, let him come out!"

"He is my senior brother." The man in white said with a gentle smile: "You are not worthy enough to let senior brother take action, so let me send you on your way. Remember my name, Yun Feng!"

The long sword flew out from behind him, the sword energy was as cold as frost, and the air around him was falling rapidly.

"The name of the sword is 'Feishuang', and I will take the head from your neck!"

The tall Wuhun virtual image behind Wu Sheng slowly merged into his body, and the battle lines collapsed, and the terrifying power was brewing in his body like a volcano about to erupt.

An extremely excited smile appeared on his face.

"Then let's see if you can stop my anger that has accumulated for more than 100 days!"

The strong explosion made the entire battlefield more chaotic, the wind and rain were precarious, and the clouds in the sky rolled up bloody whirlpools. The ominous signs made people feel depressed and panicked.

Among the thick blood-colored clouds, a ferocious and violent Taotie figure emerged.

"Eat, eat, you have endured for so long, you can't bear it anymore, let's have a good meal today."

Zhou Ming murmured softly, and looked away from the Taotie figure in the sky who was roaring excitedly and resounding for hundreds of miles.

"We should do it too."

The Heavenly Ghost Flying Soul Gu activated, and the bat wings spread out behind his back, and Zhou Ming led Qin Wumeng across the battlefield as if moving.

In the sky, Ivanovic of the Genting team kept shooting downwards with laser cannons. Wherever they passed, the battlefield was blank. The power was so powerful that it was obviously not a standard weapon produced by Skynet.

Qin Wumeng's bullet shot into the air and hit the special fighter plane, but was blocked by an energy shield.

"Captain, I'm going to use armor-piercing bullets."

Qin Wumeng pulled out a long and narrow bullet, and pressed it hard into the clip.

"I need 20 seconds to recharge, and I can't move during this period!"

"No problem." Zhou Ming flapped his wings behind his back, flew hundreds of meters and stopped suddenly, and an invisible semicircular shield protected them.

The special fighter plane in the sky immediately locked on to the stopped two people, roaring towards this side, and the energy muzzle also began to store energy.

Facing the catastrophe that could fall at any time, Qin Wumeng remained unmoved, and raised his sniper rifle to aim at the special fighter plane, and the silver-white runes on the gun's body lit up layer by layer.

Even if it's not a special fighter plane hovering over her head, but a Death Star, since Zhou Ming said it's okay, she won't be worried at all.

At this moment, Zhou Ming's expression changed, and his eyes turned to the left.

The void there was extremely slightly distorted. In this war-torn battlefield, such small changes were extremely difficult to detect, but they still did not escape Zhou Ming's perception.

As Zhou Ming looked over, the distortion quickly intensified. A person dressed in black, with his head covered in black, and only a pair of blue eyes "squeezed" out of thin air.

It seemed that because he was discovered by Zhou Ming, he gave up hiding and directly turned to a frontal attack.

A dagger with blue flames stabbed at the invisible semicircular shield.

The collision between the two sides was silent, and layers of ripples like water waves rippled out where the tip of the dagger hit the shield, but it failed to penetrate the shield at all.

"Shadow Assassin, Harif." The information of this person flashed in Zhou Ming's mind.

Before entering the space of the Lord God, he seemed to be a member of an organization in the Middle East. He had participated in the assassination of the king of a small country and succeeded.

After entering the main god's space, his unique talent became even more comfortable, and he quickly walked out of a path that suits him.

At this time, Harif's dagger stabbed out again, regardless of not being as fierce and straight as at the beginning, but softly and slowly, the dagger lightly slashed across the shield, as gently as if peeling the shell of a raw egg.

But this time, he really let his dagger penetrate into the shield bit by bit, slowly opened a crack, and gradually penetrated the dagger inward.

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate any reincarnation." Zhou Ming sighed in admiration and pointed at Khalif.

Turn five, Hundred Ghosts Night Gu!

Pale wandering souls flew out one by one, the shield that blocked everything did not block the entry and exit of those pale wandering souls, and they slammed straight into Harif.

Khalif did not dare to neglect, and kept the hand holding the dagger motionless. The dagger was stuck in the shield, making it impossible for the shield to recover.He took out another dagger with his left hand, shook it slightly, and green flames burned on the dagger.

Seeing those pale ghosts approaching, Harif's left arm was as flexible as a snake, ignoring the skeletal structure to move at will, the dagger was waving like the wind, and green flames surrounded it.

A wandering soul slammed into it and was immediately stained with green flames. When it bounced off, its figure was dimmed by the green flames.

But immediately, more wandering spirits pounced on them, green sparks splashed everywhere, and the defensive circle created by Harif's continuous swinging daggers was knocked crumbling.

At this time, the energy storage of the special fighter plane in the sky was completed first, and the dazzling energy column crashed down, carrying the majestic momentum of destroying everything, just like God punishing the world to cleanse all filth and sin.

A burst of black smoke suddenly appeared from Khalif's body, and he swung his right arm downwards. The dagger stuck in the shield directly made a huge crack in the shield.

He retracted the dagger without hesitation, and the black smoke shrank, and it was about to "squeeze" back into the void and disappear in an instant.

However, at this moment, his ankle was entangled by something, and he couldn't even get rid of his shadow state.

Before he could look down to see what was entangled with his feet, the energy column above his head had already been smashed down.

"No!" Harif screamed in despair.

Before being submerged by the beam of light, he saw Zhou Ming open his right hand, and another light shield emerged, covering him and Qin Wumeng inside.

The next moment, the radiance that evaporated everything washed away the void, the high temperature vaporized all the dust in the air, and the ground at the edge of the beam of light was burned into crystals, exuding wisps of white smoke.

The beam of light disappeared, and the ground was cut off by dozens of centimeters. However, in the middle of the circular sinking, there was a circular soil pillar standing tall, and a pair of unharmed man and woman stood on the pillar.

Ivanovich's pupils shrank suddenly in the special fighter plane.

The bullet came out of the barrel, instantly penetrated the special fighter's energy shield, and penetrated into the core of the special fighter.

The special fighter jet exploded into a ball of fire in mid-air, and Ivanovich rushed out of the fire ball, charging diagonally downward from mid-air.

"Damn it, gotta get out of here right now!"

Ivanovich panicked, recalling his captain's instructions in his mind.

"Your mission is to delay their time. If the situation becomes overwhelming, retreat immediately!"

Ivanovich pulled out a shield-shaped personal aircraft from the storage space, stepped on it, and prepared to change direction and fly away in mid-air.

"Fortunately, this idiot Khalif is not dead. Damn it, now I can only pray for myself!"

Just as Ivanovic was about to flee from the battlefield, a voice rang in his ears that made his heart tremble.

"Where are you going?"

Feeling a pain in his chest, Ivanovich lowered his head blankly and saw a green vine piercing through his chest. A bone bulged out from the top of the vine, and then it actually grew into a big mouth, letting out a roar of laughter.

'What the hell is this...'

Such a thought finally popped up in Ivanovic's mind, and immediately fell into boundless darkness.

Because of this, he didn't see the green lines surging under his skin, the frightening scene of leaves growing from all over his body.

His flesh and blood were eaten up by these little things in a very short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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