Kingsman Agent in Film and Television

Chapter 188: Secret War: Hidden from the Sky

Chapter 188: Secret War: Hidden from the Sky
Xu Baichuan issued an order to his direct relatives in the restaurant to evacuate immediately.

But just after the order was issued, a special agent in charge of security exclaimed:

"Japanese soldiers are coming!"

Xu Baichuan's expression changed, and he yelled: "Run from behind! Run away!"

After Zheng Yaoxian heard the warning, he rushed over and grabbed Xu Baichuan, and ran to the backyard without saying a word.

Although Xu Baichuan was shocked and lost his mind, he still knew the way and kept giving Zheng Yaoxian directions in a hurry:
"This way!"


"Move the cabinet and the wall behind it will fall down if you push it!"

At this time, Japanese soldiers and special agents from the Special High School Division had already rushed into the restaurant.

Old He on the street took out his gun when the Japanese rushed towards him, but for an old agent like him, shooting was just nonsense. He only fired one shot before the agent rushed over and punched him without any explanation. He was killed, and then several people worked together to pull him out of the car.

The Special Area [-] agents in the restaurant ran away in all directions. Although they were panicking, they were all following their own evacuation routes. However, the Japanese soldiers and Japanese agents who rushed in seemed to be very familiar with these evacuation points and ran straight to the evacuation location. , blocking several people on the spot.

Only three people managed to escape from the evacuation point.

But as soon as they landed, they were swarmed by spies and Japanese soldiers who emerged from the darkness and were arrested one after another.

But the Japanese agents waiting at Xu Baichuan's evacuation point did not wait for Xu Baichuan.

But soon Japanese spies discovered the problem:
"There's a hole here! They escaped from here!"


"Notify the Special Committee, notify the gendarmerie, and ask them to cordon off the surrounding area!"

Hongkou Xu Baichuan is very familiar with the exploration.

After escaping from the restaurant, Xu Baichuan said to Zheng Yaoxian: "Don't worry, I'm familiar with this place. They can't catch us!"

But he is a crow's mouth!

As soon as I finished speaking, I turned a corner and saw a few Japanese soldiers guarding the entrance of the alley.

Xu Baichuan hurried back and took Zheng Yao first from the other side. But what shocked him was that he changed several roads one after another, but every exit was guarded by Japanese soldiers!

Xu Baichuan slowly became desperate.

Panting, Xu Baichuan leaned against the wall: "Brother Zheng, I may have dragged you down!"

Zheng Yaoxian heard this and knew there was no way out.

Suddenly he pulled out his gun.

Seeing this, Xu Baichuan closed his eyes and said, "Well, give me a break, lest I fall into the hands of the Japanese and become a traitor."

Zheng Yao first raised the muzzle of his gun, pointed it at Xu Baichuan, but did not pull the trigger. Instead, he put the pistol into Xu Baichuan's hand:

"Old Xu, if there is really no way out, remember to give yourself a shot before you fall into Japanese hands - it's still early!"

The reason why Zheng Yaoxian said this was because his status as an undercover agent determined that he would never give up until the last moment.

Xu Baichuan smiled bitterly when he heard this: "It's all blocked. I, Xu Baichuan, really brought it upon myself! How long have the Japanese been preparing for it! I didn't notice it at all!"

Zheng Yaoxian comforted him:

"Now is not the time to regret! We still have a chance!"

"No chance!" Xu Baichuan was frustrated: "This is Hongkou, we don't have anywhere to hide!"

The reason why Hongkou is a substantial Japanese concession is that most of the people living here are Japanese overseas. After the fall of Shanghai, there were more Japanese here.

If there are many Chinese people, you can hide, but if they are all Japanese, where can you hide?


Zheng Yaoxian had an idea: "I know a place!"

"You have a safe house here?"

"It's from over there! I took care of their people during the Battle of Songhu, and the safe house was not discovered by the Japanese at that time! The place is not too far from here, let's try our luck?"

Over there is naturally Zhang Anping.

"Gamble - Brother Zheng, if I can't escape, remember to give me a treat!"

Xu Baichuan warned again.

He is an old agent, so he naturally knows the methods of torturing people, some of which are life-threatening. Most people can't handle it. He knows too many things. If he can't handle the rebellion, it will be a big deal for the Secret Service. loss!

