Kingsman Agent in Film and Television

Chapter 395 Some are happy and some are sad

Longhua Town freight yard.

The cargo yard, which was under strict control of the Japanese army, had now turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The Japanese squadron stationed there and the Qing Gang members who were assisting in the defense had no intention of rescuing them at this time, because they were running around like headless flies.

The sound of machine guns was heard everywhere. The Green Gang members who were helping in the defense were running around in panic, crashing into the defense lines organized by the Japanese team. The Japanese army ruthlessly attacked these "teammates" who were crashing into them. After wave after wave of harvest, these Green Gang members who were helping in the defense began to counterattack the Japanese army, making the battlefield even more chaotic.

Finally, this chaotic battlefield turned into a one-sided massacre under the impact of the soldiers of the Loyal Rescue Army.

So, the Japanese army began to turn around and run away. After the first, second, first group, and second group fled, the Japanese resistance completely ceased!

Some Japanese soldiers rushed into the death zone created by flames in the chaos, and died in painful wails or fainting silence; some Japanese soldiers rushed out of the battle zone. They were so frightened that they no longer had the arrogance and arrogance they had when they first arrived in China. They only wanted to get away from this battlefield and fled for their lives.

Some Japanese soldiers fled in front of the soldiers of the Chujiu Army, and their screams made the soldiers of the Chujiu Army mistakenly believe that this was the Japanese Bushido, so they used more bullets to tear them apart.

A Japanese soldier reacted and made a shocking move:

Drop your weapons, kneel down and surrender!

Many soldiers of the Zhongjiu Army had experienced many battles in which the Japanese army was dying but refused to surrender, and they did not realize that this was the Japanese army's surrender. They shot down the kneeling surrenderers without hesitation. It was not until Liu Xinjie saw people shouting that they were not allowed to shoot at those who surrendered that he stopped this behavior.

"Deputy Commander, fourteen!" After counting the number of surrenders, his subordinates shouted to Liu Xinjie a number that they themselves could not believe:
"Fourteen surrendered soldiers! Fourteen Japanese devils surrendered to us!"

Liu Xinjie was so shocked by the news that he was speechless. If the killing had been stopped earlier, there would have been 20 Japanese soldiers who surrendered.
(Well, here's some data: During the eight-year war of resistance, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army captured a total of 6959 Japanese soldiers, including 746 who voluntarily surrendered to the Eighth Route Army or revolted. On the Nationalist side, there were 2094 prisoners handed over by the Eighth Route Army to the Nationalist Army, captured comfort women, and Japanese military dependents.)
"Deputy Commander, these prisoners..."

The subordinate made a gesture of chopping off the head.

Liu Xinjie shouted angrily, "What the hell! Take the person away! Tie him up tightly and take him away - take photos and quickly clean up the battlefield and prepare to move!"

Since the Battle of Shanghai, the National Army has done very little to capture the enemy. The Shanghai Detachment "swiped" out 14 prisoners. Would it be fair to the Shanghai District if they didn't brag about it?
More than a hundred soldiers of the Songhu Detachment who participated in the battle quickly cleaned up the battlefield. Their eyes fell on the bound surrendered soldiers from time to time, and ferocity continued to overflow in their eyes.

However, the Songhu Detachment had strict military law, and the strict military law maintained by Yu Zecheng and Zuo Lan made them dare not move.

A newcomer sighed while cleaning the battlefield:

"The Japanese soldiers are so weak! I really don't understand how we, more than 700,000 people, lost the Battle of Songhu!"

An old soldier who had experienced many battles sneered: "Not good enough? It's because the quality of the Japs has declined so much! In the past, they would never turn around and run away no matter what they said, let alone kneel on the ground and beg for surrender! A few of us can't even exchange for one Japs!"

Another veteran countered:
"But I always feel that the Japanese soldiers are not that difficult to fight! We have fought with them many times, right? I don't think it is that difficult to fight them!"

"You idiot! That was when you were in our Songhu Detachment! Why don't you try other troops? If it weren't for Commander Zhang leading our Songhu Detachment, we probably wouldn't have won so many victories. What a pity for Commander Zhang!"

The veteran soldier, who was extremely experienced, couldn't help but feel deeply moved in the end.

He fought in the Battle of Shanghai, which was a tragic event. It was extremely difficult for dozens of brothers to exchange for one Japanese soldier. He was defeated and had no time to retreat, so he joined the guerrilla forces, hoping to spend his life in Shanghai with his old brothers. However, he followed Commander Zhang and won the first victory against the Japanese in his life.

