Chapter 16
They and their accomplice Klein thought about it quickly, and then saw Al Hasson's pupils shrunk, and he suddenly turned his head to look in the direction where the voice came from.

"Klein, back up." He heard the captain's hoarse and dignified voice, saw the expressions of other colleagues as if they were facing an enemy, and retreated obediently to Su Ya's side obediently.

Boom boom boom!
At this time, the iron-black box that had been somewhat quiet suddenly became violent. '2-049' banged the box crazily with more violent movements than when he was at Riel Bieber's house before, so Su Ya had to move it. He placed the box on the ground and held it tightly, going crazy to the extreme.

Is it Rhyl Bieber?Klein instantly realized the problem, but how could he lose control?

With a loud bang, the door of the warehouse suddenly cracked and splashed in all directions, and pieces of things wrapped in rags flew out of the door, and one of them happened to land not far in front of Klein.He looked intently, and found that it turned out to be a bloody arm that had been bitten, and the blood fell on the ground to form a small pool of bright red blood.

Klein clenched the revolver in his hand with an ugly expression, and was about to retch. He managed to restrain the urge to shoot into the dark doorway, and saw a familiar flame sweeping over the horribly disjointed limb, quickly killing it. Burnt to gray.

Klein raised his head and saw Su Ya's somewhat ugly face. He sighed softly, knowing that the other party was actually just a novice like himself, so it was normal to have such a reaction.

At this time, there was a loud panting sound from the warehouse, and a group of gray and white colors surged out from the open door, and finally gradually revealed a complete outline in front of everyone.

It was a humanoid creature over two meters long. All the joints of its hands and feet were twisted in reverse unnaturally, as if it had been broken abruptly by someone. One after another, white broken bones protruded from under its skin. The gray and white surface is full of grooves, like a human brain whose shell has been peeled off.

This monster is covered with gray-white rotten viscous liquid, and its head is relatively normal, with deep nasolabial folds and pale skin. Between the opening and closing of the mouth, you can still vaguely see the all-ceramic dentures that are about to fall out, and the throat The musculoskeletal bones that had turned into debris in the depths, although still barely maintaining a humanoid body, had actually become a terrifying monster.

Why did Rey Bieber become like this? He doesn't look like a human being at all.Is it because of the 'Antigonus Family Notes'?Klein held his breath, feeling his heart beating wildly, and the hand holding the gun was filled with cold sweat.

"Don't keep it, it can't be saved, it's out of control, it's gone crazy, and it's become a monster." Dunn Smith raised his pistol, and the demon hunting bullet hit Riel Bieber hard on the forehead, He warned loudly in his low and serious voice.

Leonard followed closely and fired bullets, exploding a milky white fat maggot writhing out of the wound Dunn left just now, but the monster didn't seem to be affected by the gunshot wound at all. With a roar, he directly rushed towards Klein, who was not too close but not too far away from it.

"Be careful, his target is '2-049'." Klein did not retreat but advanced, while maintaining a distance that could easily touch each other with Su Ya, he took a step forward to block Su Ya.

Now only Su Ya's ability is the most restrained '2-049', if the captain and the others fail to stop Riel Bieber, then he must be prepared.

"Klein, don't underestimate Captain and the others." Suya shook his head, firmly held Klein's shoulders and pushed him behind him, "Besides, I am also a Sequence 7, so I don't need your protection."

At this time, Al Hasson and Leonard Mitchell, who were five meters away, sang at the same time, and the power to make people sleep permeated from them, making the twisted gray-white monster slow down. Easily blocked by Ms. Lolotta.But neither boxing nor bullets seemed to be able to cause any substantial damage to the monster.

It woke up from the power of sleep, moved closer to Al Hasson and Leonard, and flung its twisted joints suddenly. Leonard was instantly thrown out and fell into the middle of a pile of iron shelves. He struggled hard to get He got up and continued to fight, but was finally stopped by the severe pain in his body.

Al, who has more combat experience, successfully escaped the monster's attack, and calmly fired bullets at the monster's body, causing its gray body fluid to splash around, and fell to the ground to form strips of milky white and fat maggots .

Kind of disgusting.While focusing on shooting, Klein secretly commented that all his attention is now on the battle with the monster, and he entrusted his safety to the effort to suppress '2-049' and not to break out of the box. on Suya.

At this time, the monster opened its mouth and let out a scream that ordinary people could not hear.

Klein's head hurt, and the next moment he felt warm liquid flowing out of his nose. He subconsciously reached out and touched it, and there was a touch of bright red in his palm.Al and Dunn on the other side groaned at the same time, took one or two steps back, their faces turned pale, and blood flowed from the corners of their mouths, noses, and eyes at the same time.

"Ms. Lolotta!" At this moment, Su Ya sternly called Lolotta, who had just been affected the least.At the same time, Klein saw a yellowish-white flame flying out from Su Ya's palm, which looked paler than the flames just now, and turned into a flame rope, tightly binding the upper body and head of the monster Bieber.Fat milky-white maggots fell from Riel Bieber's face and fell into the flames, making teeth-piercing squeaks as they were burned.

"I found it!" The black-haired lady Luo Luota's eyes were fixed, and she ran out, rolling and accurately rolling under the monster Bieber who was tied up by the flame rope and couldn't move.

She pressed the ground with one hand and raised her fist upwards. Regardless of the corrosive pain, she thrust her fist into the monster's body and dragged out a section of intestines full of yellowish brown and blood stains. In the intestines, the old book His notes are hidden in it.

"Ah!" The monster Bieber let out a scream, its body suddenly glowed, swelled up, and was completely ignited by the flames.

Amid the violent roar, Klein felt a wave of heat sweep over him, almost scorching the hair on his forehead, and the stench of burning flesh and blood came to him.

He tried his best to take a deep breath, suppressing the nausea surging in his heart, seeing Su Ya silently directing those yellow-white flames to swallow up the rotten flesh and blood left by Bieber, who had turned into a monster, until they were reduced to ashes. relieved.

 Continue to read and collect!
(End of this chapter)

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