"I know—come with me!"


Zhang Anping changed three cars along the way and then rushed to Hongkou.

After entering Hongkou, Zhang Anping didn't know where to drive for a while. Fortunately, gunshots were heard at this time, and he had a clear target.

But when he got closer, he found that the gendarmerie had blocked the road. People inside could not get out, and people outside could not get in.

Zhang Anping knew at a glance that something was serious about this battle - otherwise the Japanese would not have been able to block the road!

He didn't have time to guess, so he left the car, got out of the car with his "guitar" on his back, and then started walking around.

We went around the alley to avoid the road block blocked by the Japanese, but when we got close to the source of the gunfire, there was no way around - every alley and intersection was guarded by Japanese soldiers. This battle was more intense than Zhang Anping imagined. is more exaggerated.

In desperation, he could only find a nearby high-rise building, quietly climbed to the top of the building, and began to observe the Japanese encirclement.

At this time, the members of the Secret Service Committee also arrived, but they were not assigned to the inner and central parts of the blockade, but were surrounded on the outside. Counting the nearly 200 people from the Special Committee, at least a thousand Japanese and puppet spies were involved. Blockade, containment.

The amount of power invested is thrilling!
This scene made Zhang Anping feel frustrated.

Even if you are so tightly guarded, you will find it difficult to escape even if you are in it!
Who is in it?

Zhang Anping quietly set up his sniper rifle with doubts, and then continued to observe with a telescope.


Xu Baichuan and Zheng Yaoxian came to the corner of an alley.

Looking secretly, I could see two Japanese soldiers guarding the entrance to the alley.

"Go out from here, turn right, and enter the second alley. The fifth house is a safe house that was used there before!" Zheng Yaoxian took a deep breath and said:

"Old Xu, we only have this chance. I will go out and deal with these two Japs later, and then rush into the alley!"


"Give me the clothes."

Zheng Yao first put on Xu Baichuan's kimono, and then staggered out of the corner like a drunkard, mumbling in Japanese as he walked.

This kind of performance made the Japanese soldiers guarding the alley off their guard. When they saw the drunkard approaching, they stretched out their hands to intercept the drunkard and wanted to detain him. This was the request from above. No matter what the identity of the other party, they should detain the person first. identification.

Zheng Yao was stopped first and spoke gibberingly in Japanese. Just when the two Japanese soldiers were impatient, he suddenly took action, looking like a drunkard, and killed the two Japanese soldiers with his bare hands with two brutal moves. Then he carefully leaned it against the wall and made a sign of duty.


Zheng Yaoxian lowered his voice and signaled Xu Baichuan to come quickly.


Zhang Anping kept observing with his telescope. Suddenly he paused, and the moving telescope's view pulled back.

The two sentries leaning against the wall came into view again.


After a few seconds, Zhang Anping made a clear judgment, and then realized that this was definitely done by the trapped person.

But wouldn’t this expose yourself?
Safe house!
Zhang Anping suddenly remembered that a safe house used during the Battle of Songhu last year was nearby, but he could not see the safe house because his line of sight was blocked.


After making the decision, Zhang Anping picked up his sniper rifle without saying a word, and fired two additional shots at the two corpses leaning against the wall with a straight line distance of more than 400 meters, giving the illusion of killing the corpses.

Then he changed his target and started sniping at the Japanese soldiers near the alley. In less than 1 minute, nine Japanese soldiers were killed by him.

Although Zhang Anping's gun was equipped with a silencer, such a big move naturally attracted the attention of the Japanese. Seeing the Japanese discovering his sniper location, Zhang Anping picked up the "guitar" without saying a word and followed the The rope that had been prepared quickly fell to the ground.

After landing, Zhang Anping found a place to hide the "guitar", then took out his pistol and moved among the crowd. Whenever he got close to the blockade point, he would shoot in secret.

A pistol equipped with a silencer makes no sound at all when killing people in this environment!

So he was able to escape unscathed every time.He did not do it to kill people, but mainly to cause confusion and fish in troubled waters, so that the Japanese could not understand the situation, so as to provide cover for the "mysterious man".

