Black sail

Chapter 51 LI lifts the curtain

Chapter 51 LI. Opening the Curtain
The enemy is destroyed.

Everyone in the mine has a different expression.

Li Si Te understands that it is far from the time to slack off, the big ones have not come yet, the chasing soldiers are completely resolved and there is no need to worry, but the siege soldiers over Linden City are the heavyweights. The bewildered man of the sect, and there is also a man named Zhahak, who is the chief person in charge of connecting with Alan on the peak. He has practiced with the fucking Alan Sword King. He is a ruthless character among ruthless characters. I don’t know about General Fen and the others. Can't stand it.

"Since we are already on the same boat, there is no need to hide it anymore. We must have complete trust. This journey is dangerous, and we must know who we are transporting."

Although Xia Di said so, she was only curious about the identity of the man in black robe. Although she was wearing an airtight hooded robe, she looked like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old woman from the outline of her skeleton. A dragon-slaying Emperor poses a threat?

He walked quickly towards the man in black robe, the short knife in his hand was not put down, and he was about to tear off the mask to see for real.

"No, the earl must have explained that secrecy is also part of the agreement. Not only is the final payment promised by the earl, but when the matter comes to an end at Port of Paradise, the connector will also offer a lot of money."

Carloso stood in the front without any hesitation. Even though they had just experienced the battle together, these pirates were all lawless people. If they knew their identities, they would definitely change.

"Did you say that?"

Swan was present at the time and understood that it was part of the agreement. He glanced at Li Si Te, not asking if this was the case, but Li Si Te's judgment.

The mine room, where the atmosphere had just calmed down, suddenly became a little more chilling.

Claude sensed it keenly and was now on the pirate ship, standing in a pile with Black Sail and the others.

Li Site had a lot of thoughts in his mind. He had indeed promised the earl, but the verbal agreement was limited in effect. Will there be a heavy reward when he arrives at the Port of Paradise? Gloria, there must have been affection for all the way on the run. These decent people are different from the pirates gathered by fugitives from all over the world. They are people with affection.
"Well, I did say that, we must get back to the ship as soon as possible, and the only way to get to Secret Harbor is through Lavender Town, and every second counts."

Li Si Te said calmly.

Seeing what the captain said, Swan also gave up his thoughts. After more than two months, he knew that Li Si Te was a ruthless and thoughtful person. He would consider every judgment carefully and would not make random decisions.

"Can you still go?"

Li Si Te asked Goliath, as expected of a man of the hour in the newspaper of the Adventurer's Guild, hard, fist.

She is seriously injured now, and Edmund's sword skills can't even stand up to a hero-level adventurer. If it weren't for the King's Landing Sword, several people would have to hang in the mine today.

Gloria managed to stand upright while holding on to the wall and nodded, but blood overflowed from a wound on her waist and abdomen, dyeing the white shirt under the leather armor scarlet. There was also a large cut on her leg, which was not optimistic.

Swann raised his eyebrows. It would take some time to return to the main road from here, and carrying burdens would slow down the speed.

"You should have a doctor on board, right?"

Carlos asked.

"Of course, various facilities and medicines are also available."

Li Si Te thought about the solution. Goliath is unable to walk. She might die when she gets back to the boat, but she must be taken away. Although the mysterious person is wearing a black robe, she looks like a The slender girl, the reason I know she is a woman, is because the development of the Holy Maiden Mountain is quite impressive. This mysterious person must obey Goliath and Carloso. As long as you control these two people, you will also control the mysterious person. The matter is very important. , we have to take a long-term view.

"Okay, now we can only do emergency bandaging. Stop the bleeding first and hold on."

Carloso tore off a few strands of cloth from the cloak, and just rode back on a bumpy ride, wondering if Gloria could hold on.

Seeing that Claude was tall and tall, Li Site asked him to carry Gloria on his back. Caruso was extremely tired from the repeated battles and ran all the way to fight back and forth. He just relied on the church's demonic will to hold on.

At this time, Claude looked very depressed, his body was covered with blood from the military police, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Claude, carry her on your back." Li Site patted Claude on the shoulder, "From now on, we will be our brothers, and you will be part of the core team. Your men are not ordinary sailors, they can be naval gunners. I will take special care of you.”

Claude nodded, that's all.

After half an hour.

A group of seven people returned to the main road. At this time, it was almost dusk, and the blood-red setting sun was vaguely ominous.

Claude's regular army killed several gendarmes and took good care of the horses tied to the roadside.

"The people on your ship... can do anything?"

Carlos couldn't help asking, the next step is the last hurdle, as long as you get through it, the sea is so wide that you can escape from it.

"It's more than a matter of fact... My people are all dragons among men."

Thinking of Micah Archer Lane and other goods, Li Site said a little against his will, took out the wooden box, broke off the sealing wax, and the purple mist swirled out, and the strands of silk threads were woven into a flesh-and-blood raven. , spread out his wings and soared into the sky, flying towards the secret port, and disappeared after a while.


Li Site yelled, and then he could only hand it over to the invincible General Fen.

Immediately, the horseshoes hunted and went straight to the coast.

the other side.

Secret Harbor.

On the deck, the more than 100 pirates were all silent, because the backbone of the ship had their own concerns and their faces were quite gloomy.

The weather is not optimistic, it is already evening, but under the pressure of dark clouds, it seems that it is already night, and there will be a storm soon.

Ren and Archer have already disembarked with No. 20 people, and are responsible for early warning and enemy hunting outside Linden City.

Fern paced back and forth on the deck. Counting the time, it had been almost three days since Li Si Te and the others had gone, and there was no news, but Zahac had already been following him here.

With the sound of a crow, Fen looked at the sky outside the cave. The raven flew back, hovered and landed on the back of his hand, and then turned into a purple mist, sinking into the gap between his fingers.

Oakes, who was sitting in the corner, suddenly opened his eyes, with a strong killing intent.

"Attention everyone, the winchman, Liaoshou, is on standby on board, ready to set sail at any time, and the rest of the crew will act according to the deployment."

An extremely strange scene appeared on Fen's body. A person who looked exactly like him and wore the same clothes slowly walked out from one side of his body. He even had the same monocle.

"Fen" got off the boat first.

After a word, all the staff are dispatched.

Morrison followed closely and rolled over the ship's side, landing steadily on the trestle at a height of more than ten meters.

Oakes, who was carrying the huge sword, also fell down, and the trestle creaked.

Seven No. 80 pirates rushed down the gangway, all carrying various sharp weapons such as fire scimitars, and desperadoes gathered from all over the world at the same time, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

"You three, as long as you are outsiders who come here, you should kill them."

Although Fern is sitting on the boat, he can separate the spirit body, but the farther away from him, the worse the effect. The limit is fifty miles, and he can't use it all at once. Wollman has to keep an eye on it.

"I still need you to say."

Woerman was very interested in the Aramaean who was good at cutting.

Fen leaned on the guardrail of the ship, closed his eyes, and his thoughts flew towards the spirit body, which was extremely mysterious.

(End of this chapter)

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