Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 274 The three-party battle situation shows the true nature

Chapter 274

It's daytime in Kitahara.

Wei Lingyang and Bi Chentian supported each other, with injuries all over their bodies, they tried their best to resist the crazy attack of two identical hairy balls, vomiting blood, and were in a panic.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the Heaven-stealing Demon Lord's double attack attack actually fell into the hands of Beiyuan Changshengtian!"

"This ultimate move can create a clone with exactly the same strength as yourself, which is equivalent to doubling your combat power!"

"However, Changshengtian used this ultimate move on the Legendary Primordial Desolate Beast whose strength is far beyond the ordinary Rank [-], which makes this ultimate move come into full play!"

Both of them had bitter expressions on their faces and struggled to resist.

Over there, the huge fluctuations caused by the self-destruction of Wan Hai Longliu gradually subsided, revealing the figure inside.

Seeing Yao Huang carrying the Nanhuang Immortal on his back, with a look of grief and resentment on his face, he shouted: "Master Mao Liqiu, Master Nanhuang... he died in battle!"

The movements of the two furry balls stagnated in unison, and the next moment, the offensive became even crazier.

"Only one died?" Bi Chentian and Wei Lingyang were disappointed.

Their expectation is to exchange one for two, kill both Yaohuang and Nanhuang Immortal, or both of them will be seriously injured, unable to participate in the battle, and it will become a burden, causing Mao Liqiu to be tied down.

Unexpectedly, the Southern Wilderness Immortal died in battle, but the Medicine King seemed to be unscathed and still had fighting strength.

Perhaps it was a critical moment, and the Southern Wilderness used some means to protect the Medicine Emperor at the cost of his own life, or maybe the Medicine Emperor himself had powerful protective means.

The two Heavenly Court Gu Immortals are naturally ignorant of the truth, but they are very clear about one thing: they only have two Rank [-] combat powers left on their side, but the opponent still has three rank [-] combat powers due to pairing the ultimate move, the situation is immediately heading towards Tilt against their direction!

If the battle continues like this, the balance of victory and defeat will only continue to tilt at a greater angle until the two are defeated.

And if they escape now, they may still have a chance to escape Mao Liqiu's pursuit.

Fight or flee?
The two looked at each other, and both saw the firmness and determination in each other's eyes.

So what if they sacrificed their lives for the sake of the heavenly court?
Heaven is never afraid of sacrifice!

Wang Tingfu land.

Duke Long led the Supreme True Legend of Wisdom Gu all the way up and rushed to the place where the boundary wall of the blessed land was broken. There, there were three Heavenly Court Gu Immortals responding.

One of the female fairies was dressed in a splendid purple robe, which could not hide her graceful figure.Her skin is as white as snow, her black hair hangs down to her waist, her eyes are like deep pools, and there is a sense of sadness hanging between her brows.It was Fairy Ziwei.

She held the constellation chessboard in her hand, exuding the crystal light of stars all over the sky, resplendent and resplendent.

Seeing Duke Long rushing up, Fairy Ziwei immediately activated the XingXiu chessboard, activating the arrangement on it, the sky full of starlight gathered and projected down, instead of Duke Long, she held the Wisdom Gu and slowly rose.

"Okay! The method left by Master Xingxiu Xianzun is really effective!" Fairy Ziwei was overjoyed, maintaining this method with all her strength.

Seeing this, Duke Long canceled the killing move he urged, nodded to Fairy Ziwei and said: "I will leave the Wisdom Gu to you, and I will bring the true transmission of the Luck of All Beings."

After saying that, Duke Long turned around and threw himself towards the 88-corner Zhenyang Tower again.


Southern Xinjiang, a blessed land of life and death.

The white heart demon used his means to condense two huge arms that are both real and illusory, grabbed the pink crystal mountain, and pulled it up forcefully.


The secret realm of heaven and earth, Danghun Mountain, immediately shook endlessly, and the ground connected to the mountain rumbled, and ravines opened.

