Chapter 122 Prelude
After ending their private communication, Klein quickly announced the end of the party before Alger, who was hesitant to speak, spoke out his request.

After hurriedly seeing off several members of the Tarot Society, he did not return to reality immediately. Instead, he sat at his seat on the long bronze table, exhaled slowly, put the parchment and pen in front of him, and tried his best to Calmly, he listed the news that Su Ya had just reported and the clues he thought of.

First of all, the ritual that brings the 'True Creator' to Tingen City must stop this, otherwise it will not only be the colleagues of the Nighthawks, but also Benson and Melissa. There are so many people in Tingen. Danger.
Klein closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then took off the cap of his pen and started writing and drawing on the paper.

The identity of the Langerwuss fraudster has been discovered and wanted for some time. If he was really the mastermind behind this incident, he should have succeeded.

But so far, neither the 'Nighthawk', the 'Punisher' or the 'Machine Heart' have found any signs of this incident. The biggest extraordinary event that has happened in Tingen City in recent times is 'Antigo' The Nus Family Notes' incident, and as an eyewitness to the incident, Klein did not find anything similar to an 'Advent Ceremony' in this incident.

Waiting for a while, Klein suddenly remembered the incongruity of fate that Mr. Azik mentioned in him when he met with Mr. Azik last month. He also thought of the coincidence that Mr. Azik mentioned, and what he saw in the gray fog. The house with the dark red chimney that I saw when I went to divine the person behind this incident.

Could this matter be related to the man behind the scenes?

Above the boundless and hazy gray-white mist, in the majestic ancient temple, Klein sat at the top of the long bronze table with a heavy look on his face.

He remembered that he had divined the mastermind above the gray fog, but he could barely see a dark red chimney. The picture he saw in the dream fortune-telling was broken. When he divined again later, he could see everything. Not here.

At that time, he thought that the person behind the scenes noticed his divination and responded. For a while, he had no other choice but to hire a private detective to use the most clumsy method to find the house with the dark red chimney, but until now, he had no choice but to use the most clumsy method to find the house with the dark red chimney. No news.

what do I do?Klein looked at the parchment and pen that appeared in front of him, and squeezed the pendulum in his hand.

Even if it is a new divination, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to find out any problems after the last attempt to scare the snake away. So what if I try in another direction?

For example, divination of the wanted criminal Lanerwus?
This is indeed a feasible method, but.
Klein picked up the citrine pendant and pinched the center of his eyebrows, his expression unusually solemn.

If, according to Su Ya, Lanerwus has successfully completed the ceremony in Tingen and is only left with the last step to bring the 'True Creator' to reality, then it should be quite dangerous to divine him now. If he is not careful, he may even be killed. The True Creator takes notice.

Klein knows very well that even though Suya can communicate calmly with the angels of the 'True Creator' and accept the blessings of the 'True Creator', for the vast majority of extraordinary people in this world, the True Creator is very terrifying. The famous name of an evil god—the Aurora Society was not just blown away.

If it were anyone else, rashly divining Lanerwus, the host of the advent ceremony, at this time would probably be a suicide attempt, but Klein, who had already looked directly at the Eternal Blazing Sun once, was certain.

Last time I relied on divine blood, so I looked directly at the Eternal Sun, but this time it was just a divination of Lan Erwus, which might not attract the attention of the real creator at all. Even if there is danger, it will definitely not be as bad as last time. Even scarier.
The illusory crimson stars were dotted in the gray mist without any flickering. Mr. Fool, who was held in the center by countless crimson stars, sighed softly, and finally chose to pick up the pen and write on the materialized parchment. I wrote a line:

"Laerwuth's arrangement in Tingen."

Holding the paper and meditating seven times, Klein leaned back in his chair and fell into a deep sleep above the gray fog.

Soon, he saw a boundless, illusory, gray fog.

The mist slowly parted, revealing a man with a full forehead, black hair and brown eyes. He had an ordinary face. He wore a pair of glasses with almost round lenses on his face. The corners of his mouth were slightly upward, as if he was mocking everyone. He had an inexplicable arrogance. , it is Lanerwusi.