In fact, Zhang Anping at this time had already made a judgment about the mysterious man:
Eighty percent of it is Zheng Yaoxian!
Except for the special team, only Zheng Yaoxian knew about this safe house - of course, it might be a coincidence, but in this case, all Zhang Anping could do was take a gamble!
His successive attacks naturally made the Japanese furious. Seeing a large number of Japanese soldiers and agents being mobilized, Zhang Anping also decided to stop. After quietly discarding the pistol, he moved away from the Japanese blockade point.

Zhang Anping decided to leave, but unexpectedly the Japanese blocked the entire Hongkou and were not allowed to go out at all.

This move by the Japanese made Zhang Anping realize that he was in big trouble!
If the blockade continues until tomorrow, you will be in trouble if you can't get out!
The stand-in can at most be fooled by being drunk and go to work during the day. How can the stand-in play tricks under the noses of hundreds of agents of the Special Service Commission?

At this time, the benefits of spending more time on weekdays appear!

Wen Wei!

The editor-in-chief of Gossip News is a famous traitor!

Zhang Anping prepared a vest for himself at that time: the author of the famous detective Nanke.

The gossip newspaper published the famous detective Nan Ke.

The famous detective Nanke has great repercussions among the Japanese, and this identity can just protect him.

But Zhang Anping is too showy, he is just a showman - before the identity of the famous detective Nanke was activated, he first became the deputy director of the police branch, and then became the deputy director of the Secret Service Committee, and now the deputy director in power. director.

At this time, the famous detective Nanke's vest could no longer be used.

The reason is very simple. An author who can write countless ways to kill people, his true identity is a big traitor who has no love for the spies and his party and always wants to escape. Only such a fool would believe that this big traitor has no love for the spies and their party. !
So Wen Wei fell silent for the time being.

Unexpectedly, Wen Wei, who was forced to live in Hongkou, became Zhang Anping's talisman at a critical moment.

He quickly touched Wen Wei's house.


Because Zhang Anping used a sniper rifle with a silencer, Zheng Yaoxian and Xu Baichuan did not find anyone secretly supporting them.

After the two entered the safe house uneasily, they found the secret room, entered quietly and fell silent.

Life or death depends on whether you can escape the Japanese search!
The night was extremely long. When wisps of light came from the vents, the two finally realized that they seemed to have escaped a disaster.

But the occasional sound of footsteps made them dare not move rashly, so they had no choice but to continue to harden on their hungry stomachs.

Zheng Yaoxian quietly rummaged around in the secret room - the safe house had been abandoned, and there were no supplies in the secret room at all.

Seeing this, Xu Baichuan comforted in a low voice:

"You won't die if you don't drink water for three days, don't worry! The Japanese can't block us for three days!"

Zheng Yaoxian forced a smile and did not respond.

He and Xu Baichuan actually understood that if the Japanese followed the traces, they would definitely determine where they disappeared. How could they not find them in a small area if they dug three feet into the ground?
But there is always hope!

In the morning, Wen Wei drove his car and went to work at the newspaper office in the public concession.

However, the road to the public concession was blocked by Japanese soldiers. Anyone who wanted to pass must undergo strict inspection.

After Wen Wei glanced at the passenger in the passenger seat, he suppressed his uneasiness and drove slowly towards the checkpoint.

The Japanese soldier came over and knocked on the window: "IDs!"

Wen Wei handed over his certificate. When the Japanese soldier saw the Chinese name clearly, he instinctively called for someone. At this time, all Chinese who wanted to leave Hongkou were suspects!
Fortunately, he stopped speaking at the critical moment, because the ID indicated that this person was the editor-in-chief of the gossip newspaper.

And almost everyone in Shanghai knows that Bagua Bao is an extremely pro-Japanese newspaper!

The Japanese soldier returned the certificate to Wen Wei, and then complained: "Mr. Editor-in-Chief, this issue of Detective Nanke has been delayed again!"

"You have to ask our Mr. Nanke!"

"Then if you see Nanke, remember to urge us to update—this gentleman, your ID."

The person sitting in the passenger seat snorted:

He reluctantly took out his ID and handed it to the inspecting Japanese soldier without blinking.

As soon as the Japanese soldier saw the color of the certificate, he knew it was one of his own. Then he flipped through it and after confirming that it was a professor from Tongwen College, he said respectfully:
"I'm sorry, sir, for disturbing you!"

The other party looked at the Japanese soldier arrogantly: "You have seriously wasted your precious time!"