"How brave!" Old Man Yanshi shouted angrily, urging the Moving Soul Mountain to release its power.

Danghun Mountain shook, and immediately, a powerful shock force aimed at the soul spread, directly shaking away the giant hands that were both real and illusory.

Danghun Mountain possesses the power to shatter souls, and the shattered souls will be purified by Danghun Mountain to produce the purest soul power, which forms Courage Gu, so using Courage Gu can instantly increase the Gu master's soul background , and continue to accumulate.

The white heart demon's face turned pale, and the condensed giant hands were shaken away, and he couldn't hold Danghun Mountain immediately, and the tall mountain crashed down on the ground, causing a violent earthquake.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Bai Xin Mo was not angry but happy: "It can directly strengthen the soul and also has attack power. It is really a treasure mountain!"

He laughed happily and did not continue to attack Danghun Mountain. Instead, he flew out and rushed towards Zhan Kuang.

"Come and help me!" His thought was packed with a lot of information, and it rushed into Zhan Kuang's mind in an instant.

Zhan Kuang understood immediately, he laughed, and retreated sharply, the three Immortal Gu Houses that were attacking him couldn't hold him, and he retreated immediately.

"That Danghun Mountain has the power to shake the soul, and it is restraining me. Your body is strong, and it has a very good protective effect on the soul. It is fully capable of withstanding the power of the Danghun Mountain. Come on, I am optimistic about you. !”

White Heart Demon took over Zhan Kuang's position and blocked the attacks of the three Immortal Gu Houses chasing him.

"I've taken this Danghun Mountain, and I'll divide it in half!" the war-crazed lion said loudly.

"Point by point." Bai Xinmo continued: "If you can take away this mountain, I will give you half of myself."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..." Zhan Kuang made a vomiting expression, turned around and rushed to Danghun Mountain, opened his arms, and made a hug towards the tall mountain.

Rumbling... Danghun Mountain was shaken again!

"Go to hell!" Old Man Yanshi was furious, releasing the power of Danghun Mountain one after another. However, no matter how the mountain shook, although Zhan Kuang's body was trembling slightly, there was always a smile on his face, and his arms did not release any force. , on the contrary, he continued to increase his strength to raise Danghun Mountain.

One inch, two foot, two feet...

In the blink of an eye, the huge Danghun Mountain was lifted into the air by Zhan Kuang abruptly!

"Stop him!" Shadow Sect Gu Immortal roared, countless attacks flew towards Zhan Kuang.

"Hurry up!" Zhan Kuang couldn't dodge, so he could only resist, shouting at the White Heart Demon.

"Here we come!" White Heart Demon roared excitedly, and threw something violently, which landed on Danghun Mountain.

"Boom!" With a sound, the huge Danghun Mountain disappeared in full view of everyone!
However, now there are Gu Immortal warriors on the battlefield, with superb eyesight, and the detection and killing moves are constantly activated. Immediately, they saw a small silver-white weapon in the mid-air where Danghun Mountain disappeared. The strip, only the size of an average person's little finger, fell rapidly toward the ground.

But less than a second after it fell, a big hand reached out and grabbed it.

"Successful!" Zhan Kuang held the small silver-white object in his palm and shouted excitedly.

"It's not in vain for the super universal capsule that I specially exchanged!" Bai Xinmo was also overjoyed. Under the distraction, he was suddenly hit by an angry attack and was immediately thrown flying.

"Kill them! Take back Danghun Mountain!" The Shadow Sect Gu Immortals were almost mad, and the attack became more fierce, like a violent wind and rain. For a moment, the large number of reincarnations in the Chapter Council felt that they could not resist it.

But soon, as the White Heart Demon and Zhan Kuang both used their methods, displaying a terrifying combat power comparable to the peak rank eight Gu Immortal, sweeping around, the battlefield situation was reversed again.

There was another loud noise, and another hidden place in the blessed land of life and death was revealed.

That is a tall portal!

"What's behind this door?" Bai Xinmo was surprised.

