Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 7 Gu worms about to starve to death

Chapter 7 Gu worms about to starve to death

On the way, Zhou Ming asked: "Brother Yang, how does the Lord determine the skill levels? What is the difference between lv1 and lv2 of firearms?"

Yang Zhisheng, who was driving, glanced at him and said with a smile, "Has the firearm been upgraded to level 2?"

Zhou Ming nodded.

After absorbing part of the combat experience of the three killers, Zhou Ming improved in many aspects, but only the firearms showed signs of improvement.

"Not bad." Yang Zhisheng chuckled and said, "The Lord God doesn't have a specific description on the classification of skills, but among us reincarnations, there is a set of recognized classification standards."

"lv1 is proficiency, lv2 is proficiency, lv3 is expert, lv4 is master, lv5 is grandmaster, and lv6 is grand master. As for before mastering a skill proficiently, it can be classified as lv0, but the main god will not be displayed."

"But these things are meaningless, and it's not a video game. Everything is shown by data. How much you have mastered a skill, you have to explore it yourself, and you will know the best."

"The most important thing is to see if you can use it. No matter how hard you train a skill, if you can't use it at a critical moment, it is useless."

"I understand." Zhou Ming nodded.

"By the way, how did the killer who sniped you arrange such a precise assassination? How could he calculate that we will go to the rooftop, and you will just stand on the sniper position he predetermined?"

This was something Zhou Ming was very confused about. When they went to install the monitoring equipment, they ran into the killer who was also looking for a suitable sniper position and wanted to assassinate Miss Adele. The conflict broke out completely by accident.

He restrained the killer and took him to the rooftop for interrogation.

How could the Kronos killer have anticipated all this, set up this trap early, and fired that ultra-long-range shot?

"It's a coincidence." Yang Zhisheng had an inexplicable expression on his face.

"Coincidence?" Zhou Ming was taken aback.

"Kronos' killer is indeed a good bait for the previous killer, but the right time for him to attack is when the killer snipe kills Adele, and we launch a counterattack to kill the killer on the rooftop."

"After all, although that killer is powerful enough for ordinary people, in the eyes of the killers of Knox and us, it is nothing at all. It is indeed suitable to use it as bait."

"The killer who wants to kill Adele is looking for a suitable sniper location, the Kronos killer is also calculating the timing of the sniper attack, and we are setting up monitoring facilities."

"Who would have thought that we happened to bump into the killer, captured him without killing him, Yu Man and I happened to go over to interrogate him, and the killer of Knox happened to watch all this with a sniper rifle?"

"Although it's not the best time he imagined, but when the opportunity comes, he certainly won't let it go."

Yang Zhisheng smiled and said: "That shot was indeed powerful. If it had been anyone else, they would have died."

"Is there really such a coincidence?" Zhou Ming sneered.

"Yes, I want to ask that too."

Both fell silent.

It is said that the Kronos organization regards itself as the messenger of God, possesses extraordinary power, and acts in accordance with God's will.

Can their plan really go off without a hitch?If such a "coincidence" accident occurs again, how should they deal with it?
Zhou Ming frowned, thinking about this question.

The car sped on the road and arrived at their destination two hours later.

This is a villa area, where their target Andreas lives.

Andreas has a fortune of over RMB [-] million and owns several factories. He meets the conditions for producing ammonium nitrate and is a suitable target that Zhou Ming finally found.

"Take action."

Parking the car in a hidden place outside the community, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, avoiding the monitoring, and slipped in quietly.

The security measures here are not bad, but they are not difficult for the reincarnations. Yang Zhisheng's ability allows them to know the location of all monitoring equipment and even control some electronic equipment to a certain extent.

As for the patrolling security guards, as long as they don't want to be discovered, they can't even touch the shadow of the two of them.

So, two hours later, they were already enjoying his wine collection in Andreas' living room.

As for the owner here, he was sitting on the sofa shivering with his family and two nannies, unable to hide the look of horror on his face.

It certainly didn't take two hours to sneak into the villa and kidnap the Andreas family. What they did during this time, and how to make these people obedient.

The method was very simple. They planted micro bombs in the Andreas family (materials provided by Yang Zhisheng). Even the two nannies were very lucky to have this rare experience.

After demonstrating the power of the miniature bomb to them, everyone calmed down.

"What do you want? My money, my house, my car, jewelry and gold, you can take them all, as long as it doesn't hurt my family."

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Andreas tried to negotiate with the two thieves.

He didn't understand that these two gangsters broke into their house suddenly and held their family hostage in such a terrifying way.However, until now, they have not made any demands.

He couldn't figure out, if these thugs were not seeking money, what else would they be doing?
"Don't be nervous, Mr. Andreas. We just need a small favor from you."

"As long as you do what we say, we guarantee that no harm will come to you and your family."

"Before that, I just hope your family can let you calm down and don't do anything bad for everyone."

