Chapter 292

Chunmeng's Wuhen ultimate move, with Scattering Thought Immortal Gu and Spring Dream Immortal Gu as the core, is the ultimate move of Wisdom Dao, but it can exert the effect of Dream Dao, so it is difficult for ordinary defense methods to be effective.

Hit by the pink light, Black Desert's defenses seemed to be nothing. His eyes immediately turned white, and his consciousness fell into chaos and confusion.

Zhou Ming rushed forward immediately, raised his hand and shot out a Gu worm.

Slave Immortal Gu!

This Immortal Gu also comes from the 88-Corner True Yang Tower. It is a Level [-] Immortal Gu and can enslave Level [-] Gu Immortals.

His consciousness fell into the chaos of the black desert, and he was unable to have any thoughts of resistance. He was easily enslaved by Zhou Ming and became Zhou Ming's most loyal servant.

"It's done." Feeling the heavy pressure from his soul, Zhou Ming let out a deep breath.

Enslaving other beings will burden the Gu Master's own soul.

Zhou Ming once enslaved wild beasts or zombies, not all directly, but indirectly controlled the entire beast army by enslaving the King of Beasts, the King of Thousand Beasts, the King of Hundred Beasts, etc.

Humans are the spirits of all things, beasts do not have much wisdom, so even if they are not slave Dao Gu Masters, they can enslave many.

But now that Zhou Ming is enslaving Hei Mo, it is completely different.

Hei Mo is a Gu Immortal, full of wisdom and spirituality, it puts a serious burden on Zhou Ming's soul, even more difficult than Zhou Ming's enslaving Kang.

"Although my soul background has made some achievements, enslaving a Gu Immortal still makes me a heavy burden, as if an ordinary person used to run without a load, but now he is carrying a big backpack of dozens of kilograms, which is very important to my own body. The combat power is quite influential."

But almost all the gu dao schools that have formed can be called broad and profound.

The same is true for slaves.

At the level of Gu Immortals, there are also extraordinary tricks, which are difficult for laymen to grasp.

Zhou Ming is a layman in the way of slavery. Although he knows some of the cultivation content of the way of slavery, he can't use it without in-depth research.Otherwise, with the Slave Gu as the core, Zhou Ming would never be under as much pressure as he is now when he uses an immortal ultimate move.

"Fortunately, it won't have too much impact on my next actions." Considering that his own strength was limited, Zhou Ming knew what he was doing and kicked Hei Mo who was lying on the ground.

"Get up quickly, don't waste my time!"

"Uh!" Hei Mo was kicked awake by Zhou Ming, struggled to get up, knelt down to Zhou Ming, and respectfully said, "Hei Mo pays homage to the Lord!"

Zhou Ming gave a faint "hmm" and ordered: "First, show me all the Dao refining techniques left by Hei Fan."

"Yes!" Without the slightest hesitation, Hei Mo immediately began to perform one after another refining moves in front of Zhou Ming.

These alchemy ultimate moves are all mortal ways, which were improved by Hei Fan in the past and passed down.Before Hei Fan's interim, he told the descendants that any members of the Hei family who become immortals in the future must learn from his Dao refining techniques.

After several generations of research by the Gu Immortals of the Hei family, they gradually understood that these ultimate refining moves should be the key to unlocking the inheritance of Hei Fan.

Many Hei Family Gu Immortals, for Hei Fan's True Inheritance, practiced these refining ultimate moves diligently, making attempts again and again.

Of course, these attempts have all failed.

Because they lack the most critical factor - attitude Gu!
Among these alchemy ultimate moves, there is a key technique, which can only be released by intercepting a breath of Attitude Gu.

This key has hindered all generations of Hei family Gu Immortals, making it impossible for anyone to inherit the true inheritance of Hei Fan.

The Hei Family Gu Immortals are not idiots, after realizing this, they immediately began to secretly search for the whereabouts of Attitude Gu.