"Look at me blasting open the door, and you'll know what's going on!" Zhan Kuang laughed, using his fists with great force, he slammed into the tall door.

Earthquake!All horses are silent!
The tall portal was motionless.

"Huh? What a hard door!" Zhan Kuang was a little surprised, and then turned into a maniacal laugh: "Then give me another punch!"

Immediately, he raised his fist, and the gathered power caused the void around the fist to twist, as if the weight of a big mountain, a big river, and a big lake were all pressed on that fist.

Then, his raised fist slowly fell towards the tall portal.

"This punch must..."

At this moment, the tall portal slowly opened a gap.

An incomparably vast, peerless and powerful aura suddenly rose from it!

Feeling such a breath, everyone present was shocked physically and mentally.

"What... is this!" Zhan Kuang's fist, which carried unparalleled power, was forced to stop in mid-air by the momentum before it fell completely.

The faces of all the reincarnators in the war group council showed a look of surprise and uncertainty, and an uncontrollable panic rose in their hearts.

However, all the immortals of the Shadow Sect showed overjoyed expressions one after another.

"The main dispatched!"

The tall door burst open, and a huge, ferocious ghost hand suddenly stuck out of the door.

Rank Nine's aura skyrocketed accordingly!

Invisible air waves swept in all directions.

Earth and rocks are flying, and smoke and dust are billowing.

The sky and the earth are dark, and all the souls are wailing!
"This? This is it!" Bai Xin Mo was dumbfounded.


That mountain-sized ghost hand clenched into a fist, and hit Zhan Kuang with one punch!
Amid the deafening roar, Zhan Kuang's body flew upside down, faster than lightning, across a long distance in an instant, and slammed into the boundary wall of the blessed land!
Then, with unabated momentum, he crashed through the boundary wall of the blessed land and flew out of the blessed land!
With one punch, the boundary wall of the blessed land was broken!


In the blessed land of the royal court, in the white jade hall.

A curtain of light showed the scenes taking place in the Royal Palace.

"Dragon Lord... Star Chessboard... Heavenly Court!" Zhou Ming gritted his teeth. He had already identified the identities of the two people shown in the light screen.

The main reason is that the Xingxiu chessboard of the Immortal Gu House is too conspicuous and easy to identify, so Zhou Ming immediately asked Zhou Ming to confirm that they are Heavenly Court Gu Immortals.

And Duke Long's obvious characteristics of being a dragon, as well as his formidable strength, and his status as a Gu Immortal in the Heavenly Court, now there is only Duke Long alone!
"Why, why did the Dragon Guild wake up so early!"

"Captain!" Qin Wumeng helped Zhou Ming up with concern, trying to treat Zhou Ming.

Now in this hall, there are only Zhou Ming and his three teammates, as well as the Frost Jade Peacock Earth Spirit who is devouring Gu Immortal Yu Kuifu.

"Even the True Inheritance of the Luck of All Living Beings..." Zhou Ming's eyes widened suddenly, and he saw Mr. Long holding the True Inheritance of the Luck of All Beings tightly with one of his dragon claws and rising into the sky.

From Duke Long's re-entry into the True Inheritance Secret Realm to the time he rushed out with the Inheritance of All Beings' Fortune, the time between was only a few tens of breaths, which was unbelievably fast!

"Damn it! Heaven took action and took away the true biography of the destiny of all living beings. There are so many incomplete contents in it. The wisdom of Heaven can easily deduce my information clearly by following the clues!"

"When the time comes, my identity will be completely exposed, and the Heavenly Court will hunt me down. The Gu Immortals from the Five Realms will covet the many Immortal Gus in me and pursue me. I will be hiding everywhere, exhausted, and will never have stable development. Opportunity!"

"Is this my fate? Is this the way God will strangle me, the ending that fate Gu weaves for me?"

"No! Never!" Zhou Ming roared, his eyes bursting with determination: "I still have a chance, and there is a last resort! Return to the main god space!"

(End of this chapter)

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