Mystery: Days and Nights of Struggle with the Research Society

Chapter 118: Chapterless Russell and the Legendary Creator

Chapter 118 The shameless Russell and the legendary Creator

Klein sighed with emotion and opened the next diary.

He soon discovered that the two pages of the diary seemed to be connected together, but the actual contents were not coherent and belonged to records from two periods. This was a mistake made by later people when copying and copying.

In Russell's diary on this page, Russell mentioned the hostile relationship between the major churches and speculated that this hostility may be related to adjacent channels. He also wrote that he joined an ancient organization and was in that ancient organization. 's organization saw the fabled second Blasphemous Tablet.

From this information, Klein confirmed that Emperor Russell, after seeing the second profane tablet, imitated it and made a deck of playing cards, each one corresponding to a path to God.

These cards probably hide the secrets of the corresponding paths. I don’t know who has this deck of 22 cards now, and the ancient organization that holds the second blasphemous tablet. The emperor did not name this organization. Why? ?

Maybe for some purpose, Russell didn't, or didn't dare to write down the name of the organization, even if he was using Chinese. It feels a bit scary. Could this organization be the Rose of Redemption mentioned by the magic stick classmate?
Klein's mind was spinning, and he thought of a lot. He was itchy and confused at the same time, but he quickly stopped all his thoughts, and moved his eyes away from this page of diary, looking at the things Su Ya handed over. journal.

The first line of words that caught his eye made him twitch his lips, and he couldn't help but glance at Su Ya, who was sitting below, looking quiet and honest.

"March [-]th, damn, the food here makes me almost constipated!"

And the next line.
"On March [-], were Intis's ladies all so open? Did I fuck her or she fucked me? It always feels a little weird."

It seems that not only the emperor is very unruly, but also you, fellow student, are very unruly. You talk about praising the Fool, but in the end you secretly show the Fool Russell's little pornographic article. Is this how you become a believer?

It doesn't matter if others don't know the real situation. You, my dear fellow, have revealed that you can speak Chinese in front of The Fool. If the diary you handed over contains these contents, then The Fool will have to warn you. Alas.
He was helpless and could only continue to look down.

"On March 22, it's time to choose a faith. On one side is the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun, and on the other is the Church of the Craftsman. One day, I want the Church of the Craftsman to be renamed the Mechanicus."

From here, it seems that you have indeed succeeded, Emperor.

Klein turned a page, and the next few pages were relatively coherent. They seemed to be the contents of when Emperor Russell had just traveled to this world, and they also seemed like the beginning of Russell's diary.

"On February 23, [-], it has been more than a week since I traveled to this world. I have to write something and express certain things, otherwise I feel like I will go crazy."

"I am Russell Gustav now, but I will never forget my real name."

"Huang Tao!"

Huang Tao, is this the real name of Emperor Russell?
Klein looked at this page and felt a little complicated in his heart. He understood the feelings of Emperor Russell because he felt the same.

It's just that there are some differences between Russell and me. He doesn't think he is really Russell Gustave, but I am both Klein and Zhou Mingrui.

When he was still on Earth, Zhou Mingrui was also a high-speed Internet surfer and had read many time-travel novels. The protagonists in those novels often didn't mind time-travel and didn't miss the past. But at that time, he felt, Time traveling is not good at all.

When he truly traveled through time and became Klein, he became even more convinced of this.

What does time travel mean?Opportunity?No, that's a disaster.

Just overnight, everything a person had in the past was gone. Everything that made up his personality in the past disappeared completely, and was replaced by a completely unfamiliar world.

But how can people truly abandon everything?
The memories, parents, friends, and beloved hometown of the past few decades cannot be abandoned.

No matter what, I want to go home more, Klein thought to himself.

Even though he already has relatives, friends, and many other close people in this world, has become an extraordinary person, and has a stable and comfortable life, but these are not as important as the simple words 'go home'.

In this world, he is actually alone.

If I hadn't met a fellow student with a similar problem, I'm afraid I would have been even more lonely. He sighed inwardly and continued reading.