The Japanese soldier bowed again and then made a gesture to let the car go first.

Wen Wei secretly let out a sigh of relief.

After passing the checkpoint, he whispered: "Shall I take you back?"

This so-called professor from Tongwen Academy was undoubtedly Zhang Anping.

"No, put me down in front!"

After getting off the car, Zhang Anping immediately found a nearby contact point for the special team, asked for a car, and drove away. He changed cars again during the process, and finally arrived home before nine o'clock.

There are three pieces of news. The first bad news is that after Zhang Anping left, a special agent from the Special High School came to visit him.

The good news is that Zhang Anping was drunk and asleep at the time, and the agents left after confirming...

The second bad news is: he guessed correctly, it was Zheng Yaoxian who caused the problem in Hongkou last night - not only Zheng Yaoxian, but also Xu Baichuan!

At ten o'clock, Zhang Anping came to Monroe's Secret Service Committee with sleepy eyes. The usually bustling special committee was as quiet as a cemetery, and he felt as if he had accomplished Zhang Anping's goal ahead of schedule.

Zhang Anping was naturally confused. Just as he was about to enter the office to continue fishing, a special agent from the Telecommunications Department came over to report:
"Director, Section Chief Nantian has an order for you to go to Hongkou!"

"Go in the afternoon, I'll take a nap first."

"Director, this is the order at eight o'clock in the morning."


Director Zhang sighed leisurely and reluctantly got into the car - most of the members of the special committee were not there. Director Zhang was too panicked to get on the road, so he went to the Japanese sergeant in charge of security and asked for a team of ( (squad, detachment) Japanese soldiers served as bodyguards, and then wandered to Hongkou.


"Zheng Yaoxian and Xu Baichuan must be in the encirclement!"

"Underground! You can only hide underground! Search within this area for me. Dig three feet into the ground and dig them out!"

With red eyes, Minami Yoko drew a circle on the map and issued a tough request.

A group of middle-level and senior-level members of the Special Committee were listless and thinking about how to be lazy when they saw their director come in.

Everyone seemed to have seen a savior, expecting the director to reach out and help them out - the director is so good, how can he survive the night with the director?

Seeing Zhang Anping's hangover state, Minami Yoko was furious and shouted:
"Director Zhang, your soldiers are busy serving the imperial army, what are you doing?!"

Zhang Anping staggered when he heard this, then stood aside knowingly and waited to be scolded.

Seeing Zhang Anping like this, Nantian didn't bother to teach him a lesson, and said coldly: "Since you're here, set an example! The people who lead you will dig for me here! Even if I dig three feet into the ground, I'll dig out the person!"

Zhang Anping asked in a low voice: "Section chief, who is he?"

Nantian Yoko gritted his teeth and said:

"Rat! Two rats!"

Zhang Anping did not dare to ask any more questions for fear of getting into trouble. After he came out, he angrily asked the red-eyed subordinates of the Secret Service Committee:

"What kind of mice are you catching?"

"Director, they are resistance elements! They are said to be Xu Baichuan, the director of the Special District [-] of the Secret Service, and Zheng Yaoxian, the director of the Shanghai Station."

"Hiss - aren't you going to have a deadly feud with the resistance elements?" Director Zhang quickly gasped to express his fear...

A second-rate guy whispered: "Director, how about we... work as foreigners?"

Director Zhang gave a rare reprimand: "You're a foreigner who's trying to make your uncle suffer! If you don't look at me, you'll die!"

"What are you doing standing still? Do what you have to do! Dig three feet into the ground!"

Zhang Anping scolded his subordinates for working, while he started to pretend to patrol with his hands behind his back. After passing by a yard with a locked gate, Zhang Anping asked: "No one is here?"

"I asked, but no one was there."

Zhang Anping angrily taught him a lesson: "You're stupid! If there's no one around, the resisters might be hiding inside! Go call someone, let's go in and search together!"

This yard is naturally not an abandoned safe house, but Zhang Anping deliberately took this opportunity to set a benchmark of "digging three feet into the ground" and then went through all kinds of tricks to save Zheng Yaoxian and Xu Baichuan!


The third update is indeed a bit late... Anyway, the promised third update of 1 is completed. You know what is needed!

(End of this chapter)

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