Chapter 130 Restart
In this deep darkness, Su Ya once again heard the ethereal, calm and indifferent sound, as clear as the collision of clear springs. This time, he heard some familiar feelings from the sound, but he couldn't find it. I can’t remember why it’s familiar.

"This is the choice of fate," the voice sighed, fading into darkness.

Su Ya felt that his consciousness began to blur. He knew that his heart had stopped beating. An indescribable feeling of powerlessness spread throughout his body. The tide of death surged towards him unstoppably, but he felt that he The spirit body was wrapped in some cold, unknown object and floating in the void.

The next moment, Su Ya opened his eyes and saw a piece of cold light.

It was a seemingly endless piece of light spreading in the void. It had a flowing mercury color as a whole, and at first glance it looked cold and detached.And at the center of this endless light, a light golden light door flowing with endless light is standing there, with a tiny gap cracked from the center, and the endless light comes from that door. Out of the light gate.

Su Ya looked at the extremely familiar light door, firmly stretched out his hand to him, pressed his palm tightly on the light door, and made a movement to push the door.

boom -

In an instant, the light door made a violent roar following his movement, exploding in the void, and the originally closed door began to vibrate.Su Ya struggled to push the light door, and the gap between the light doors also expanded bit by bit at an extremely slow speed as he pushed, and finally expanded to a size large enough for Su Ya to put a hand in. , and it doesn’t move anymore.

Su Ya stopped moving. He looked at the gap in the center of the light door. As if he was bewitched, he almost instinctively stretched out his palm towards the gap, stretched out from the center of the light door, and his fingertips were immersed in the cold light. .

For a moment, Su Ya felt as if his fingers were deep into an icy river. The almost frozen feeling flowed into his body along his fingers, and the almost suffocating feeling flooded in, and finally fermented into a surging cold current. It spread throughout his body, making him feel like his soul was about to be frozen.

But at this moment, the spiritual intuition that had been silent for a long time suddenly moved slightly. Suya subconsciously followed the reminder of spiritual intuition and slightly bent his fingers, and his fingertips touched something with a touch that was different from these cold lights.

This time without the guidance of spiritual intuition, Su Ya held the object without hesitation. As he held the unknown object in the light, the feelings of suffocation, freezing, and pain all dissipated, and a message came out. Then it entered his mind, allowing him to make his own choice among several options.

"'Prophet', 'Reincarnation', 'Destiny Interception' and 'Restart'?" Su Ya closed his eyes and felt the message that appeared in his mind at this moment, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

It was no wonder that he gave up the stable promotion route and took the risk to choose the most dangerous way, and finally achieved what he wanted.

'Prophet', judging from the name, should be a prophetic ability at the angel level of the Destiny Path. It can predict many things, but for me who knows the plot of the original work, although it is useful, it is not of greatest use temporarily.

As for 'Reincarnation' and 'Interception of Destiny', they sound like the reincarnation used by the little snake in the original plot. It's a pity that I can't check the specific information of these abilities before making a choice. But if I hadn't taken the risk of being promoted this time, Presumably, 'Golden Finger' will not give me the opportunity to make this choice. Instead, it will give me some random abilities like the previous promotion.

Su Ya opened his eyes and looked calmly at the center of the light door. He held the unknown object in the light tightly and said:



When Suya reached out to hold the unknown object in the light gate and said the word 'restart', the entire star realm changed.

More abstract than the spirit world, within the star realm that seems to contain all the authority and symbols of the entire universe, different illusory kingdoms vibrate at the same time, and shadows fall from the illusory kingdoms and look in the direction of Tingen.

There is a cold and transcendent light emerging from nothingness, and it is rapidly spreading to the entire world with Tingen as the center.

Some countries seem to be composed of books that are opened or closed, with different figures shuttled between them, reading for pleasure; some countries always remain bright, as if they contain a blazing sun; some countries are completely empty. The vast sea is shrouded in violent storms and never-ending thunder and lightning.

