Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 280 No Fang Yuan

Chapter 280 No Fang Yuan
The continuous spring rain moistens Qingmao Mountain silently.

It was late at night, and the cool breeze was blowing the drizzle.

Qingmao Mountain is not dark. From the mountainside to the foot of the mountain, there are many shimmering lights, as if it is covered with a brilliant light belt.

These lights come from stilted towers. Although they are not called tens of thousands of lights, there are thousands of them.

It is the Guyue cottage located in Qingmao Mountain that adds a rich atmosphere of human habitation to the vast and quiet mountains.

Zhou Ming stood high in the sky, quietly overlooking this ancient moon village that had lasted for thousands of years.

He stepped into the void, with nothing to support his feet, the spring rain and slanting wind avoided him, and the fresh and moist mountain air was refreshing.

"Gu Yue... Fang Yuan!" Zhou Ming's voice was soft and full of complex emotions as lights reflected in his eyes.

He activated his reconnaissance move, swept across the entire Gu Yue Village, and then fell directly towards a building in the village.

Gu Yue Fang was lying on the cold and hard bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

The straw mattress on the bed was thin and hard, and he was covered with only a cloth quilt. In such a rainy weather, the quilt on his bed became damp and cold, and it was very uncomfortable to lie on it.

But Gu Yue Fangzheng didn't make any complaints, nor did he cry or fight like other children. Although he was only six years old, he had gradually adapted to such a living environment - when he was three years old, his parents had to During a family mission, both of them died. At that time, he was adopted by his uncle and aunt.

At first, his uncle and aunt treated him well, and his food and clothing were the same as before. But soon, his living conditions plummeted and became worse and worse. Later, his uncle and aunt's attitude towards him could only be harsh. to describe.

The hardships of life made this six-year-old child learn silence and patience early on.

"After the Enlightenment Ceremony, I will become a Gu Master, and life will be better..." How many nights, he dragged his hungry body to lie on this cold and hard bed, all using this kind of fantasy about the future Self-comfort and force myself to fall asleep.

It was the same tonight. Listening to the soft sound of drizzle hitting the window, Gu Yue Fang was trying hard to imagine the good life after becoming a Gu Master, hoping to fall asleep early.

Although there is still a gap of nine years between the age of 15 required for the family enlightenment ceremony.

At this moment, the door of his room opened silently by itself.

Zhou Ming walked into the room and came to Gu Yue Fangzheng's bed, looking at this little child who was curled up hard and closed his eyes tightly, with a delicate expression on his face.

"I have already searched for the souls of Gu Yue Tuong Tu and his wife."

"There are also Gu Yue Bo, Gu Yue Mo Chen, Gu Yue Chi Lian, Gu Yue Yao Ji... all the elders in Gu Yue Village, I have searched their souls."

"Why... why is there no Fang Yuan?"

Zhou Ming's eyes were cold, and he slowly stretched out his hand towards Gu Yue Fangzheng who was on the bed.

"Did someone tamper with the memories of everyone here and erase all traces of his existence, or did Gu Yue Fang Yuan...he never exist in the first place?"

The results obtained by Fangzheng's soul search were exactly the same as those obtained by other people in Gu Yue's village.

From the beginning to the end, there has never been a person named Gu Yue Fang Yuan here.

There is no Fang Yuan!

"No Fang Yuan? Ha, there is no Fang Yuan in this world?" Zhou Ming only felt a sense of absurdity.

He didn't know how to describe his current mood. There were thousands of thoughts in his mind, each thought, each conjecture, and each possibility kept flickering, but they were all entangled in a mess and couldn't make sense.

When Zhou Ming came back to his senses from his chaotic thoughts, he had already walked out of Guyue Village.

Looking up at the sky, there are no stars, only heavy rain clouds, blocking the light of the sky, like the truth of the world that is heavily obscured.

There was a drizzle of rain, a gentle mountain breeze, and a quiet coolness echoed in the air, but it could not calm Zhou Ming's heart.

Zhou Ming turned around. He did not enter Guyue Mountain Village again, but flew up and landed in the other direction of Qingmao Mountain.

Looking down from above, it was just an ordinary hillside, but in Zhou Ming's eyes, the sword-eye seeking secluded ultimate move penetrated the thick rocky soil, but he could see the scene in the belly of the mountain.

In the middle of the mountain, there is an unusually wide underground cavity, about tens of meters high, not dark, but filled with red light.

