Kingsman Agent in Film and Television

Chapter 375 Anping, I’m sorry

Chapter 375 Anping, I’m sorry (Part )

Master Kong left the army with ease.

Extremely easy.

When Boss Dai got mad, he thought he was going to bleed.

Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands?

He was worried that Boss Dai would set a price that would make him extremely painful.

did not expect……

"What a lackey who has never seen the world!"

Sitting in the car, Mr. Kong murmured softly.

He stepped down, and he stepped down because of the Yantu business. He wanted to keep the Yantu business. From the perspective of a veteran like him, the gains were not proportional to the efforts.

When he packaged the opium and soil business to the military commander, he seemed to have lost money, but in fact... he made a small profit!
After all, he can handle tasks on the "burden-bearing" side, right?

"Oh, a lackey who has never seen the world!"

Glancing at the military headquarters that was gradually disappearing, Mr. Kong felt nervous again.

Military rule.

Boss Dai stood in front of the window, also looking at Master Kong's car that he couldn't see from a distance.

In the end, he did not put forward any more conditions to Mr. Kong - he originally had the intention to fight for his nephew, but after seeing the disdain hidden on Mr. Kong's face, he gave up the idea of ​​fighting for it.

"Ha, you must be laughing at me!"

Boss Dai is also feeling light.

When he felt a strong aura of superiority in Master Kong, he... instead developed murderous intentions!
Master Kong has seen him look flattering, but...has he seen me killing someone decisively?
I gave an order from someone, and tens of thousands of passionate men were willing to go through fire and water. Have you, the Kong family, ever seen a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood?

You haven't seen it!
Do you think that giving me something that is destined to be mine is the price you pay?
"Then... let's see!"

Boss Dai laughed, his face getting colder and colder.

He once knelt down to the Kong family, but when the mystery shrouded in the appearance of this powerful man was removed, he found that his past kowtowing was truly a shame!

The Kong family is really...short-sighted!
It's really a fool's errand!
Really, silly and cute!
Mr. Kong is probably an excellent businessman, but unfortunately, he is not a politician.

That's right. If he was really a qualified politician, how could he let the Kong family be contaminated with such things?

Is it the same thing that the Kong family got involved in tobacco for personal gain and that he got involved in military affairs?
Boss Dai showed a contemptuous smile:

Kong family, wait!
It's time to thrust out the sharp spear!
Maybe it will take a long time to hit the target.

Boss Dai put away his ridicule and ordered:
"Prepare the car and go to the attendant's room!"


Zhang Anping was in good spirits after drinking some water, and began to weakly tease Xu Baichuan about the plastic brotherhood.

"Old Xu, it's very difficult for me to handle you like this."

Xu Baichuan didn't realize that this was Zhang Anping's joke, and asked nervously: "What's wrong?"

"When Mo Yi sees you like this, he will definitely think that you are a third party."

This was a very common joke in later generations, but after Zhang Anping said it, Xu Baichuan's face instantly darkened. After a few seconds, he forced a smile and said:
"Misunderstanding is misunderstanding - your kid is not forgiving even in bed, right?"

Zhang Anping frowned, Xu Baichuan's reaction was wrong, he asked:


"Tell me, what happened!"

Xu Baichuan hesitated and said, "It's embarrassing."

"Is there something wrong with the trip to Hong Kong?"

"No - I was tricked by the Youth Gang. It's not a trick. It's because I'm blind." Xu Baichuan smiled wryly at himself: "Don't ask if he's a brother. Save some face for my brother."

A man’s face?
What matters to a man’s face?
The weak Zhang Anping instantly thought of a plant and color.

Green Gang?
He secretly remembered it in his heart.

Since Xu Baichuan said it was about a man’s face, he should change the subject:
"Tell me about the assassination investigation."

This was actually what he cared about the most - he shouted "Wang" in Lao Dai's ear "before he died", hoping that the military commander would take this opportunity to assassinate the Wang family and see if he could bite the Wang family. , can you prevent someone Wang from escaping?