Everything depends on man-made efforts. With the efforts of successive generations of Gu Immortals of the Hei Family, clues were gradually discovered, and phased results were achieved. The position of Attitude Gu has been locked in the northern ice field.

Unfortunately, the northern ice field was too large. Before the Hei family could further lock down the position of Attitude Gu, Zhou Ming got there first and got the Attitude Gu.

Therefore, it is not polite to say that Zhou Ming is the only person in the world who can pass the test of Heifan and obtain the true inheritance of Heifan!
After obtaining those ultimate refining moves, Zhou Ming began to practice diligently, striving to master all the ultimate moves in the shortest possible time.

As time passed day by day, Zhou Ming had practiced all the ultimate moves very proficiently.

The resources of this Yongquan forest are about to be harvested.After harvesting this batch of resources, Hei Mo can return to the family, receive family rewards, and transform his share of resources into strength.

However, before that day came, Zhou Ming left Yongquan Forest and came to another resource point of the Hei Family, Yuanmu Lake.

Yuanmu is a kind of wood path six-turn fairy material that grows suspended above the lake. Yuanmu Lake covers a vast area. This large area of ​​Yuanmu forms a huge Yuanmu forest, which is valuable. It is much more important than the Yongquan Forest. many.

Guarding here is another Rank [-] Gu Immortal from the Hei Family, named Hei Sheng, his strength is much stronger than Hei Mo's, and he has already survived the second catastrophe, so he can guard this place.

When Zhou Ming arrived here, he had already used the familiar killer move Hijab to change his face, turning into a gloomy middle-aged man. He flew over Yuanmu Lake and said nothing nonsense. He just sneered and activated the Soul Flag Immortal Gu. , immediately, countless soul beasts rushed out, turned into a mighty army of soul beasts, and attacked Yuanmu Lake below.

"Bold! How dare you offend the territory of my Hei family, a devil thief!"

Hei Sheng, who sensed the crisis for the first time, yelled angrily and flew straight into the sky, setting off a cloud of water mist towards Zhou Ming.

Hei Sheng is a water path Gu Immortal, the most famous method is a piece of water mist slowly covering it, which can make other Gu Immortals lose their sense of direction, their perception is blocked, and they are very easy to be attacked, but difficult to dodge.

"This move already has the embryonic form of a battlefield ultimate move." Zhou Ming didn't dodge, was covered by the mist, recognized the clues, and couldn't help praising.

The ultimate battlefield move can temporarily isolate the world and create an independent combat environment.

In battlefield killing moves, Gu Immortals usually cannot use channel Gu insects to ask for help.Of course, this matter is not absolute, and absolute things do not exist in the world.

Moreover, the excellent battlefield killing move limits the scope, so it can prevent the enemy from fleeing in all directions.

The ultimate killing move on the Immortal Path battlefield has a nickname, called "Quasi Blessed Land".Once activated, countless traces can be temporarily carved, forming a temporary and unique battlefield.

In fact, most of the Gu Immortals don't have this ultimate move on the Immortal Dao battlefield, it is only in the hands of a few Gu Immortals.

Hei Sheng's move already possesses part of the power of a battlefield ultimate move. Maybe in the future as Hei Sheng's cultivation level improves, he will continue to improve this ultimate move and add Immortal Gu to it, and eventually it will evolve into a real battlefield ultimate move. .

Unfortunately, Hei Sheng no longer had this opportunity.

Zhou Ming sacrificed to the Immortal Gu House near the water tower, and the power of this Waterway Immortal Gu House unfolded, making Zhou Ming not only not half restrained in the water mist, but also more relaxed and at ease.

The sword-eye Xunyou killing move swept across, and Hei Sheng's figure hidden in the mist was suddenly invisible, and was easily discovered by Zhou Ming.

"Immortal killing move, Aurora Sword Rainbow!" The first immortal killing move was used. With the blessing of [-] Dao marks, it was unstoppable and unable to escape. It directly penetrated Heisheng's body and seriously injured him.

