Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 46 One man becomes an army!

Chapter 46 One Man Makes an Army!
In the smoke, the sparks that light up from time to time when the weapons collide are brilliant and fragile, fleeting.

These warriors are indeed first-class masters. Even with limited eyesight, the occasional interference from the Soul Howling Gu, and sneak attacks by ghosts and poison vines, they can still avoid attacks and even launch counterattacks with their well-trained fighting instincts.

However, what they were facing was also a martial arts master.

The sound of blood spraying, like the rustling of willow leaves blown by the autumn wind, is very pleasant to hear.

The limbs fall to the ground, the head falls to the ground, the body falls to the ground.

Muffled grunts, heavy gasps, low moans, and low growls of pain that could not be suppressed.

All kinds of voices overlap together to compose a beautiful death music. The player is Zhou Ming.

The smoke gradually dissipated.

Tokugawa Yamato leaned against the wall and fell down slowly, his body rubbed against the wall, drawing a deep red bloodstain.

There were a total of seventeen wounds on his body, the most deadly one was a knife that pierced his heart, but it was missed by just an inch, which made him lose all the strength in his body, but he would not die immediately.

He raised his head with some difficulty and glanced around blankly.

Corpses fell on the ground in disorder, some had broken limbs and arms, some had separated corpses, some had stabbed through the chest...

Eight powerful warriors were all lost here!

"Little Tiger, Kondo-kun, Matsumoto-kun..."

Tokugawa Yamato's lips trembled as he muttered names one by one until a pair of feet appeared in front of him.

Bloody feet, no shoes.

Tokugawa Yamato raised his head slowly, facing Zhou Ming's cold eyes.

"You lost." Zhou Ming said flatly.

Using Grass Jumping Gu would tear his shoes, so he could only walk barefoot, the soles of his feet were sticky with blood, which made him very uncomfortable.

"What kind of monster are you?" Tokugawa Yamato's life is slipping towards the abyss of death, but he will not die for a while.

He didn't know if it was because of his good luck, or because... the man in front of him was lenient.

"Monster?" Zhou Ming frowned, then laughed as if thinking of something: "I'm a human."

"Hehe, hahaha..." Tokugawa Yamato raised his head and put his head against the wall, laughing very hard.

"Are you a human? Are you... a human?" Tokugawa Yamato said out of breath.

"When people are killed, they will die. If you are killed, will you die?"

"Yes." Zhou Ming stared at Tokugawa Yamato's pupils that were gradually glowing, and said very seriously, "Of course."

"Hehe, then, then I... don't worry..."

Outside the door, a lot of footsteps clicked and clicked, and shadowy figures surrounded the entire room through the wooden door and paper window lattice.

"Tokugawa Zoro, my disciple..." Tokugawa Yamato murmured in a low voice, his vision gradually blurred, "Remove all obstacles... let this chaotic world... restore order..."

Zhou Ming stood quietly, watching the look in Tokugawa Yamato's eyes gradually disappear until he took his last breath.

"Sorry, he can't do it."

Putting the knife back into its sheath, Zhou Ming shook his arms, and the two pistols slipped from his cuffs and were held in his hands.

"When people are killed, they will die, but they can't kill me."

The wooden doors and window lattices were destroyed, and the whole room became open in all directions. A large number of soldiers poured in, staring at a tiger, showing fanaticism, and slashing with a knife.


"Whoever kills this person will be rewarded with a hundred taels of gold and given a military official position!"


"Human sea tactics?" Zhou Ming sneered, slightly bent his legs, bent over, leaned forward, and raised his arms lightly.

Bang bang bang bang bang!
With his arms waving, there are afterimages, his body swings, ups and downs, dodging and moving, and a large number of bullets pour out, shooting in all directions with his waving arms, without missing a shot, every bullet is Drilled into a person's head with incomparable precision.

At this moment, Zhou Ming seemed to be dancing a weird dance of death. The whistling bullets were like the scythe of death, wildly harvesting the lives of everyone around him.

Gun fighting!
This is not exchanged from the main god, but Zhou Ming created it himself with his superb marksmanship and strong physical fitness.

The time for reloading the magazines of the two pistols was compressed to a few tenths of a second, as if there were infinite bullets that could never be empty. Zhou Ming alone set off a metal storm, sweeping across everything!
One-man army!
Soon, the entire floor of the room was covered with corpses, and corpses were stacked on top of each other, restricting everyone's movements.

With his right hand retracted, his left hand continued to shoot to suppress the rushing soldiers. Zhou Ming took out the grenade from the flower bud Gu, pulled the ring, and threw it forward.

The grenade passed the original door, flew into the corridor, and fell into the crowd.


The dense flow of people allowed this grenade to exert an extraordinary effect. Blood and flesh flew everywhere, screaming, the wooden floor was blown to pieces, and the surrounding area was scorched, leaving a large space.

The sound of shouting and killing was stagnated, and everyone was stunned by the terrible explosion.

Suddenly, two spring-like grasses grew out of the soles of Zhou Ming's feet. He stomped hard, jumped up high with the elastic force, and fell towards the scorched black explosion point.

Jump Grass Gu!

The moment he landed, the pistol in Zhou Ming's left hand fired again, and there was a loud sound.

At the same time, another grenade flew out and fell towards the other end of the corridor.

Bang bang bang!

Under the powerful firepower, the soldiers who used cold weapons had no power to fight back.

Zhou Ming didn't pause at all, and rushed out while killing the enemy, leaving behind corpses along the way. Blood and wailing paved the way under his feet, and death and despair defeated the enemy's obstruction.

The gate of the gymnasium exploded, and Zhou Ming's figure flashed out, looking forward.

Soldiers fled in all directions. Whether they were in the gym or waiting in formation outside the gym, they were all killed by Zhou Ming to the point of fear. Even if they were killed against the order of the daimyo, they did not dare to stand in front of Zhou Ming.

This one-sided massacre of flesh and blood by modern firepower gradually came to an end as Zhou Ming rushed out of the gym.

However, Zhou Ming's second battle has just begun.

Looking up, his eyes seemed to pass through many buildings, and "see" the man who ordered him to be killed.

Tokugawa Zoro.

"Wait for me, I will find you soon."

Zhou Ming murmured in a low voice and disappeared on the street.

A few minutes later, the city guards hurriedly arrived and rushed into the dojo. Seeing the miserable state of corpses everywhere, the faces of the city guards changed. Some of them couldn't help but vomited.

"Send more people to clean up here, and immediately report what happened here!"

The military chief's face was ugly, he didn't stay in the dojo, which was so thick with bloody smell that he almost wanted to vomit, and walked out of the arena in two steps in three steps.

"Also, send people to Mr. Tokugawa Zoro. You don't need too many people. If you can stop them, stop them. If you can't stop them, don't rush to die."

He quickly gave his subordinates a bunch of instructions, and the entire city guard army was operating in an orderly manner under his orders.

The military leader's expression showed no signs of softening, but instead became more serious.

"Are these lunatics really going to turn the capital upside down? My lord, is this what you want to see..."

(End of this chapter)

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