Myriad Realms Gu Venerable

Chapter 9 Difficulty of Senior Tasks

Chapter 9 Difficulty of Senior Tasks


Zhou Ming hugged his head and let out a low cry of pain.

The combat experience from the killer reverberated violently in Zhou Ming's consciousness.

This killer is the real top expert of the Kronos organization. Whether it is a bullet turning or an adrenaline burst, they are powerful skills that only a very few people can master.

After absorbing part of the killer's combat experience, Zhou Ming's firearms skills, which were only near the door, were finally upgraded to lv3 at this moment.

At the same time, the voice of the Lord God sounded in his mind.

[Master the skill "Arc Ballistic", restricted by the laws of the world, this skill can only be used in this world.After returning to the main god's space, you can spend reward points to strengthen it, so that it can obtain common permissions in all worlds. 】

[Master the skill "Adrenaline Burst", due to the differences in the body structure of reincarnators, this skill cannot be used! 】

"What is difference in body structure?" Zhou Ming was stunned.

He was about to question the Lord God, but after thinking about it, he suddenly realized that although they were both human beings, they seemed to be different from the people in this world.

He comes from the Gu world, has unique world laws, and the basic principles of matter are completely different.

He might not have adrenaline in his body at all, so of course he couldn't use the adrenaline burst technique.

"Forget it, don't use it if you can't use it. This kind of temporary burst of small means can still be effective in this world."

Zhou Ming took out his mobile phone and tried to contact Yang Zhisheng and Yu Man, but one prompted the phone to be turned off, and the other did not answer.

"Yu Man should still be on the plane, so the phone is turned off. How come the reincarnated people are still so qualified?"

"Yang Zhisheng seems to have been attacked, otherwise he wouldn't have answered my call."

Zhou Ming wasn't too worried about Yang Zhisheng's situation.Even he can deal with the killer, Yang Zhisheng, who is several times stronger than him, and has no problem.

Unless the enemy sends a large number of people to deal with Yang Zhisheng.

"Oops!" Yang Zhisheng suddenly realized that since the other party knew their exact location, they probably also saw their plan clearly.

In this case, it is really possible for the opponent to concentrate on attacking the factory, destroying the machines and the ammonium nitrate they have already produced.

"Damn it, I have to check it out!"

Zhou Ming endured the pain in his body, leaned on the wall and tried his best to stand up, picked up Dabeitou's pistol, found a few magazines from Dabeitou's body, turned around and left with him.

Now that it has been exposed, there is no way to stay in this place, so it is better to leave as soon as possible.

As for the other people in this house, let them be. The Andreas family was innocent and got involved, and Zhou Ming had no intention of killing anyone.

Soon, Zhou Ming drove a car out of Andreas' garage and drove towards the factory.

Halfway through the car, he received a call from Yang Zhisheng.

"Not dead?"

"You can still answer the phone, how about you?"

"I can still call you."

After a brief greeting, confirming the safety of the other party, the two laughed at the same time.

After laughing, the two had to face the harsh reality again.

"Do you know how many killers went to deal with me? At least a hundred of them! Those guys went crazy, and the factory was almost blown up by them. I escaped with great difficulty, but our plan fell through."

"I expected it to be like this." Zhou Ming sighed and suddenly noticed a problem.

"You said they just blew up the factory?"

"That's right, we still use the ammonium nitrate we produce ourselves! These bastards, it's like they came here with this goal in mind from the beginning!"

Zhou Ming was stunned.

"What's wrong with you?" Yang Zhisheng on the other side of the phone heard that something was wrong with Zhou Ming, and asked quickly.

Zhou Ming smiled bitterly: "It seems that we have to deal with not only the Kronos organization."

The Kronos organization is not a parliamentary organization, but an elite line. How could there be hundreds of killers dispatched at the same time?
Even if a hundred is just an exaggeration, there are actually dozens of killers, even if each one is only at the level of the first killer that Zhou Ming killed back then, it is impossible for Yang Zhisheng, who was caught off guard and unprepared, to escape.

Moreover, the Kronos organization has always acted in a low-key manner, and things like bombing factories don't seem like they can do it.

"You're right. Now that I think about it, those killers are well-trained, but their methods are really... rough."

There was no time in the battle, he thought, Yang Zhisheng hadn't found the problem yet, now that Zhou Ming reminded him, he immediately realized the problem.

"So, it was the Kronos organization that invited foreign aid? But why didn't they do it themselves? And what force could they ask for help?"

Suddenly, like a flash of lightning, a name appeared in the hearts of both of them at the same time.

"Parliamentary organization!" the two men shouted almost in unison.

That's right, sending out hundreds of killers at the same time, acting so unscrupulously, only the parliamentary organization has such strength in the killer world.

