Black sail

Chapter 39 XXXIX Outlaws

Chapter 39XXXIX. Outlaws
A week later.

Secret Harbor is extremely empty.

All smuggling ships, pirate ships, have gone to sea.

Only the Revenge of Lord Fumak remained, and a few half-abandoned empty ships left in order not to attract attention.

The eerie giant cave on the sea cliff, the sparkling water with rolling black waves, and the cold artificial traces on the wall reflect the waves.

The Secret Port, which was originally established privately and did not exist on paper, has now become a wild port, an unmanaged anchorage, and the Earl has completely withdrawn from this matter.

According to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs of the East Coast, the ship is now charged with the dual crimes of illegal entry and illegal parking. The navy has the power to kill first and ask questions later.

The east coast monsoon is very humid and chilly.

The deck of the black sail was densely packed with desperadoes from all over the world, with noisy and vulgar conversations, and surly and cold-blooded faces. Now that the gap has been opened, it is possible to incorporate the previously organized gangs.

It is very fast to find people from the intelligence dealers, and the expected number of people has been met so far, 160 people, plus Claude, there are more than 180 people in total.

All the races on the deck were carrying scimitars and sharp axes, and the leather armor was on fire. The Yisu people from the southern continent, the half-orcs who fled in exile in the north, and the tiger people and leopard people in the province of Esnore under the rule of the empire accounted for almost all of them. little half.

As well as the pirate remnants compiled from everywhere that have been confiscated by the navy.

Oakes, the second mate, Ryan, the rigging chief, and Wollman, the quartermaster, were particularly outstanding even among such a group of people.

Three men in leather armor and hoods were tied to the mast with hemp ropes. They were all spies from the Thieves Guild. They had already discovered the connection between Black Sail's first mate and the traitor Swann.

During his tenure in the Magic Energy Industry Committee, Fern did business with the Thieves Guild and assassinated other committee members, and the thief responsible for this business was naturally Swann.

Swann fled to the east coast. Now that he has eliminated other people with connections, he can only go to Fen for the remaining ones.

Four thieves got into the boat last night, touched the magic thread arranged by Fen, and were caught.

A thief was very skillful and escaped. Heifan was completely targeted by the Thieves Guild, and he never died from then on.

"One of our companions has already gone back to report. Diaz will not let you go. Hand over Swan and the things, and you can still expose it. If you form a bridge with the Thieves Guild, it will be useless to hide anywhere."

The leader of the thieves said coldly, with a face full of winning. Although he was tied up with hemp rope, no one in the Western Continent was not afraid of Diaz. There was a saying that the territory of Alan Kingdom was the emperor who said during the day. In the end, at night, it was Diaz who had the final say.

Li Si Te and his party were silent for a moment, which was fleeting.

Renwolman and the others couldn't hold it any longer, and immediately began to laugh wildly, with their bloody mouths wide open in a horrifying manner.

"You haven't been on the east coast, have you? Do you think anyone in my group is afraid? It made me laugh."

Li Si Te grabbed the thief's hair and whispered in his ear coldly: "Sad little character, you don't even know what Swan really stole."

Li Situ let go of his hair.

"When you get on a thief ship, you are a thief, a thief from Black Sail. If anyone is killed, tied up, or blocked on the road, he will lose my face. How will this place be messed up in the future?"

Li Site put out the cigarette butt.

An exchange student studying abroad at an Ivy League university, majoring in Applied Optics, but his career direction is as a pirate leader.

Li Site held the Frost Cuckoo behind his back and cried out blood. The gouge penetrated directly into the skull, and a few drops of blood spattered on his face. He didn't even blink, staring at the thief's eyes until his eyes slowly lost focus and became completely dim.

The other two tied thieves couldn't sit still.

Swann was a happy man, he cut his throat quickly with two knives, the two thieves couldn't speak, but blood bubbled from the throat cut.

"You guys, throw people into the sea and turn the intestines of the fish here."

Li Site summoned a few rogue sailors. The group loosened the hemp rope and dumped the man directly into the sea.

"come here."

Li Site held up his hand and asked the tattooed man to take out all the wood elf fruit wine and high-grade tobacco from the warehouse, as well as all the gifts from the earl, and distribute them all to the brothers, leaving nothing behind.

The tattooed man really lived up to his high expectations. Now all the supplies on the ship are ready, exactly as on the order, and the people brought here are all pirate remnants with experience in sailing. The coordination of sail control and sailor scheduling are not a problem. Go to sea.

These remaining high-end items were originally intended to be taken out and enjoyed the day before the war, but they could no longer wait until then.

It's not even the tenth day.

