Pokémon: Hoenen Rage

Chapter 402: The fragments of the vermilion orb suppress the underground volcano (55)

Chapter 402: Fragments of the Vermilion Orb·Suppressing the Underground Volcano (55)

"Natural finches, in response to them, we have no ill intentions. If we need help, we can also discuss it."

【it is good. 】

In the blue waves, the three of them did not stop moving forward.


While twisting and turning, the three of them quickly walked to a location not far from the deep cave on the bottom floor.

The scorching heat wave swept out, and the hair of the three people curled up slightly.


Deep in the depths, Sidoran once again roared a warning.

They tried their best just to suppress the surging lava. The humans outside brought a lot of powerful Pokémon, and the leading one made it feel a huge threat.

Whether it is for the safety of the other party or the safety of its own family, it cannot let the other party in.

"Kortna, Naqi, let me go in alone, maybe I can help them out."

Rai took off his backpack, put the combat equipment back in it, took out the container containing the red stone and the vermilion orb fragments, and was about to go in.


The giant swamp monster stretched out his hand to block the front, and the slimy dragon, the natural bird, and the lizard king also blocked the front.

"If the volcano here really erupts, or it can only be suppressed by Xi Duolan, it will be too dangerous for Yinyu City. Moreover, they are not hostile, they are just to protect the family, the little guy hiding inside."

Len gently pushed away the Swampert's hand and pushed aside his friends one by one.

"No, Len, I should be allowed to go."

Cortina walked up to him, her tone firm.

"Although you are a fire trainer, it doesn't mean you have any tolerance for high temperatures. Don't be willful and wait behind you. I have the power of my heart to protect you, so it's much safer."

Lai gently rubbed Cortna's hair, and with a gesture from his left hand behind him, he signaled Naqi to pull her back.

Naqi stepped forward knowingly and gently took Cortna's hand.

"Relax, Lai can handle it. This is not the first time he has seen such a battle."

"No, you all got it wrong. I have an intuition that I can use that thing in your hand!"

Cortna shook her head vigorously, grabbed the box containing the vermilion orb fragments in Len's hand, opened it, and held the fragments that were originally ordinary, but glowed brightly and exuded scorching heat under the stimulation of the lava.

However, this high temperature did not cause any damage to Cortner's delicate palm.

"Do you believe it now? Leave it to me, I can handle it. At the base of Team Lava, I felt that this thing had some kind of fate with me."

Holding the fragment tightly in her hand, Cortna hit Rai's chest hard, and accompanied by Kyuubi, walked into the bottom cave filled with boiling magma.


Sidorane's father was very angry. The human in front of him really refused to listen. Although he left the most threatening Pokémon outside, he still came closer.

"Are you Sidoran?"

Cortner asked loudly.


Although he was displeased, Xi Dolan still nodded and admitted.

"Huhu, then I'm really lucky. I just told my friends about your legend and I met you."

Cortna cheered up the atmosphere with a smile and stepped forward with joy in her eyes.

The temperature near the magma has reached a range that humans cannot bear.

The scarlet orb fragments emitted a faint light, protecting Cortna, but it only prevented her from being injured, and the corresponding pain was not reduced at all.

However, Cortna didn't seem to care and walked straight to the edge of the pit. Below was the magma where bubbles were constantly rising and the fluid was slowly rising.

[Little human girl, you shouldn't be here, it makes no sense, although I don't know why you weren't hurt by it. 】

"Big man, I'm here to help you, and I'm also here to help my friends."

Cortner's whole body felt like she was on fire. Every time she breathed in and out, she felt her trachea burning, but she still talked and laughed calmly.

"You can't control the magma here, can you?"

[It can barely be maintained, maybe there will be a turn for the better in the future.Or, we can wait a few more years until our children grow up, and we can feel at ease. 】

"Peace of mind? What does this mean?"

[Our clan has the mission and the ability to suppress disasters, but] "I need one or two of you to burn everything you own and neutralize the magma?"

【.good. 】

"It's exactly the same as the records in the clan, cough, cough, cough!"

The burning sensation penetrated deep into her lungs, causing her to cough.

"It's very touching, but it's not necessary. Maybe I can help you."

As she spoke, Cortna raised the scarlet orb fragment in her hand.

【This is.? 】

"I do not know either."

Cortner answered calmly.

"But my gut tells me it might work."

[Gulado, the god of land, Groudon. 】

The Volcano King recognized the energy contained within.

"Oh? Is that so? Then I'm so lucky. The Pokémon I admire the most actually got in touch with me in one day."

A relaxed smile appeared on Cortner's face.

[Little girl, you are playing with fire, that is the power of God. 】

The King of Volcano's message became serious, and his wife emerged from under the magma. Little Sidoran ran out from behind the big rock, and ran to Cortna's side with all four limbs at a fast speed.

"But it might work, no?"

Cortner's tone remained unchanged, full of confidence and certainty.


The female Sidoran couldn't help but interrupt and remind her, but she didn't have authority, and she didn't have the ability to telepathize.

[I appreciate your willingness to help us, but it is not your responsibility and you do not need to pay for it. 】

It was the male Sidoran who translated for his wife.

"It's not just for you, it's also for my friends. And, my gut tells me that there won't be any cost, but... it will be fun, yes, it's fun."

No longer giving Sidorlan Endo a chance to say anything, under the call of the orb fragments, Ketna grasped it forcefully without any teacher.

The sharp part of the fragment pierced her palm.

The moisture of the blood formed a new connection between Cortna and the orb fragments. A faint red line appeared on Cortna's forehead, and then disappeared in an instant.

Hundreds of kilometers away underground, Groudon, who was still in a long slumber after a big fuss a few years ago, was briefly awakened and felt a human being recognized by his power.

The power of the orb is both a blessing and a test. Humans and Pokémon who can withstand the test will benefit from it and receive its blessing as a source of power.

The so-called test is whether you are lost in the face of power. If you are lost in the control of power, you will become an unconscious puppet and then be burned into coke.

This is true even if there is only one fragment left of the orb.

In its eternal life, the latter is the norm, while the former is rare, even if it only withstands the test of a fragment.

Just as it was about to hold its breath and concentrate on searching, it discovered that this recognized human being seemed to be cutting off this connection, rejecting this kind of blessing from God that did not ask for anything in return.

"Orb, turn it into energy and calm this volcano!"

The fragments embedded in the palm came out in response and floated in the air.

The dazzling red light dyed the entire grotto crimson, as if endless energy radiated from it and poured into the magma below.

The temperature rose sharply, and soon even the two Xidulan En, who had almost grown to their limit, could not bear it, and had to climb up the rock wall.

The fragments of the orb were separated from the body, so Cortna could only rely on the little remaining energy to protect herself.

Kyuubi used his own tail to cover part of Cortna's body, and his super power surged wildly, protecting the trainer's body surface.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the two Sidorans made brief eye contact and immediately used their own energy to protect Cortna behind them to block the heat flow.

Little Xiduo Lan'en also stepped forward. Although he was still young, his outstanding aptitude was much stronger than his parents of the same age, and he could already control the temperature of his body surface.

It stuck to Cortna's body, and the steel-like skin brought a little chill to her.

 Thanks to the great Di Golji, wjlggu, INTO_LIGHT, Bai Ze who doesn’t want to update, sleepless until death, book friend 20200227144949785, founding general 111, sleepy insect flying, ljl Kaguya Kimimaro, Captain of Chaldea, the past years Such a beautiful monthly pass!
  Thank you for your subscription, recommendation, collection and comments, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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