Black sail

Chapter 23 XXIII Menglan Hotel

Chapter 23 XXIII. Dream Blue Hotel
Twenty years after the Battle of the Great Wall, the Principality of Bema was still a kingdom.

The surviving old king Philip V followed the advice of the prime minister and followed the system of the Pedan Kingdom to set up national colleges in the central capital and the east coast, so as to prevent talents from staying in the aristocratic territory of their native place, weaken the dominance of all lords, and absorb new talents. Blood worked for the court, and the "Enlightenment Act" was introduced to support education with a lot of money from the national treasury.

As long as they have the premise of any series of secondary education and can be admitted to the college in the test, they can enjoy this policy.

Whether it is exempting boarding and tuition fees for township students, there are also considerable stipends for outstanding students. Those with excellent grades can even go to school for free and earn money in addition to eating.

After graduation, those who have real materials will also be assigned, and they will directly enter the court and rise to the top.

The Bema Kingdom once became a paradise for writers, with more and more excellent talents, and colleges blooming everywhere on the east coast. It was a prosperous age, there were no natural disasters, and the national power was unprecedentedly strong.

Until the year 1274 of the Holy Aram calendar, the defense line of the giant wall collapsed, and the heavenly soldiers from Aram broke in. Philip V committed suicide in the lonely city, and then the orthodox heir VI was also lured and murdered to die in a foreign land.

In the next few years, except for the king's capital Bema National Arcane Academy, all the other academies were turned into compradors by the newly supported puppet king, and sold to major nobles at a low price under the shareholding system.

Although the teaching staff is still there, as are all kinds of equipment and teaching materials, the "Enlightenment Act" no longer exists.

And because of the former regime, many people in the Principality of Bema still firmly believe that studying is the way out. Even with the high tuition fees that can suck up a middle-level family, there are still many students.

This also gave Micah an opportunity.

With the income of dozens of gold dragons for going out to work, Micah is definitely a big money among the big money.

In the inner ring of Linden City, in a luxurious suite on the tenth floor of a high-end hotel.

When you open the curtains, you can see the grand blue scenery of the sea and sky in the port, the spectacular scene of nearly a thousand ships berthed, the seagulls circling and singing in groups, and the bustling streets are patchwork.

The interior has a scent of roses, lacquered and clear solid wood textured floors, lavender fluorite crystal chandeliers, the space is quite spacious, the tea table chaise longue is also made of precious wood, back-shaped mosaic wall panels and fine flowers and plants Patterned wall coverings and a small swimming pool on the balcony.

On the big bed, Micah was naked from the upper body. The first round was over. He calmly watched the three female college students frolicking in the swimming pool. After watching for a while, he was lost in thought, thinking about other things.

These female college students came from all over the Principality of Bema, two of them were Bema people, and the other was a demi-human with furry animal ears and a tail on its buttocks. Other than that, they were no different from ordinary people.This race with only a small number of animal characteristics is called the Yisu people. They are different from the orcs of the Western Continent who are serious like Reinswan. It caused the entire ethnic group to be cursed, but it was just a rumor. They lived a normal life, and they were also a race with relatively high appearance.

The three girls are all youthful and beautiful, with firm and elastic skin, and the thin clothes are already clinging to the curves during playtime, and the water seepage is faintly visible.

They have never been to such a high-end hotel. In a ten-story building, there is a small garden and swimming pool on the viewing balcony. It is hard to imagine how much it costs to stay for a day. Presumably, there are only nobles or knights and priests from other places. Such a good person is willing to live in such a good place.

One of the female college students hooked her fingers and let Mika pass, thinking that Mika had a good status, and it would be great if she could become a long-term meal ticket.

They never imagined that Micah is a murderous pirate.

Seeing the female college student's teasing, Mica didn't talk nonsense, got out of bed and walked slowly to the swimming pool to start the second round.


The setting sun is like blood.

During the boarding battle, a man entered the medicine storehouse on the ship, and Micah had to slash his neck with an ax several times before he died. The eyes of the dead, the frozen horror, and endless regret and resentment.

Mika woke up from the nightmare, and woke up the Yisu man among the three women on the bed, rubbing his eyes in a daze.

"This room is available until ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

Micah left this sentence, and hurriedly got dressed, the stipend had already been paid at noon, and it was double the market price, Micah was used to paying first, and was not afraid of people running away, otherwise some sensitive women were afraid of being white Whore, half-hearted to do bad service.

"How long will you stay in Linden City?"

The man from Yisu asked, this person is generous, and his choice is first-class. Although his skin is rough and his appearance is good-looking, he doesn't have any perverted hobbies. In short, he is a rare good person.

"Maybe more than half a month, see you again by fate."

Micah is adhering to the spirit of not doing the same person twice, except for extremely high-quality ones.

He dressed and went out to the corridor.

The public area of ​​the hotel is also top-notch, with excellent fluorite downlights and landscape paintings on both sides.

Micah went down the stairs, ready to go back to the ship. He remembered that he had to recruit crew members in the past few days.

When Micah went down to the first floor, he was about to reach the lobby, but he saw a group of armed military masters, not from Linden City, and he was shocked immediately. His big picture was printed and published, and he hurried up the stairs due to occupational diseases On the second floor, he jumped out of the window.

Passers-by on the street were surprised to see this person who jumped from the second floor. The height from the second floor to the ground was about five meters. Micah's skills were much worse than the others on the boat. He sprained his foot in an emergency and had no time After reseting the massage, he limped and left here quickly. When he saw the taxi pulled by Chocobo, he stopped it quickly and drove towards the gate of the city.

hotel lobby.

"The standard room costs four silver coins a day, and you can pay another four silver coins to upgrade the room. In addition, we also have fifteen silver coins a day with a garden and a swimming pool..."

The waitress with good features at the counter didn't finish.

"What kind of egg hotel, fifteen silver coins are here, you kill me and exchange for money."

A sergeant wearing chain mail was shocked by the price. In a place as rich as Yalan, a better hotel costs about the same. Can this place compare with Yalan?

"Don't make trouble." Claude yelled, thinking that since it was the hotel recommended by that person, he stayed there, and gave ten golden dragons, which is not bad. If he wants to redeem his title and make some connections, at least I need eight hundred gold dragons, and I will leave this foreign country when the wind blows and I earn enough, "We will have five standard rooms, and we will be crowded together, and the ones that should be on the floor will be on the floor."

Although the money is enough for each of my group to live in a room for ten days and half a month, but now the special occasion is not so defeated, ten gold dragons can be taken as they please, and that group of people is indeed the best choice at present. Is it possible to become a sailor in a merchant ship? 1 years have passed and they will not be able to earn back.

He has already written back to Yalan to seek help from local contacts, but when he was in good times, it was completely different from when he was in adversity now. I don't know if there are any friends who generously donated money, and he must have distanced himself from it.

(End of this chapter)

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