Under the underground cavity, there is an underground lake, but the water in this underground lake is not the usual transparent color, but is dark red, thick and bloody.

It was actually a lake of blood!
This bloody lake reflected the sky full of red lights, and its area was larger than that of Gu Yue's cottage, giving off a strange and terrifying aura.

On the top of the cave, there are hundreds of openings, and water flows down continuously, bringing scallops, turtles, snake fish and other wild animals in the underground river.

wow wow wow...

Streams of water poured down intermittently from the hole on the top of the wall, and landed in the lake of blood.

While the blood was churning, countless fish and shrimps splashed and fell into the blood lake.After a few breaths, all the blood was drained from their bodies, and they became mummies, appearing and disappearing on the lake with the bloody waves.

The blood lake becomes even more red.

In the lake, in addition to fresh mummies, there are also some bones emerging from the blood waves from time to time.

There were tiny fish bones, massive bear bones, and what was clearly a human skeleton.

The waves of the blood lake rolled and washed away the surrounding walls.The bright red and shiny blood seeps into the surrounding soil, dyeing the surrounding soil in a crimson red, forming terracotta.

"Blood Dao..." Zhou Ming sneered, waved out Gu worms, and unleashed mortal moves one by one.

A large number of Gu worms drilled into the ground, and the ground was like a stream of water, not forming the slightest obstacle to the Gu worms.In a blink of an eye, many Gu worms rushed into the blood lake, and their ultimate move formed a big hand, directly poking into the blood lake, reaching out to salvage.

With a bang, a huge wave suddenly erupted, blood and water flying everywhere.

A giant blood river python protruded a huge head out of the lake, and slammed into the big hand fiercely.

The blood river python is a Rank [-] Gu worm of the Blood Dao, with smooth blood-red scales all over its body, its snake head is as huge as an elephant, and a red-gold bone stab grows in its eyebrows and eyes, making its ferocious and violent aura fully visible.

It is cruel by nature, rebellious and rebellious, and feeds on blood. Among the rank five Gu insects, it is one of the most difficult Gu masters to refine.

However, just when it was about to collide with that big hand, many Gu worms formed a killing move, turned into countless flying blades, and cut this ferocious giant python into countless pieces in an instant.

clap la la...

The blood surged, and the big hand slowly rose from the blood, holding a vertical red coffin in it.The coffin kept shaking, but it was firmly grasped by the big hands, unable to break free.

"Want to come out? Okay, I'll let you out." Zhou Ming sneered, and with a thought, he squeezed his big hand hard.


The coffin immediately shattered and exploded, revealing a shriveled corpse inside, which was still tightly held by big hands, and opened its mouth as if to roar, but no sound came out.

The big hand rose slowly, brought the mummy out of the ground, and rose in front of Zhou Ming.

I saw the mummy's red face and fangs, red hair like blood, deep eye sockets, eyes like burning coals that are about to be extinguished.

He has no skin, but red strips of skinny muscles, attached to the white bones, appear thin and lean.

"Guyue Yiyi, you are out of luck. I am in a bad mood right now. I may feel a little pain next time. Bear with it and don't cry."

A sinister smile appeared on Zhou Ming's icy face.

"Let me take a good look at the content of this blood inheritance that you have mastered..."


The blood path originated from the blood sea ancestor.

This blood sea patriarch is a Rank [-] Demon Dao Gu Master, notorious for killing people like hemp, it is recorded in the annals of history, and will be infamous for thousands of years.

He created the Blood Path and created many Blood Path Gu insects such as Blade-winged Blood Bat, Blood Droplet, Blood Madness Gu, etc.The characteristic of these Gu worms is that they are cheap to feed, and most of them only need a lot of blood to feed them.

Later, Patriarch Xuehai besieged on the right path, was defeated with all his strength, suffered fatal injuries that could not be cured, and escaped in the encirclement.

The righteous people were worried that he would counterattack temporarily and endanger themselves, so they had no intention of chasing him and watched him escape.Since then, every time these righteous people think back, they regret their actions of easily indulging the enemy at that time.

The blood sea patriarch knew that he was bound to die, so he began to spread the inheritance widely.Taking advantage of the limited time before his death, with the power of a rank seven Gu Master, he actually arranged hundreds of thousands of inheritance secret places, all over Central Continent, Southern Xinjiang and other places.

Before his death, he left a message: "The path of blood is not alone, and the poison will last forever!"

His words are not false at all, and countless Gu masters have benefited from it since then, and the magic way has prospered.