Then, it was unstoppable and they won again and again, and then again and again...

It’s a pity that Commander Zhang died at the hands of the despicable Japanese!

"It's a pity for Commander Zhang." Another veteran agreed, but then added: "But we, the ones led by Commander Zhang, have always been winning!"

"Yes! Commander Xu and Commander Tan are leading us to win too!"

The experienced veterans all expressed their feelings that they were all soldiers and fortunately they met the right person.

"Hurry up! Evacuate in three minutes!"


More battle reports about the Longhua freight yard reached Matsumuro Yoshitaka.

When he confirmed that all the supplies in the Longhua freight yard were destroyed, Matsumuro Yoshitaka spurted out all the blood he had been holding back.

The material loss of several million yen at the Longhua freight yard is actually not that much.

After all, the Japanese had lost an arsenal complex in Shanghai that supported the Battle of Wuhan. If the National Army had not been weak, the Japanese army would have almost failed to overcome this hurdle.

But for Matsumuro Yoshitaka, this was... too humiliating.

It was as if the opponent stepped on his face and spat a mouthful of thick phlegm on his face with disdain.

He seemed to see the Military Control Commission saying to him:
Are you worthy enough to fight with me?

The most disgusting thing was that the other party completed the attack on the Longhua freight yard after leisurely punishing Zhang Xiaolin - but he, Matsumuro Yoshitaka, was stupid enough to let more than a dozen enemies go right under his nose.



For many people, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Frankly speaking, most of the Green Gang members who joined the Shanghai Anti-Japanese Unified Committee came with a burning patriotism.

Of course, it cannot be denied that they are ambitious for fame and fortune.

But it is normal to develop utilitarianism in times of chaos.

But after being instigated by some people with ulterior motives, these people were very disappointed - you, the Military Control Commission, are using the same trick you used on the Communist Party on us again?
You're using us as cannon fodder, right?

Under the instigation of some people with ulterior motives, they developed a rebellious heart.

At this time, the Military Intelligence Bureau promised to take major action "tomorrow night" - so they waited and waited, wanting to see whether the Military Intelligence Bureau was sincere.

As a result, there was a burst of gunfire on Huage Nickel Road?

The hot-tempered Green Gang member slammed the table and yelled, "Does the Military Control Commission treat us like three-year-old children? Setting off two firecrackers in front of Zhang Xiaolin's house is considered their sincerity? Fuck them!"

"Brother Zhao, don't be angry! At least the Military Control Commission has taken action! Besides, the Military Control Commission didn't make any mistakes in the past, and this time there may be other reasons. Brother Zhao, to be honest, in the past year or so, did the Military Control Commission fight against the Japanese? Did you really not see it?"

After hearing these words, the Green Gang leader surnamed Zhao was speechless. After thinking about this, he said:
"That's right! Didn't I join this stupid committee before because the military commander named Xu was really anti-Japanese? Hey, why am I so impatient?"

"You just realized it! Someone is deliberately instigating - don't worry, the style of the Military Control Commission, can it let someone succeed? I think this is a deliberate long-term plan..."

As he was talking, a younger brother rushed in:

"Brother, something happened!"

"The sky isn't falling! Speak slowly!"

"Longhua Town, the cargo yard in Longhua Town, the one where Zhang Xiaolin collected supplies, was attacked! The news just came in that there was a huge fire there, and all the goods in the entire cargo yard are gone!"

"Fuck him - that cargo yard is said to have millions of supplies, right? And it's gone? Hiss - if the Military Control Commission doesn't take action, once it does... hey hey hey, what did they say?"

"If you don't make a move, it's fine. But if you do, it's amazing."


The leader surnamed Zhao slapped his thigh and said, "That's right! Awesome! It's fucking awesome!"

Good news came one after another. Before I could finish my sigh, another little brother reported:
"Brothers, good news! A group of core members of the Zodiac Society gathered in Xianluos and were assassinated. It is said that seven or eight of them died! All of them were core members of the Zodiac Society!"

Although this news is not as shocking as the news of the bombing of the Longhua freight yard, you have to know that they have been fighting with the Huang Daohui for several days and have not killed a single core member of the Huang Daohui!

The leader surnamed Zhao was full of admiration at this time:
"Awesome! Damn awesome! I, Old Zhao, was blind to say bad things about the Military Control Commission - wait, this seems to have been instigated by the guy named Zhou? Fuck, there's something wrong with the guy named Zhou!"

"You just discovered it!" The companion complained, thinking to himself that I had already noticed that someone was pulling the strings. If I could notice it, the Military Control Commission must have known about it a long time ago.

