Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 76 Experiment and zombie siege!

Chapter 76 Experiment and...Surrounded by Zombies!
"Do you have to observe this experiment? It's not that there are any secrets to hide from you, but the experiment process may make you uncomfortable."

"This is not a dangerous experiment. You can taste my treasured wine here and wait for the experiment to end."

Dr. Max persuaded the reincarnated people worriedly.

"Doctor, we will not have any impact on your experiments." Zhou Ming said with a smile: "Whether your experiments are contrary to human ethics, bloody and terrifying, or indescribable, we all have strong psychological qualities that are strong enough to bear it together. "

"And our task is to protect you. No matter whether you think this experiment is dangerous or not, after all, you need to contact zombies. We must not let it go."

"Okay." Although Dr. Max was helpless, he did not refute and opened the door of the underground laboratory.

In three days, this is the first time that the reincarnations have set foot here.

First of all, there is a spacious hall of more than 100 square meters. They are dazzled by various complicated instruments. Various data are displayed on the computers. The light source makes the room bright as day, which is reflected on the metal shell of various instruments With a cold light.

There is an entire wall of glass boxes at the edge of the hall, many of which contain a white rat.

Some are alive, some are motionless, some have gray hair, some walk stiffly, some have serious mutations, hideous and terrifying...

"Those are small white mice for experiments. They reproduce quickly, are easy to raise, and are better for parallel comparisons. They are really good experimental materials."

Dr. Max pushed a large mobile medical bed out of a certain room. The creature lying on the medical bed immediately attracted the attention of several people.

"Of course, no matter how easy it is to use a mouse, it's not as good as a living human being that actually carries the virus, or a zombie."

Lying on that large mobile hospital bed was a zombie whose body remained intact. Its skin was lifeless gray-yellow and there was not a single hair on its body. However, it did not show a high degree of alienation and still maintained a fairly obvious appearance. gender characteristics.

This is a female zombie. She is lying on a hospital bed with her eyes closed. Her hands and feet are shackled and she is motionless with her eyes closed. I don’t know if she is “dead” or was “anesthetized” by Dr. Max using a special method. up.

Various instruments are installed throughout the zombie's body, which are connected to the display screens by Dr. Max.

"Okay, let's start the formal experiment, record, GA series, 391 serum, compound No. 5."

Dr. Max inserted needles into the hands, feet, and head of the zombie, and hung the hanging bottle for injection. The hands and feet were injected with transparent colorless liquid, while the head was injected with blue translucent liquid.


The sounds of various instruments rang regularly, but the zombies did not respond.

"The injection started, and the test subject showed a heartbeat response."

Dr. Max was operating a computer next to him. While speaking, he took out a small bottle of medicine again, sucked it out with a needle, and injected it into the zombie's neck.


The sound of the instrument began to speed up gradually, as if people's heartbeats were getting faster and faster, causing everyone to feel panicked.

"The heartbeat continued to increase, the body temperature rose rapidly, and the PA02 value was 200% of the normal value."

Dr. Max turned on a small flashlight, pulled out the zombie's eyelids and illuminated it.

"The pupil's fully dilated state begins to change and respond to light."

Whoosh whoosh!

Rapid and heavy breathing sounds suddenly sounded, and the motionless zombie's originally high chest began to rise and fall violently.

"Shortness of breath, body temperature 40 degrees, pulse... 200 per minute, still rising."

During the whole experiment, Dr. Max remained calm. No matter how drastic the data changes on the various display screens or how abrupt the sound of the machine was, he calmly observed the various behaviors of the experimental subject like a robot. React, record data, and narrate with a calm voice.

Suddenly, the zombie's eyes opened suddenly, and its body bounced high like a live shrimp thrown into boiling water. However, it was immediately dragged back by the shackles that locked its hands and feet, and collided heavily with the medical bed, making a "bang" sound. Loud noise.

Even though the reincarnators were startled by the sudden outbreak, Dr. Max was able to hold down the zombie as if nothing had happened, and the flashlight shone into her eyes again.

"The vision has recovered, and it is initially judged that he has normal vision. The body temperature is 45 degrees, and the pulse is 330 per minute, which is still rising."

He forced the zombie down, drew some of the zombie's blood with a needle, hurried to the table next to it, and observed it carefully under the microscope.

Xiang Zenan touched Gong He's arm quietly, and said in a low voice, "Uncle Gong, have you noticed that the blood of that zombie is a little green?"

Before Congratulations could speak, Dr. Max's voice sounded first: "That's because its blood contains a high concentration of nutrients, so it is green. This zombie is mutating into an advanced mutant."

"What!" The reincarnations were all shocked.

"Is it a mutant?" Xiang Zenan pointed at the zombie on the bed in disbelief, "But I don't see any alienation in it!"

