Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 72: Muddle around if you can, lie down if you can

Chapter 72: Muddle around if you can, lie down if you can

"What a hunk!"

Watching the visually stunning scene at close range, several other reincarnations couldn't help but have this idea in their minds.

"Don't look, let's work first, the zombies are rushing up."

Zhou Ming opened the car door and got out of the car, and used the ghost hit the wall Gu on the approaching zombie group.

Suddenly, the zombies who were running straight towards the car started to turn left and right, as if an invisible maze appeared in front of them, circling around.

There are also zombies who want to climb over non-existent walls, but unfortunately they can't climb the air, so their movements become grabbing and lifting in place, which is quite funny.

'Well, it seems that the zombies are not completely dead, they are still alive.And because the soul and consciousness are too weak, the effect of ghost hitting the wall is more powerful against zombies. '

Thinking in Zhou Ming's mind, he activated the Ghost Soldiers Gu again, summoning ghost soldiers with green faces, long fangs, wearing phantom armor, holding knives and guns and other cold weapons, and rushed towards the zombies.

Rank three ghost soldier Gu, the summoned ghost soldiers have the combat power to kill a rank one Gu master, much stronger than a single zombie, and can chop off a zombie's head with one blow.

However, the scratching of the zombies could only dissipate a small part of the dense ghostly black mist on the ghost soldier's body, making the ghost soldier's body a little more illusory.

'The zombies' attack methods are very poor, and their qi and blood are seriously insufficient, so they can't attack much yin qi, and the damage they cause to ghost soldiers is too weak. '

'The damage from the soul path Gu worms naturally has an advantage over the undead like zombies! '

Zhou Ming raised his hand and flew out the blood-sucking vine Gu, entangled a zombie, and the barbs on the vine pierced into the zombie's body and began to suck blood.

However, the blood on the zombie's body was too viscous and very stale, and the resistance from the vampire vine Gu made Zhou Ming quickly stop this shit-eating behavior.

'How disgusting! With a green face, Zhou Ming threw the Zombie Refining Gu at the zombies one by one, turning the almost defenseless zombies into zombies.

Then, let them burn themselves in the sun, and at the same time attack the zombies around them randomly before being completely burned to death by the sun, trying to spread the flames and cause greater damage.

Pieces of zombies were blocked by Zhou Ming's ghost hitting the wall Gu, and all kinds of chaos erupted inside, fighting with each other, and the restricted-level scenes of various limbs and internal organs flying all over the place continued to be staged, which was violent enough for a child to do it for three days in a row Nightmare and leave a lifetime of psychological shadow.

There were teammates blocking in other directions, and the four of them made the circle around the car into a restricted zone for zombies, and groups of zombies rushed up in groups and fell down in groups.

Of course, this is also because it has been a long time since the outbreak of the zombie virus, and a large amount of internal friction has been carried out within the zombies, resulting in a great reduction in the number of zombies.

Otherwise, given the density of the city's population, it is imperative for a few people to understand what it means to have a dead body like a tide.

At this time, a low cry suddenly erupted from behind: "Be careful!"

At the same time, there was a burst of wind, and a red rope suddenly wrapped around Zhou Ming's neck.

Iron Vine Gu!
Of course, Zhou Ming would not be attacked by such a child. The green and black rattan flew out and wrapped around the red rope at a faster speed. He tugged hard and pulled the thing at the other end of the rope over.

It was a thin and small ape-like mutant, half of its face was covered with disgusting tumors, and its long tongue dangled outside the huge mouth three times the size of a normal person.

That's right, that red rope is exactly the mutant's tongue.

"Fuck! Smokey man! You really gave me this whole way to survive!" Xiang Zenan fired a gun, turned his head to look this way in the midst of his busy schedule, and complained sparingly.

Zhou Ming ignored him. The iron vine Gu tied the mutant tightly, and the Zombie Refining Gu flew out of his hand, exploding into a ball of black light and covering the mutant.

Different from the normal zombies at the beginning, this mutant struggled more violently after being hit by the zombification refining Gu, but it was unable to make any major movements at all as it was entangled tightly by the iron vine Gu.

Soon, black hair grew wildly on the mutant's body, and within ten seconds, it was completely spread all over the body.

The mutant no longer struggled, and a faint feeling formed.

[Kill 1 advanced mutant, get 100 bonus points]

Zhou Ming was slightly startled by the Lord God's reminder, this kind of trash is also worthy of being a high-level mutant?

Ma Zhouming recalled what was said in the mission information: "There is a huge difference in strength between advanced mutants, and actual evaluation needs to be based on the degree of alienation."

It seemed that I was really lucky. I encountered a very weak advanced mutant, barely stronger than the junior mutant.

Looking at the giant mutant fighting the whale shark, Zhou Ming didn't think that the mutant being crushed and beaten by the whale shark would be a super mutant.

Well, looking at it this way, the gap between advanced mutants is indeed quite large.

"Thank you!" Zhou Ming waved to Qin Wumeng who had reminded him just now, and directed the black-haired zombies to kill into the crowd of zombies.

The strength of a zombie is determined by the strength of the corpse. Even if it is just a black-haired zombie, because its "life" strength is not considered strong, it will not be too strong after death. It needs to be fed with blood for a period of time, and its strength will gradually increase. Only by improving can he truly exert his combat power comparable to that of the king of beasts.

