Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 69 Looking for Max

Chapter 69 Looking for Max

Zhou Ming opened his eyes, looked around, and found himself in a spacious office.

The files scattered everywhere, the computer that fell on the ground, and the dead green plants seemed to tell him that a very chaotic emergency had happened here, and that no one had been here for a long time.

This mission is a teamwork. In addition to Zhou Ming, there are three other men and one woman who are looking at the surrounding environment and their teammates for this mission just like Zhou Ming.

Zhou Ming was not in a hurry to greet them. His consciousness sank into the air, and he first scanned the Gu insects on his body.

After confirming that the number of Gu worms had not decreased, that they were not excluded from the world and could not be used, and that his own strength had not been affected, Zhou Ming felt relieved and smiled with satisfaction.

After leaving the family, Zhou Ming traveled all the way to the southeast. At the same time, he passed the markets along the way. He would go in and browse, buy and sell Gu insects, and see if there were any suitable Gu insects for his own use.

Now there are a few more Gu worms on his body.

The third-level Sawtooth Grass Leaf Gu, the third-level Enchanting Flower Gu, the third-level blood-sucking vine Gu, and the third-level Wood Charm Gu were all the poisonous insects that the old Mu Taoist had at that time. They were quite suitable for him to use, so he kept them. down.

As for the exploding pine needle Gu that also came from the Mu Dao Gu Master, it was recycled by Zhou Ming to the Lord God because the food needed for feeding could not be stored for a long time.

Also recovered were the Rank [-] Golden Body Gu, Rank [-] Golden Ring Gu, Rank [-] Golden Cloud Gu, Rank [-] Golden Spear Gu and other Rank [-] and Rank [-] Gu insects looted from the golden giant.

In addition, he also bought some Wood Soul Gu, which was used to condense the soul, and after forming the Wood Soul, the effect on the Wood Path Gu was increased to a certain extent.

The day before the mission started, after the mission reminder was distributed, Zhou Ming purchased another Corpse Heart Gu.

The third-level corpse heart Gu can produce the second-level zombie refining Gu, and the food is the heart of the zombie.

The second-level zombie-refining Gu is a consumption Gu that can turn corpses into zombies for you to drive.

This was a sudden attempt by Zhou Ming. He wanted to see if corpses from other worlds could be turned into zombies by the Zombie Gu.

Especially in such a world full of zombies and the existence of various mutants, maybe it can bring him unexpected surprises?

In addition to Gu insects, Zhou Ming also purchased a large amount of resources in the main god space.

Crazy reselling of Gu worms made him a huge fortune. He was very lavish and spent a lot of money, adding many trump cards to himself.

Compared with the previous plot world, Zhou Ming's improvement in strength can be described as a rocket rising to the sky.

At this moment, the four teammates seemed to have finished checking their status and began to conduct regular exchanges.

"A few of you, everyone has completed two plot worlds and is about to leave the status of newcomers and experienced reincarnations. Don't be so cautious."

A 1.9-meter tall man wearing a black tight-fitting vest, leather pants, and a red cape, with a strong build and exaggerated muscles, looked around at everyone coldly with his arms folded and said.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Whale Shark. I am strengthening the magnetic field rotation power system. I am currently in the current-driven state."

"I can see it... from this attire, and the aura of a magnetic field that nothing can cover up..."

Several other people complained silently in their hearts.

Although this macho whale shark was the first to introduce himself, he was unexpectedly brief. After uttering only these two sentences, he folded his arms and continued to look around the crowd, waiting for the next person to speak.

"Okay, I'll be the second to say it."

Another man who looked to be in his 40s, wearing a wrinkled white coat and an unkempt beard, scratched his messy natural curly hair. Although his face was dejected, he still tried to force out a very sad smile.

"I seem to be the oldest one here. Well, my name is Gong He. You can call me Uncle Gong, Brother Gong or Lao Gong."

"It's strengthened... I think he's a Taoist priest. Hey, he can deal with supernatural beings just fine, but he seems to be at a disadvantage in this world."

As he spoke, Congratulations pulled out two pistols from his white coat and waved them in front of everyone.

"I'm pretty good at guns too. Hey, this thing works better!"

After saying this, he stuffed the gun into the white coat again, looked at the others, and signaled that he was done.

Well, I don’t know where he stuffed the gun under his empty white coat.

Zhou Ming and the last man looked at each other, smiled slightly, and made a gesture of invitation to him.

"Okay." The man pushed up the glasses on his nose helplessly.

"Xiang Zenan, cough, don't stare at me with that look. It's Xiang Yu's name. My parents gave me the name. What can I do?"

It seems that he has encountered similar situations many times. Xiang Zenan calmly ignored everyone's weird looks and continued to introduce himself: "My enhancement is the Zanpakutō. Have you read the manga "Bleach"? Hello? , don’t look at me with that look, I really am not a waste house that only knows Two-dimensional!”