Whether it's the blade-winged blood bat Gu, the blood madness Gu, or the blood droplet, they are all extremely easy to raise and reproduce.Maybe in some inconspicuous valley, in a crappy village, in a desert with no one, or by the side of the mountain road, there are two or three Gu that the ancestor of the blood sea casually arranged.

These Gu are easy to feed, and the feeding resources are easy to obtain, and Gu masters with ordinary aptitude can easily use them. What they pay is nothing more than slaughtering living beings and obtaining a lot of blood.

Surviving in such a world is precarious, which Gu Master does not yearn for more powerful power?

Therefore, after receiving the inheritance from the ancestor of the blood sea, many Gu masters became the devils who killed all directions.There are even many former orthodox people who have changed camps because of this.

The inheritance of blood gu has brought great turmoil and harm to the whole world.

In an inheritance arranged by the blood sea ancestor, there are often only two or three Gu.But these inheritances are like a spark, if you don't pay attention, it will start a prairie fire!

Almost every once in a while, a demon gu master who mastered blood gu would come out to make trouble.Some of these people failed, and were culled when they were still low-level Gu masters.Some succeeded temporarily, forming a general trend and poisoning one party.

Regardless of whether they are temporarily successful or unsuccessful, they will reluctantly leave behind a new blood inheritance at a certain time of difficulty.

Therefore, the blood disasters continued endlessly, not only did not decline due to the death of the ancestor of the blood sea, and the all-out killing of the righteous way, but became more prosperous, with a deep foundation that could not be eradicated, and it would continue forever.

Up to now, the blood sea inheritance has been recognized as the most popular and most numerous inheritance in the whole world.none of them!

However, although the inheritance of the blood sea spreads across the five domains, there are only nine true inheritances among them, which are the culmination of the painstaking efforts of the ancestor of the blood sea, namely blood skull Gu, blood handprint Gu, blood energy Gu, blood sweat Gu, menstrual blood Gu, and blood shadow Gu , Blood Battle Gu, Blood God Son, and the Ancient Desolate Beast Violent Blood Dragon Bat.

Nearly a thousand years ago, there were two mortal Gu master disciples from Xianhemen, one of the top ten ancient sects in Central Continent. On the way to hunt down the demonic way Gu master again, they undoubtedly discovered a blood sea inheritance.

This inheritance is one of the nine true inheritances of the ancestor of the blood sea, and it has the blood skull Gu that can improve aptitude.

The two senior brothers who got the true biography of this sea of ​​blood turned against each other in order to compete for the true biography. The senior brother plotted against the younger brother but failed. Yue Shanzhai, himself is the generation of Gu Yue.

After that, the first generation of Gu Yue ran out of lifespan. In order to prolong his life, he turned himself into a zombie and slept in the blood lake, waiting for his resurrection one day in the future.

Thousands of years later, the Gu Yue cottage has multiplied from generation to generation, and now, a pair of brothers were born in the cottage, named Gu Yue Fang Yuan and Gu Yue Fang Zheng.

All stories start here.

"But now, everything has changed!" Zhou Ming pinched Gu Yue Yiyi's ferocious and withered head, his face was cold, and he unconsciously exerted force on his hands. With a clicking sound, Gu Yue Yiyi's head was gradually squeezed flat.

"Hmph!" Zhou Ming finally came to his senses before Gu Yueyi's head was pinched and exploded. He let go of his hand with a cold snort, and threw Gu Yueyi, who had been carefully searched for his soul, into his own fairy portal.

"There is also the blood lake in the ground, there are many blood Dao Gu worms in it, they are all mortal Gu, they are worthless, let's destroy them."

Zhou Ming thought in his mind, and a large number of Gu worms that were still in the underground blood lake activated one after another. Each killing move exploded with power. In a short time, the entire underground blood lake was evaporated, and all the Gu worms inside were wiped out.

Then, each earth path Gu worm exerted its power to move the earth and rocks, filling the huge underground cavity, and thoroughly sorting out the ground before it was completed.

"This True Inheritance of the Blood Dao fell into my hands, next..."

Day two.

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

Watchmen on tour, knocking rhythmically on clappers.

The sound reached the Diaolou, and Gu Yue opened his dry eyelids and said to himself, "It's the fifth watch."

He opened the quilt, got out of bed, moved his body, opened the door and walked out of the house.

The spring rain has stopped.

The fresh humidity, mixed with the scent of earth, trees and wildflowers, hit your face immediately.Gu Yue Fangzheng suddenly felt his mind clear, and his drowsiness was driven away.

