Black sail

Chapter 43 XLIII God's Petition

Chapter 43 XLIII. God's Petition
Two days later.

early morning.

When the first rays of morning light piercing through the sky diffused and illuminated the entire east coast.

at last.

The Eternal Sect found a towering tree with lush branches and thick roots. There were no plants around the rubble pile, as if all the water and nutrients in the soil had been sucked dry by it.

A "place of petitions."

In the special inspection team, in addition to Zahak, the general manager, there is also the adjutant who is in charge of the supervision work, which is the priest Marcus of the Eternal Sect.

"Let's start the petition."

Marcus said so, with a pious tone.

His lower jaw seems to have been dismantled, and it is inlaid with rough and rusty steel, and the teeth below are all black metal. A trace of kindness, his eyes are completely cloudy and blind, relying on some kind of magical power to observe the environment.

Marcus was wearing a simple chain mail, with a holy silver-white armband on his left hand, engraved with the emblem of the Dragon of Eternity and Time, exactly the same as every gold coin flowing in the Western Continent.

What Zahak didn't know was that Marcus had already obtained information about the wanted persons from the patriarch, and the pope's current power was already able to rival the emperor.

The existence of the "Witch of Disaster" is a blasphemy against the "Lord of Eternity". In order to cleanse the filth, a petition must be made, so that the Dragon Lord can witness the devoutness of the believers and give them strength.

Marcus brought 81 condemned prisoners from the dungeon of the admiral's castle in Linden City, and here ninety-nine also has the concept of extreme numbers.

Even the pirates who used to be lawless were scared out of their souls under this kind of battle.

Armed with twenty-odd black iron heavy plate armor, the already bloated "priest" sharpened all the thick branches of this plump tree with a sharp axe.

It was a clumsy giant who seemed to be mentally handicapped. It was more than five meters tall. The nerves near the lips were in disarray. His lips were twisted from side to side and he couldn't speak clearly. With a frightening scream, the giant forced a prisoner into the prison. The tree branch, the branch penetrated into the belly, and then emerged from the back.

The giant continued to push inward in a daze, the branches became thicker and thicker, and the condemned prisoner screamed louder and louder, until finally it turned into a weak whimper, and it had already penetrated to the end, and its head reached the trunk.

The remaining No. 80 people couldn't sit still anymore, and the lesson from the past was a bit scary.

"Fuck you, if you want to die, give it a good time." A pirate was extremely angry. Alan's religion can run rampant in his own homeland. The criminals in the prison here want it, and the wimpy admiral dare not take the risk One, too aggrieved, "If I was born 20 years earlier, I would follow the old king and kill all your dogs."

"Shh, shut up."

Marcus wasn't angry, he needed quiet now.

"What the **** eternal dragon..."

The pirates were not finished yet.

He had already been picked up by a priest, and then he took out a shackle full of iron spikes, and more than a dozen priests also surrounded him.

More than a dozen flails began to greet him, like a gust of wind and rain, and each time they swung their arms sharply, riveting with all their strength.

After nearly half a minute.

It can't be called a corpse, there is no complete bone, and the largest bone is only the size of a fingernail. If I have to describe it, it looks like a broth that has been poured with too much salt.

The petition continues.

In less than a few minutes, the petition umbrella was completed, and the typography design on the tree focused on a symmetrical composition, and blood drops kept falling like partial showers.

"Their bodies have returned to the distant dust, and their souls have stepped into the eternity of peace and rested."

Marcus said no more.

The Eternal Sect is not a cult, and does not require too much etiquette. The Dragon Lord is generous and kind, as long as he is sincere, it is enough, and it is useless to talk too much.

Miss Yisu couldn't sleep after listening to Zahak's words yesterday evening, so she went to help wherever she could. She had to find Carloso and Gloria.

Before dawn in the early morning, Miss Yisu was going to ask Adjutant Marcus about his progress, and if he had found a secret berth on the nearby coast.

Alan is different from other countries. There is no lordship. No matter how big the duke is, he is also the director of the provincial office. The imperial capital is centralized, and the influence of the court is infinitely magnified. When an official pays attention to a seamless, there is no secret harbor for tax avoidance. , because they are too tight, everyone monitors each other, if they are caught accidentally, they will go to court, you win, you win, and you lose everything in the end, I am safe and secure, and finally become a high official.

In other countries, when you go out to buy cigarettes, you will come across eight tax-evading and smuggling ports.

When Yisu just arrived, she saw Marcus doing business, and felt a little sympathetic to the pirate, why did you mess with him.

See Marcus and you're done.

Miss Yisu was no longer shy, and stepped forward to ask about the progress, "My lord, how is the search for the secret port along the coast going?"

"The Dragon Lord hasn't given the direction yet."

Marcus replied calmly. He was blind and could perceive everything with the invisible mana surrounding his surroundings.

The Yisu women are all stupid, so what the hell does it mean, how many of you guys haven't started yet?It's going to be a big deal, brother, if you can't catch anyone, I'm going to become a bandit, my aunt, wait, I've seen some pirate laws in "Akania Travels", women can't be taken on board, The reason why some pirate ships bring women is as a tool for venting.

That's not the person who is going to be thrown into the boat by himself, it seems... not bad?But after a long time, you may still not be able to bear it, so let's give up.

Marcus that being said.

But Miss Yisu didn't dare to refute at all. The Eternal Sect is very powerful in Alan, and the power of these priests is also at the peak of power. It is not a big problem to kill herself on the spot.

Think about the end of that pirate, or forget it.

"Okay, I'll take my leave first."

Miss Yisu has nothing to say, and is going to go back to find Zahak, let Zahak deal with this priest, can't you deal with you gangsters?

After half an hour.

Girl Yisu managed to lure her over. Zahak had everything in detail in the past two days, but something went wrong in this link. Before coming, he had ordered the military police to take over the work that Marcus should do, search the secret port, He came to confront Marcus himself.

Zahak's eyes were cold, and Marcus was watching from a cliff on the coast.

They are all blind, how about looking at the scenery?Nu Yisu slandered, "Look at how my elder brother treats you."

"Marcus." Zahak called his name directly, and added: "This matter has far-reaching consequences, how dare you be so slack?"

Zahak looked at the "petition umbrella". It's absurd to still do these shitty things at this time. Now that the Pope is covering the sky with one hand in the country, these eagle dogs are getting more and more crazy.

"Are you religious?"

Marcus asked back.

"Alan believes in freedom. I don't believe in the so-called eternal lord. I only serve the emperor."

Zahak was outspoken.

Girl Yisu was about to cheer, as expected of a big brother, so handsome.

"The Commander-in-Chief of the Gendarmerie gave me the highest authority for this operation. You should have fulfilled your supervisory duties, but you defied the law. I can kill you right now."

Zahak drew his sword out of its sheath, a blood-red mist flashed, and the blade was completely crimson. The moment the sword was pulled out, the birds in the forest ran away in fear and screamed wildly.

The 20 or so priests were not afraid of Zahak at all. They wore black iron dragon mask pockets with only two holes showing their eyes.

"Hush, keep quiet." Marcus sensed something, "The Dragon Lord gave guidance."

Zahak looked back and saw the pool of blood under the big tree flowing slowly with life, like a bloody hand wriggling, crawling for several meters, and then dissipating into blood mud.

(End of this chapter)

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