Pokémon: Hoenen Rage

Chapter 524: Rest is for a new round of fierce battle (1)

Chapter 524 Rest is for a new round of fierce battle (210)

"Yu Xiang, take everyone with you, pile up the Pokémon corpses below, and burn them all without leaving any behind."

The smoke cleared, and under the command of Tie Xuan and Lila, the defenders on the east side began to clean up the corpses of wild Pokémon.

Once the fire burns them out, there will be very few traces of these Pokémon left in the world.

Seizing the opportunity, the trainers who had not participated in the battle before, especially the trainers who were only on guard at the southern end of the camp and towards the beach, began to clear and strengthen the previously abandoned outer satellite camps and regain their defensive capabilities.

The same is true for the other two directions.

The large-scale retreat of wild Pokémon gave all parties the opportunity to reinforce fortifications, treat the wounded, and recuperate.

There are only a few Pokémon left on the outside that can fight at night. It doesn't hurt to launch one or two waves of attacks on the alliance trainers who are on alert from time to time.

After sympathizing with the injured students and treating the seriously injured Pokémon, Rai and Nachi rushed to Genji's command post.

"In short, this is roughly the situation. According to my inference, there is an energy source in the northwest, northeast and central part of the island. The energy source in the northwest entered its own independent cycle by chance. And the other two, The connection between each other may not be deep, but at least part of the vitality of the wild Pokémon here comes from the one in the northeast. Now, the entrance there has been sealed by me, at least not too many will appear in the short term. Big question.”

In front of everyone, Lai told the truth about his recent investigation results and added his own analysis.

"So, do you think we have a chance to win if we spend time here?"

Sitting on the main seat, Genji was covered with bandages. The fall in the afternoon left many marks on his body, but it was not serious, it just looked a bit tragic.

"My judgment is that this island is absorbing energy from the outside world to replenish itself, and the wild Pokémon on the island, especially the 'resurrected' ones you see today, must rely on this energy to be resurrected. We We have to compete with them in speed to weaken them. And these Pokémon have to compete with us in efficiency, destroying or forcing us back."

Thinking of the slightly weakened "energy sun", Lai initially made his own assumptions.

Genji nodded and said: "Yangmitsu, please tell us today's casualties and material losses, as well as future estimates."

Liangguang stood up, took out the emergency statistics form, and said in a serious tone: "In today's battle, 215 of our trainers were killed, 132 were seriously injured and could not recover in the short term, minor injuries are not counted, and more than a quarter of the Pokémon need to be trained. In-depth treatment. Because the materials were prepared in advance, they were not stored in the sub-camp. Except for battle losses, there were not too many losses. Calculating the new batch of materials staying at sea and the materials rescued by the international police, they can approximately support today Four days of such intense fighting will only last about three days due to heavy weapon wear and tear."

Bonnie stood up with a struggling expression: "Temporarily evacuate, and then continue to harass, weaken the wild Pokémon here, and use the advantage of mobility to turn a small victory into a big victory. Can such a strategy be considered?"

From the way she was hesitant to speak, it was not difficult to tell that these words should be said for the people in the troops directly under the alliance.In today's battle, they suffered the greatest losses. As the nominal leader, Bonnie was also under considerable pressure.

Genji waved his hand, motioning for Bonnie to sit down, and then said: "Considering the cost of maintaining a large military force for a long time, this approach is relatively stressful, but it is indeed difficult for us to solve the problem of casualties like today. Wild Pokémon Their number and combat effectiveness are also a problem. After fighting for so long, we are not completely sure of their strength."

"Transferring the wounded to sea and receiving treatment on peripheral ships can also ensure safety. Intensify the maintenance of weapons and equipment, especially energy cannons. After reinforcements arrive, our troops will be more adequate and we must make full use of the space." Na suggested. She was not in a very good condition at the moment when she was injured and had reinforcements, and her voice seemed very weak.

"I agree with this suggestion. Send the wounded away, rotate the people on the ship, support for a while, and see how the situation changes. After all, this island is here and it must be solved. It is only a matter of time." Lai also extended his hand. , expressed support for Dinah’s proposal.