After Xu Baichuan hesitated for a moment, he hesitated and said:

"Anping, it's not that the bureau chief has not paid attention to the investigation of the assassination case these days. I feel that he just focused on other aspects. But don't worry, there should be results today!"

Xu Baichuan found this matter very strange - after the assassination, Boss Dai lost his temper seriously. Judging from Boss Dai's reaction at the time, the military commander should devote all his efforts to investigating and tracking the assassination.

But it turned out that that night, Boss Dai removed more people from the team responsible for investigating the case, as if they had other tasks.

In a word, the assassination case is being investigated, but the manpower and material resources invested are seriously mismatched!
This is also the reason why there has been no results for so long.

Such a result gave Xu Baichuan the following feeling:

Boss Dai seemed not to pay attention to Zhang Anping, who never woke up.

But if you don’t take it seriously, Boss Dai comes to the hospital every day!

But when it comes to paying attention, the manpower and material resources invested are seriously mismatched - Xu Baichuan can't understand it anyway, but this does not prevent him from comforting Zhang Anping like this.

After saying that, he looked at Zhang Anping anxiously. Unexpectedly, Zhang Anping was not as angry as he thought, but instead looked happy.

The reason why Zhang Anping looked happy was simple. His "fooling" must have worked, and Lao Dai focused his energy on Wang Xi.

Isn't this result what he wants most?

Isn't the original intention of sacrificing oneself just to allow the military commander to monitor the Wang clan?
Xu Baichuan was not a fool. Seeing Zhang Anping's reaction, he realized that there must be some inside story that he didn't know about.

Since Zhang Anping isn't angry, that's good.

"What else happened during this time? Tell me all about it!"

"Something else? Oh, the person above us seems to be fighting with the vice president these days. I can't understand the details. This thing is not something we can figure out."

Xu Baichuan talked about political gossip in a vague way.

Zhang Anping secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After doing this, Wang should not be able to escape, right?
Listening to Xu Baichuan's gossip, Zhang Anping gradually became tired. Under Xu Storyteller Baichuan's nagging, Zhang Anping fell asleep peacefully.

In the dream, he saw someone Wang being caught while defecting, and he was sentenced to death in front of the whole country. He, Zhang Anping, was the executioner responsible for shooting!
Zhang Anping was so excited that he carved a cross on the bullet with concentration, loaded it, and aimed it at Wang's non-lethal spot.


Just as he was about to pull the trigger, a voice sounded in his ears:

"Anping, Anping, Anping!"

Zhang Anping responded in a daze:

"Wait, I'll kill him first!"

His powerful nerves came into play, and reality and fantasy were forcibly separated.

Zhang Anping opened his eyes with regret, and saw Boss Dai's concerned face - Xu Baichuan was hiding behind Lao Dai, looking at Zhang Anping with strange eyes.

Old Xu thought to himself:

[This guy is so murderous! 】

Boss Dai looked at his nephew who had woken up, and the words his nephew just said were still echoing in his ears:

Wait, I’ll kill him first—nephew… I feel aggrieved!
"Do you feel better?"

Zhang Anping laughed and was about to get up, but Boss Dai was so frightened that he quickly suppressed him: "Don't mess around! Fall asleep!"

Zhang Anping gave up and then said with a smile: "Uncle, I am determined to die, and the Lord of Hell will not accept it."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Boss Dai deliberately kept a serious face, and then his expression softened:
"Just wake up, it'll be fine, just wake up!"

The secretary said at the right moment: "District Chief Zhang, the boss just came out of the attendant's room. When he heard you woke up, he came over to see you." When Boss Dai first came, he told Zhang Anping what he was concerned about after he woke up. Xu Baichuan, who told him, was quietly humming to the side at this time, thinking: Boss Dai has a talking secretary next to him, and our old Zhang also has a talking secretary next to him - no, why am I willing to be young?
Zhang Anping showed gratitude and excitement at the right time. He wanted to express his feelings, but was interrupted by Boss Dai:

"Don't talk useless nonsense - Xiao Wu, Baichuan, you go out first, I'll sit with Anping."

After Xu Baichuan and his secretary went to the door and left, Boss Dai's expression turned gloomy, and then he looked at his nephew with a look of shame on his face, and said softly:
"Checked it out——"

He showed a hint of unspeakable bitterness:
"Actually, I wasn't the one who found out."