At this time, the sun has not yet risen, and the sky is deep blue, dark and bright.

But Gu Yue Fangzheng no longer dared to sleep again.In the hands of his uncle and aunt, he had to work every day in exchange for food and drink. If he did not work enough, he would be scolded by his aunt.

In name, he is a nephew adopted by his uncle, but in fact, his status in this family is only better than that of a servant.

Just when Gu Yue Fang was about to go about his daily work as usual, a figure suddenly descended from the sky and landed in front of his eyes.

It was Zhou Ming.

"Gu Yue Fangzheng, come with me." Zhou Ming stretched out his hand to Gu Yue Fangzheng.

"I will teach you to embark on the path of cultivation, and let you become a Gu Master, and even... become an immortal!"

Gu Yue Fangzheng looked up at Zhou Ming blankly, without making any reaction for a moment.

Zhou Ming frowned: "Why, don't you want to become a Gu Master?"

Gu Yue Fangzheng finally came to his senses, swallowed his saliva, and asked with some fear, "Can I have enough to eat?"

Zhou Ming was startled, then laughed: "You will have endless meals."

"Then, I'll go with you." Gu Yue Fangzheng was still in a daze, but immediately made a decision.

Zhou Ming smiled even more heartily. With a wave of his hand, a gust of wind swept Fangzheng up and flew into the sky with him.

"There is one more person who will also be taken away, and this trip will be over."

On Qingmao Mountain, there are three families in total, namely the Gu Yue family, the Bai family, and the Xiong family.

Among them, the Gu Yue family has existed for the longest time and is also the most powerful. The Bai family and the Xiong family are both latecomers, and the Bai family is stronger than the Xiong family.

The three families established their own cottages on Qingmao Mountain, forming a three-legged situation to check and balance each other. This situation has been maintained for hundreds of years without major changes.

The Bai family cottage, the room of the head of the Bai family.

"...The higher the Gu Master's aptitude, the greater the possibility of promotion. First-class aptitude, sufficient real energy, the highest talent, and being able to practice to rank five is the hope of the entire family."

The head of the Bai family slowly narrated, while looking at the young man in front of him, he said with emotion: "Ning Bing, you have been wise since childhood, and you have shown many things that are different from ordinary people. This is a sign of high aptitude. It is very likely that you are First-class qualifications. When you become enlightened at the age of 15, you will immediately become the hope of my Bai family, and it will depend on you to lead the family to rise in the future."

The young man in front of him had white clothes and white hair. Although he only looked seven or eight years old, his face was extremely cold.

Listening to the words of the head of the Bai family, he nodded firmly and said: "Chief, I will never forget your kindness in raising me in my life. No matter what my qualifications are in the future, I will repay the family and contribute to the family! "

"Okay, okay!" The elder of the Bai family was delighted and laughed: "Ning Bing, you..."

Just as he spoke, the door of the room suddenly opened automatically, and Zhou Ming walked in from the outside, blocking the words of the head of the Bai family.

Zhou Ming's eyes fell on Bai Ningbing, who was still a child, and after a while, he nodded, "Bai Ningbing, very good."

He took out a Gu worm, threw it to the head of the Bai family, and said unceremoniously: "Leaving him here will only waste his talent and let him die early. I will take him away and train him to become a Gu Immortal. Leave this to your family.”

The head of the Bai family subconsciously stretched out his hands to catch the Gu worm thrown by Zhou Ming, and when he looked down, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"This, is this spring egg Gu?"

Quan Egg Gu is a rank five Gu that looks like a white goose egg. It is obtained by killing a specific egg man.

If the spring egg Gu is planted deep in the ground, a spring of primordial water will be formed.This means that Yuanquan can be planted.

Each spring egg Gu represents a small primordial spring.

Each small primordial spring, from its formation to its disappearance, is well maintained and can exist for dozens or hundreds of years, and can produce at least 1 million yuan of primordial stones.

This kind of Gu insect is extremely precious. The head of the Bai family has only heard of it, but the one in his hand is the first one he has seen in his life.

"With this spring egg Gu, after planting it, the amount of yuan stones harvested by the clan will be doubled immediately, the resources will be greatly increased, and the family's strength will be even higher!"

The head of the Bai family was agitated, and he got carried away for a moment, but he immediately remembered that there were outsiders, and quickly raised his head.

But the room was empty, where were Bai Ningbing and the mysterious Gu Master?
(End of this chapter)

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