With Lai at the beginning, Tie Xuan, Qing Gang and Joyce naturally followed up. They are also very aware of the threat this island poses to the core area of ​​the Nanhai Islands, the future development area.

"Since most people agree with this proposal, we will implement it temporarily and persist in the camp for a while. Liang Guang, send a telegram to the headquarters to urge follow-up supplies, especially replacement weapons, and ask if we can increase the number of troops. Let's do this for now , let’s all take a good rest and adjust and prepare for tomorrow’s battle. The situation is difficult, and I hope you can work together to overcome the difficulties.”

Genji stood up and made the final decision.

Liangguang left first. As the actual person in charge of various specific affairs in the camp, he might not have much sleep tonight.

Upon seeing this, Tie Xuan, Iwasaki Kiyooka and Joyce made eye contact with Lai and left together.

In tomorrow's battle, the forces of Wudou Town and the Golden Shipping Group will focus on supporting the east side, fighting together with Tie Xuan and everyone from the Nanhai Trainer School.


"Lai, Naqi, Lila!" Returning to the long-lost station, this is Lai's first time living here after landing on the island.

The school teachers and several leaders of the students are still waiting for them.

"We did a good job today, but we came back late. Did the injured classmates have any new problems? Take a good rest for a while. Tomorrow you will follow Lila and Cortna and protect yourselves."

He gently patted the shoulders of Issei Yuxiang and others one by one and asked them to go back and take a good rest. Lai's face was full of confidence and gave the students sufficient mental support.

After the students left one after another, Hills and others entered Lai's room and sat down together.

"Principal and Chairman, we have suffered a lot of losses today. Five were seriously injured and thirteen were slightly injured. Many Pokémon will no longer be able to fight in the short term."

Wright took out the statistics he had already counted and handed them to Lai and Lila.

"Not being killed is a blessing among misfortunes." Lai sighed, "The battle itself is very cruel. Hills, I will trouble you all tomorrow to cooperate with Lila and protect the students. Let them be divided into two groups. , take turns climbing up the wall, getting closer to Master Joyce and Kiyooka, and taking care of each other."

"Don't worry, Len, leave it to me." Hills nodded solemnly, "As long as we are here, nothing will happen to the students."

"Yusaku, you were seriously injured today. Let's take a rest tomorrow and stay behind as a reserve team." Looking at Yusaku who was still pretending to be fine with a bandage around his waist, Rai made arrangements for tomorrow.

Seeing what he wanted to say, Lai stood up and held his shoulders: "It doesn't have to be just tomorrow. Take care of yourself."

"Okay. I understand." Yuzu nodded.

"The same is true for everyone. If you are injured, you should seize the time to recuperate. We are not at the stage where you need to fight with injuries. Preserve yourself so that you can fight longer."

Looking around, looking at his colleagues with different expressions, Lai also felt a little complicated.

It was Lila who stood up and helped him out: "In short, protect yourself and everyone else. We must bring every teacher and classmate back to school and home safely. Do you understand?"

"Relax, Chairman."

Wright was the first to respond, followed by voices one after another.

Throughout the night, sporadic sounds of fighting never stopped, and the people in the camp who fought hard for most of the day did not pay much attention.

Tiredness makes most of their sleep very sweet.

And in the early morning of the next day, as the first ray of morning light pierced the night sky, a new round of battle was brewing.

Standing at the outermost edge of the position, Lai immediately saw several old opponents from yesterday.

What surprised him was that the strength of Biting Land Shark and Charizard seemed to have recovered somewhat compared to yesterday.

Although this recovery is not reflected in another increase in energy level, it still exists.

The King and Quasi-King Pokémon who are not as good as them have recovered their combat effectiveness slightly, although the extent is much smaller.

However, there seemed to be something strange in their eyes, with a dullness that was difficult to express in detail.

"Don't think so much. Once you decide to fight, you must implement it resolutely."

With that said, Yuanji rose into the air, and three evil dragons replaced the Tyrannosaurus that had barely recovered, carrying him into the air to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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