Now there is a problem, the earl's one thousand golden dragons have all been delivered, and the next three days are given together.

A big job indeed.

It was far trickier and more complicated than Li Site's worst expectations.

There are people on the boat who are responsible for going to the city every day to buy newspapers and inquire about news. A group of military policemen came from Syria yesterday. The so-called military policemen are soldiers who manage soldiers. They came to Linden City Dagang with the order of the highest officer of the military police in Syria. .

The current situation of the Principality of Bema is that it is a subsidiary country of the Aram Empire, which is equivalent to a vassal state. Although the treaty does not allow Aram to station troops, it cannot control the military police. In name, this is a special organization to maintain the authority of the empire, and Not part of the official military.

The entire Grand Port was searched, and even a week-long embargo was imposed, and all ships were prohibited from going to sea.

The admiral of Linden City didn't get this position because of a lot of connections. Now that the domestic separatist nobles are all adding some explosive troops, they are ready to complain about their interests. Isn't a total embargo just a dream?

Linden City is officially a large port with thousands of ships coming in and out, and the trade tax brought by the terrifying throughput has transfused blood to the entire Principality. If it is broken for a week, what will happen?There is no need to ask the Governor of the East Bank for instructions. Once you stop, your own head will also fall off, so I refused without thinking.

The two groups are still arguing.

Li Si Te understands that the embargo is impossible, but a comprehensive carpet search will definitely not be able to avoid it. Before the person to pick up arrives, Alan's hand has already reached out, which is more than [-] times more serious than what the Earl said.

Even if those gendarmes are from Syria and are not familiar with the local area, they can find the nearby Secret Harbor with a little money. It will only be a matter of time before Black Sail is found.

But there is no problem now, as long as the "black household" they are looking for is not on the ship and has nothing to do with the black sail, the Alan people will not dare to go overboard and kill the pirates that others are responsible for exterminating on other people's territory.

As long as Caroso Gloria doesn't come, Black Sail will be fine.

Nautical interior.

All eleven backbones gathered together, and the atmosphere was quite chilling.

Li Site has already formulated a strategy.

"It's easy to pick people up, but it's hard to send people out to sea. The most difficult thing is that the road from Secret Harbor to Lavender Town must be clear by then. Master Yalan is already patrolling around Linden City, and there is a high probability that he will start killing. We must ensure that we kill all the pursuers on this road.

Wallman, Micah, and Heywood, you three are just sitting on the ship. If any outsider dares to come to the secret port, kill first and ask questions later. "

Li Site judged this way.

"You decide."

Walman knew that his size was not suitable for the support job, it was too conspicuous.

Micah and Heywood also nodded. Compared to the others, Micah's combat prowess is not high, and his skills lie in other areas, while Heywood is a standard tool man.

"Ren, you can run better than a horse. You and Archer will take ten people to stay outside Linden City. It is more than an hour's journey from Linden City to Secret Harbor. Report any trouble at any time. On the day of pick-up, the little guy Kill them directly, and drag the big fish as long as you can."

Li Si Te ordered so.

"Big job! Start!"

What Ren wanted to say, Li Site quickly stopped.

"Ox and Morrison are the main force. Bring all the crew members who can kill to ensure the smooth flow of the road. Fern has secret skills, can transform spirit bodies, and three-line support. I will bring the most agile Swan and Xia Di, To pick up people in Lavender Town, you don’t have to wait until the appointed day, you have to go now, the plan can’t keep up with the changes.”

Li Si Te finished speaking.

All agree.

Everything is finalized. As for the members of the Thieves Guild, although there will be endless troubles, they will go to sea in the next few days. They can't reach the Port of Heaven and build a world-famous pirate den. We will talk about it later.

Captain's interior.

Before leaving the teacher, Li Si Te still has things to do.

He lit two candles, but 1000 and two hundred golden dragons were not enough. Among the ten backbones, they were all ambitious people. Who would be willing to hang out in the Paradise Harbor on the east coast?It's been several years, and it's time to transform. If I don't accept this order, I won't be able to convince the public. Besides, I also have to accept this order.

"Second Master, even though I'm in a different world, I don't know if you can protect me, so I won't talk nonsense. If I survive and become prosperous, I can find all the... alumni in this poor place. In this way, when I return to my hometown on earth, I will definitely go to Guandi Temple to offer incense."

Two candles, three sticks of incense.

But there is no such thing as incense on the east coast.

Li Si pointed out the three cigarettes sent by the Earl, and also let Guan Sheng Dadi taste the foreign goods from the Cangwu Mountains.

Everything is ready, it's time to set off.

(End of this chapter)

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