Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 339 Zhou Ming’s Dream (1)

Chapter 339 Zhou Ming’s Dream (1)

Zhou Ming walked in the fog.

Front, back, left, right, up, down, and all directions are filled with a vast expanse of whiteness, silence, and nothing else can be seen or heard, not even the sound of my own footsteps, breathing, and heartbeat.

where am I?
How did I get here?
What am I going to do?
Zhou Ming didn't know anything.

He just walked aimlessly, wandering in this misty land, not knowing where he was going or when he was going.

Until a voice suddenly sounded.

"Wake up, kid, get up quickly, it's time to work!"

Zhou Ming opened his eyes suddenly and sat up from the hay.

Glancing around in a daze, his thoughts gradually returned to normal consciousness, and Zhou Ming couldn't help but sigh.

Is it that dream again?

It's been more than ten years since I crossed over to have that strange dream, and it's a miracle that I haven't gone crazy yet.

Probably because reality is more cruel.

No, it is precisely because reality is more cruel that it is a miracle that he is not driven crazy by reality.

More than ten years ago, Zhou Ming traveled from Blue Star to this world and started a new life as a newborn baby.

However, the reality is extremely cruel. In this world with an extraordinary power system, apart from human beings, intelligent life also includes aliens such as orcs, stone people, mermen, and ink people.

The sad thing is that the human race belongs to the lowest status among them. Since the birth of the human race, they have been ruled, enslaved and even used as food by aliens, and this is still the case until now.

Zhou Ming's parents in this world were both slaves of an orc tribe. When he was just born, he was immediately branded as a slave.

When he was three years old, his father in this world was slapped to death on the spot because he bumped into an orc. Together with other human slaves, they worked endlessly in this orc tribe.

Up to now, it has been seven years since he achieved the achievement of both the parents of the traverser, and Zhou Ming has gradually become numb from the cruel world, and has already adapted to his own living environment.

Looking around, it was a simple hut built with mud and hay, with air leaks on all sides, but it could block the rain, only a little.Some hay was spread on the ground, which was his bed.

"Boy, are you still awake? Get up quickly, be careful of whipping if you're late!"

Just as Zhou Ming woke up from a deep sleep, the people next to him grabbed his clothes and pulled him up, dragging the staggering Zhou Ming out.

Outside the shack, the moon and stars were sparse.

As a slave, of course, it is impossible to have the treatment of sleeping until the sun rises.Work before dawn, and rest when the moon is high is the daily routine.

Of course, slaves do not have human rights. Not only do they have to do a lot of work every day, and their food is poor and poor, but they also have to worry every day that they will not be beaten to death by orc lords who don’t like them, or caught by some hungry orc lords. Go eat it alive, or be captured by a more noble orc master and use it as a material for refining Gu.

Gu refining, yes, Gu worms, is the extraordinary way of this world.

The creatures in this world can manipulate different Gu insects to possess all sorts of strange and extraordinary powers.Those who can use Gu worms are called Gu masters, and Gu worms are cultivated and refined, almost occupying the entire life of a Gu master.

The gap between mortals without Gu worms and Gu masters with Gu worms is huge.Therefore, the orcs enslave the human race and the human race's lowest status among all races is attributed to the simplest reason: lack of strength.

Slaves want to resist, but if they don't have enough strength, they are looking for death.The methods used by Gu Masters to torture people are even more frightening than slaves working to death from exhaustion or being eaten directly.

Therefore, in this desperate world, Zhou Ming, who had traveled through the world for more than ten years, almost forgot his previous life, remained silent in patience, and became numb in silence.

It was another day of heavy work. Zhou Ming dragged his tired body back to the shack, placed himself on the hay, and soon fell asleep.

In his sleep, he entered the vast white mist again.

What the hell is this place?
In the dream, Zhou Ming's mind was not bright. He couldn't think of an answer to this question, and his body seemed to be out of control, just wandering around the land mechanically and blankly.

Day, day, day after day.

But today, this world that has remained unchanged for more than ten years has suddenly undergone a little change.

In the vast white mist, another footsteps suddenly sounded, and a looming figure appeared in Zhou Ming's sight.

Zhou Ming stopped suddenly, as if he suddenly woke up. Although he was still in a dream, his head suddenly became bright and his body seemed to be under his control.

Seeing the figure in the fog ahead that seemed to disappear at any moment, Zhou Ming ran after him without any hesitation.

He was getting closer and closer to the figure, and he could see more and more clearly. Although the figure was still blurry, he could clearly see the movements of the figure, and saw a Gu worm in his hand. When he activated the Gu worm, a sharp long blade stretched out from his hand. When he saw him waving the long blade, his movements were brisk and smooth, natural and had an indescribable sense of beauty.

Then he was woken up again.

But this time waking up was different from before. Every movement of the figure in the dream was deeply imprinted in his mind, lingering, replayed over and over again, and repeated over and over again.

This made him feel a little dazed, and he was distracted from time to time when he was working all day, and he would unconsciously want to make the movement of wielding the long blade in his dream.

Fortunately, he didn't make any mistakes this day, and passed the day safely. At night, he saw that figure again in his dream, and saw his vigorous posture waving the long blade again.

He wanted to get closer to that figure, wanted to get closer, wanted to see the figure's face clearly, but no matter how hard he ran, the distance between him and that figure was only reduced by an insignificant amount.

On the second day, his trance became more serious, and his working movements would deform from time to time, wanting to fully display the movement of dancing the long blade in his mind.

The other people who worked thought that because of his young age, the work he was doing was too heavy and tiring, so they took the initiative to help him share the burden, and this allowed him to spend another day safely.

Just like this, day after day, he watched the figure in his dream dancing the long blade at night, his consciousness clear and his spirit shining. However, during the day, he became more and more confused, and his mind was filled with the movements in the dream.

In the eyes of others, his condition was getting worse day by day. They all thought he was sick and were worried about him.Because once a slave becomes sick, in order to prevent him from infecting other slaves, he will be captured and cleaned up, or killed and thrown into the forest, or directly eaten.

The human slaves wanted to cover for this 15-year-old child, but they were all just slaves, and the daily heavy work would exhaust their energy, so how could they help Zhou Ming completely cover it?
Finally on this day, Zhou Ming's abnormal state was discovered by the orcs who supervised the work.

(End of this chapter)

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