At this time, he was sitting in front of an oak desk, holding a pen and writing something on a piece of paper. The expression on his face was a mixture of ridicule and hysterical madness.

Klein didn't have time to take stock of the environment he was in. He immediately placed his gaze on the piece of paper in Lanervus' hands and looked at it intently.

"Hahaha, congratulations, congratulations on finally finding this letter!"

"This shows that you are not too stupid, not too dull, and are qualified to participate in this game of life and death designed by me."

"Child laborers who continue to die young, factory workers who seldom survive ten years due to the environment and hard work, and female workers who risk serious illness but only get a meager salary, I see countless resentments shrouded in every factory, making the surroundings change. Depressed and dark, it's the worst of times, it's the best of times, and our game will start against that backdrop."

"Idiots, get ready, I'm going to give you a hint!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, my reminder is that I have planted a bomb in Tingen, a bomb that will grow stronger over time."

"Go look for it and solve it before it explodes. If the game fails, the whole city of Tingen will be turned into ruins with a bang. Believe me, I didn't cheat in this matter."

"Lanevus who likes to surprise friends the most."

After writing the letter, Lanerwus stood up, put it into the envelope, then walked to an oak bookshelf and took out one of the books. The surface of the wood next to it suddenly opened, revealing a hidden compartment.

"Haha, I don't know whether it was the mechanical heart full of machinery that discovered it first, or the group of jackals in the night. In short, it's not the brainless sailors." Lanerwus laughed sarcastically, He whispered, and then put the written letter in.

He looked around, put on his coat in a hurry, picked up the box and walked out of the room. Behind him, a vague silhouette of an upside-down giant that seemed to be carrying chains and a cross loomed.

The world was blurred and broken at this moment, everything in front of him turned gray, and an extremely evil and filthy voice reached Klein's ears.

Klein fell to the ground. At this moment, he seemed to see a man struggling on the ground. His blood vessels and veins protruded, and his black hair was twisted and stuck to his swollen head, seeming to have turned into a squirming, thick hair. The poisonous snake's brown eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and its blood vessels exploded, leaving streaks of black blood.

The next moment, the gray fog swayed slightly, and the palace, which looked like a giant's residence, showed some signs of corrosion, but it also made him wake up for a moment.

This is myself. I am seen by Him as the voice of the true Creator. No, it cannot go on like this.Klein gritted his teeth and covered his ears, but those evil voices were extremely penetrating, purposeful, and proactive. Even if he covered his ears in time to isolate the follow-up, the sound that just echoed in his mind was still there. His body It also began to spread out tiny, slippery tentacles.

The true Creator seems to be stronger than the eternal sun and He is more active in me.
At this moment, above the gray fog, the crimson star corresponding to the 'Wheel of Fortune' began to expand and contract, emitting light and creating ripples, which instantly caused a gentle vibration in the space above the gray fog. Shock.

Klein seized this opportunity to regain some sense. He did not roll over like the last time he looked directly at the eternal blazing sun. He clung to the armrest and endured it.

After a few seconds, the slightly swaying gray mist returned to calm, and the evil voice echoing in Klein's mind completely subsided. The open wounds on his body began to heal rapidly, and the tiny tentacles that spread out also withered and fell off.

"Dealing with gods is really a dangerous thing." Klein breathed heavily, got up from the ground with difficulty, leaned weakly on the back of the chair, and muttered to himself silently.

Even though he had been prepared for this, perhaps because his sequence was still too low, it was particularly difficult and painful when facing the ravings of the 'True Creator', and he almost lost control.

Klein paused for a moment, and before he had time to analyze what he had just seen or wait until he fully recovered, he reached out and lit the crimson star that emitted prayers at critical moments, intending to take a look at the magic stick classmate. What is this going to do.

The Tarot session has just ended. Why did Suya suddenly pray to the Fool? Is there any emergency?

Backlund, Queens, inside the luxurious villa of Auchinleck.

Suya sat on the single sofa in his bedroom and activated the 'Kuliler Star' as soon as he returned to reality, allowing himself to stay awake temporarily.

