Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 79 Gravity Bomb

Chapter 79 Gravity Bomb
The situation suddenly became extremely serious.

Obviously, the zombie captured and studied by Dr. Max must have some unknown relationship with the ultimate mutant that is coming at a very fast speed!
But now, this connection is severed because one of the parties in the connection is dead!
But Dr. Max’s thoughts are normal: he doesn’t want to see the zombies he personally enhanced kill and eat people after being released.

Isn't it natural for humans to kill zombies?
So he wanted to kill the zombie when he left, but this move made the ultimate mutant completely crazy!
"Take Dr. Max to retreat immediately!"

After quickly recounting his guess in the communication channel, Zhou Ming issued the order to retreat.

'There is still a chance. Leaving that body there should allow the ultimate mutant to stay for a short period of time.When it thinks of chasing us, maybe we have already run out of its detection range. '

Following Zhou Ming's order, the zombies began to change their actions, from 'preventing zombies from approaching the villa' to 'opening a road to the outside world'.

The ultimate mutants come from the southwest, so they leave from the northeast.

Although Shandar City is located northwest of New Sunset City, the most important goal now is to stay away from the ultimate mutant, even if it takes a long detour, it is completely worth it.

So, when Gong He and Xiang Zenan rushed out of the villa with Dr. Max, they were surprised to see a "safety corridor" formed by countless zombies with their bodies leading to the northeast of the city.

Seeing the slightly panicked Dr. Max following the two of them, Zhou Ming sighed and did not blame him for anything.

Whale Shark and Qin Wumeng also moved here quickly. The reincarnators gathered and the way forward had been opened, but Zhou Ming himself did not intend to leave so soon.

"You go first, I will follow soon." Zhou Ming glanced behind him, and in his soul's perception, a huge "air ball" was approaching quickly. It would only take about 3 minutes to get here.

"Are you sure?" Congratulations asked worriedly: "We still have time..."

"But time is running out, so you'd better not linger here!" Zhou Ming urged impatiently as he didn't have time to talk nonsense to them.

"Whale shark, take them away quickly! I will catch up with you in 10 minutes at most!"

"...Okay!" The whale shark only hesitated for two seconds before grabbing Dr. Max and throwing him on his back. At the same time, he shouted to the others: "I won't stop and wait for you, so run with all your strength!"

The whale shark has the strongest physical body in the team, and its speed once it breaks out is very astonishing.

Although he was still carrying Dr. Max, the weight of more than 100 kilograms was no more than carrying a small satchel for him. In the blink of an eye, the whale shark had already ran hundreds of meters away.

The others could only follow. Qin Wumeng, who was at the end, turned back and took a deep look at Zhou Ming, then followed closely in the footsteps of the others.

Instead of watching his teammates go away, Zhou Ming turned around and entered the villa as they left.

"There's about two and a half minutes left, there's still enough time."

He quickly went down to Dr. Max's underground laboratory, looked at the body lying on the mobile hospital bed, and silently estimated the time in his mind.

2 minutes later, Zhou Ming rushed out of Dr. Max's villa, ran straight to the northwest, jumped onto a high-rise building, used deception Gu to cover up his aura to a minimum, and stared coldly at the villa in the distance.

Less than 20 seconds later, a lightning-like gray-white figure swooped down from a distance, and smashed into Dr. Max's villa with a gust of wind.

Wherever it passed, no matter whether it was zombies or zombies, they were all smashed into pieces by the strong wind surrounding them, without exception.

Ten seconds later, another earth-shattering wail spread throughout the world.

"Now!" Zhou Ming pressed the button in his hand with a click.

The villa in the distance suddenly began to collapse inward.

Crash!Countless bricks, stones, civil engineering, broken reinforced concrete, glass windows, various household appliances, furniture, daily necessities, everything is converging towards a certain place.

It seems that an ultra-small black hole suddenly appeared there, attracting all matter to approach, squeeze, and collapse.

The water flow, the flames of electrical explosions, and the air, nothing can escape, everything is converging.

Even some unlucky zombies who got close were attracted by the terrifying suction force, stuck together with other substances, squeezed into a ball of flesh and blood, and then continuously penetrated into other substances.

Zhou Ming stared at the strange scene in the distance without blinking, with no surprise on his face, because it was one of the super weapons he had deployed to target the ultimate mutant——

Gravity Bomb!

Once detonated, a high-gravity field will be formed, attracting all matter within a radius of ten meters to gather toward the center and compress into a high-density sphere.

During this process, depending on the mass of the absorbed material, the intensity of the high gravity field will continue to increase until the duration of the gravity bomb.

