Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 427 Heavenly Meeting

The light is infinite.

Loud hymns resounded throughout the heaven and earth, and holy angels could be seen everywhere.

The White Heart Demon was walking among them, his face expressionless, and he felt very unhappy.

This is heaven.

A long time ago, there was a reincarnator who, through various chances and coincidences, embarked on the path of belief and becoming a god.After going through a series of plot worlds and harvesting endless faith, this reincarnation gradually condensed his divinity, ignited the divine fire, established his priesthood, shaped his godhead, and became a famous reincarnation in the main god space.

Later, the reincarnator founded his own legion, named "The Temple of Gods", which attracted many reincarnations who also followed the path of gods to join. The pantheon of temples grew rapidly and gradually became one of the top legions in the main god space.

As the legion commander of the "Palace of Gods" and the God of the Gods, the reincarnator's strength grew day by day, and gradually reached an incredible state. He integrated his divine kingdom with the legion space of the "Palace of Gods" and created The famous kingdom of heaven.

In the Kingdom of Heaven, he seems to be the omniscient and omnipotent God in the teachings. Almost no reincarnation can compete with him in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The White Heart Devil hates coming to Heaven, even though the chapter council has a good relationship with the pantheon, and he himself cooperates with one of the gods in the pantheon.

Because in the Kingdom of Heaven, all actions and thoughts of everyone are transparent to that one, and every thought of anyone will be clearly transmitted to that one’s heart.

For a strong man like Bai Xinmo who prides himself on playing with people's hearts, it is very uncomfortable to have someone look through his heart at will like watching a movie.

But he had to come, because the one who invited him was the god who cooperated with him.

In order to develop that new world, Bai Xinmo relied on the power of this god. However, this god invested a lot of power in that world, but in the end he didn't even make a splash, his income was zero, and he became a pure injustice. .

Therefore, when the god extended an invitation to White Heart Demon, White Heart Demon could not refuse and could only agree.

When he entered this heaven, the kingdom belonging to this god, and came to his temple, he found that many people were already sitting here.

There are acquaintances, there are people who are not very acquainted, there are people who have good relationships, and there are people who have not so good relationships.There are no strangers, and no enemies who would divide life and death upon meeting.

Every time the reincarnation level increases by one star, the number of reincarnations of the same level will decrease by a large number. When you reach the level of White Heart Demon Eighteen Stars, you will have more or less impressions of the reincarnations of the same level. It is rare that there will be two ten-star reincarnations. The Eight-Star Reincarnator has never seen or even knows the other person's situation at all.

An incarnation of God, exuding pure white holy light, with blond hair and shawl, perfect figure and appearance, walked out of the void and stepped in front of the White Heart Demon.

"Welcome, my friend, come here, we are all waiting for you."

Gods may be the best at incarnations and clones, a supernatural route, and this god takes this to the extreme.

Since he became a god, he has been hiding in his own kingdom of God. It is said that he has never taken a step out of the kingdom of God. All his travels are done through incarnation. No reincarnation has ever seen his true body, except in this kingdom of heaven. owner.

Even the plot missions of the main god, after bringing him and the entire Kingdom of God into the plot world, are completed by dividing a large number of incarnations of gods, which can be said to be the implementation of the word "gou" to the extreme.

Bai Xin Mo sat down with an indifferent attitude, and the incarnation of God took charge, and the reincarnations quickly fell into a heated discussion.

After listening quietly for a while, Bai Xinmo suddenly realized: These reincarnators were all people who got into the Gu world through various channels and were expelled by Zhou Ming's trump card to block the plot world.

Being kicked out of the Gu Realm without any warning, these reincarnators' initial investment in developing the Gu Realm was all in vain.It’s just a small investment for some. Some forces established bases in the Gu world, transported a large amount of materials, and even built the world-crossing gate. As a result, the Gu world was blocked and the world-crossing gate was scrapped on the spot. There was a 90.00% chance that it was caused by the Gu world. If the indigenous people inside were demolished, one can imagine the fate of the materials they left behind.

These reincarnations have suffered such a big loss, and naturally it is impossible for them to swallow it. They just lack a leader and cannot enter the Gu world for the time being, so they can only endure it.It wasn't until the incarnation of God issued an invitation that they responded quickly and quickly gathered here.

As for inviting the White Heart Demon, the reason is even simpler!

In terms of investing and losing the most resources in the Gu world, it is naturally the Chapter Council. Among the members of the Chapter Council responsible for the development of the Gu world, the highest-ranking members are Bai Xin Mo and Zhan Kuang.

Originally, the god invited both of them, but Zhan Kuang was not good at dealing with this kind of thing, so he entrusted White Heart Demon with full authority to represent him. What can White Heart Demon do?I had no choice but to agree.

Now listening to the discussions among these reincarnations, Bai Xin Mo suddenly realized: These reincarnations want to go to the Gu world to "dig gold" again. It is not possible to fight alone with their own strength, so they want to unite and prepare. Gather everyone's strength, wait until the day when the Gu world is unsealed, and immediately rush into the Gu world, capture Zhou Ming alive, and torture him severely to vent the hatred in everyone's hearts.

But if you want to break into the Gu world as soon as possible, you not only need a leader, but also a guide.

In the eyes of all reincarnations, this god is the leader, and the White Heart Demon is the guide.

"If you want me to be the guide, you have to come up with enough benefits." Bai Xinmo sneered in his heart. These people are so anxious to go to the Gu world, revenge on Zhou Ming is secondary, and grabbing resources is the main thing.Everyone gets together to share the cake of the New World. If you start too late, there won't even be any crumbs left. That's the real loss.

Regarding the demands put forward by the White Heart Demon, all the reincarnators expressed that they were reasonable, but the specific demands for interests still needed to be finalized in detail.

"What a guide, huh, bastard Zhou Ming, if he dares not to reply to my letter and even takes my Danghun Mountain as his own, then don't blame me for being ungrateful!"

"There are also these reincarnations. Our Chapter Council has invested so much resources in the Gu world. How can it be compared to those of you who are just making small fuss? We have worked so hard to pave the road, and now you are here to pick peaches. Do you really think we are? Do you do charity?"

"Just wait until we..."

Bai Xinmo, who was participating in the discussion of the reincarnators with his mouth and constantly making calculations and making harsh words in his heart, suddenly froze up.

"The upper limit of power in that world is twenty stars, so this time I will differentiate into an incarnation with twenty stars of strength and enter the Gu world with you. Hmm? My friend White Heart Demon, what can I do for you?"

The incarnation of God, who was eloquently using words to win over the reincarnations, noticed the change in Bai Xin Mo's face and asked quickly.

Bai Xin Mo didn't say anything, just waited for a while, then suddenly stood up and walked out with excitement on his face.

The incarnation of God wanted to ask again, but the information transmitted from its body immediately stopped the incarnation of God.

He watched helplessly as the White Heart Demon walked out of the temple, flew out of the scope of his divine kingdom, and left heaven in the blink of an eye.

All the reincarnations were confused by the actions of the White Heart Demon, and the reaction of the incarnation of God made them even more strange. Some people couldn't help but ask the incarnation of God for advice.

There were also a few reincarnations who also received some information. Their expressions became stunned, full of surprise and envy, and they were silent as they listened to the incarnation of God announcing the truth.

Then the incarnation of God spoke: "The war between the Chapter Council and the Marvel world is over. The Speaker of the Chapter Council, he swallowed oaa, completely reset the entire Marvel multiverse to zero, and took the step of transcendence."

"He has surpassed thirty stars." (End of this chapter)

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