"Immortal way ultimate move, sword binding Canglong!" The second immortal way ultimate move was used, restraining Hei Sheng who was seriously injured and slow-moving, unable to move.

"Immortal ultimate move, spring dream without trace!" The third immortal ultimate move was used, and Hei Sheng, who could not resist, immediately fell into chaos of consciousness.

Zhou Ming pinched Hei Sheng's head and let out a smirk.

"Swallow soul!"

Amidst the vague screams, Heisheng's soul was swallowed by Zhou Ming, and countless memories slowly merged into Zhou Ming's soul.

The aura on Heisheng's body declined rapidly.

"It's not over yet, splitting the soul!"

Accompanied by the severe pain of tearing the soul, the memories that had just been integrated into Zhou Ming's soul were divided again, including some of Zhou Ming's memories, together forming a new soul, which was re-stuffed into Hei Sheng's body.

Hei Sheng's absent-minded eyes slowly recovered, and the aura that had just declined also picked up again.

The new soul still retains all of Hei Sheng's memories, including the structure of the soul is the same as before, and does not conflict with Hei Sheng's physical body, just like Hei Sheng's own soul has left the body and returned to the physical body.

However, the soul consciousness that dominates this body has completely changed.

"My lord!" Hei Sheng nodded towards Zhou Ming: "I'll keep my original name, I'll still call him Hei Sheng."

"It's up to you." Zhou Ming also nodded and said: "Next, cooperate with me to finish the scene and search for this resource point."

"Of course!" Heisheng smiled broadly.

Soon after, the Hei family, Tie Ying blessed land.

This is the base camp of the Hei family. The blessed land is vast and vast, with the upper part big and the lower part small.

Thanks to the unique management of the first generation of the Hei family, the unique structure of Iron Eagle Blessed Land was constructed. The ground is not very wide, but the higher you go up, the larger the space becomes.

Far beyond the ordinary blessed land, there are countless spherical wooden eagle nests floating in the vast sky.

Each of these eagle nests is as huge as a hill, with countless iron eagles inhabiting them.When the eagles are flying, millions of them cover the sky and the sun, and their cries are majestic and majestic.

At the top of the blessed land, there is a courtyard floating in the air.

There is a gazebo on the rockery in the courtyard garden.

In the pavilion, the four supreme elders of the Hei family were sitting around a stone table with four sides, with different expressions at the moment.

The First Supreme Elder looked solemn, the Second Supreme Elder closed his eyes and rested his mind, the Third Supreme Elder frowned and thought hard, and the Fourth Supreme Elder was sweating all over his face.

The atmosphere is somber and depressing, like the calm before the storm.

"My Third Elder, when are you going to think about it?" The Fourth Supreme Elder urged impatiently.

"Reminder, reminder, I know reminder, don't you know that this is a critical moment? If I miss a move at this time, my decades of hard work will be in vain!" The Third Supreme Elder opened his mouth and chattered, and his mood became more and more impatient.

He looked at the First Supreme Elder on the opposite side, and then at the Second Supreme Elder on the left, but the expressions of the two remained unchanged, and the Third Supreme Elder could not see any clues, and the pressure in his heart increased again.

At this moment, a figure rose slowly from below and quickly fell into the pavilion.

The second elder of the Hei family opened his eyes and said leisurely: "Oh, Hei Tiesheng, why are you here?"

Although Level [-] Gu Immortal Hei Tiesheng was anxious, he did not lose his etiquette and paid homage to the four Supreme Elders one by one.

Although these four Supreme Elders are also rank seven Gu Immortals, they are stronger than him in terms of qualifications and cultivation.Therefore, even if they are both rank seven Gu Immortals, Hei Tiesheng still has to perform junior salutes when seeing these four Supreme Elders.

After saluting, Hei Tiesheng immediately rushed forward and said: "Four Supreme Elders, Yuanmu Lake, the family's resource point, was attacked by the mysterious Gu Immortal. Hei Sheng died in battle, and Yuanmu Lake was looted!"