When they interrogated the killer who was captured alive before, they knew that there were many vassal organizations outside the parliamentary organization, and there were also some organizations that were outside the parliamentary organization and were unwilling to obey the orders of the parliamentary organization. The Kronos organization was one of them. .

Parliamentary organizations have not stopped recruiting those organizations.

So is there a possibility that the Kronos organization is being recruited by the parliamentary organization, or has it been successfully recruited?
"It's troublesome now." Yang Zhisheng murmured, "I didn't expect to go around the parliamentary organization."

"No, that's normal!" Zhou Ming's eyes flickered, and he suddenly said.

"Actually, I have always had doubts in my mind, whether your mission is simpler compared to your strength. Even if the killers of the Knox organization have some superhuman strength, the two of you will be strengthened after three rounds of reincarnations. As far as I'm concerned, it's not such a powerful enemy."

"Even if you want to, you can enter the headquarters of the Kronos organization right now. If you kill seven in and seven out, you won't necessarily die."

"Don't be humble, I know you have this strength."

"That's why I wonder, will the Lord God issue a mission that is not considered a high risk factor for you? Now I understand that the real difficulty of this mission lies here."

"The concept of destroying the Knoss organization is completely different from that of destroying the Knoss organization with the support of the parliamentary organization."

Speaking of this, Zhou Ming joked and laughed: "Does this count as being on a thief's boat?"

"Even if it's a thief ship, you jumped on it yourself." Yang Zhisheng pretended to be malicious and said, "Why, you kid want to jump on the ship?"

"Don't dare, I'm afraid the captain will strangle you to death." Zhou Ming laughed.

Yang Zhisheng laughed.

"Let's meet up first. I'll see if I can contact Yuman. I'm worried that they will launch an attack at the airport."

"Do you think they'd be that crazy?"

"Who knows, I hope these killers are like sewer rats and never come out to see the light, but they have already blown up a factory in broad daylight."

"You're right. Then contact Yu Man and I'll pick you up."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Ming stepped on the accelerator hard.

The start is not good, the plan is destroyed, and the biggest problem is still unresolved, that is, how do the people in the Kronos organization know their location and their plan?
Could it be that the extraordinary power mastered by the Kronos organization can even predict the actions of the enemy?
No, not possible!
If the enemy has such power, then everything they do will be in vain. The strength of the two sides is completely out of balance, and it is impossible for the Lord God to issue such a mission.

Therefore, even if the opponent has the ability to predict the enemy's movements, it is definitely not something that can be used easily.

If it can only be used once in a while, it means that any of their next actions must be compressed and completed in a very short time, otherwise they will inevitably be obstructed and destroyed.

If you have to pay a huge price to use it, then you must find a way to know what price they paid.

The car drove out of the urban area and galloped on the spacious road. The scenery outside the window quickly reversed. Zhou Ming kept thinking about countermeasures.

Perhaps, there is no need to think so much!
Zhou Ming's eyes lit up.

You don't need to think about how the other party knows your movements, you don't need to think about how to restrain the other party's ability, and you don't need to think about how to compress your own action time.

You don't even have to be as timid and scheming as you are now, you can act bolder, use more drastic methods, and do things that the other party has no choice but to do even if they know what they are going to do.

Time passed quickly in Zhou Ming's thoughts, and soon, he came to Yang Zhisheng's hiding place and picked him up in the car.

"I got in touch with Yu Man, and those bastards really assassinated her at the airport, but they were all small tricks, and she settled them all."

"Sure enough, they still don't dare to make a big deal out of things, so they are more restrained in taking action."

Yang Zhisheng said.

"Has she left the airport?" Zhou Ming asked.

"It should be out. She contacted me once after she dealt with those killers. She made an appointment to meet up first and talk after meeting."

"Try contacting her again!" Zhou Ming changed his face slightly, "I'm worried that this is their way of confusing her!"

"Are you saying that they deliberately failed to assassinate her at the airport, lowered her vigilance, and then carried out a stronger attack after she left the airport?"

Yang Zhisheng picked up his mobile phone and immediately called Yu Man, but this time the call was not answered for a long time.

The two looked at each other, seriousness written all over their faces.

"If they didn't pay enough attention to our strength before, then after the failure of the double assassination by you and me, this problem will never happen again."

In other words, what Yu Man is encountering now is definitely far more powerful than the previous two assassinations.

"Drive! Let's go to the airport!" Yang Zhisheng shouted.

“We are hours away from the airport!”

"Then I have to go, I can't watch my teammates encounter danger and ignore it!"

"Calm down, I have an idea now!"

"What is it?"

"Surround Wei and save Zhao!"

(End of this chapter)

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