"I always thought that they were trying to kill people and silence them, but I didn't expect that the direction was...wrong!"

"It wasn't until last night when 'Madam' specifically called me over that I realized that the direction was terribly wrong."

Boss Dai looked at Zhang Anping with self-mockery, pity and helplessness and said:

"You and I have become the unjust ghosts of a lawless wild girl!"

Naturally, Zhang Anping had already guessed that it was the Kong family, and he even deliberately took the lead in the wrong direction - just like he was actually sure to kill the killer before the rocket was launched, but in the end he chose to "sacrifice" himself.

Hearing what Lao Dai said now, he looked shocked and said in a harsh voice:
"Kong, Kong, Kong family?"

Boss Dai nodded heavily.

He really didn't expect it to be the Kong family!
For this reason, after the assassination, he deliberately redeployed the manpower of the assassination investigation team, and even deliberately suppressed the progress of the assassination investigation team, just because he was worried that the Wang Clan would jump over the wall!
But he never dreamed that the real murderers were the Kong family.

Zhang Anping was "concerned" about Wang's side after all. He asked:
"Then, what was the reaction over there?"

When Boss Dai heard this, he was speechless for his nephew. If it were anyone else, he would be more concerned about the murderer at this time, right?
But what about this kid?
Sighing, he said:
"I gave the things you gave me to the principal. The principal was very angry. Don't worry about it."

"Oh——" Zhang Anping pretended to be disappointed, but he felt much more relaxed, and then said with a smile on his face:

"Uncle, this time, the Kong family will have to bleed a lot!"

Seeing the smile on Zhang Anping's face, Boss Dai suddenly felt extremely sad - his nephew, who was determined to bow his head with him at the Kong family, decided to stand up in the face of Kong Er's contempt and humiliation for him.

But now, his nephew is lying on the hospital bed, barely alive. After learning that the murderer is the Kong family, his first reaction is not revenge, but...


Boss Dai, who thought he had climbed to the top, was extremely sad.

He looked at his smiling nephew and said softly:
"Anping, I'm sorry..."

Zhang Anping paused and then said with a smile: "Uncle, what are you talking about!"

"When I made trouble when I was little, you always wiped my butt."

"Now, as a nephew, I can't always trouble you!"

Boss Dai said seriously:
"You didn't implicate me!"

"It's because I'm incompetent and can't give you justice right away."

To be honest, Zhang Anping, the boss of Dai, is very unaccustomed to such a affectionate relationship - in his eyes, Dai is the king of agents and has a cold temper!

"Uncle, I won't take this matter to heart, you..."

Boss Dai interrupted Zhang Anping: "I take it to heart!"

"I just met the principal!"

Zhang Anping was anxious: "Uncle, you are confused!"

What is the temperament of the captain?

In ancient times, only state officials were allowed to set fires and the people were not allowed to light lamps. Today, the captain of the brigade only allows him to celebrate the New Year but does not allow the people to celebrate the New Year!
With the captain's temperament, if Lao Dai directly reported the Kong family's scandal, he would probably be displeased!

Boss Dai made a serious face:
"You're becoming more and more unreasonable—"

But then he succeeded, and then, with a proud tone, he said: "I'm not confused! How could I not know the principal's temperament? The principal always cherishes friendship!"

Zhang Anping's urgent reaction just now made Boss Dai extremely happy. Although his nephew had proven countless times that he had an uncle in his heart, when faced with revenge and his uncle's interests, his nephew's most intuitive reaction still moved and satisfied him. ,happy!
"Then you still say that." Zhang Anping complained pretending to be resentful.

Boss Dai was probably very satisfied with his layout. He was rarely moody and said with a smile:
"Don't worry, I stabbed Mr. Kong a few times this time."

"Although it will probably take a long time for the stab wound to show up."

He talked about his methods with a bit of pride - uncles also have a desire to compare, and his nephew's layout is unparalleled. As an uncle, he naturally wants to show off.

Lest the brat doesn’t know how high the sky is and how high it is!

