Black sail

Chapter 77 LXXVI Plan Pass

Chapter 77 LXXVI.

Li Si Te has ordered other people not to harass Goliath anymore, because Goliath is a lesbian and will only arouse her resentment.

He himself no longer insists, from now on everything will be dominated by Long Niang, who must be kidnapped.

"We will arrive at the transfer station tomorrow. You can take your family member to the shore to take a bath or something. Women have many inconveniences at sea. Of course, it is only limited to pirate ships. If it is a passenger ship, it will be much more comfortable."

Li Si Te found a topic.

Lord Fumak's Revenge made a U-shaped circle around the Port of Paradise. During this period, it had to pass through a trade island on the mainland where the Yisu people were located, and it took about half of the journey.

It is hard to imagine how fierce the emperor was back then. He insisted on using Paradise Port as a stronghold, trying to conquer the Far Eastern Islands, and successfully conquered several countries as bridgeheads.

"Is it a transit station... maybe there are Syrians ambushing us."

Wollman leaned over at some point, his tall body blocked the light.

"There are good luck words again."

Morrison sharpened his knife with a whetstone and said with a smile.

"Sister, brother knows that you like women, why don't you change it?"

Wren spoke in a pornographic accent.

On the other hand, Xia Di silently pretended to be aggressive, only showing off her handsomeness, and waiting for Gloria to be straightened naturally and make her into bed.

Li Si Te was completely taken aback. Although the amount of harassment had been reduced, he was willing to deal with beautiful women. Whoever is a decent person would call a group of fugitives with low EQ covered in scars and bullet holes every day as brothers and sisters.

Gloria immediately felt a little guilty. Although these pirates were more shameless than each other, after this period of time, they found that they did not plunder the coastal villages and towns.

Take out their reward orders, and there is no crime of harming the village. The other crimes seem horrible, such as killing the whole family, but they seem to be cult members.

You must know that most pirates make a living by robbing merchant ships with weak protection and robbing homes and homes. This is the most secure way.

This group of people has a rare bottom line. According to the standards of adventurers, although they are not good people, they are not unscrupulous guys.

I thought that pirates could kill people without restraint and throw them away, but I didn't expect this to happen.

It is very difficult for those who have anything to do with this matter to end well. They may be able to live and die with commissions for a while, but that's just the end of their lives.

Although if you escape now, you will be safe for at least a few months, but someone will definitely come back in the future.

He did not hesitate to die because of his hatred of the emperor, but Caruso sacrificed himself because of his faith to fight against the ever-expanding Eternal Sect.

But this group of people... were kept in the dark.

Suddenly, Gloria felt a little sad.

Because she has no basic knowledge.

Li Site only plays with reality and makes big money. How many poor people can make money?
Li Site also planned to kill all the people brought by Lose, earn the Dragon Lady on board the ship, and then stay in Paradise Harbor for more than half a year.

It's so scary outside now, bounty hunters, navy, thieves guild, Alan, Lostra is coming soon, Gaixia Gaixia, embarrassment of embarrassment.

Only the center of the universe, the Port of Heaven, is our eternal home.

"Everyone, can you go aside? I'm talking about business with this lady."

Li Si Te said solemnly, now it is the real thing.

"You are exploiting me as the captain, right, Gulag is the seat of honor."

Ryan remembered the word.

"God damn Gulag, do you know what a Gulag is?"

Li Site was distracted.

Of course Renn knew that every time Li Site met those landlords or nobles, he would say something, which almost meant that.

"Anyway, there is only one seat."

Ren thinks that Li Site wants to monopolize Gloria, which completely breaks the rules on the ship. Women are common, but Gloria is not. This is the only thing that cannot be compromised, otherwise the crew will vote to impeach you.

Li Si Te was really speechless, and he just took advantage of this to get someone to find Claude. Now that the knight's money has arrived, he should officially take office.

"What's the matter."

Claude rushed here in a hurry, not daring to be negligent, he had already boarded the thief ship and divided the spoils, there was no turning back.

In order to take care of the emotions of the other core members, Li Site did not tell Claude about the gems and stone tablets. It was unreasonable for an outsider to enjoy the results just after he arrived. As a captain, he didn't understand this, so there was no need to be a captain. , we have to wait at least another half year, eight months, but we can tell what happened to Long. After all, with Claude's help, he protected the injured people, and he can convince the public.

"Starting from today, Ren's position as boatswain will be removed, and you will be the boatswain."

Although Liszt guessed that Renn would not refute, as this guy likes to be lazy and take advantage of the situation, he was still a little unsure. Everyone wanted to have more say on the ship.

"Awesome! Let's unload the sail length. I want to be a shipwright with Xia Di, and look after the warehouse with Wollman."

Ren looked at Li Si Te with longing eyes, and he didn't want to do this hard work for a long time. Morrison, Walman, and Xia Di, these three are the most fucking leisurely on the boat.

"No, you are still the captain of the sail, and all the windlasses and capstans are under your control."

Li Site is ashamed, I know you have no ambition, why the hell are you so hopeless?Originally, Renn had two jobs, and he was only a bosun. He had never practiced piracy, nor had he solved any conflicts among the crew, let alone listened to the crew's difficulties. How could Mr. Renn have that time?
But the life of the long sail is going smoothly, so I can continue to work.

Although Walman and Oakes used to lead troops to fight, the races of these two monsters are different from humans. Although there are various races among pirates, human races account for half of them. It is most suitable to practice. If you can train a hundred Clouds, it will not be bloody.

"Isn't it the same whether I take it off or not?"

Ren was speechless.

"It's really bad, you know?"

Li Site immediately announced the news on the deck. As the saying goes, don't be afraid of officials, just be afraid of management. All the pirates cast friendly glances at their new immediate boss, and some cheerful people even pretended to imitate the navy's salute.

"Bosun...what exactly do you want to do?"

Claude asked a little confused, he had never done it before.

"The daily logistics of all the crew members can occasionally practice combat matters. It can be said to be very busy or very free. You used to be a big shot, and I believe in your ability."

Li Site patted Claude on the shoulder. There were more than 80 golden dragons in one order. Although Claude was still not used to being a pirate for the first time, he had already figured it out.

"I'll try it out."

Claude said calmly.

Li Si Te understands that anyone who doesn't guarantee the promise and speaks out has more or less two brushes.

It took Li Si Te a lot of effort to drive away all the hob meat surrounding Gloria, and he was really convinced.

"You still look like a captain."

Although Gloria has listened to Li Site bragging these days, whether it is one-on-one with Marcus in the secret port or being the leader in such a group of people, she is capable.

Li Site planned to return to Tianguo Port, find a waitress in his shop, marry Gloria, and keep her, so that he could control Dragon Niang.

Through these heart-to-heart talks, he now knew that Gloria had nowhere to go after finishing the order.

"Seriously, how about I act as a matchmaker for you when you get to Tianguo Port, introduce a good girl, and do some work for me?"

Li Site was making insinuations.

"Hehe, at least two should be introduced."

Gloria answered casually.

Li Si Te, planned to show his face, that's it, slowly eroding the psychological defense line.

(End of this chapter)

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