Chapter 101 Su Ya’s first divination

"It is indeed easier for a lone hunter to hunt." Mr. A took back the empty box of flesh and blood without comment and tapped the table lightly.

"Come to Ruen so soon, have you dealt with the matter with the Jagged Cross?"

"Those brainless guys, I really doubt how those guys got past the stage of conspiracy." D complained.

"If it weren't for those heretics to watch too closely, I really want to stuff their brains in their asses to see if it's filled with shit."

"Tsk." Mr. A shook his head, did not comment on D's remarks, and changed the topic without any trace, "Does the saint have any new orders?"

"The Dark Saint said, let us wait in Backlund. His Highness Palka will guide us to meet him at the right time. The great prophet will bring the gospel of the Lord and guide our future direction." D's eyes There was a flash of enthusiasm, and she said while crossing herself devoutly on her chest.

"I understand, praise the Lord!" Mr. A sat upright seriously and prayed to the Lord devoutly before nodding to D.

"In the next period of time, I will hand over the manpower of the Backlund Diocese to you, and you will also be responsible for dealing with the royal family of Loen." Mr. A seriously urged, "I will focus on secret gatherings during this time , raise funds, take in more lambs, and prepare for the coming of the Lord.”

"Since your ritual is ready, it's best to be promoted as soon as possible." He thought for a moment and then added, "The thief who escaped from Z's side seems to have succeeded in his ritual. I have sent people to catch him. , he will be the best sacrifice in the advent ceremony."

"That Lanerwus?" D raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise, "How did he do it with such a small low sequence?"

"Maybe it has something to do with the defected night heretic." Mr. A guessed, not paying attention to this. "Whatever plans those heretics have have nothing to do with us. We have only one goal, which is to let the great Lord come to this world again. , purify all heretics!”

"I will pay attention." D nodded, then hesitated for a moment and said, "Leave the matter of the heretics of the night to me. You should also pay attention to the strength of your attack recently, and don't make any troubles at this juncture."

"D, you have to be clear, heresy is unforgivable, even if it is" Mr. A took a deep look at D, his slippery tentacle-like eyes skipped over her body, and tried his best to suppress the madness and warned.

"They were just bewitched by false gods. One day, all the lambs will convert to the Lord. I believe this day will come." D accepted his inspection indifferently, and the enthusiasm in his eyes turned into a terrifying scarlet.

"Praise be to you, great Lord."

"Sneeze——" Su Ya, who finally left the banquet and returned to his villa, couldn't help but sneeze as soon as he walked in the door.

"Master? York, Carey, go to the medicine cabinet and get some medicine. You want the green bottle Hart. You go and ask Dr. Lex to come over."

"Wait a minute, Wagner, I'm fine. I just sneezed, so there's no need to make such a fuss." With a look of helplessness, Su Ya stopped the butler Wagner from trying to ask the servant to ask for a private doctor. Finally, he pinched his nose and drank a sip. After taking a bottle of cold medicine, he finally convinced the housekeeper and returned to his bedroom.Sigh. I am already an Extraordinary. How could I get sick so easily? Mr. Butler is too nervous. Someone is probably talking about me when he sneezes. Is it Klein?Fortunately, Aunt Adeline was taken away by the lady she hadn't seen for a long time and wanted to reminisce about the past. She didn't come back with us now. Otherwise, according to my aunt's character who is afraid of chaos in the world, I would definitely have to spend more time. It takes strength to escape successfully.

Su Ya sighed and rubbed his temples, feeling that his life had become more and more lively recently.

In the memory of the original Surya Auchinleck, there were not so many people in the family.At that time, he was usually the only master in the house. His father, Claude, rarely showed up at home, coming and going in a hurry, and Adil didn't come home all the time. I didn't expect that not long after he traveled through time, the house would become so lively. .

Su Ya shook his head, changed out of his clothes that smelled of alcohol and makeup, pulled off the gemstone cufflinks hanging on the cuffs of his shirt, and played with them on his fingertips.

The gemstone on the cufflinks was originally called the Kuriler Star. It is said to be the largest and most perfect sapphire unearthed in a gem mine called Kuriler in Balam a few years ago.

The owner of the mine dedicated this treasure from Balam to his father, Earl Auchinleck, and the Earl didn't pay much attention to this beautiful treasure that made many noble ladies and ladies of Backlund go crazy - he saw it all Without looking at it, he gave the gem to his youngest son Surya Auchinleck, who was only 17 years old at the time.

The original owner liked the sapphire given to him by his father, which had a color similar to his eyes, so he made it into cufflinks to wear with him. After Suya traveled through time, the cufflinks had been gathering dust in the collection room until yesterday. Turn it out and use it to fuse the hypnotist characteristics of that Sequence 6.

It can be said that this gem was born at the wrong time. After all, each of its owners was not interested in the value of the gem itself. Even the original owner who liked it the most liked it because it was a gift from his father.

Su Ya pinched the cufflink twice and found that it still had no reaction. It was not at all like what the extraordinary item manual that came with the panel said. It would automatically sound every half hour and could hypnotize creatures within 5 meters around it. A ringtone that even demigods would find hard to resist.

Although it is very nice to not have to find ways to avoid its side effects, I don’t know what exactly causes its side effects to become ineffective, and I don’t know if it will cause any harm to myself if I continue to use it. After all, it is the audience. You still need to be careful with the sealed objects in your path.

Just right, I can try the dream divination that Klein taught me Well, spiritual intuition has no warning, it seems that this time divination can be tried.

Suya thought about it, dug out a piece of white paper and a pen from the desk, and wrote down a line of Hermes on the paper: "The reason why the side effects of 'Kulilal Star' are ineffective."

He looked at this sentence, paused for a moment, shook his head, picked up the pen again, crossed out this line, changed a piece of paper, and wrote another line in Hermes language: "The name of 'Kuriler Star'" Sealing method.”

After writing this sentence, he sat in the armchair and repeated the sentence silently in his heart.

After seven times, he held the paper with one hand and the 'Kuliler Star' with the other. He leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes, and quickly entered a meditative state.

(End of this chapter)

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