His subsequent explanation was simply ignored by everyone.

"My name is Zhang Wei." Zhou Ming said with a gentle and friendly smile on his face, "I'm a reincarnation who has practiced for two and a half rounds. He is good at knives, guns, buffs, and summoning..."

The four of them stared at Zhou Ming with expressions like "Are you kidding me?"

"Ah, don't you like the way I introduce myself? It doesn't matter, I've prepared another one."

The gentle smile on Zhou Ming’s face remained unchanged, and he continued: “My name is Zhang Wei, I’m 43 years old, I live in the space of the Lord God, and I’m single. I serve the Lord God, and every time I go on a mission, I have to work hard to return. I like smoking and drinking Burning my head, staying up all night until early in the morning, and sleeping less than two hours a day. Before going to bed, I must drink a catty of alcohol, then do handicrafts for an hour, go to bed, and continue to stay up until dawn, leaving fatigue and stress until The next day. The doctors said it was abnormal for me to survive to this day."

"Don't be honest!" Xiang Zenan shouted. (Okay, that's what I said)

What Xiang Zenan said was: "Don't misappropriate lines from anime characters openly!"

Zhou Ming shrugged, indicating that his self-introduction was over, and looked directly at the woman who did not speak at the end, indicating that it was her turn to perform.

Everyone: "..." It feels like he said a lot, but also feels like he didn't say anything. Is it our collective delusion?

The last one was a good-looking young woman with a ponytail, a black mask with blue Doraemon painted on it, a neat combat uniform, and a long box on her back.

"Qin Wumeng is good at long-range sniping and has certain close combat capabilities."

Well, a very brief self-introduction, a match for the whale shark hunk, and a sharp contrast to Zhou Ming.

Even Zhou Ming could feel the eyes of several other people looking at him now, with a "look at me" angrily.

[There is no identity information arrangement in this world, and there is no disguise in the appearance of reincarnators!Mission begins! 】

The main god's prompting voice made the five people look solemn. The familiar feeling of alienation and the sense of reality integrated into the world will be very impressive no matter how many times they experience it.

"The mission has begun, so what do you think about the main mission?" Congratulations asked first.

"Mission 1 is to go to Dick State and find Dr. Max. I think we first need to find a map to determine our location and the location of Dick State, and then get to Dick State first."

Xiang Zenan put on an unreliable persona, but what he said was surprisingly reliable.

"Maybe the clue is in this room." Zhou Ming pointed to the bookshelf against the wall, and everyone's eyes followed.

Like the rest of the room, the bookshelf was in chaos, with many books falling to the floor and signs of obvious damage from being stepped on.

The books that were lucky enough to be left on the bookshelf were also staggered and piled together in a haphazard manner, as if someone had been rummaging through something in a hurry.

Zhou Ming stepped forward and pulled out a book from the bookshelf.

It was a beautifully bound magazine, and on the cover was a white man in his 30s, wearing a white coat, with a capable demeanor, exuding the self-confidence of a successful person from the inside out.

At the top of the cover, there are four big letters written on it.


"Holy crap, there's a Time magazine in this world?" Congratulations squeezed over and exclaimed.

Zhou Ming smiled and said nothing, pointing to the bottom of the cover.

Michael Joe Max.

He completely rewrote the direction of human research on paleomicrobiology.

"It seems that we got to know Dr. Max before we found Dick State."


Congratulations was very interested in this term and asked thoughtfully: "Could it be that the zombie virus is a super ancient virus that was dug out and studied by humans before it broke out?"

Zhou Ming handed the book to Congratulations, then pulled out another book from the bookshelf and said with a smile: "Maybe we can know the truth by finding Dr. Max."

He opened the newly taken down book and showed the map inside.

"Gir National Geographic magazine? Is this a national map of the country of Gir?"

Congratulations surprised to pick up the map to unfold.

"Well, usually geographical magazines like this will come with a map. I think this book is quite new and there are no signs of reading, so I guess the map should still be in it." Zhou Ming explained.

Several other people gathered around curiously.

"Ah, I found it, Dick State is here."

The sharp-eyed Xiang Zenan pointed to a place on the map and immediately frowned.

"What a huge range!"

"Of course, it is a state of Jill after all." Gong He sighed, "The scope of the task is too wide."

"We don't even know where we are now!" Xiang Zenan was also worried. "Otherwise, we can rush to Dick State first and then look for other clues."

"Can I read that book?" Qin Wumeng gestured to Congratulations with the Time magazine in his hand.

"No problem, beautiful lady." Congratulations and sent the magazine in a gentlemanly manner. Unfortunately, his actions were too different from his clothes. It did not give people the slightest sense of gentleman, but was a bit funny.

"Thank you." Qin Wumeng took the magazine and started flipping through it.

(End of this chapter)

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