"I don't know exactly how I crossed. I thought about it for a long time, and then I remembered that a few days before crossing, I bought a very mysterious silver medal. It was engraved with some strange symbols and patterns. It was very interesting. .”

silver medal?Did Emperor Russell travel through time because of a mysterious silver medal?And I traveled through time because of the transfer ritual recorded in the "Minutes of the Secret Alchemy of Qin and Han Dynasties", and that transfer ritual is obviously closely related to this gray fog. Then the silver medal of Emperor Russell will also be connected with this place. Related?

Klein thought of the scene he saw when he divined the 'Evening Dress Mask' before, and he had various guesses in his mind.

Maybe Russell is not dead yet, and maybe he will have a chance to see him in the future?

But at this time, a new question arose in his mind - why did Su Ya travel through time?

With doubts, Klein speeded up and read these pages. He found that the contents of these pages were relatively concentrated in the early days of Emperor Russell's time travel, and some of the pages could roughly tell the specific time. .

Did Su Ya choose this specially?He thought that The Fool was more interested in Russell's life, so he specifically selected one round and turned it in according to the timeline so that I could follow the series?It seems that I wrongly blamed you, Mr. Shengun, you are still very pious to Mr. Fool.
Klein was a little helpless. He put away the diaries he had read and looked up at the 'Hanged Man', 'Justice', 'Fate' and 'The Sun' on both sides of the long table. He smiled and said, "Actually, you guys You don’t have to wait for me.”

"It's our honor." 'The Hanged Man' Alger spoke before everyone else, and responded with a humble and respectful attitude.Huh? Mr. 'The Hanged Man''s attitude seems to be particularly positive today. Is it because Mr. Fool has brought in new people and is he afraid that his status will decline?Su Ya thought a little funny.

"Mr. Hanged Man, I've got the answer to what you asked me to confirm before. I think you should pay the extra reward you promised before." Audrey straightened her back, thought for a moment, and said to 'The Hanged Man' Alger said with a slight smile.

"Miss Justice, thank you very much for your answer. What additional compensation do you want? As long as it is within a reasonable range, I will consider it." Alger thought for a moment and was silent for a few seconds before saying.

"Information about members of the Psychological Alchemy Society, clues about the 'psychiatrist's' potion formula, or the complete pituitary gland of an adult colorful lizard dragon and the spinal fluid of a Falsman rabbit." Audrey smiled as if she was prepared.

"No problem." Alger replied without hesitation, "But the reward you are asking for does not match the value of your answer."

The complete pituitary gland of an adult discus and the spinal fluid of a Falsman rabbit are the main ingredients of the 'Mind Reader' potion?It seems that 'Justice' has indeed obtained the Sequence 8 'Mind Reader' formula from other sources. She wants to know more information about the members of the 'Psychological Alchemy Society'. Did she get this formula from the 'Psychological Alchemy Society'?
'The Hanged Man' Alger guessed in his mind, a little envious of 'Justice''s good luck in getting clues to the next sequence of potion formulas so quickly.

"If you can get the information or materials I need, I can compensate you at a reasonable price." Audrey said confidently, with a bright smile. She rolled her eyes, suddenly looked at Su Ya, and asked road:
"Mr. Wheel of Fortune, can you tell me about the 'City of Silver'? I can pay you a certain amount of remuneration as before." Audrey was a little nervous because she had been asking this person for a while. The total amount of occult knowledge learned by Mr. 'Wheel of Fortune' has exceeded five thousand gold pounds, but so far, this gentle and mysterious gentleman has not asked her to pay the money.

This put a certain amount of pressure on Audrey - although the money was not too much for her, the feeling of being in debt was really uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, Miss Justice." Su Ya smiled and glanced at Audrey, who was impatient, and spoke gently.

"I can tell you some not-so-important knowledge for free, and it's up to you to decide whether you want to pay to hear the deeper information later."

"Thank you for your generosity!" Audrey said happily.

Alger, the 'Hanged Man', also quietly pricked up his ears.

He knew that Mr. Wheel of Fortune should be from a family of extraordinary people with demigods. He was also quite knowledgeable and knew many secrets of the extraordinary world.But except for the first two times when 'Justice' was still very naive, he followed him and gained extraordinary knowledge twice. In the next few gatherings, the two chose to communicate alone.

Alger, who was short of money and thought he knew a lot of common sense and didn't need to make up for alone lessons like Justice, could only give up the class and wait here alone for them to finish their exchange.

After doing this several times, even Alger, who had always been as calm as Alger, couldn't help but have the illusion that he was isolated, so he actually welcomed the new member 'Sun' to join.