"That's because all of its alienation process is completed by external induction, and I will intervene in the whole process. Its alienation direction is not physical evolution, but..."

At this point, Dr. Max's voice suddenly stopped, and then he stood up. For the first time since the beginning of the experiment, he showed a surprised expression, raised his head and shouted: "It's done!"

At the same time, the mutant on the hospital bed suddenly opened his eyes wide, his body arched high again, his head raised upward with all his strength, and his mouth opened wide.


A piercing scream rushed out of its mouth, and the invisible sound wave fell into the sea like a meteorite, setting off a boundless wave and spreading in all directions.

"Hiss!" Zhou Ming hugged his head tightly and let out a low moan.

"Plop!" The screaming zombie fell back onto the bed again, as if the shout had exhausted all its strength, and lay there motionless.

"Zhou Ming, are you okay?" Congratulations was the first to notice something strange about Zhou Ming and asked quickly.

"I, I didn't... are you okay?" Zhou Ming waved his hands, suddenly realizing that something was wrong, and looked at everyone in surprise.

"Did you just...didn't hear the screams of the zombies?"

"What scream?" Gong He looked at Zhou Ming worriedly, "I didn't hear anything, are you hallucinating?"

Zhou Ming looked at the others, Qin Wumeng and Xiang Zenan shook their heads, even Dr. Max, who was obsessed with work, looked over here, obviously he didn't hear it.

Only the whale shark said with an ugly face: "I heard and saw it, it's ripples, it's electromagnetic signals."

"What the hell?" Congratulations to the three of them were stunned, but Dr. Max's expression changed, and he immediately rushed to another instrument.

"Abnormal electromagnetic fluctuations, a brand new wave frequency! It's that zombie..."

Before Dr. Max finished speaking, there was another sharp hiss, but this time it didn't come from the zombie lying on the bed, but from the outside world.

That was another zombie's response!

This zombie, which was caught by Dr. Max and studied until now, finally passed on the information that it was imprisoned here, and a powerful zombie outside finally knew the existence of this place!

Zhou Ming couldn't help holding his head with his hands, and a strong evil spirit appeared in his eyes.

"Mutants...the deeply modified parts of advanced mutants usually have special abilities..."

"Fuck, is this this zombie's special ability?"

"Is it electromagnetic fluctuations or soul screaming? Or is it the power of both?"

Zhou Ming could hear the screeching sound because his soul was stronger than the others here.

Whale sharks can "hear" and "see" at the same time. It is the rotation of the magnetic field that he has not yet achieved, and the magic has already begun to appear in the stage of electric current promotion.

"Angry!" The whale shark crossed his arms, with an inexplicable excitement in his voice: "That response was full of anger. I can feel its overwhelming anger, and it will break through all restrictions, even if it is blocked by What’s in front of us is the sky, and it’s going to destroy this sky!”

"But we are the ones standing in front of it!" Zhou Ming slowly lowered his hands holding his head and said coldly.

"That's right!" Whale Shark's tone became more excited: "So it's destined to jump on the street here, trying to break through us, it's not ready yet!"

"Oops, it must be the new ability that my experimental body evolved after becoming an advanced mutant, which can transmit information to the outside world through electromagnetic waves!"

Dr. Max only shouted at this time, but found that the reincarnated people had already had solemn faces, exuding a fierce fighting spirit all over their bodies, and they were already ready to fight in such a short time.

"Doctor, how long will it take to pack your things and set off with us?" Zhou Ming asked.

Dr. Max came back to his senses from being shocked by the aura of several people, and said loudly, "One hour is the time I need to record data!"

Obviously, he has realized the seriousness of the situation and that time is running out. Except for the data from the experiment just now, he is mentally prepared to give up everything else.

"Okay, then one hour!" Zhou Ming nodded, and then quickly said: "Uncle Gong, Xiang Zenan, you stay here to protect the doctor, and meet us immediately after completing his work."

"Whale Shark, Qin Wumeng, let's go out and have a look!"

At this moment, no one else in the team had any objections. A few days of getting along had allowed them to develop a certain tacit understanding, and at critical moments, they acquiesced that Zhou Ming was the captain who gave orders.

Uncle Gong and Xiang Zenan stayed behind, while Whale Shark and Qin Wumeng walked out of the underground laboratory with Zhou Ming.As soon as he went up to the villa on the ground, he heard noisy and harsh roaring and crashing outside.

Dr. Max's villa is equipped with a valuable security system, which can raise metal protection outside the entire villa to prevent enemies from breaking in.

This crazy security system that should have appeared in "Human Purge Plan" has resisted countless zombie attacks for Dr. Max and allowed him to escape safely for many nights.

Now, however, the security system is faltering.

Because, multiple high-level mutants are constantly gathering here, and more and more powerful attacks hit it, constantly destroying the originally extremely strong security system.

And this is just the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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