There are also kingdoms that are born out of nothingness, with misty rays of light, and one projection-like scroll after another is displayed in the star world, some of which are covered by layers of black night, dotted with countless stars; there are kingdoms that are overgrown. The bright flowers and green vines exude vitality even in the abstract star world; in some countries, the orange-red dusk light falls dimly, and there is a wonderful feeling of alternating morning and dusk.

The masters of these countries invariably dropped rays of light with different colors. Some fell into the Winter County of the Kingdom of Loen, and the dark night covered everything. Some fell into the "Abyss of Storm" on Pasu Island, stirring up a storm. With lightning, some entered the twilight palace of the Fusac Empire, and there was an aura of dusk and decay.
These rays of light blocked the cold and transcendent light, and the light spreading from Tingen did not forcefully resist. It just paused and skipped them, spreading further away, and finally stopped at The distant eastern continent is at the border separated by gray fog.

In addition, there are black tentacles with eyes, like pythons, extending from somewhere in the star world, watching everything; a light that has no entity and seems to be composed of streams of complex information. It also sprang out at this moment, looking down in an illusory manner from the farthest place from the kingdom of the God of Steam and Machinery.

In the corner of the southern continent, a mummy wrapped in yellow bandages was pierced by countless brown branches and hung in the air.

His belly was bulging high, sometimes bulging and deflating in certain places, as if he was giving birth to new life. The mummy's mouth opened and closed, screaming incessantly.

And when the cold light spread in front of Him, the mummy's terrifying voice, which was roaring in pain, suddenly stopped for a moment.

But soon, the crimson moonlight in the sky suddenly became thicker, and as the moonlight changed, a huge tree flowing with thick black liquid stretched out weird branches and wrapped around the mummy's body, with a dark red light. Emitted from Him, forcing back the cold light that spread over.

Deep in the distant land abandoned by God, on the top of a mountain, there stands a huge cross between reality and illusion.


The long-haired, naked one-eyed giant hanging upside down on the huge cross opened his eyes, looked at the dim sky in the distance, and uttered murmurs full of filth and depravity. The chains that bound His legs also dinged at this moment. A tinkling sound.

"Lord?" At the bottom of the cross, the 'Angel of Destiny' Urolius, who was wearing a simple and plain linen robe and had silver waist-length hair, raised his head in confusion.

He closed his eyes tightly, and there was a rare trace of doubt on his beautiful face.

The True Creator did not respond to Him, but after letting out a helpless sigh, he gently stretched out his hand and covered Ouroleus with a vague shadow curtain, blocking him from the wave that would affect the entire North and South continents. And the light of God’s forsaken place.

A sparsely populated town somewhere in the northern continent.

There is a church standing here that few people can find. Every pillar, every arch, and every dome of the church is inlaid with skulls of different races. Most of them are pale in color and are densely packed together. Empty eyes stare at outsiders.Transparent, twisted, and painful faces stood out on the walls, windows, and doors of the church, completely separating the interior from the outside world.

Wearing a simple white robe, a thick golden beard, and a silver cross pendant, Adam stood under a hundred-meter-high cross standing at the front of the church, praying with his eyes closed.

The next moment, He suddenly opened his eyes, with a warm expression and clear eyes, looking into the distance through the church wall.

"Light." Adam held the silver cross pendant with one hand and said in a gentle voice, "The best time has come."

He lowered his eyes and looked at his palms, his clear eyes without any unnecessary fluctuations.

"It's a necessary sacrifice."