Zhou Ming said to Andreas with a smile, but that seemingly harmless smile, in Andreas' eyes, was no different from the grin of a devil.

From then on, everything went according to plan and proceeded logically.

Yang Zhisheng accompanied Andreas to the factory and selected a small group of people to start a new production task. It was necessary to ensure the output of ammonium nitrate and to ensure that abnormalities in the factory would not attract the attention of interested parties and leak the news in advance.

Zhou Ming sits at Andreas' home and "takes care" of his family for him.

into the night.

"Sir, the bath water has been put away for you." The nanny stood beside Zhou Ming, lowered her head and said shakingly.

Even during this period of time, Zhou Ming didn't show any vicious look, instead he behaved politely and gracefully.But whether it was the two nannies or Andreas' wife and daughter, the fear of him in their hearts did not weaken much.

After all, as long as the teenager who looks like a teenager on the opposite side presses the button in his hand, their necks will be blown off, their heads will fly out, blood will spray from their chests to the ceiling, and their headless corpses will go limp. He fell limp, and was chopped into pieces by that devil-like boy, and washed away down the sewer without leaving any traces.

This was what the young man in front of them said personally after the two men demonstrated the power of the micro bomb to them.

At that time, his leisurely and leisurely look was comparable to that of a murderer in a movie. He left an indelible impression of fear on a group of people.

This was exactly the effect Zhou Ming wanted. If it was not necessary, he didn't want to really kill these people, so it would be good for everyone if they were honest.

Reincarnators have never been good men and women. Zhou Ming, who has lived in Beiyuan for more than ten years, has long been used to intrigues and fighting.

In order to survive, they can make their lower limit very low.

Therefore, neither Yang Zhisheng nor Zhou Ming had any psychological barriers to executing this kidnapping and coercion drama.

The warm bath water gradually spread over his body, and Zhou Ming exhaled a long and comfortable breath.

This is the third day after entering this world, but he has already fought two battles, traveled thousands of miles, and was tired of traveling and traveling, and his nerves have never really relaxed.

After all, there is a huge gap between his strength and the two veterans. Participating in the mission of the veterans is a risky behavior that is close to suicide for him.

Knox's top killers - those monsters that can turn bullets, can easily kill Zhou Ming, but they are not strong enemies for the two seniors. What Yang Zhisheng and the others are afraid of is always the Knox organization as a whole. , rather than a single killer.

Therefore, Zhou Ming never dared to let himself relax. In a crisis, one mistake would be a disaster.

Soaking in the water at this moment made him feel a little relaxed, but soon, he should worry about another thing.

Flipping the palm, the Water Jade Gu appeared in the palm.

Looking carefully at this jewel-like Gu worm, Zhou Ming sighed softly and put it into the water.

Gu worms are living creatures and need to eat. If they are not fed for a period of time, they will become weak and even starve to death.

And the food of Gu insects is all kinds of strange things, vegetation, bamboo, stone, flesh, gold and iron, even air flow, sound and light, everything in the world can be the food of Gu insects.

For example, the Water Jade Gu needs pure water as food, and it needs to be fed once a day.

This is still simple, at least Zhou Ming can obtain it in this world, and distilled water can satisfy the needs of water jade Gu.

But feeding other Gu insects is not that simple.

The food of Sword Qi Gu is sword bamboo leaves and is fed once every seven days.The food of the water beetle is water spider, and it is fed once every six days.

These two things are specialties of the Gu world and are impossible to find in this world.

Fortunately, before coming to this world, Zhou Ming was very lucky to have just fed all his Gu worms.And even if the Gu worms exceed the feeding time, they will not starve to death immediately, but will gradually weaken until they are completely unable to survive.

In other words, without accident, Zhou Ming's two rank two Gu worms would no longer be able to use them in three days.

As for the remaining three Gu worms, the grass-root Gu feeds on the earth's energy, which is the last thing Zhou Ming needs to worry about. You only need to push the grass-roots Gu to take root in the ground, and the Gu worms will absorb the energy of the earth by themselves, which is the best way to feed them. One of the Gu insects, worthy of its name of grass roots.

The leaf blade Gu's food is green mulberry grass, and the straw shoe Gu's food is grass bell flowers, both of which are not found on this planet.

But Zhou Ming no longer has the mind to think about these two Gu insects. After all, they are only one-turn Gu insects with low value. If they starve to death, they will starve to death, which will not make Zhou Ming too distressed.

In fact, these two Gu worms are already so hungry that they can hardly move, they are dying.

As level one Gu, although the amount they eat each time is less than that of level two Gu, the time interval between eating is also much shorter.

Not surprisingly, these two Gu will be the first to leave Zhou Ming, earlier than the Water Jade Gu.

At least the water jade Gu can't be used until three days later, and it's hard to say tomorrow whether these two Gu can survive it.

(End of this chapter)

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