Derrick Berg, the 'Sun' who was on the same side as 'The Hanged Man' and 'Wheel of Fortune' but a few places away from them, was listening at a loss and was extremely confused. He only felt that he could I understand almost every word, but I don’t know what they mean when put together.

He couldn't understand anything about the King and the Prime Minister, the House of Lords and the House of Commons, the East Coast of Balam, the Fusac Empire, and the Psychological Alchemy Society. He felt as if he and they were not from the same world.

Even the magic potion formula called 'Psychologist' that 'Justice' wanted made him confused - is 'Psychologist' the follow-up Sequence 7 formula of 'Mind Reader'?But he remembered that the name of this potion formula was 'Psychoanalyst'
They and I are not from the same place. Could it be that somewhere in the Cursed Land, far away from the City of Silver, there is more than one city-state, or even a kingdom?Derrick remained silent and listened quietly.

Being able to bring people so far apart together, ignoring those terrifying monsters in the dark depths of the Cursed Land, the Fool may really be a god, he thought about the ancient gods, but he was somewhat confused in his heart. Mr. Fool said before, no His blood and soul are needed, so what can he do to exchange for his help from Mr. Fool?

It wasn't until 'Justice' asked Mr. 'Wheel of Fortune' for news about the City of Silver that he perked up and focused his attention on this mysteriously dressed gentleman, expecting to learn from him. Some news about other city-states.

"I read about the records of the City of Silver from an ancient book." Suya said in a deep voice, carefully considering the language of the organization to prevent him from accidentally telling some information that could not be told to the members of the Tarot Society. Got out.

But he did not lie about this, because the "Apocalypse of the Night", which was suspected to be written by the 'Angel of the Morning' Auchinleck, did record a few words about the King's Court of Giants and the Kingdom of Silver.Su Ya guessed that this might be related to the identity of the descendant of the 'Angel of Dawn' giant.

"That classic records an angel who was active in the Fourth Age. It is said that this angel visited a place called the 'Land of Silver' before the great catastrophe of the Third Age, and asked the people there The master delivers oracles from the night.”

Hmm. This should be a tacit understanding between the goddess of night Amanysis and the ancient sun god, but it should be beautified a lot in the holy scriptures. After all, that era belonged to the Creator, and the goddess of night was still an evil god at that time.
"The legendary Silver Country is a rich and beautiful country. It is very close to the sun of the Kingdom of God. The golden and brilliant sunshine shines unobstructed on the green grass, and the gurgling streams are peacefully surrounded by fine wild flowers. Along the coast, people live happily and peacefully under the light of the sun, believing in the 'Lord who created everything, the omniscient and omnipotent God'."

This part was written separately in the blank space at the corner of the holy book. Suya was quite surprised when he read it. Because the 'Angel of Dawn', as one of the angels who has followed the goddess of night for the longest time, was so under the rule of another god. Respecting it can be considered a blasphemy in itself.

But maybe it’s because the goddess of the night doesn’t care about this kind of thing?

"The resources around the Kingdom of Silver are very rich. There are many guardians there to protect ordinary people in the city. It is said that they are the descendants of giants and master the sequence called the 'Giant' path. The most significant feature of this path is that In height.”

"Even the residents of the City of Silver who have not taken the 'Giant' path will be much taller than ordinary humans. And when this path reaches a high level, they can almost be called a 'Giant'."

"The 'Giant' path? Fusac?." Upon hearing this, Alger, the 'Hanged Man', was first surprised by the similarity between the god spoken from the 'Wheel of Fortune' and the creator recorded in the holy scriptures of various churches. , and then his attention was attracted by the sequence path that Suya said was controlled by the 'Silver Kingdom'.

Having been walking on the sea for many years, he has rich experience and knows many things. He suddenly thought of the sequence mastered by the Fusac Empire and the God of War Church.

'Giant' and 'Warrior', are these the same path?

Thinking of the generally tall bodies of those Fusac people, he thought with some uncertainty.

 Great Emperor, rest in peace...

  I couldn't post this chapter after I finished it. I finally posted it on my mobile phone. Then I saw that some book friends felt that there were too many fragments in the original work, so I deleted part of it, adding more than 100 words.

(End of this chapter)

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