In this state, he did not make any other action, but as quickly as possible took out one of the pieces of paper he had prepared before the Tarot meeting, quickly wrote a line of words on it, and then He roughly pulled the 'Kuliler Star' from his body and arranged a simple ceremony.

He assumed a praying posture and recited in a low voice in ancient Hermetic:

"A fool who does not belong to this era..."

"In order to ensure that your favored ones don't have any problems, I will sacrifice this sealed artifact and some information to you for the time being, so that your favored ones can better complete my commission."

Ince Zangwill's problem should not be underestimated. He had to find a way to tell Klein about this guy.

But considering the characteristics of 008, if you know him, he will also know you. If Klein, who is currently in Tingen, returns to reality after knowing too much, Ince will definitely find out.

So Suya is going to hand over the 'Kuliler Star' with the ability of 'hypnotist' to Klein, so that he can flexibly use this sealed object to temporarily hypnotize himself to forget these things, and only remember them at the critical moment.

This is also the most certain way he can interfere with this matter at present.

Klein. I leave it to you.

Su Ya gritted his teeth and thought helplessly.

"I see."

In the majestic palace above the gray fog, Klein looked at the sapphire cufflinks with intoxicating light, held the piece of paper presented by Suya, and chuckled helplessly, quite a bit enjoying himself.

"Shengun classmate, you are not really going to bring the 'Psychological Alchemy Meeting', are you?" He muttered and looked at the piece of paper.

Most of the words on this piece of paper are neatly written, with soft but sharp edges. They should have been written in advance by Shengun.

This part mainly records detailed information about a defected former archbishop of the Church of the Night, Ince Zangwill, and mentions that he took a level 0 sealed artifact of the church with him when he defected, 0-08. It is said that This pen once caused the fall of an angel.

At the bottom of the paper, there is a line of handwriting that looks slightly sloppy, and it looks like it was written by Su Ya temporarily.

That sentence is 'When you know 008, 008 will also know you, be careful of coincidences. '

coincide!Is Ince Zangwill the man behind this? !

Klein's pupils shrank. He remembered the news that Su Ya asked the Fool to let his beloved report, and instantly connected the whole thing.

One of the messages Suya asked me to pass on is that Ince Zangwill is in Tingen and he is seeking promotion. I remember that he was a 'janitor' who failed for promotion. This is sequence 5 of the 'corpse collector' pathway. .
When Su Ya explained to me the three laws of extraordinary characteristics, he mentioned that the extraordinary characteristics left behind by an extraordinary person who died normally are equivalent to the main ingredients of a potion without auxiliary materials. And Queen Chanismen of the Nighthawks Team in Tingen City happened to There is a holy object that is equivalent to the saint on the path of the 'Sleepless One' - the 'Ashes of Saint Selena'.

According to the adjacent paths mentioned in Russell's diary, exchanging 'Gatekeeper' may lead to a direct promotion to Sequence 4 of the 'Sleepless One' path.

In other words, as long as he knows the corresponding auxiliary materials and obtains this holy object, Ince Zangwill may be promoted in this way. As a former archbishop, he must know what the auxiliary materials are.

"So, Ince Zangwill's purpose is the ashes of Saint Selena? So he secretly helped the 'Aurora Society' and wanted to seize it from the Tingen Nighthawks at the expense of the arrival of the 'True Creator' With this saint characteristic, can you advance to Sequence 4 of the 'Sleepless One' path?" Klein murmured to himself, reaching out and tapping the edge of the long bronze table, feeling that he had figured out a lot of things.

The evil god 'True Creator' who is about to descend from the former archbishop of Sequence 5, and the specific ability of that item is unknown, but currently it seems that it can create coincidences, the level 0 sealed item that even caused the fall of angels, 0-08
Because of the special ability of this sealed object, I even need to undergo hypnotic amnesia before I can return to reality. I am still only a Sequence 9, why am I involved in so many extraordinary events involving high Sequences?
Klein stopped tapping the edge of the table. He looked at the parchment in his hand and felt a deep bitterness.

(End of this chapter)

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