Hey, why did the Military Control Commission do this on purpose? Was it to find out the traitors in the committee?
still is……

Just as he was thinking about it, another subordinate ran in panting.

The leader surnamed Zhao asked happily, "What good news is there?"

"Zhang Xiaolin, Zhang Xiaolin..."

"He called? Luo Laoliu, go and shout..."

The leader surnamed Zhao was interrupted by his companions:
"Listen first!"

"Zhang Xiaolin, Zhang Xiaolin..."

"Just say it, damn!"

The reporting brother finally shouted out:
"Zhang Xiaolin is dead!"


The two Green Gang leaders looked at their younger brother's report in confusion, their minds full of question marks.

"Zhang Xiaolin is dead! The news just came from Zhang Mansion! The whole Green Gang is in an uproar now!"


The two leaders gasped twice, and then gasped again, this time for longer.

Is Zhang Xiaolin dead?
Zhang Xiaolin, the undisputed number one boss of Shanghai's Green Gang, the most powerful leader of the Green Gang, the leader of the New Asia Peace Promotion Association, and the man who could shake the whole of Shanghai with just a shake of his feet, is dead?

Even though they knew that I wouldn't joke about this kind of news, they still couldn't help but ask:

"real or fake?"

"Really? The news has spread now!" Hiss——

The two of them took a deep breath again.

"The Military Control Commission... is really... elusive!"

The news of Zhang Xiaolin's death spread in Shanghai at an alarming speed.

The Green Gang members who had defected to the Japanese because Zhang Xiaolin supported the Japanese devils were all terrified at this time.

Zhang Xiaolin... just died like that?

Even Zhang Xiaolin could die at any time, so what about these little Karamis?
For a time, countless Green Gang traitors regretted so much that they wanted to bang their heads against the wall.


There is a saying in the art of war: attack the enemy unexpectedly and where they are least prepared.

When the Japanese and traitors focused their attention on the Green Gang, it was too easy for the Shanghai District, which had many hidden agents, to destroy the Longhua Cargo Yard!
For example, when two people are fighting with all their might, B suddenly hits A's backpack with a stick. Is it difficult?

In Zhang Anping's eyes, Xu Baichuan's attack on the Longhua Town freight yard was just like B hitting A's schoolbag out of the blue.

So he didn't pay much attention.

Because something more important caught his attention.

At noon today, Jiang Sian called and the code translated into English meant:

The goods will arrive at South Wharf at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow is the 6th, and there is only one thing worthy of Jiang Sian’s description of “arrival”: Mr. Wang has arrived in Shanghai!

The meaning of this sentence is very clear. At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, Mr. Wang will arrive at the South Wharf!
22 hours!
After receiving the news, Zhang Anping fell into hesitation - there are still 22 hours before Mr. Wang arrives in Shanghai, if he makes arrangements now... there will still be time!

But what about the success rate?
Zhang Anping couldn't guarantee the success rate. After thinking it over again and again, he gave an answer of "20%".

This was the result of his personal command and action.

But regardless of success or failure, the Japanese will definitely conduct an investigation based on the scope of their knowledge.

Jiang Sian might not be exposed because of this, but he would definitely be labeled as a suspect - and for an intelligence officer, once suspected, he is only one step away from being exposed.

Unless he does nothing next and spends half a year, a year or even longer to clear himself of suspicion.

Otherwise, the possibility of being exposed in the enemy's next attempt is almost 100%!

In movies and TV series, there are often scenes where the protagonist is suspected again and again but resolves the doubts with his wit, but in Stalker, this kind of thing... does not exist at all! (I'm talking about Stalker! So I only used Li Lixing for the role in Stalker.)
With a 20% chance, is it worth betting on Jiang Sian?
After weighing the pros and cons, Zhang Anping chose to give up.

At 6pm, Minglou sent a top-secret intelligence letter through Mingcheng:
After investigation, Mr. Wang will arrive in Shanghai at the South Wharf at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning!
There were still sixteen hours left until this time. After receiving the information, Zhang Anping suddenly felt alarmed.

He did not make any corresponding arrangements, but only instructed Liu Xinjie, who was about to sneak into Shanghai, to bring a mortar with him.

At ten o'clock in the evening, one hour before the big show directed by Xu Baichuan was to begin, Zhang Anping received three pieces of information.

Written by three different people, but the content is the same:

Mr. Wang will arrive in Shanghai at South Wharf at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

At this moment, a strange picture appeared in Zhang Anping's mind:

A stone was thrown into the lake, and ripples began to spread outward.

"Doihara! What a calculation! What a calculation!"