In the post office of a village in the Kingdom of Loen, in an underground bar in Trier, in the fields of a manor in Fenebaud, on a ship sent by the Feysac Empire, in the entertainment room of a security company in Backlund, in the waters of Rossed On an inaccessible island on the edge, in the dim ruins of a place abandoned by God.
One after another, similar figures appeared in different places. Some of them were young postmen, walking leisurely on the country roads with parcels on their shoulders, and some were bartenders in bars, with silver pots flying in their hands. Rotating, some are farmers who are diligently tilling the land, lying on the ground leisurely basking in the sun, and others are sailors, mercenaries, monkeys, sharks, crows and big trees
At the moment when the cold light appeared in Tingen, each of them either had a wide forehead and a thin face, with black hair and black eyes, or they had all kinds of strange looks, but they all had a wide forehead and a thin face, with only the right eye wearing a single piece The figures in glasses stopped what they were doing, pinched the monocle on their right eyes in unison, and raised their heads to look at the sky.

"Interesting." The Amons ignored the strange looks cast by the people around them, looked at the cold light that spread over and avoided before touching Him, with faint smiles on their lips, and clapped gently.

Backlund, Hillston District Central Hospital, in a quiet single ward.

The little boy, who looked about ten years old, had short silver-white hair, red eyes, and looked very cute, was sitting stiffly on the hospital bed. The tarot cards he had been playing with fell from his hand and fell all over the floor. Only the last one is still in His hand.

"Why am I so unlucky?" Will looked out the window with tears in his eyes, his red eyes filled with a faint glimmer of water.

He subconsciously held a bracelet hanging on his wrist. The bracelet looked ordinary, with only a very small and exquisite snow-white dice hanging as a pendant, but he held the dice tightly and refused to let go.

Will held the dice tightly and lowered his head, looking at the last card in his hand.

It was a reversed 'Wheel of Fortune'.

The next moment, He couldn't bear it any longer, and burst into tears. He cried so painfully, so wronged and sad, but in the process, He gradually let go of his hand, let go of the dice, and let go of the dice. The light that spread here completely engulfed Him.

In a piece of cold mercury light, Su Ya slowly opened his eyes.

The lingering sound of the surging tide of death disappeared from his ears, and everything in the real world returned to normal in the cold light.

He took a deep breath and covered his heart. It had stopped beating a moment ago, but it was still intact at this time, beating healthily and fiercely in his chest.

Su Ya blinked slightly and found that he was sitting on the single sofa in Backlund's bedroom. His clothes were messy and his sleeves were torn open.

There was a simple ceremony in front of him. In the middle of the ceremony was the intact 'Kulilal Star' and a piece of paper with rather scrawled Chinese characters.

The familiar scene in front of him immediately made Su Ya aware of his current situation. He quickly stood up, took out his pocket watch from his coat pocket and took a look at the time.

It was a quarter past four in the afternoon, the time when the Tarot session had just ended.

I succeeded?

Sure enough, my panel was related to the 'Destiny' path.

Su Ya had been popularized by several "textual research teachers" before traveling through time. The restart of the path of destiny does not involve the authority of time. What he restarts is not time, but destiny.

This kind of restart refers more to the reset of the state in an area rather than the reversal of time.

To put it in a more understandable way, this is like an archive in the game. Restarting is to use the previously saved archive to overwrite the current one, so as long as the power level of the restart is high enough and the scope involved is large enough, he has Then there is a slight possibility that Atil and Tingen's Nighthawks can be brought back by restarting the archive.

But there is no true god in the path of destiny. The King of Angels cannot do this yet, and the dice of probability don't know where it is for a while. Only his golden finger is the most likely person he can think of to have this ability. thing.

Su Ya is betting that the golden finger on his body is a high-level item of destiny, and that he has the power of the essence level.

Fortunately, he won the bet.

Su Ya raised the corners of her mouth subconsciously, and then thought of more and more complicated problems——

Although his plan was basically successful, the commotion it caused might be huge, and he still needed to think carefully about what to do next.

But now, he has more important things to confirm.

Suya glanced at the simple ceremony that had been prepared on the table, sat down again, assumed a praying posture, and recited in a low voice in ancient Hermes:

"A fool who does not belong to this era."

(End of this chapter)

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