This is a weapon Zhou Ming exchanged directly from the Lord God, and he chose extremely powerful high-end goods. The exchange price for one is as high as 2500. Looking at the novice players, there are really not many players who can afford such a splurge.

Just like this, I watched with my own eyes that the entire villa was almost completely destroyed into ruins. Even a huge pit appeared underground. In the center of the pit was a black ball with a radius of less than half a meter, quietly suspended in the air. After a few seconds, he suddenly fell towards the pit below.


There was a huge explosion, and the high-density, high-quality black ball fell from a height of ten meters. The huge kinetic energy it carried caused the earth to vibrate endlessly, cracks spread on the ground, and smoke and dust rushed straight up from the ground, spreading in all directions.

"Is this still not death?" Zhou Ming lowered his eyelids to cover up the disappointment in his eyes.

He did not hear any prompts from the Lord God, and in the induction in his soul, although the originally huge "air ball" suddenly shrank to less than one-tenth of its original size, it still existed and did not disappear.

In the deep underground pit that no one could see, the surface of the black ball with astonishing density suddenly cracked a deep crack, then a second, third, fourth...

In a blink of an eye, dense cracks had spread all over the ball, and the next one, the ball exploded, and a thin figure rushed out of it, rushing out a distance of more than ten meters in an instant, and rushing to the ground.

"Huh?" Zhou Ming immediately noticed the abnormality, activated the Ghost Eye Gu, and immediately saw clearly that the thing rushing up was just a fleshy ball the size of a human head.

As soon as it broke out of the surface, the meat ball quickly deformed, with spikes protruding from both ends and growing rapidly. On the contrary, the meat ball in the middle quickly became thinner.

Chi Chi Chi!
Tentacles connected to flesh and blood were shot out from the flesh ball, quickly piercing through the nearby moving things - zombies and zombies.

The bodies of the zombies and zombies that were pierced quickly shriveled up and fell to the ground like an empty shell. The tentacles flew out to find the next target, and at the same time, new tentacles were generated to capture new prey.

"Although he didn't die, he was seriously injured!"

Zhou Ming suddenly stood up, pulled out an individual rocket from the bag cage Gu, aimed at the meat ball and fired it.

The reaction speed of the meat ball was extremely fast. As soon as the rocket approached the meat ball, it was entangled by several tentacles one after another, changing the trajectory of the rocket, flying to the side, and exploding loudly.

In the blazing fire, the meat ball was not affected at all, and even the speed of "eating" did not slow down much.

"Sure enough, despite this, it's still difficult to deal with."

The recovery speed of the meat ball is too fast. It took only a few tens of seconds between crawling out of the ground and blocking Zhou Ming's rocket bombardment. Its tentacles have extended as far as 500 meters away. It can penetrate several zombies or zombies and absorb their flesh and blood to fill itself.

Moreover, the corpse poison on the zombie had no effect on it at all, or it might have an effect, but the effect was so weak that it couldn't even be seen.

This process was too short. Zhou Ming didn’t even have time to let the zombies evacuate. A large number of zombies were absorbed, and the other zombies quickly moved away from the center. However, the zombies ran towards the meat ball, like fanatics dedicating themselves to the gods in their hearts, and were killed. Blots quickly.

As the amount of flesh, flesh and energy absorbed increased rapidly, the meat ball began to deform violently, with its hands, feet, body, and head. In just a few seconds, the meat ball returned to its human form not long ago.

It was a mutant that was about two meters tall. Its skin was as gray as a stone, without any hair, and its scalp was all bare. It didn't look very strong, and its streamlined body looked basically the same as that of a human being. two.

"Unfortunately, it seems that unless there is a super weapon that can kill it in one go, ordinary thermal weapons cannot deal with it."

While Zhou Ming was thinking silently in his mind, the ultimate mutant who had regained his shape raised his head silently, fixed his eyes on the northeast direction, and then chased in that direction without saying a word.

"Its target is not me!"

Zhou Ming screamed in his heart, he would run to the northwest direction just to test how the ultimate mutant tracked others.

He personally arranged the gravity bomb and placed it under the female zombie's body. Now the female zombie's body has disappeared along with the huge black ball.

He fired the rockets, and even left his own "smell" trail to impress the Ultimate Mutant, making it easier for the Ultimate Mutant to find him.

However, the ultimate mutant didn't even look at him and rushed to the northeast without hesitation. It was obvious that it had other positioning capabilities.

Moreover, its target is likely to be Dr. Max, after all, Dr. Max is the real murderer who killed the mutant.

But in this case, they, locked by the ultimate mutant, can only really fight it.

 The first update, the next chapter will be later, the coding is slow, I write very late every night after get off work, I am so tired...

(End of this chapter)

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