Zhang Anping took a deep breath.

Doihara was the person who threw the stones into the lake, and the ripples that rose up were the bait he cast!
Does the Military Control Commission attach importance to Mr. Wang?
Take it very seriously!
As long as there is a chance, even if it means risking half of the Shanghai district, Zhang Anping is willing to kill Wang!

Therefore, if Zhang Anping did not choose to be conservative after weighing the pros and cons, but made arrangements after receiving the intelligence, then Doihara would definitely be able to deduce the time when Zhang Anping received the intelligence based on the time when the Military Control Commission arranged the action.

"Doihara wouldn't be willing to take this risk with Wang, and he can't afford it! So... it's fake!"

After disproving this conclusion, Zhang Anping secretly thought that he was lucky. It was really a close call!

Fortunately, I was not blinded by greed, otherwise this time...

Of course, whether this was Doihara’s plan remains to be verified, but Zhang Anping has already regarded this as Doihara’s plan!
Since Doihara wanted to use this to lock down a group of traitors, Zhang Anping should cooperate.

"Teacher," Yu Xiuning came in to report, "Liu Xinjie sent someone to deliver a Japanese-made Type 94 mortar, saying it was what you wanted."

The Type 94 mortar has a caliber of 90 mm and weighs more than 300 kilograms. This thing is simply a deadly burden in urban areas!
"Yes. Let Chen Ming prepare a car, load the stuff into the car, and prepare four shells."

A Type 94 mortar shell weighs ten kilograms.


After Yu Xiuning left, a strange smile appeared on Zhang Anping's lips. Xu Baichuan destroyed Matsumuro Yoshitaka's faith, and I destroyed Doihara's faith. Not bad, not bad!

"I just wonder if Mr. Doihara's heart will collapse after seeing the shells falling from the sky!"

At this moment, the big show directed by Xu Baichuan just opened.


Doihara knew that trouble would happen tonight.

But in his opinion, Matsumuro Yoshitaka was well prepared, and even if there were troubles, they were within the controllable range.

So, when news came that the Longhua freight yard had been attacked, Doihara held back his anger.

"That's understandable, that's understandable. After all, Matsumuro-kun's attention is on the Green Gang. This time, the resistance elements took advantage of the opportunity!"

"It's understandable, it's understandable."

Doihara comforted himself.

Then, another piece of news came:
"Many core members of the Huangdao Society were attacked and killed in the Ciro's Nightclub."


Doihara couldn't comfort himself this time. The Green Gang was the battlefield, and many backbones of the Zodiac Society were killed. What kind of chess was this idiot Matsumuro Yoshitaka playing? !
"Bagya Road!"

Doihara angrily threw several cups, and then waited angrily for Matsumuro Yoshitaka to bring good news.

And then……

"Zhang Xiaolin was electrocuted to death!"

what! !

Doihara stared at the secretary who delivered the message in amazement, with an expression that said, "Are you kidding me?"

The secretary kept a serious expression.

So, is this true?


"big eater!"

"Waste and glutton!"

"Matsumuro Yoshitaka, why don't you dissect yourself and go see Amaterasu?!"

Doihara roared angrily, the Green Gang is a battlefield!
Outside the battlefield, I can tolerate having my home stolen by the Military Control Commission.

But on the battlefield, the most important figure, Zhang Xiaolin, was dead!
How could he die?

How could he die!
Once Zhang Xiaolin dies, the situation that has just been created in the Green Gang will collapse!

Doihara was so angry that he almost had a cerebral hemorrhage. He couldn't believe that Matsumuro Yoshitaka would be so stupid!
After a burst of angry roars, Doihara calmed down.

The original plan was to use the Green Gang as a clue to lure out more traces of the Military Control Commission, and then uproot them all through the purge of No. 76.

But it’s not possible now!

Zhang Xiaolin died, and the Japanese army suffered a crushing defeat on the Green Gang battlefield.

"Matsumuro-kun, since you are such a loser, you should personally take charge of this purge!"

The original plan was to remove Matsumuro Yoshitaka and Tsukamoto Seiji for dereliction of duty after the purge was completed, but now Doihara has changed his mind.

Matsumuro Yoshitaka, after you have finished recycling your waste, go and dissect yourself and see Amaterasu!
In this way, the Japanese can show their sincerity.


Doihara snorted coldly and thought:

Mr. Matsumuro, don't feel wronged. Just watch my next performance!
Thinking of this, Doihara smiled with a confident look on his face again.

I, Doihara, will be the one to light the fuse for the Shanghai purge! (End of this chapter)

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