"What!" The four Supreme Elders were all startled, the Third Supreme Elder was the most excited, his hands shook, and with a "crash", he immediately swept all the cards on the table to pieces.

"You, you did it on purpose!" The Second Supreme Elder pointed at the Third Supreme Elder and stared.

"Don't make trouble!" The third elder also glared: "Family affairs are important, why bother mentioning a small game of cards!"

"I built Yuanmu Lake with my own hands back then!" The Fourth Supreme Elder howled dryly, grabbed his beard and said angrily, "What's going on, have you found out?"

Hei Tiesheng looked at the noisy scene of the four Supreme Elders, and felt even more irritable. When the Fourth Supreme Elder asked the second time, he suppressed the anger in his heart, and loudly explained the situation to the four Supreme Elders .

"...We received Hei Sheng's call for help, and immediately set off for Yuanmu Lake, but just as we left, Hei Sheng's Soul Lamp Gu and Fate Card Gu were both shattered. When we arrived at Yuanmu Lake, there All the trees have been swept away."

"We have investigated the scene and found a large number of soul path traces, and there are many traces of soul beast activities. Preliminary judgment is that a soul path Gu Immortal attacked Yuanmu Lake, killed Heisheng, and looted Yuanmu resources."

"It took such a short time...could it be a rank seven Gu Immortal? There are only a few of the famous rank seven Gu Immortals in Beiyuan..." The Supreme Elder was thoughtful, his eyes flickering.

"This matter is by no means a trivial matter, we must thoroughly investigate it to the end!" The Fourth Supreme Elder slapped the table and shouted: "If you dare to kill my Hei family Gu Immortal, no matter who it is, you will have to pay the price in blood!"

"That's right!" The Second Supreme Elder and the Third Supreme Elder agreed together. Facing the family attack, their opinions were quite unified.

"That's fine, Hei Tiesheng, I'll leave this matter to you." The Taishang Elder thought for a while, but without any clue, he took out a black bead and gave it to Hei Tiesheng.

This black bead is about the size of a rice bowl, and its whole body is shiny with black light, like a black crystal.Through the translucent spherical surface, one can vaguely see a small pig-shaped beast in the black bead, sleeping soundly on its stomach.

This black bead is the Black Prison, the Level [-] Immortal Gu House of the Hei Family.What is sealed inside is the ancient wild beast, the Pig with the Toothed Teeth. In conjunction with the Gu Immortal's methods, its power is very powerful.

Hei Tiesheng took over the prison, saluted the four elders, then turned and left.

After Hei Tiesheng left, the four Supreme Elders had no intention of playing cards. There was a hint of worry in their eyes.

Demon Dao Gu Immortals attacking the resource points of super family forces, killing Gu Immortals, looting resources?
This kind of thing hasn't happened for many years!

For quite a long time, Beiyuan has been prosperous in the right way, and the Golden Family dominates Beiyuan, and the overall situation cannot be shaken.

However, recently, the Heavenly Court of Central Continent first invaded Beiyuan, Wang Tingfudi was destroyed, and the 88-corner Zhenyang Building was turned into dust of history.

Beiyuan Changshengtian and all the golden families suffered three major blows to their interests, morale and prestige.

Then came the Shadow Sect again, and the power left behind by the most murderous Mozun Youhun in the history of the human race, unknowingly developed to spread all over the five domains!

This is simply the most powerful shot in the arm for the devil, making countless devil Gu Immortals ready to take action, and even many devil Gu Immortals are looking for ways to join the Shadow Sect.

Now, something like this happened again, and a demonic Gu Immortal came to kill him!

Will this be the end of things?No, this is the beginning!
The four Supreme Elders all seem to have seen a future. Taking this incident as a signal, the Beiyuan Demonic Way is ready to move, and will attack the righteous way and the Golden Family more and more, plunder resources, attack the righteous way, and use all possible means.

"Turbulence is coming!"

The sigh of the Second Supreme Elder plunged the gazebo into a deathly silence.

(End of this chapter)

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