As for now, it can't do anything in the crowd of zombies. It can only deal with five or six zombies at the same time. Therefore, it will be submerged in the crowd of zombies as soon as it rushes up, and it will still be able to escape the fate of being eaten in the end.

Zhou Ming didn't care about the consumption of zombies. The white and black hairs were of little value to him and he couldn't take them away. The best destination for them was to refine them and use them as consumables.

Moreover, he now has another better material waiting for him.

Turning his eyes towards the whale shark, the huge mutant was being pinned to the ground and beaten hard by the whale shark. Seeing that there was more air coming out and less air coming in, he was about to be released.

Zhou Ming didn't want to snatch the reward points of the whale shark, so he kept making cannon fodder to resist the zombies, while waiting for the whale shark to take the head.

It wasn't until there was a fierce roar that the whale shark lifted its fist from the mutant's cracked head, and rushed towards the group of zombies with undiminished momentum, Zhou Ming used Zombie Refining Gu.

Soon, with another roar, a tall black-haired zombie stood up and rushed into the zombie group.

The combat power of this black-haired zombie was much stronger than the one just now. It attracted a large number of zombies on its own, which directly reduced the pressure on Zhou Ming and the others by half.

"Quick, while my zombies are holding back the zombie swarm, call the whale shark back and let's go!"

Zhou Ming called his teammates to get on the bus. He no longer wanted to drag them here.

The spacious streets are no different than in office buildings. Zombies coming from all directions will only gather more and more, and even attract zombies from half of the city.

Being dragged here will only make them feel like they are stuck in a quagmire, and there is no point in continuing to fight.

"Whale shark, come back quickly, waiting for you to drive!"

"Don't kill them. You only get a few reward points if you kill 1000 ordinary zombies. It's not enough for you to put in the effort!"

Congratulate the last one to get on the car, and yelled at the killing whale shark.

The whale shark in the group of zombies froze for a moment, turned around and saw his teammates all got into the car, and a group of people in the car watched him fight the zombies as if they were watching a performance, and suddenly felt like a monkey in a zoo, without any further action Interested, he rushed into the car with a stride.

The black-haired zombie jumped over with raging flames and stood in front of the car, blocking the group of zombies like a thick and solid wall.

The whale shark kicked the accelerator, and the car shot off and flew out, leaving the zombies behind in a blink of an eye.

Zhou Ming glanced back one last time, only to see that the black-haired zombie was submerged in the group of zombies, the raging flames were gradually extinguished, and there was no more movement.

"If it's not necessary, we'll try not to stop before arriving at New Sunset City. This kind of battle is meaningless, it will only delay our time and increase the variables of the mission."

The car was driving fast, Zhou Ming put his arm on the car window, and said in a flat tone.

There was no voice of objection, even the whale shark, which has always been rebellious and rebellious, did not express any objection after hitting a high-level mutant with a hammer.

This is of course because what Zhou Ming said is indeed reasonable, but it also means that Zhou Ming already has a considerable voice in the team without knowing it.

Whether it was the analysis of the task content in the office at the beginning, the search for clues, or the weird secret technique of refining zombies to control zombies, and the abilities that Zhou Ming showed inadvertently, all of them are quietly improving Zhou Ming's life. position in the team.

The distance from Shanque City to Xinluori City is about 1200 kilometers. If you drive without stopping, you can get there in more than ten hours.

It's a pity that this is impossible, not to mention the zombies blocking the way everywhere, but the existence of various abandoned cars and messy roadblocks, it is doomed that they cannot go all the way to the end.

Especially in cities, the problem of blocked roads is particularly serious, forcing samsara dwellers to choose various detours, and sometimes they have to get out of their cars and move the roadblocks themselves to allow cars to pass.

It took more than three hours before they finally drove out of the city, drove on a wide, straight but not smooth road, and then drove into a gas station on the side of the road two hours later.

"It's okay, it's okay, the car almost couldn't get here." After clearing the zombies at the gas station, he congratulated the car and refueled it, saying with a look of joy on his face.

"I didn't expect that none of the five of us noticed the oil level problem. It was a big failure."

Xiang Zenan next to him was using another fuel gun to fill a plastic barrel with gasoline. Considering that the gas stations encountered on the road might not have such good conditions as this one, they decided to fill up with gasoline and take a breath. Rush to New Sunset City.

"Actually, why is there no need to be so anxious about this mission? There is no time limit for the completion of the mission. Let's take this opportunity to find more mutants and kill them to earn some reward points, wouldn't it be good?" Xiang Zenan stuffed the oil barrel into the car In the trunk, he expressed his doubts to Gong He.

"Hey, boy." After filling up the gas, he patted Xiang Zenan on the shoulder in congratulations, "To tell you the truth, when you were in the city, how many tricks would you need to solve the mutant that the whale shark killed by yourself?"

"Ah?" Xiang Zenan was startled: "Not everyone is as fierce as a whale shark! My Zanpakuto has just taken shape, and I don't even know my real name yet!"

The true name of the Zanpakutō has great power. Knowing the true name of the sword and shouting it can release the true form and power of the Zanpakutō.

"Forget it, I understand." Congratulations sighed and said, "My suggestion is, hold your thighs tight, hang out if you can, lie down if you can, don't think so much about other things, it's useless. "

(End of this chapter)

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