Boss Dai’s layout is as follows:

[He placed himself on the side of the weak, and told the "misunderstanding" between himself and the Kong family in front of the captain, deeply understood his mistake, and expressed satisfaction that he was very happy with Mr. Kong's compensation—— Since then, the military commander will have more funds. He will vigorously develop the Zhongjiu Army to delay and delay the Japanese army behind enemy lines. 】

in other words:

[Because I wanted to develop military unification, I accidentally made the bristle business bigger and stronger. While creating foreign exchange for the country, I also annoyed the Kong family who planned to monopolize the bristle business.

Therefore, when the Kong family kills me, I hurt their interests first.

I forgave them because I was happy that the Kong family could hand over the opium business to the military commander.

Don't worry, principal, with the profits from this tobacco business, I will definitely build more armed forces behind enemy lines and serve the country. 】

After the assassination, Boss Dai's first suspect was the Wang Clan. However, in order to paralyze the Wang Clan and avoid causing a strong backlash from the Wang Clan, Boss Dai chose to reduce the investment in the investigation team - this was a bonus.

Now he selflessly puts aside his personal grudges, and feels proud because he has obtained the opium business and can vigorously build military unification.

What about the object of comparison?
The Kong family occupies the opium business and does not create any benefits for the struggling country. All the benefits line their own pockets!

The military commander controls the bristle business, uses the bristle to make a lot of money, and uses the profits from the bristle business to build the military commander!
In contrast, the Kong family is greedy for the profits from the bristle business and wants to put the gains from the bristle business into their own pockets.

And Boss Dai was excited because the Kong family handed over the tobacco business to the military commander - the reason for excitement was that the country could reduce its investment in the military commander, and the military commander himself could build more armed forces behind enemy lines...

How big a profit is this?

But before, this profit was controlled by the Kong family!

The captain knew that he was greedy for "taking responsibility", but he had no specific concept - but once a specific concept was formed, how much would his "family affection" for the Kong family be reduced?
It is true that the captain "cherishes" family ties, but there are always times when it happens. After too many times, do you think he will still have a good impression of this "burden"?
This is Boss Dai’s method!
It’s just that the results must be very slow.

But this is also a helpless move. The captain has always been strict with others and lenient with himself.

After Zhang Anping listened to Lao Dai's plan, he also sighed silently, Jiang is indeed still old and spicy!

With the bad feelings accumulated like this, if the prince fights against corruption in the future, he might really be able to send the Kong family into hell.

Zhang Anping is very satisfied with this ending.

After all, this is the Nationalist Government - if the Nationalist Government had not been too corrupt, how could it have been possible to retreat to the treasure island in just three years, relying on its victory over the Japanese invaders and the support of Yingjiang?
[I originally thought that Lao Dai would use this matter as an exchange for interests, but I didn’t expect...]

Zhang Anping was full of emotions. His "licking dog" was not in vain - Lao Dai was much better than those green teas!

After Boss Dai finished showing off, he seriously warned:

"Anping, this matter ends here. The assassination case will be concluded as the work of the Japanese invaders. You must know it in your heart. Do you understand?"

"I know—Uncle, where is Kong Er? Shouldn't this bitch be honest this time?!"

Boss Dai said: "I went to the United States, and 'Madam' promised me that I won't let Kong Er come back within ten years."

ten years?

In other words, this bitch may never come back in this life!
Hey, Zhang Anping was stunned and asked weakly:

"Uncle, where did Kong Er go?"

"I'm going to the United States - Anping, don't act rashly! Kong Er is very popular with Madam, do you understand?" Boss Dai warned sternly.

At this moment, Zhang Anping had a surprising thought in his mind:

If I play a trick and wipe out the ill-gotten gains of the Kong family, and if all the merits in the world rise, won't God reward me with eight dou?
Zhang Anping nodded quickly, but in his heart he said:

Have I never said that Nagada in the United States counts as one-third of an acre of my land?

 Reality does not need to be logical, but novels must. I think this should be the best way to deal with the Kong family.

  Of course, the greater possibility is that the dog author has limited abilities...

(End of this chapter)

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